Yael Ram

Yael Ram
Ashkelon Academic College · Tourism Studies



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Publications (57)
Purpose – The paper focuses on the gap between the very high prevalence of sexual harassment in the tourism and hospitality industry (the phenomenon) and the limited academic discussion about it (academic knowledge), and suggests ways to bridge this gap. Design/methodology/approach - The gap between phenomenon and knowledge is identified by compar...
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Fifty years for Plog's psychographic theory: lessons to tourist behavior scholars Plog's psychographic theory was developed to analyze tourist behavior. The present study examines this theory as Plog's psychographic theory reaches its 50th anniversary. Replication is one of the most acceptable ways to assess scientific quality and reliability. Adap...
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The study examines whether tourists are targets of terror attacks. Three hypotheses are tested, regarding the annual share of terror attacks against clear and vague tourist targets with foreigners as victims, and the likelihood that tourist targets will be attacked in relation to the number of international tourist arrivals and the annual amount of...
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The study examines whether tourists are targets of terror attacks. Three hypotheses are tested, regarding the annual share of terror attacks against clear and vague tourist targets with foreigners as victims, and the likelihood that tourist targets will be attacked in relation to the number of international tourist arrivals and the annual amount of...
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A key issue in tourism management relates to the lack of consensus regarding a theoretical and practical definition of the term “tourist.” In turn, this results in a range of methods for counting tourists and measuring tourism. This paper presents a novel non-linear model for classifying international tourists in urban settings, based on machine le...
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Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank Yoav Ram for raising awareness of the year 2038 problem and his patient technical guiding. Without Yoav's generous support this paper would not have been written. Abstract Issues of sustainability and resilience thinking, and risk management are linked to how tourism industry and researchers respond to...
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This research examines the impact of COVID-19 mobility restrictions and vaccinations on people’s behavioural intentions to travel and their actual travel patterns. The study was conducted in Israel using three-wave cross-sectional analysis: June 2020 (n=129), November 2020 (n=211) and April 2021 (n=208). The findings reveal that the main factor sup...
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The present study explores the interrelationships between Airbnb and both the formal accommodation industry (hotels) and the housing market. We used time-series data (28-49 months) from Tel Aviv, a city where Airbnb was not regulated during the studied period. The analysis shows that Airbnb plays a dual function for the accommodation market. While...
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The current work focuses on Quality of Service (QoS) of Public Transport (PT) attributes in urban tourist destinations. In particular, we aim to reveal which attributes are most significant for tourists prior to their arrival at their destination, as reflected in questions posted in TripAdvisor Question and Answer forums, a widely used social media...
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Highlights The note compares and synthesizes six national Covid-19 exit strategies for tourism. Only 8% of the recommendations proposed by the UNWTO (2020) were fully implemented. Italy adopted relatively more recommendations than the other countries studied. Exit strategies tend to be short-term, local solutions. Exit strategies differ from c...
לפני משבר הקורונה גרמה תעשיית התיירות לכ-8% מהפליטה העולמית של פחמן דו-חמצני. מתוך שיעור זה, התעופה הבין-לאומית הייתה הגורם המרכזי לפליטות, והן הוערכו ב-665 מיליון טונות בשנת 2018 . השפעתו של ענף הפלגות הנופש (קרוזים) הייתה צנועה יותר, ועמדה בשנת 2012 על פחות מ-40 מיליון טונות. השאלה הנשאלת היא – מה יהיה המצב לאחר המשבר, וכיצד המצב החדש ישתלב עם ה...
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Camping is a recreational activity that links people with their physical surroundings and the environment. Hence, efforts in promoting camping activities may help promote sustainable and accessible recreation and tourism. This research focuses on preferences and barriers for camping in Israel as perceived by frequent, occasional, and noncampers. Th...
The LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning) community is warmly embraced by the city of Tel Aviv. This phenomenon is exemplified by the fact that the Tel Aviv City Hall has been taking a leading part in the organization, financing, and promotion of Pride parades and events in recent years. The present article analyzes a quanti...
Purpose This paper aims to provide a perspective on privacy in tourism and hospitality. Design/methodology/approach A systematic review of journals was undertaken in addition to thematic analysis. Findings Relatively little research has been undertaken on privacy in tourism and hospitality with privacy often regarded as synonymous with security....
Walking is an important outdoor recreational and tourism activity, both in natural surroundings and in urban settings. Walkability is the extent to which the built environment promotes walking, and addresses issues such as comfort, connectivity, safety and aesthetic values. The paper explores a relatively overlooked domain of recreation- and touris...
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The work focuses on the changes that the MeToo movement brought to tourism and the hospitality industry since its beginning in October 2017. Social media has been previously found as an important tool in tourism, but its impact on social change has been questioned. By applying the Google Advanced Search options and analyzing the Web of Science (WoS...
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This study investigates the links between a destination's gay-friendliness and the travel preferences of tourists with different levels of affiliation with the LGBT community. Overseas tourists to Tel Aviv (Israel) participated in two surveys: during LGBT Pride events (n = 168) and two months later (n = 117). Due to a terror attack, the before-and-...
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According to the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA). (2005). Ecosystems and human wellbeing: Synthesis. Washington, DC: Island Press. [Google Scholar]), Ecosystem Services are divided into four main categories: supporting, regulating, provisioning, and cultural services. The Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES)...
