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Publications (36)
Two-body dissipation due to chemical reactions occurs in both ultracold fermionic and bosonic molecular gases. Despite recent advances in achieving quantum degeneracy, the loss dynamics are typically described phenomenologically using rate equations, often assuming thermalization during chemical reactions. From the first principles, we analyze part...
Thermodynamics of degenerate Fermi gases has been extensively studied through various aspects such as Pauli blocking effects, collective modes, BCS superfluidity, and more. Despite this, multi-component fermions with imbalanced spin configurations remain largely unexplored, particularly beyond the two-component scenario. In this work, we generalize...
While the thermodynamics for bosonic systems with weak s -wave interactions has been known for decades, a general and systematic extension to higher partial waves has not yet been reported. We provide closed-form expressions for the equations of state for weakly interacting systems with arbitrary partial waves in the normal phase. Thermodynamics, i...
While the thermodynamics for bosonic systems with weak $s$-wave interactions has been known for decades, a general and systematic extension to higher partial-waves has not yet been reported. We provide closed-form expressions for the equations of state for weakly-interacting systems with arbitrary partial-waves in the normal phase. Thermodynamics,...
Motivated by the experimental realization of single-component degenerate Fermi gases of polar ground state KRb molecules with intrinsic two-body losses [L. De Marco et al., A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules, Science 363, 853 (2019).], this work studies the finite-temperature loss rate of single-component Fermi gases with weak interactions....
Motivated by the experimental realization of single-component degenerate Fermi gases of polar ground state KRb molecules with intrinsic two-body losses [L. De Marco, G. Valtolina, K. Matsuda, W. G. Tobias, J. P. Covey, and J. Ye, A degenerate Fermi gas of polar molecules, Science 363, 853 (2019)], this work studies the finite-temperature loss rate...
We report the creation of a shell BEC in the presence of Earth’s gravity with immiscible dual-species BECs of sodium and rubidium atoms. After minimizing the displacement between the centers of mass of the two BECs with a magic-wavelength optical dipole trap, the interspecies repulsive interaction ensures the formation of a closed shell of sodium a...
We present extensive new direct path-integral Monte Carlo results for electrons in quantum dots in two and three dimensions. This allows us to investigate the nonclassical rotational inertia (NCRI) of the system, and we find an abnormal negative quantum moment of inertia [Phys.~Rev.~Lett.~\textbf{112}, 235301 (2014)] under some conditions. In addit...
Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) confined on shell-shaped surfaces have been proposed as a platform for exploring many nontrivial quantum phenomena on curved spaces. However, as the shell-shaped trapping potential generated with the conventional radio frequency dressing method is very sensitive to gravity, so far experimental studies of shell BECs...
The interplay between matter particles and gauge fields in physical spaces with nontrivial geometries can lead to novel topological quantum matter. However, detailed microscopic mechanisms are often obscure, and unconventional spaces are generally challenging to construct in solids. Highly controllable atomic systems can quantum simulate such physi...
Engineering lattice models with tailored inter-site tunnelings and onsite energies could synthesize essentially arbitrary Riemannian surfaces with highly tunable local curvatures. Here, we point out that discrete synthetic Poincaré half-planes and Poincaré disks, which are created by lattices in flat planes, support infinitely degenerate eigenstate...
By engineering laser-atom interactions, both Hall ribbons and Hall cylinders as fundamental theoretical tools in condensed matter physics have recently been synthesized in laboratories. Here, we show that turning a synthetic Hall ribbon into a synthetic Hall cylinder could naturally lead to localization. Unlike a Hall ribbon, a Hall cylinder hosts...
Blurring the boundary between bosons and fermions lies at the heart of a wide range of intriguing quantum phenomena in multiple disciplines, ranging from condensed matter physics and atomic, molecular, and optical physics to high-energy physics. One such example is a multicomponent Fermi gas with SU(N) symmetry that is expected to behave like spinl...
By engineering laser-atom interactions, both Hall ribbons and Hall cylinders as fundamental theoretical tools in condensed matter physics have recently been synthesized in laboratories. Here, we show that turning a synthetic Hall ribbon into a synthetic Hall cylinder could naturally lead to localization. Unlike a Hall ribbon, a Hall cylinder hosts...
Engineering lattice models with tailored inter-site tunneling and onsite energies could synthesize essentially arbitrary Riemannian surfaces with highly tunable local curvatures. As examples, we point out how to realize a discrete synthetic Poincar\'e half-plane and Poincar\'e disk, using two-dimensional lattices in flat planes. In such hyperbolic...
A discrete time crystal (DTC) repeats itself with a rigid rhythm, mimicking a ticking clock set by the interplay between its internal structures and an external force. Discrete time crystals promise profound applications in precision timekeeping and other quantum techniques. However, it has been facing a grand challenge of thermalization. The perio...
Synthetic spaces allow physicists to bypass constraints imposed by certain physical laws in experiments. Here, we show that a synthetic torus, which consists of a ring trap in the real space and internal states of ultracold atoms cyclically coupled by Laguerre-Gaussian Raman beams, could be threaded by a net effective magnetic flux through its surf...
A multi-component Fermi gas with SU($N$) symmetry is expected to behave like spinless bosons in the large $N$ limit, where the large number of internal states weakens constraints from the Pauli exclusion principle. Whereas blurring the boundary between bosons and fermions lies at the heart of multiple disciplines, bosonization of SU($N$) fermions h...
