Yermia Semuel MokosuliManado State University · Department of Biology
Yermia Semuel Mokosuli
Doctor of Entomology
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Yermia Semuel Mokosuli currently works at the Biology, Universitas Negeri Manado, Manado, Indonesia. Yermia does research in Molecular Biology, Evolutionary Biology and Entomology. Their current project is 'Antibacterial, Anticancer and Antioxidants assay of Honey Bee Venom (Apis dorsata Binghami) '.
Additional affiliations
September 2010 - March 2013
September 2006 - March 2008
September 1998 - March 2003
Publications (71)
pis nigrocincta Smith is a species of honey bee cavity nesting, endemic to Sulawesi. Research that aims to find the composition of the bioactive content of peptides and antibacterial activity of honey bee venom A. nigrocincta Smith has been conducted. Honey bee venom composition was analyzed using Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate Polyacrylamide Gel Electrop...
Sago caterpillars are ethnomedically used as food and medicine by the people of several tribes in Indonesia. Sago caterpillar oil contains active compounds, especially fatty acids that have antibacterial potential. Research has been carried out which aims to obtain the bioactive content of sago worm oil and the antibacterial activity of Salmonella...
The lack of scientific information about the current condition of the mangrove ecosystem on the Molas beach in the Bunaken District of Manado City is an important reason to conduct a study related to the analysis of mangrove forest vegetation. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of mangroves and to find the Important Value Index (...
Forensic entomology is the science of insects which is used to analyze cases related to forensics, namely death. This is based on the close relationship between humans and insects who live side by side. Insects can be a factor in determining the Postmortem Interval (PMI) so that it is useful in the forensic investigation process. Medicolegal insect...
This study aimed to analyze the compound content of the combined extracts of Langusei fruit (Ficus minahassae L.) and papaya latex (Carica papaya L.) and perform bioassays of the combination of extracts on fleas of the genus Ctenocephalides.
Materials and Methods
Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) determined the ch...
Indonesia is known with its high biodiversity. One of them is sea cucumber. Various species of sea cucumbers are found in Indonesian sea in Talaud Regency at Kabaruan Island. Identification of sea cucumbers to reveal the biodiversity of sea cucumbers in Kabaruan Island, which is almost unknown. This research was to identify six samples of sea cucum...
Red fruit (Pandanus conoideus Lam) is a native Papuan plant which has been used by indigenous Papuan people as a medicinal plant. Papuan people believe that red fruit has a broad spectrum of pharmacological activity. This research aims to obtain antioxidant activity, namely reducing DPPH free radicals from Papuan red fruit ethanol extract. Samples...
Cancer is a disease with the second largest death rate in the world. Cancer Prevalence has continued to increase in the last decades. The research was conducted from May to August 2023. The aim of this research was to determine the bioactive content and anticancer bioactivity of michigan cancer foundation-7 (MCF-7) in Smadan root extract from the B...
Dua puluh tujuh ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus L.) jantan dibagi menjadi 9 kelompok perlakuan yaitu kontrol normal (K1), kontrol negatif (K2), kontrol positif (K3), serbuk daun kersen 800 mg/kgB (K4), serbuk daun kelor 800 mg/kgBB (K5), serbuk daun kersen 1600 mg/kg BB (K6), serbuk daun kelor 1600 mg/kgBB (K7), kombinasi serbuk daun kersen 400...
Red fruit (Pandanus conodus L.) is a plant native to Papua, ethnomedical used as a traditional medicine with a wide spectrum of pharmacological effects. However, research on the bioactivity of red fruit is still very poorly reported. The aim of this study was to characterize the bioactive content, antioxidant bioactivity and the effect of lowering...
Daluga (Cyrtosperma merkusii) adalah tanaman pesisir memiliki karakter sebagai tanaman paludikultur. Tanaman ini merupakan tanaman yang kurang dimanfaatkan sehingga cocok sebagai bahan utama bioplastik yang mana tidak berkompetisi dengan bahan pati pangan lainnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif memberikan gambaran laju bi...
Mangroves are fertile plants that dominate the coastal areas. The fruit of the Rhizophora mangrove can be used as food and beverage ingredients, containing numerous nutrients for the human body. The mangrove fruit contains carbohydrates, water, protein, fat, as well as secondary metabolites such as flavonoids, triterpenoids, tannins, and saponins....
