Yessy ArtantiUniversitas Negeri Surabaya | unesa · management
Yessy Artanti
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (56)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh daya tarik wisata, fasilitas pariwisata, aksesibilitas wisata, dan pengalaman wisata terhadap niat berkunjung ulang wisatawan ke Telaga Sarangan di Kabupaten Magetan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei melalui kuesioner yang diisi oleh 200 responden. Data yang terk...
Fenomena semakin banyak platform musik digital yang ada saat ini memunculkan persaingan yang ketat untuk menarik hati pelanggan, salah satunya platform musik digital spotify yang mengalami perbedaan yang signifikan antara pelanggan gratisan dengan pelanggan premium. Dimana pelanggan gratisan lebih besar jumlahnya dibanding dengan pelanggan premium,...
Currently, the development of the health world is very rapid because it is supported by technological developments that can be used in an effort to improve hospital performance that improves the quality and safety of patients. Health facilities, both private and government, must always make the right strategy and continue to move in order to surviv...
Nature tourism is a tourist attraction in East Java with the number of visits increasing significantly from 2019 to 2023. Surabaya has a new natural tourist spot that was inaugurated in July 2023, namely the Surabaya Mangrove Botanical Garden (KRM). KRM Surabaya has a contribution in preserving the environment, providing education to the community...
Along with the rapid development of technology, the digital world and the internet have an impact on the world of marketing. Global marketing trends are shifting from traditional or conventional to digital or online. Some online marketing tools that SME actors can consider are social media. Social media that can be used include Instagram, Facebook,...
Riset ini bertujuan untuk menguji dampak daya tarik beauty influencer dan kepercayaan terhadap niat beli produk kosmetika Somethinc melalui hubungan parasosial. Hubungan parasosial mengacu pada interaksi yang terbentuk antara konsumen dan influencer di media sosial. Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh brand image, emotional value, price perception terhadap keputusan pembelian produk wedding offerings (mahar dan seserahan). Penelitian ini mengadopsi pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner online yang disebarkan kepada responden yang berencana membe...
The existence of e-commerce has two sides of the coin for marketers. E-commerce can be very effective in marketing products or services. On the other hand, it also makes it easier for consumers to switch their choice to competing brands due to the ease of features in comparing prices and quality. Therefore, maintaining consumer satisfaction and dis...
The existence of e-commerce has two sides of the coin for marketers. E-commerce can be very effective in marketing products or services. On the other hand, it also makes it easier for consumers to switch their choice to competing brands due to the ease of features in comparing prices and quality. Therefore, maintaining consumer satisfaction and dis...
Kapas District is east of Bojonegoro District, the entrance to Bojonegoro City. Kapas District has several MSMEs that produce various products, including dry food, crafts, drinks and traditional cakes. Like MSMEs in general, MSMEs in the Kapas District area face different obstacles related to technology adoption, marketing, and capital. The communi...
Adventure has become a popular means of entertainment in Indonesian society, and there has even been a lifestyle trend among millennials, such as exploring the forest, exploring nature on motorbikes, camping, along rivers, climbing mountains, exploring beaches, and visiting various other natural attractions. also supported by geographical condition...
Plastic waste is now a concern for the people, especially Indonesia, which is known to be dangerous because it is difficult to decompose and cannot be recycled. The biggest source of plastic waste comes from household activities and the food and beverage industry. Therefore, business actors are required to change all business activities to be envir...
Advertising is one way for a business to reach more buyers. Utilizing stories in advertisements as an effective marketing communication tool for engaging audience emotions and building a strong relationship between brands and consumers. Through narrative online advertising, it can reach wider consumers, lower advertising costs, and target specific...
The development of increasingly modern technology has impacted human civilization and changed consumer behavior related to online shopping intentions. Online shopping applications change consumer behavior from consensually purchasing products to digitally downloading them. Technology in the economic field is designed to make it easier for potential...
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed consumer behaviour from shopping in person to shopping online. During the pandemic, fashion products are in great demand when shopping online, even if only at home, people still need to appear in an attractive style to keep up with the latest trends. In this case, the researcher examines the effect of fashion consc...
This study aims to empirically examine the perceived value of a brand on the behavior of buying second goods and the motivation for buying behavior of second goods. Second-hand goods or used goods are goods that are not used or are no longer needed by the owner, but not all of these goods cannot be used anymore. Second goods become an alternative i...
As a rapid rising and development of technology, now days people have many alternative as preferences to look for entertainment, one of them is through movie industry. It cannot be denied that a cinema today starts to be crowdedly visited due to new movies which are really potential to attract customers attention as one of alternatives that can be...
