Yesid Cuesta Astroz

Yesid Cuesta Astroz
University of Antioquia | UdeA · Escuela de Microbiología



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Assistant professor and researcher at Instituto Colombiano de Medicina Tropical in Medellin, Colombia. My research interest is focused on pathogens genomics and the prediction of host-pathogens interactions from the study of protein diversity to systems biology using computational biology, biological networks and integrating data from different omics technologies (


Publications (92)
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Parasitic diseases pose a significant global health challenge with substantial socioeconomic impact, especially in developing countries. Combatting these diseases is difficult due to two factors: the resistance developed by parasites to existing drugs and the underfunded research efforts to resolve host-parasite interactions. To address the latter,...
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The field of single-cell biology is growing rapidly and is generating large amounts of data from a variety of species, disease conditions, tissues, and organs. Coordinated efforts such as CZI CELLxGENE, HuBMAP, Broad Institute Single Cell Portal, and DISCO, allow researchers to access large volumes of curated datasets. Although the majority of the...
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Background The Andean condor ( Vultur gryphus ) is the largest scavenger in South America. This predatory bird plays a crucial role in their ecological niche by removing carcasses. We report the first metagenomic analysis of the Andean condor gut microbiome. Methods This work analyzed shotgun metagenomics data from a mixture of fifteen captive Chi...
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During its life cycle, Trypanosoma cruzi undergoes physiological modifications in order to adapt to insect vector and mammalian host conditions. Metacyclogenesis is essential, as the parasite acquires the ability to infect a variety of mammalian species, including humans, in which pathology is caused. In this work, the transcriptomes of metacyclic...
Biological networks are often used to represent complex biological systems, which can contain several types of entities. Analysis and visualization of such networks is supported by the Cytoscape software tool and its many apps. While earlier versions of stringApp focused on providing intraspecies protein-protein interactions from the STRING databas...
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Aspergillus welwitschiae causes bole rot disease in sisal (Agave sisalana and related species) which affects the production of natural fibers in Brazil, the main worldwide producer of sisal fibers. This fungus is a saprotroph with a broad host range. Previous research established A. welwitschiae as the only causative agent of bole rot in the field,...
Changes in light wavelength can alter the phycobiliprotein content in photosynthetic organisms. These molecules are involved in harvesting light energy for photosynthesis and are interesting microalgal products. Furthermore, increasing or modifying phycobiliprotein content in eukaryotic microalgae is possible. Specifically, exposure to different wa...
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Motivation: Wikipedia is one of the most important channels for the public communication of science and is frequently accessed as an educational resource in computational biology. Joint efforts between the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and the Computational Biology taskforce of WikiProject Molecular Biology (a group of exp...
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TITLE: Genomic Analysis of Porphyromonas gingivalis Strains Implicated in Periodontal Disease OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to analyze the scientific literature regarding the genomic and functional diversity of P. gingivalis strains associated with periodontal disease. METHODOLOGY: We conducted a literature analysis using the PATRIC platfo...
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Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs) allow the study of regulation of gene expression of whole genomes. Among the most relevant advantages of using networks to depict this key process, there is the visual representation of large amounts of information and the application of graph theory to generate new knowledge. Nonetheless, despite the many uses of GR...
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Since 2014, the ISCB Latin American Student Council Symposium (LA-SCS) serves as the main biannual activity where students from all levels, postdocs and early researchers from the entire Latin American region can gather to discuss recent advances in the fields of bioinformatics and computational biology. This time we faced a major unexpected obstac...
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Staphylococcus aureus represent a serious threat to public health due to food safety, antibiotic resistance, and the potential zoonotic transmission of strains between dairy cattle and humans. Biofilm formation by S. aureus results in chronicity of the infections which confers protection against the immune response and antibiotics. Likewise, biofil...
Bacteria inside biofilms are more persistent and resistant to stress conditions found in the production environment of food processing plants, thus representing a constant risk for product safety and quality. Therefore, the aim of this study was to characterize, using 16S rRNA sequencing, the bacterial communities from biofilms found in four food p...
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Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a rare immune-mediated vasculopathy characterized by fibrosis of the skin and internal organs. Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder caused by mutations in the GLA gene producing α-galactosidase-A enzyme (α-Gal A) deficiency. Being a systemic disease, cardiac involvement in FD has a high mortality...
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This study was carried out to determine the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes and mobile genetic elements of 4 fecal blaCMY-2-producing Escherichia coli isolated from Holstein dairy calves on the same farm using whole-genome sequencing. Genomic analysis revealed that 3 of the 4 isolates shared similar genetic features, including sequence type (S...
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Regional Student Groups (RSGs) of the International Society for Computational Biology Student Council (ISCB-SC) have been instrumental to connect computational biologists globally and to create more awareness about bioinformatics education. This article highlights the initiatives carried out by the RSGs both nationally and internationally to streng...
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The study of molecular host–parasite interactions is essential to understand parasitic infection and adaptation within the host system. As well, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases require a clear understanding of the molecular crosstalk between parasites and their hosts. Yet, large-scale experimental identification of host–parasite mol...
