Yannis KazoglouUniversity of Thessaly | UTH · Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design
Yannis Kazoglou
Agronomist, PhD Rangeland-Wetland Ecology
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Yannis Kazoglou is Associate Professor at the Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design of the University of Thessaly, Greece. He is an expert on grazing management in protected areas and ecology of wet and dry grasslands. Over the last 25 years, he has actively participated in restoration and conservation projects in Greece (mainly in Prespa National Park) and abroad, while in 2017-2018 he was special advisor to the Alt. Minister of Environment & Energy on nature and biodiversity issues.
Publications (45)
This study deals with the future of the traditional agroforestry systems (TAFSs) in the northern Mediterranean Basin. Important productive systems, such as ancient non-irrigated olive groves and extensive silvopastoral systems, from subalpine grasslands to coastal landscapes, are being irreversibly degraded, threatening the bio-cultural heritage of...
Competitive and resilient mountain areas
Focus Group Final Report
Citation: Oikonomou, D.; Vrahnakis, M.; Yiakoulaki, M.; Xanthopoulos, G.; Kazoglou, Y. Grazing as a Management Tool in Mediterranean Pastures: A Meta-Analysis Based on A Literature Review. Land 2023, 12, 1290. https:// Abstract: The present study reviews the impact of mechanical interventions, and controlled burning combined with grazing in the Med...
The long-awaited preparation of Grazing Management Plans (GMPs) based on Law 4351/2015 and the Common Ministerial Decision (CMD) 1058/71977/2017 on the specifications and content of GMPs, seems to be getting closer to its implementation in at least five Regions of Greece after a relevant Ministerial Decision taken at the beginning of February 2023....
Restoration of wet meadows at Lake Mikri Prespa, in NW Greece, is very important for endangered birds such as Dalmatian pelicans and Pygmy cormorants. To improve the conservation status for these species and enlarge fish spawning grounds, littoral vegetation management aiming at controlling high emergent vegetation on seasonally flooded areas was i...
Οι βοσκήσιμες γαίες (κοιν. «βοσκότοποι») στην Ελλάδα, που καλύπτουν ίσως και πάνω από το 40% της συνολικής χερσαίας έκτασης της χώρας αποτελώντας αναντικατάστατο εθνικό κεφάλαιο και έναν από τους σημαντικότερους εδαφοπονικούς πόρους της χώρας, συνεχίζουν να βρίσκονται σε μαρασμό. Για την ανάταξη και την ορθολογική και αειφορική διαχείριση όλων των...
Dry and littoral grasslands, shrublands and traditional silvopastoral systems form a major land use on the mountains of Prespa National Park, northwestern Greece, an area with exceptional biodiversity located on the borders with Albania and North Macedonia. On altitudes ranging from 850 to 2330 m a.s.l. and geological substrates of granite, limesto...
This international meeting took place in the Holy City of Messolonghi (NW Greece) in December 2018 aiming to set up the baseline for the beginning of constructive network cooperation and in particular:
1) Close cooperation of all experts on vulture conservation in the Balkans.
2) Exchange of experience and know-how between scientists on vultures’ e...
The Prespa trout Salmo peristericus is an endemic taxon confined to four streams within the trans-boundary Prespa basin (North Macedonia-Albania-Greece). The research, monitoring and conservation project for the Prespa trout Salmo peristericus started in 1998.
The project goal had been to contribute to the conservation of the Prespa trout, which wa...
The project includes:
- Field surveys for butterfly and grasshopper monitoring,
- Special focus on rare, threatened and/or endemic species,
- Assessment of the effects of grazing on species habitats,
- Conservation efforts.
The project is being conducted in collaboration with the Management Unit of Chelmos-Vouraikos National Park and Northern Pel...
Το βιβλίο αφορά στην δημοσίευση των παρουσιάσεων και των συμπερασμάτων - προτάσεων από τα πρακτικά των τριών διαδικτυακών επιστημονικών (03-18-21/3/2021) ημερίδων του Πράσινου Ινστιτούτου για τις παραγωγικές αναδασώσεις, οι οποίες μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν ταυτόχρονα θέσεις εργασίας με αναζωογόνηση των Αγροδασικών συστημάτων της Ελλάδας και της Ευρώ...
Agroforestry and small-scale traditional farming systems as well as multi- functional forest landscapes survived in many rural areas in Europe (both in mountains and islands) that escaped the large scale agricultural transformation that has been supported by the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). How can we build a more resilient rural economy in...
The catchment area of River das Antas (Irati, Paraná, Brazil) is of high importance both for human consumption and irrigation. Within Irati, this river passes through a rural area and through the city of Irati, crossing both poor and rich neighbourhoods. We selected three study areas downstream (a rural area, poor community, and rich neighbourhood)...
The wider Prespa area (i.e. the Prespa National Park and adjacent areas within the Greek
territory), NW Greece, is one of the most plant diverse in Greece with more than 1,800 recorded taxa in an area of 418 km². This work presents preliminary results from the creation of a database that incorporates all the available information and provides an ov...
The detailed record and classification of rangelands in Greece (recently named
“grazing lands” by law) is a complex exercise due to the nature of these ancient seminatural Mediterranean ecosystems compromised by a mosaic of inter-related different habitats; a particular characteristic of the county’s rural landscapes. The present
paper aims at the...
The paper describes all necessary information about the first country-wide implementation of Grazing Management Plans. It explains also in detail why it is urgent for our country, its rural products, and its local economy, to implement Grazing Management Plans sustainably as fast as possible.