Apis Dorsata Binghami is a honey bee that is often found in the forest, which is conserved by the community, but there are also honey bees that are just left alone; the community preserves these honey bees because their honey can be traded and can also be used as medicine. This study aims to determine the plants that are a feed source for Apis Dors...
This study aims to identify bacteria isolated from the body surface of house flies from various habitats using 16S rRNA molecular barcodes. Houseflies were isolated from forests, hospitals, traditional markets, modern markets and landfills. 25 house flies isolated in each habitat. House flies were preserved in sterile bags. Bacterial isolation was...
Nutmeg leaf, lemongrass, and bee nests contain bioactive compounds that have potential as mosquito repellents. The purpose of this study was to learn about the bioactivity of a combination extract of nutmeg leaf, lemongrass, and bee nests, as well as to determine the efficient mosquito repellent lotion recipe from a combination of nutmeg leaf, lemo...
The existence of insects cannot be separated from the condition of their habitat. The mangrove area of Tatengesan Village is one of the ecotourism site in Minahasa, North Sulawesi, that can support the survival of insects. This study aimed to determine the distribution and diversity of insects and the factors that influence the insect diversity in...
Research on insect phylogenetics is intricated by their similar morphology and significant genetic diversity. The cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) gene is the most widely utilized mitochondrial DNA gene in the identification and study of animal molecular biodiversity. This study aims to identify and reconstruct the phylogeny of fruit flies from N...
Background and Objective: Rice is one of the most important staple foods in the world, especially on the Asian Continent. Postharvest pests can reduce the quality and quantity of rice by up to 25%. Control using pathogenic microbes is the best choice in controlling postharvest pests in general and Sitophilus oryzae rice powder pests in particular....
The content of Apis dorsata Binghami nesting secondary metabolites differs based on the availability of plant feed sources. The present study was conducted to test for in vivo Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) and radical scavenging activity of the ethanolic extracts of the nest. Nests were obtained from various natural habitats in the Minahasa ar...
Fruit flies and water hyacinths are believed to be able to increase body weight in native chickens because they have a relatively high protein content. This study aims to determine the effect and dose of fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster L.) with a combination of water hyacinth flour (Eichornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms) for consumption and body wei...
One of the producers of honey bees in North Sulawesi comes from the Manembo Forest, South Minahasa. Today many ordinary people do not know the quality of good honey. This study aims to study the characteristics of bee honey from the South Minahasa Manembo Forest based on SNI. The research was conducted in April-July 2022. The research method used f...
Indonesia is ranked 7th out of 10 countries with the highest number of people with diabetes mellitus, which is estimated to increase every year.α -amylase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of α-1,4 glycosidic bonds of polysaccharides to produce dextrins, oligosaccharides, maltose and D-glucose. Apis dorsata Binghami honeycomb contains seco...
Honeycomb can be used as a source of antibacterial, this is due to the content of secondary metabolites in the form of flavonoids in the honeycomb which serves as a protective determinant of honey quality. This study aims to isolate, identify and test antibacterial isolates of Indigenous bacteria from Apis mellifera nests against gram-positive bact...
Background and Objective: Diseases caused by microbes vectored by mosquitoes are still a health problem in tropical countries today. DHF and Malaria are the two primary diseases vectored by mosquitoes, the morbidity and mortality rates have increased in low countries until now. However, the best way to control these two diseases is to control vecto...
North Sulawesi local pigs have good potential because they have a high adaptability to the environment and low-quality feed obtained from processed food remnants of the population. The samples used in this study were local sows from North Sulawesi which were spread on traditional farms. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on body weight of...
Nyamuk Aedes sp. adalah vektor utama penyakit demam berdarah dengue yang mempunyai kiprah besar pada terhadap penyebaran penyakit DBD di Indonesia. Pengendalian penyebaran vektor nyamuk dibutuhkan agar dapat menurunkan populasi vektor nyamuk Aedes sp. sehingga dapat menurukan masalah penyebaran DBD. Salah satu pengendalian vektor penyakit DBD yaitu...
