![Yeni Artanti](https://i1.rgstatic.net/ii/profile.image/1033458176491523-1623407038370_Q128/Yeni-Artanti.jpg)
Yeni ArtantiYogyakarta State University | UNY · Department of French Language Education
Yeni Artanti
Doctor of Education
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Lecturer, researcher
Publications (12)
Identitas atau konsep diri merupakan representasi seseorang. Konsep diri pengarang dapat direkonstruksi pembaca melalui karya-karyanya, salah satunya autobiografi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan konsep diri perempuan di persimpangan budaya, mencakup gambaran diri, harga diri, dan harapan diri. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah roman autob...
Up to the present time, the public is more familiar with the figures of Kartini, Dewi Sartika, and Cut Nyak Dien as icons of Indonesian women emancipation fighters. In reality, for hundreds of years before Kartini was born, in the 7th century, the Kingdom of Kalingga has been led by a woman, Queen Shima. Not much of the historical data has recorded...
Human challenges in living life are often used as a description of the personality or psychology of the characters in the story. Psychological conditions greatly affect the character's ability to be resilient. This study aims to describe the aspects of supporting resilience that are carried out by the character Diane to get out of her slump. The su...
The persistent conflict resulting from distinctions in our diverse world are sustained by suspicion and fear in public life, yet cultural products offer insights into societal issues, highlighting the significance of mutual respect and authentic freedom. This study examined Soumission (2015) by Houellebecq as its main data source to trace Islam and...
Film adalah karya seni yang memiliki peran mendidik, selain juga memberikan hiburan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaknai film komedi keluarga yang ditayangkan melalui Netflix, Pourris Gâtés (2021) karya Nicolas Cuche melalui paradigma berpikir pedagogi kritis Henry Giroux dan psikologi sosial Erich Fromm. Sebagai penelitian kualitatif, teknik a...
This study aims to describe the themes and attitudes of the community towards news about the Covid-19 pandemic on WhatsApp. By conducting critical discourse analysis, it is hoped that an understanding will be formed that can enlighten the public on how to interpret and understand the information about the COVID-19 pandemic that they receive through...
(Title: Family and State: Space of Self-Negotiation in “Qui A Tué Mon Père” Novel’s by Édouard Louis). Literary work reflects a culture outside its world. A family cannot be separated from society and country in which it is belonged to. Individuals in a family cannot be disconnected from their genetics. This qualitative descriptive study using Bour...
Pala atau Myristica fragrans menjadi salah satu komoditas perdagangan rempah yang menguntungkan dan berharga terutama bagi bangsa-bangsa Eropa pada abad ke-16. Persaingan untuk mendapatkan dan menguasai daerah penghasil pala, terutama Kepulauan Banda, Maluku, Indonesia tidak jarang membuahkan pertumbahan darah melalui peperangan di antara bangsa Er...
Abstrak: Semua manusia menjalani kehidupannya dengan bertumbuh secara fisik maupun psikis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses pertumbuhan kepribadian Norah sebagai sosok perempuan yang menunjukkan superioritasnya dalam roman Trois Femmes Puissantes karya Marie NDiaye. Sumber data penelitian adalah cerita bagian pertama (dari tiga...
Manusia sepanjang hidupnya secara terus-menerus melakukan tindakan-tindakan untuk menunjukkan keberadaan dirinya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan eksistensi diri ketiga perempuan yang terepresentasi dalam Trois Femmes Puissantes karya Marie Ndiaye. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik analisis inte...
Identity is closely related to self-concept. Through an autobiography, authors reconstruct their concepts through their works. This study is aimed at describing women’s self-concepts in a cross-cultural setting which includes their self-images, self-esteem, and self-ideals. The main source of this study is “Stupeur et Tremblements”, an autobiograph...