Eurasian (ex European) Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), Bulletin, 14:9-10 (2012)
Eurasian (ex European) Dry Grassland Group (EDGG), Bulletin, 8:7-9 (2010)
Integrating & Policy to Promote Agroforestry in Practice, 2nd EURAF Conference, 4-6 June 2014, Cottbus, Germany
Book of Abstracts of the 9th European Dry Grassland Meeting.
Book of Abstracts of the 9th European Dry Grassland Meeting.
The floristic catalogue of Prespa National Park (northwestern Greece) includes more than 1500 plant taxa, many of which are endemic and/or rare. Conservation of the populations of these taxa requires survey and protection of their habitats. The present paper aims at presenting the habitats of endemic and/or rare plant taxa in Prespa National Park t...
The European Red List of Habitats provides an overview of the risk of collapse (degree of endangerment) of marine, terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the European Union (EU28) and adjacent regions (EU28+), based on a consistent set of criteria and categories and detailed data and expertise from involved countries (http://ec.europa.eu/environmen...
While socioeconomic and environmental benefits of agroforestry are widely appreciated in the tropics, they were almost neglected from the plans for agronomic development implemented up to early 2000 as set by major policy schemes within the EU. However, such benefits had supported the rural economies of the Mediterranean EU countries—Greece include...
The endemic Prespa trout (Salmo peristericus K a r a m a n 1938) is a flagship species for the Prespa National Park. The aim of the research was to present environmental impacts of works done to improve a forest road (in January February 2010) on the trout habitats in the Siroka stream which flows parallel to the road. The assessment was based on t...
A recently completed project on the Natura 2000 sites of Prespa National Park revealed that the area hosts
49 habitat types according to the EU classification, of which eight have a narrowly restricted distribution in
Greece. The priority habitat type “*6260 Pannonic sand steppes” is reported here for the first time for Greece.
The new locality rep...
Lakes Prespa and Lesser Prespa are shared by Albania, Macedonia and Greece. Although situated at high altitudes they host notable numbers of wintering waterbirds. This paper presents results from simultaneous counts of wintering waterbirds in 2010-2012 carried out by researchers from the three adjoining littoral countries. The results are compared...
Organic farming requires cultivars or landraces that are specifically adapted to this low input cropping system. In the border area of Prespa National Park, in which almost one third of the Greek organic beans are produced, seven locally adapted landraces of common dry bean were evaluated in four diverse environments in 2008 and 2009 for different...
The QBR (Riparian Forest Quality) index and the RMP (Riparian Macrophyte Protocol) were used to assess habitat quality and inventory riparian forests in four rivers sustaining the endemic Prespa trout (Salmo peristericus). Total QBR index and total riparian cover (first component of the QBR index) values were found significantly higher in the upper...
Coastal wetlands provide habitat for large numbers and many species of waterbirds. Man-made salinas are a particular habitat type often found in such wetlands. This study is an initiative to understand the differences in bird communities between a salina (including evaporation ponds and prebasin) and a saltmarsh. Bird counts and nest surveys took p...
It was over four years ago when SPP received one of Xavier’s most enthusiastic e-mail messages informing that he had succeeded in gathering a group of French volunteers to work for the bats in Prespa, following a similar voluntary expedition in 2004. The results were surprisingly good, new species were found, unknown roosting and hunting places wer...
The area of Prespa in Greece includes two Natura 2000 sites, which constitute the National Park of Prespa since 2009. The Park is well known for its high diversity of wild flora and fauna. The number of mammal species increased by 43% in 14 years (1995-2009), mainly because of the increase in bat species recorded since 2000. Temperate bats are inse...
It is widely known that the Mediterranean basin sustains a remarkable biodiversity. Its rich vascular flora, comprising up to 11,700 endemic known plants which is more than four times the number found in all the rest of Europe, highlights the basin as one of the globe's biodiversity hot spots, with tremendous importance for ecosystems integrity and...
One of the most crucial attributes of natural grassland functions is their ability to sustain
avifauna.This is especially important for protected wildbird species. The Eurasian black
vulture (Aegypius monachus L.) breeds across southern Europe and Asia, but is endangered throughout its European range.One of its southern-eastern limits of expansio...
Wet meadows are one of the most vital biotopes of the Prespa Lakes ecosystem. Since the mid 1970's, radical changes in the local primary sector activities led to the abandonment of their traditional management and consequently to the critical decrease of their total surface area at Lake Mikri Prespa, negatively affecting aquatic bird species, which...
Reed beds (Phragmites australis) and reed cane (Arundo donax) are reviewed through management for biodiversity conservation at the habitat and threatened species scope. Particular issues such as water buffalo re-introduction are treated within the Life Nature initiatives at the Amvrakikos Protected Area (In Greek).
The Riparian Macrophyte Protocol (RMP) is a valuable tool to inventory forests growing along river banks. It was originally designed in the framework of the STAR project which supported the 2000/60 EU Water Framework Directive. The protocol was first applied in 2004 in Portuguese rivers, while in 2005-6 it was modified by the Institute of Inland Wa...
In 2006 the Prespa basin was characterized by the IUCN as one of the ten most important areas for endemic freshwater fish species in the Mediterranean, albeit with a high threatened status for most of these species. Nine endemic fish species have been identified and eight of them fall into "Endangered" or "Vulnerable" categories. The endemic Prespa...