Bee Honey (Apis dorsata Binghami) Is a subspecies of A. dorsata which is only found in sulawesidan island and surrounding islands and until now has not been successfully cultivated. Various studies have been conducted species of trees used for nesting places, nesting behavior, biotic conditions, physical surrounding nesting trees and nesting charac...
Apis Dorsata Binghami honey bee is a honey bee endemic to Indonesia, living naturally in the forests of Sulawesi. This study aimed to obtain isolates and characteristics of endogenous fungi antibiotic activity from Apis dorsata Binghami nest. The research consisted of isolation of fungi from beehives using potato dextro agar, pure culture of fungi,...
Leilem (Clerodendrum minhassae Teism. & Binn.) is a plant endemic to Sulawesi. Leilem leaves are used as a typical food vegetable for the Minahasa tribe. However, leilem leaves were used as a medicinal plant for intestinal worms, abdominal pain and chest pain. There has been no research report on the use of leilem leaves as a source of antibacteria...
The Minahasa local pig is unique because it is the oldest local pig that has spread to the Philippine islands. Minahasa local pigs have endemic characteristics because they are in the Wallacea zone. Research has been carried out to isolate bacteria from pig intestinal fluid and obtain an antibiotic response profile from pure bacterial isolates. Pig...
Honey, royal jelly, bee pollen, bee wax, propolis, bee glue, and bee venom/ apitoxin are among the items produced by honey bees. Honey, pollen, bees, eggs, larvae, and pupae are all stored in the A. dorsata Binghami beehive. Secondary metabolites and bioactive phenolic compounds (phenols, phenolic acids, esters, flavors, dihydroflavones, flavanols,...
The online learning policy was implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in various countries around the world. Problems arise in learning biology that requires laboratory experiment activities. This research provides an innovation in entomology learning with a project-based learning method using insect biodiversity in the local ecosystem, namely La...
Salah satu khasiat dari tapak dara adalah sebagai penurun kadar glukosa dalam darah, tetapi khasiat dari tanaman tapak dara ini belum diketahui secara luas oleh semua kalangan masyarakat.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas penurunan kadar glukosa dalam darah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen murni di laborat...
Mosquitoes often being the vector of some diseases, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever. To prevent these diseases vectored by mosquitoes, we could use mosquito repellent. But based on some research, these mosquito repellents on the market contain some dangerous chemicals, for example, Dichlorvos, Propoxure, and synthetic pyrethroid. These kinds of ch...
Payangka fish (Ophieleotris aporos (Bleeker)) is one of the most common fish species in Lake Tondano, North Sulawesi. Due to the availability of this fish throughout the year, it is one of the types of fish consumed by many people. However, the economic value tends to be below. This study diversified payangka fish into nuggets with clove spice (Syz...
Background and Objective: At present many pathogenic microbes that cause disease in humans are transmitted through animals. Ctenocephalides felis is specific ectoparasites in cats. Metagenomic research on the digestive tract and body surface of C. felis has been conducted. DNA genomics was extracted from the body surface and digestive tract of C. f...
(Article History: Received June 28, 2021; Revised August 30, 2021; Accepted Sept 3, 2021) ABSTRAKDalugha (Cyrtospera merkusii (Hassk.)Schott) merupakan tanaman endemik Sulawesi Utara yang digunakan sebagai pangan alternatif (penganti beras). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan spesies daluga di Kepulauan Talaud dan Minahasa Selatan menggun...
The Crested black macaque (Macaca nigra) is an endemic species to the Sulawesi Island, limited distribution, and Critically Endangered on the IUCN red list. The population density in the Tangkoko Conservation Forest Management Unit (CFMU) has decreased significantly due to habitat destruction and hunting. Existing data are based on the study in the...
Cats are the most domesticated animals kept by humans in the world. Cat fleas are ectoparasites that have the potential to transmit disease caused by microbes in humans. Biochemical identification research and antibiotic resistance tests have been carried out against bacterial isolates from cat fleas. Cat fleas were isolated from cats in Manado Cit...
Ctenocephalides felis is specific ectoparasites in cats. As a pet, C. felis has the potential not only to transmit pathogenic bacteria in cats but also in humans. Metagenomic research on the digestive tract and body surface of C. felis has been conducted. DNA genomics was extracted from the body surface and digestive tract of C. felis. Metagenomic...