Species that contributed the most to the PPI transfer. Most of the interologs transferred to the host–parasite system corresponds to model organisms, which account for most of the high confidence PPI in the STRING database.
PPIs of relevant human GO terms enriched in the human–S. mansoni interactome. These PPIs belong to enriched GO terms from Table 4.
Comparison of human GO terms enriched targeted by P. falciparum. This comparison was made between results from Wuchty (13) and our results.
Human GO terms enriched targeted by 15 parasites. Biological process targeted by parasites across 15 interactomes. Numbers represent the proteins associated with each GO term.
Python script to analyze node centrality in the networks.
Intraspecies eggNOG groups functional annotation transferred. Functions annotated in eggNOG to the most contributing clusters of orthologs groups (COGs) used in the orthology transfer method.
Correlation analysis between different centrality measures for human-S. mansoni interactome.
Annotation for parasites proteins with unknown function.
Tissue-specific and shared interactions across five tissues in the human–S. mansoni interactome.
In host–parasite systems, protein–protein interactions are key to allow the pathogen to enter the host and persist within the host. The study of host–parasite molecular communication improves the understanding the mechanisms of infection, evasion of the host immune system and tropism across different tissues. Current trends in parasitology focus on...
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The study of molecular host–parasite interactions is essential to understand parasitic infection and adaptation within the host system. As well, prevention and treatment of infectious diseases require clear understanding of the molecular crosstalk between parasites and their hosts. As yet, experimental large–scale identification of host–parasite mo...
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Biomphalaria snails are instrumental in transmission of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni. With the World Health Organization's goal to eliminate schistosomiasis as a global health problem by 2025, there is now renewed emphasis on snail control. Here, we characterize the genome of Biomphalaria glabrata, a lophotrochozoan protostome, and pro...
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and cytokines
Supplementary Figures, Supplementary Notes and Supplementary References
fasta sequences of predicted secreted proteins (fasta)
secretome B. glabrata, Interproscan annotation
Pfam domain annotation of predicted secretome
Predicted GPCR genes of Biomphalaria glabrata
Conserved precursor miRNAs, Structural, location and thermodynamic
Predicted bioactive cleavage products of neuropeptides
Biomineralization transcripts from B. glabrata mantle tissue.
Low-copy transposable elements (TE) abundance
Conserved mature miRNAs B. glabrata and homologs
conserved precursor miRNAs tissue distribution in B. glabrata
Cardiac regulatory and structural genes in B. glabrata
Identity of 34 B. pfeifferi and B. glabrata sequence homologs
Sequence Identity of B. pfeifferi homologs to 162 B. glabrata genes from
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Helminths cause a number of medical and agricultural problems and are a major cause of parasitic infections in humans, animals and plants. Comparative analysis of helminth genes and genomes are important to understand the genomic biodiversity and evolution of parasites and their hosts in terms of different selective pressures in their habitats. The...
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The cystatin family comprises cysteine protease inhibitors distributed in 3 subfamilies (I25A–C). Family members lacking cystatin activity are currently unclassified. Little is known about the evolution of Schistosoma cystatins, their physiological roles, and expression patterns in the parasite life cycle. The present study aimed to identify cystat...
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Introduction: Despite efforts to control malaria, around 10% of the world population is at risk of acquiring this disease. Plasmodium falciparum accounts for the majority of severe cases and deaths. Malaria control programs have failed due to the therapeutic failure of first-line antimalarials and to parasite resistance. Thus, new and better thera...
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Introducción. A pesar de los esfuerzos para controlar la malaria, esta sigue siendo un problema de salud pública. Plasmodium falciparum es responsable de la mayoría de los casos graves y de las muertes. Los programas de control de la malaria han sido cuestionados debido al fracaso del tratamiento y a la resistencia del parásito a los antipalúdicos...
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La malaria es una de las enfermedades parasitarias que causa mayor impacto en la salud pública en países en desarrollo. La secuenciación del genoma de Plasmodium falciparum y el desarrollo de la proteómica han permitido un gran avance en el conocimiento de la biología del parásito. La proteómica ha permitido caracterizar cualitativa y cuantitativam...
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Malaria is a parasitic disease that has a high impact on public health in developing countries. The sequencing of the Plasmodium falciparum genome and the development of proteomics have enabled a breakthrough in understanding the biology of the parasite. Proteomics have allowed to characterize qualitatively and quantitatively the parasite s express...
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strong>Objective . Using molecular simulation, we studied the influence of Mg2+ ions on the binding mode of HTLV-I Integrase (IN) catalytic domain (modeled by homology) with the 3,5- Dicaffeoylquinic Acid (DCQA). HTLV-I Integrase homology model was built using template-like crystallographic data of the IN catalytic domain solved for Avian Sarcoma V...
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Con el advenimiento de las tecnologías para la generación masiva de datos de secuencias, en la bioinformática ha surgido recientemente la necesidad de automatizar la ejecución de las herramientas utilizadas para analizar e integrar la gran cantidad de información que es objeto de estudio por parte de sus usuarios. En este campo, una de las aproxima...
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Objective: To analyze the molecular characteristics and amino acid sequence variations of HTLV-I and of HIV-1 integrases and their population variants. Materials adn methods: Data mining and analysis of integrase sequences and protein structure data bases by using appropriate software for modelling and search for polymorphic substitutions in HTLV-I...
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Introducción. Aunque la integración del virus linfotrópico humano tipo I no es al azar, se desconocen muchos de los detalles de este proceso. Objetivo. Evaluar las características de la cromatina celular adyacente a secuencias provirales en pacientes con leucemia/linfoma de células T en adultos asociada al virus. Materiales y métodos. Se extrajo el...