A discrete time crystal (DTC) repeats itself with a rigid rhythm, mimicking a ticking clock set by the interplay between its internal structures and an external force. DTCs promise profound applications in precision time-keeping and other quantum techniques. However, it has been facing a grand challenge of thermalization. The periodic driving suppl...
Synthetic spaces allow physicists to bypass constraints imposed by certain physical laws in experiments. Here, we show that a synthetic torus, which consists of a ring trap in the real space and internal states of ultracold atoms cyclically coupled by Laguerre-Gaussian Raman beams, could be threaded by a net effective magnetic flux through its surf...
The geometry of a physical space is a key ingredient underlying many exotic quantum phenomena. However, accessing physical spaces with non-trivial geometries and many associated unique phenomena are often impeded by experimental constraints. Here, we realize a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) on a synthetic cylindrical surface subject to a net radial...
Coherent control of reactants remains a long-standing challenge in quantum chemistry. In particular, we have studied laser-induced molecular formation (photoassociation) in a Raman-dressed spin-orbit-coupled Rb87 Bose-Einstein condensate, whose spin quantum state is a superposition of multiple bare spin components. In contrast to the notably differ...
Coherent control of reactants remains a longstanding challenge in quantum chemistry. In particular, we have studied laser-induced molecular formation (photoassociation) in a Raman-dressed spin-orbit-coupled 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensate, whose spin quantum state is a superposition of multiple bare spin components. In contrast to the notably differe...
Monte Carlo techniques have played an important role in understanding strongly-correlated systems across many areas of physics, covering a wide range of energy and length scales. Among the many Monte Carlo methods applicable to quantum mechanical systems, the path integral Monte Carlo approach with its variants has been employed widely. Since semi-...
Yang monopole as a zero-dimensional topological defect has been well established in multiple fields in physics. However, it remains an intriguing question to understand interaction effects on Yang monopoles. Here, we show that collective motions of many interacting bosons give rise to exotic topological defects that are distinct from Yang monopoles...
Deterministic preparation of an ultracold harmonically trapped one-dimensional Fermi gas consisting of a few fermions has been realized by the Heidelberg group. Using Floquet formalism, we study the time dynamics of two- and three-fermion systems in a harmonic trap under an oscillating magnetic field. We explore the dependence of these dynamics on...
Deterministic preparation of an ultracold harmonically trapped one-dimensional Fermi gas consisting of a few fermions has been realized by the Heidelberg group. Using Floquet formalism, we study the time dynamics of two- and three-fermion systems in a harmonic trap under an oscillating magnetic field. The oscillating magnetic field produces a time-...
The unitary equal-mass Fermi gas with zero-range interactions constitutes a paradigmatic model system that is relevant to atomic, condensed matter, nuclear, particle, and astro physics. This work determines the fourth-order virial coefficient $b_4$ of such a strongly-interacting Fermi gas using a customized \textit{ab inito} path integral Monte Car...
The unitary equal-mass Fermi gas with zero-range interactions constitutes a paradigmatic model system that is relevant to atomic, condensed matter, nuclear, particle, and astro physics. This work determines the fourth-order virial coefficient $b_4$ of such a strongly-interacting Fermi gas using a customized \textit{ab initio} path integral Monte Ca...
The low-energy spectrum of $N$-boson clusters with pairwise zero-range
interactions is believed to be governed by a three-body parameter. We study the
ground state of $N$-boson clusters with infinite two-body $s$-wave scattering
length by performing {\em{ab initio}} Monte Carlo simulations. To prevent
Thomas collapse, different finite-range three-b...
Ultracold atomic gases are, to a very good approximation, described by
pairwise zero-range interactions. This paper demonstrates that $N$-body systems
with two-body zero-range interactions can be treated reliably and efficiently
by the finite temperature and ground state path integral Monte Carlo
approaches, using the exact two-body propagator for...
The transition from "few to many" has recently been probed experimentally in
an ultra cold harmonically confined one-dimensional lithium gas, in which a
single impurity atom interacts with a background gas consisting of one, two, or
more identical fermions [A. N. Wenz {\em{et al.}}, Science {\bf{342}}, 457
(2013)]. For repulsive interactions betwee...
Motivated by recent experimental investigations of Cs-Cs-Li Efimov
resonances, this work theoretically investigates the few-body properties of
$N-1$ non-interacting identical heavy bosons, which interact with a light
impurity through a large $s$-wave scattering length. For Cs-Cs-Cs-Li, we
predict the existence of universal four-body states with ene...
While the zero-temperature properties of harmonically trapped cold few-atom
systems have been discussed fairly extensively over the past decade, much less
is known about the finite-temperature properties. Working in the canonical
ensemble, we characterize small harmonically trapped atomic systems as a
function of the temperature using analytical an...
Superfluidity is a fascinating phenomenon that, at the macroscopic scale,
leads to dissipationless flow and the emergence of vortices. While these
macroscopic manifestations of superfluidity are well described by theories that
have their origin in Landau's two-fluid model, our microscopic understanding of
superfluidity is far from complete. Using a...
Ultracold atomic gases with short-range interactions are characterized by a
number of universal species-independent relations. Many of these relations
involve the two-body Tan contact. Employing the canonical ensemble, we
determine the Tan contact for small harmonically trapped two-component Fermi
gases at unitarity over a wide range of temperature...