Berkembangnya teknologi yang semakin modern berdampak positif bagi peradaban manusia dimasa pandemi. Selama masa pandemi banyak masyarakat yang menggunakan jasa pengantar makanan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka ketika aktivitas diluar rumah terbatas. Pengantaran makanan sangat nyaman dan hanya menggunakan aplikasi yang disediakan mempermudah konsum...
Internet saat ini merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi perkembangan bisnis startup. Banyak startup yang saat ini beralih menggunakan teknologi dan berinovasi membantu para pelaku usaha kecil menengah untuk menjalankan bisnis, sehingga dapat meningkatkan omset usahanya terlebih di era pandemi Covid - 19 saat ini. Banyaknya jumlah bisnis startup be...
Kemajuan teknologi informasi telah menjadi penyebab terjadinya inovasi-inovasi dalam perekonomian, terutama dalam melakukan jual beli produk dan jasa baik secara konvensional maupun online. Pembelian yang dilakukan secara online mengubah pembelian dari melakukan pembelian yang dilakukan secara langsung menjadi pembelian secara online. Aplikasi mark...
Pondok pesantren merupakan salah satu institusi dengan nilai potensi yang sangat besar dalam hal mendukung pembangunan ekonomi nasional. Hal tersebut dicerminkan dari aktifitas wirausaha industri modern yang berkembang di lingkungan institusi tersebut. Banyak informasi tentang pondok pesantren yang mendirikan dan mengembangkan koperasi dan berbagai...
– The emergency COVID-19 pandemic bring anxiety in the world and has changed cunsomer behaviour especially in decision to use technoly in health sector. Digital health care changing cunsomer behaviour from using conventional health service to digital. Health technology, telemedicine designed for long-distance communication between doctor and patien...
The emergency COVID-19 pandemic brings anxiety in the world and has changed customer behavior especially in the decision to use technology in the health sector. Digital health care changing consumer behavior from using conventional health services to digital. Health technology, telemedicine are designed for long-distance communication between docto...
Abstrak– The development of the online market is currently able to shift people's shopping tastes from conventional to digital, this is confirmed by the emergence of various e-commerce that compete with each other in Indonesia and are able to change people's behavior to be more impulsive. The purpose of this study was to determine whether website q...
As technology evolves, the use of e-wallet is increasing in Indonesia. However, the increasing use of e-wallet indicates uncertain consumer behavior in the choice of e-wallet brands. OVO is the e-wallet with the largest users in Indonesia in 2019. Meanwhile in 2020 the digital wallet with the largest user in Indonesia is ShopeePay. This study aims...
– The development of the progress of tourism potential is currently increasing with the emergence of tourist changes in attracting tourist. Tourism managers are required to be able to provide tourist comfort to maintain the popularity of tourism even during a pandemic. Some tourism managers during the pandemic offer virtual educational tours. This...
The study investigated the intention of working women to buy green cosmetic products. In addition, it also analyzes the relationship between motivational factors, purchase preferences, and tendency towards health consciousness on the purchase intention of green cosmetic products. A model was developed to understand the effect of independent variabl...
The COVID-19 pandemic situation makes people tend to consume video on demand as an alternative for home entertainment. This makes video on demand service providers compete by taking advantage of this situation. Sometimes the existing stimulus can lead people to buy products impulsively. This study aims to examine the effect of situational factor, v...
Consumer behavior changes are reflected in purchasing decision making. In general, with this pandemic situation, consumers will be motivated to carefully consider each stage of the decision because of the health risks associated with Covid-19 transmission and social distancing rules. This study aims to empirically test the effect of social media ma...
Di era saat ini, perkembangan zaman dan mobilitas manusia yang semakin tinggi, teknologi komunikasi pada media sosial juga berkembang terutama mengenai smartphone. Smartphone Oppo A9 2020 yang dirilis di Indonesia pada September 2019. Diposisikan sebagai kelas menengah atas, harga terjangkau, tetapi dengan spesifikasi kamera dan internal memuaskan,...
Research Aims: The purpose of this paper is to analyze and discuss the influence of city image and visitor engagement on re-visit intention through memorable tourism experiences as a mediation variable.Design/Methodology/Approach: The research sampling techniques used was nonprobability sampling by judgmental sampling methods. The respondents invol...
The development of tourism is important for people's lives because it is related to impact on economic, social, cultural and educational developments both nationally and internationally. Therefore, businessman in the tourism sector are expected to be able to maintain good relations with tourists who visit in order to have the revisit intention in t...
This study attempts to analyze the factors that influence attitudes toward online shopping in Indonesia. The population in this study is consumers who have experience buying products online through social media or e-commerce. The implication of the study is enriching the behavioural marketing studies about factors that influence online product purc...