Until now, Anopheles sp is a vector of Plasmodium sp as a parasite that causes malaria. Global climate change makes the development of the Anopheles mosquito unpredictable. Therefore, the use of plants as biological larvicides is an alternative to control the Anopheles population. A study aimed at obtaining the phytochemical content of the crude ex...
The aims of this study were to characterize the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 gene (CO1) of Apis dorsata from Minahasa, North Sulawesi. Apis dorsata Binghami used in this study was obtained from the natural colony in Klabat forest, Airmadi forest and Kombi forest. From each native bee colony, ten workers were taken (n = 30). Femur hind...
Aedes mosquitoes have the behavior of sucking blood repeatedly (multiple bites) in one gonotrophic cycle, these mosquitoes are also very effective at transmitting the virus to humans (WHO 2004). Kawada et al. (2007) reported that the foraging activity of A. albopictus was less than 0.1 times compared to A. aegypti under laboratory conditions, this...
Plant Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) is an endemic plant in Indonesia originating from Banda Maluku Province. Nutmegs have long been known to people as spices. The nutmeg plants have been cultivated in North Sulawesi for a long time. This research has been conducted to obtain the position of species and the reconstruction of the phylogenetic tree of n...
The Covid-19 pandemic, due to severe acute respiratory coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) virus, has an effect on human civilization today. With high fatality infections, SARS Covid-19 has influenced the global economic, socio-cultural, and even political order. This study aims to construct the phylogeny of the SARS corona virus that causes Covid-19 in vario...
House flies (Musca domestica L.) and green flies (Chrysomya megachepala L.) are two species of flies
that are vectors of many types of bacteria in humans and animals throughout the world. The research
was conducted to determine the sequence of the 16S rRNA gene and thus to conduct the phylogenic
position, the bacteria isolated from Musca domestica...
Apis dorsata Binghami is a Sulawesi endemic honey bee. Apis dorsata Binghami cannot be bred, so it still lives wildly in the forests of Sulawesi. However, Apis dorsata Binghami produces more honey, compared to all honey bee species. Furthermore, the diversity of plants as a source of nectar, pollen and plant resin, which is used in the formation of...
This research is focused to obtain the data of the phytochemical compounds class that is contained in langsat bark, obtain the data of malaria antiparasite activity of langsat bark extract in vitro, and obtain the data of langsat bark extract antibacterial activity. The plant sample is obtained from Minahasa and Southeast Minahasa. Both wet and dry...
Myostatin gene is known as a member of the growth gene's superfamily (TGF-β) which works to suppress the muscle growth. This study was designed to investigate the Myostatin mRNA expression and its association with body weight and carcass of local pigs from the islands in North Sulawesi.The parameters measured were Myostatin mRNA expression by rever...
Thermophilic bacteria live at temperatures above 45 ⁰ C. Many investigations focused on their potential as sources of highly active enzymes ‘termostable enzyme’ and other products such as antibiotics and compatible solutes. Lake Linow is an active volcanic lake located in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lake Linow becomes the habitat of th...
Growth hormone regulates reproduction and growth in mammals. A study was conducted to obtain the characteristics of the GH gene, in local pigs in North Sulawesi. Pig samples were obtained from traditional farmers, from four districts in North Sulawesi. DNA extraction and purification, using pig pituitary tissue. Amplification of GH gene, performed...
Cockroaches are members of insects that are most easily found in residential areas. Geographic isolation has given rise to new species of Cockroaches in various continents. Cockroaches have the potential to transmit more than 64 pathogenic microbes to humans. Research has been carried out which aims to obtain the position of species and the genetic...
Apis dorsata Binghami is one of the endemic species of Sulawesi, Indonesia. Apis dorsata Binghami has not yet been cultured, but produces more honey and is richer in secondary metabolites than Apis mellifera. Empirically, the people of Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia have long been using honey bee nest as medicine. Research has been conducted t...
A community service activity through the Community Empowerment program (KKN PPM) to improve school-age children's entrepreneurship skills and knowledge in Likupang Barat has been well implemented. The KKN PPM program aims to produce an action program for food crop cultivation by utilizing the schoolyard in an effort to instill the entrepreneurial s...