Semakin berkembangnya teknologi, cara efektif untuk meningkatkan popularitas wisata kuliner disetiap daerah yaitu dengan promosi melalui media social, karena media sosial adalah kebutuhan yang paling populer dikalangan pengguna internet saat ini, sehingga pengusaha kuliner lebih mudah dalam mempengaruhi konsumen untuk membeli kuliner. Penelitian in...
Kawasan Pantai Kenjeran merupakan wisata alam yang berupa pantai di dekat pusat Kota Surabaya. Pantai Kenjeran telah lama dibuka untuk umum dan melakukan berbagai pengembangan destinasi wisata, namun jumlah pengunjung wisata Pantai Kenjeran mengalami penurunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membahas pengaruh citra destinasi, e-WOM...
Meningkatnya kepedulian konsumen akan isu lingkungan dapat memengaruhi perilaku pembelian. Pemahaman dampak konsumsi terhadap lingkungan dapat mendorong konsumen dalam niat pembelian produk ramah lingkungan. Pada dasarnya setiap konsumen selalu menginginkan produk yang sehat, aman digunakan dan memiliki dampak pencemaran sekecil mungkin bagi lingku...
Purpose: This study aims to the mediating effects of commitment to customer service on the internal marketing and relationship quality of higher education institutions. Internal marketing is accessed by internal communication and training. Methodology: The population of this research is the staff of the public service sector, especially employees i...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji efektivitas e-mail marketing Traveloka dalam meningkatkan niat beli online konsumen. Penentu efektivitas sebuah iklan antara lain informativeness, entertainment dan irritation, yang nantinya akan membentuk sebuah sikap. Sikap konsumen terhadap iklan (attitude toward advertising) menjadi variabel mediasi yang mam...
p>In recent years the growing fashion trend in Indonesia is a muslim fashion trend. The current trend of muslim clothing in Indonesia such as Rabbani muslim clothing that is in accordance with the teachings of Islamic religion is polite, closed and designed with materials that are not thin or dreamy. This study aims to analyze and discuss the effec...
Knowledge sharing behavior is an activity of exchanging information or spreading massages very quickly and broadly like avirus on a computer by using an interactive internet network. The use of interactive technology can be via e-mail, blogs, siteschat, online bulletin and social networking sites. However, there is still little researches that disc...
Trademark as an activity to make a name, symbol or identity to distinguish one product/service from another product/service. Therefore, entrepreneurs/business owners/startup founders need to consider how brands are for products/services that they want to sell. With a brand, the total value of the product is higher so that consumers can see the bran...
Indonesian buying behavior especially on generation Y or millennials tends to be impulsive and rapid development of retail fashion business allows marketers to learn and formulated strategy. As one of the defined group of people, millennials are a potential market segment. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of hedonic shopping mot...
This paper examines the effects of brand placement and player involvement on brand awareness. The data in this study were collected from questionnaires distributed to 150 game players of online game with snowball sampling. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis. However, our prediction that there were effect of brand placement and player i...
ABSTRAK Pelaku bisnis online pada umumnya memanfaatkan media sosial untuk memasarkan produknya. Seringkali dijumpai produsen atau pelaku bisnis yang memajang produk maupun harga di laman berbagai macam media sosial. Adanya penipuan yang seringkali terjadi menyebabkan sebagian konsumen tidak percaya melakukan pembelian secara online. Mereka cenderun...
p>Online information sharing behavior is an activity of exchanging or sharing information quickly and widely, as well as viruses on a computer, using interactive internet networks. To comprehensively comprehend the process of social transmission and the factors that influence it, it is necessary to know the variables that affect social relations. P...
Previous studies have not fully indicated the factors which lead to individual motivation career in the private sector, government/public, and entrepreneurial intentions. The findings of previous research still focus on one of the motivating factors that can explain the career options in the public and private sectors, both only intrinsic factors s...
This study aimed to investigate the influence factors of product packaging to Pop Mie consumer purchase decision at Wiyung Giant Supermarket. Product packaging factors in this case includes visibility, information, emotional appeal, and power/ ability to do (workability). The population used in this study is to visitors of the Wiyung Giant Supermar...
The production process in a business will run smoothly if the company has adequate raw material availability. Raw materials is one of the factors of production that management is quite complicated to do. The production process can not run smoothly if the available raw materials are not sufficient so that eventually the company will lose consumers....
pre> PT Maktour got a predicate from the Ministry of Religous Affairs as the best special hajj and umrah organizer and was ranked as the Top Brand Index category travel agency in 2014. This study was to examine the impact of Experiential marketing on word of mouth (WOM) with customer satisfaction as intervening variable. The research design used hy...