Thermophilic bacteria live at temperatures above 450 C. Many investigations focused
on their potential as sources of highly active enzymes ‘termostable enzyme’ and other products such as antibiotics and compatible solutes. Lake Linow is an active volcanic lake located in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lake Linow becomes the habitat of the...
Thermophilic bacteria live at temperatures above 45° C. Many investigations focused on their potential as sources of highly active enzymes 'termostable enzyme' and other products such as antibiotics and compatible solutes. Lake Linow is an active volcanic lake located in Tomohon City, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. Lake Linow becomes the habitat of the...
Has conducted research that aims to get the content of proximate and fatty acid profiles of local pork Minahasa. The results showed that the carbohydrate content of local pork abdominal fat was 9.26%; protein content of 14.27% and 47.58% fat content. The highest fatty acid content is oleic fatty acid (50.12%), followed by 14.45% palmitic fatty acid...
Musca domestica L. becomes a serious problem in tropical country. Its role as a vector of many pathogenic microbes has caused many health problems for humans. A study was conducted to identify house fly in Manado City, using partial gene cytochrome oxidase sub unit 1 (CO1). House fly is obtained from nine different habitats in Manado City. Isolatio...
This research aims at knowing whether (1) lateng ngiu leaf (Laportea stimulans) can be used as traditional rice pest control on irrigated rice field; (2) the implementation of this practicum model in the learning process with irrigated rice field ecosystem materials can improve learning outcomes. This research applied complete randomized design. Ea...
Nutmeg (Myristica sp.) is a plant originating from the Banda archipelago, Maluku, Indonesia. Nutmeg species and diversity of varieties could be assessed by observing morphological and phenotypic variabilities in the field. Secondary metabolites of this plant have a high value because of their benefts for the health, food, and pharmacy industries. T...
Aedes sp. known as the mosquito vector of dengue viruses that cause dengue fever disease. North Sulawesi is one of the areas with high cases of dengue fever in Indonesia. Present research was conducted to get the morphological characteristics of Aedes sp. in North Sulawesi and to construct phylogenies Aedes sp. of North Sulawesi based on partial CO...
DNA analysis is still difficult to implement in high schools in Indonesia due to limitations of equipment and materials. Has conducted research that aims to analyze the CO1 gene in fruit flies, from pineapples and its application as a teaching material in DNA study in high school. CO1 gene amplification results pineapple fruit fly has a long 664 bp...
This current research aims to find the characteristics and composition of the crude venom Apis dorsata
Binghami, its activity of free radical DPPH scavenging, and cytotoxic activity. The analysis of honey bee
venom peptide composition was performed using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Phytochemical contents w...
This current research aims to find the characteristics and composition of the crude venom Apis dorsata Binghami, its activity of free radical DPPH scavenging, and cytotoxic activity. The analysis of honey bee venom peptide composition was performed using sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Phytochemical contents w...
Molecular phylogeny reconstruction of Rhynchophorus sp from Cocus nucifera L, Arenga pinata and Metroxylan sagu was investigated using partial sequences of Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (CO1). Three type of Rhynchophorus sp according the place of live used this study. Rhynchophorus sp from Cocus nucifera (AR1), Metroxylan sagu (SG1) and Areng...
A research has been done that aimed to optimize the extraction of mosquitoes' DNA and to find out the characteristic of NADH dehydrogenase as well as cytochrome oxidase sub unit 1 (CO1) of mitochondrial genes to reveal the position of mosquito species from Southeast Minahasa. Mosquito samples retrieved from Southeast Minahasa on four villages in tw...
Molecular phylogeny reconstruction of Rhynchophorus sp from Cocus nucifera L, Arenga pinata and Metroxylan sagu was investigated using partial sequences of Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (CO1). Three type of Rhynchophorus sp according the place of live used this study. Rhynchophorus sp from Cocus nucifera (AR1), Metroxylan sagu (SG1) and Areng...
Molecular phylogeny reconstruction of Rhynchophorus sp from Cocus nucifera L, Arenga pinata and Metroxylan sagu was investigated using partial sequences of Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (CO1). Three type of Rhynchophorus sp according the place of live used this study. Rhynchophorus sp from Cocus nucifera (AR1), Metroxylan sagu (SG1) and Areng...
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