Ram, Y & Hall, C.M. 2018, Walking tourism in cities: Introducing the special issue. International Journal of Tourist Cities, 4(3), 281-284, <DOI: 10.1108/IJTC-09-2018-098> Walking is one of the most common activities undertaken by tourists when they travel (Hall et al., 2018). However, it is also one of the most invisible activities when it comes...
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The Israel - National Ecosystem Assessment (I-NEA) project aims to present a comprehensive picture of the state and trends of Israel's ecosystem services across all ecosystems, by integrating existing data and information collected from a wide range of sources. Although there is a lack of information about the spatial distribution of ecosystem serv...
The Walk Score® index has become increasingly applied in studies of walking and walkability. The index assesses the "walking potential" of a place through a combination of three elements: the shortest distance to a group of preselected destinations, the block length, and the intersection density around the origin. The Index links a gravity-based me...
Ram, Y. & Hall, C.M. 2018, Walk score and tourist accommodation. International Journal of Tourist Cities, <DOI: 10.1108/IJTC-11-2017-0066>. • Purpose - The work extends research on tourist walkability and Walk Score® by posing the question 'does tourist accommodation benefit from being located in walkable places?'. • Design/methodology/approach –...
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Accommodation businesses are increasingly dependent on a limited number of reservation platforms. A significant feature of these platforms is guest evaluations, which are transformed into ratings and rankings. As the positioning of the business in comparison to competitors determines customer demand, accommodation managers have considerable interes...
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Hall, C.M. & Ram, Y. 2017, Measuring the relationship between tourism and walkability?: Walk Score and English tourist attractions. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, <DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2017.1404607> Walking is an important part of the tourist experience and a significant element of sustainable mobility. Although the concept of walkability has su...
This book aims to update the last volume, Disappearing Destinations (2011), and presents new cases that discuss current threats and consequences of climate change predictions on coastal tourism destinations. In this context, predicted changes and implications for management and policy at such destinations are assessed. The book chapters are divided...
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Walking is an essentially human activity. From a basic means of transport and opportunity for leisure through to being a religious act, walking has served as a significant philosophical, literary and historical subject. Thoreau's 1851 lecture on Walking or the Romantic walks of the Wordsworths at Grasmere in the early 19th Century, for example, hel...
Walking is an essentially human activity. From a basic means of transport and opportunity for leisure through to being a religious act, walking has served as a significant philosophical, literary and historical subject. Thoreau's 1851 lecture on Walking or the Romantic walks of the Wordsworths at Grasmere in the early 19th Century, for example, hel...
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Technical Report
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שירותי התרבות הם שירותי המערכת האקולוגית המעשירים את חייהם של בני אדם באמצעות תועלת המופקת מהתנסויות פעילות (אקטיביות) וסבילות (פסיביות) או המתייחסת לערך הקיום. ההתנסויות הפעילות של בני האדם עם מערכות אקולוגיות משיגות בעיקר תועלות פיזיות: תיירות, פעילות פנאי וספורט, וכן תועלות אינטלקטואליות: פעילויות חינוך ומחקר. התנסויות סבילות (צפייה והתבוננות) ש...
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This book offers a comprehensive global examination of the relationship between public transport and tourism as well as exploring other sustainable transport modes. It offers a unique view by analysing tourism through the public transport lens and vice versa. The volume provides an account of how the public transport experience can be improved for...
This research note presents a new tool for analysing the benefits of landscapes for visitors and tourists using the Cultural Ecosystems Services (CES) framework as defined by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA) in 2005. The authors reflect on the challenges of defining Cultural Ecosystem Services and interpreting and translating these categor...
The premise for this paper is that tourism scholars researching in Israel and Palestine are, in effect, actors in the geopolitical landscape of the Holy Land. Political tourism (characterized through a shared definition with Micheletti’s ((2003). Political Virtue and Shopping. New York: Palgrave Macmillan) political consumerism) is a significant fa...
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This paper aims to explore the relationships between place attachment and perceived authenticity of major visitor attractions. The empirical study was conducted with a sample of international tourists to major visitor attractions in two capital cities, Helsinki, Finland and Jerusalem, Israel. The results indicate a positive correlation between plac...
A lexical analysis is conducted of the five intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) assessments reports undertaken between 1990 and 2014. The analysis indicates that the term heritage is little used in the reports, although it has become more widely used over time in different chapters. In contrast, reference to indigenous culture and heri...
In his paper on ‘Tourism and biological exchange and invasions: a missing dimension in sustainable tourism?’ which was published in Tourism Recreation Research 40(1), 2015, 81–94, Michael Hall argues that an increase in the movement of alien species is directly related to the growth of international tourism. Using the case of Israel, we shall attem...
This paper reviews some of the actual and potential effects of climate change on cultural heritage and its management with special reference to heritage tourism. This analysis will help to identify knowledge gaps and issues in relation to different types of heritage, management strategies and policy-making, as well as enabling an understanding of t...
The present work reviews the current knowledge about violence, bullying and sexual harassment in the tourism and hospitality industry. It indicates the high prevalence of these aggressive behaviours, and identifies structural reasons, insufficient managerial skills and/or common beliefs as their causes. The negative impacts of bullying, violence an...
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Shani and Arad (2014) claimed that tourism scholars tend to endorse the most pessimistic assessments regarding climate change, and that anthropogenic climate change was a “fashionable” and “highly controversial scientific topic”. This brief rejoinder provides the balance that is missing from such climate change denial and skepticism studies on clim...
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This final response to the two climate change denial papers by Shani and Arad further highlights the inaccuracies, misinformation and errors in their commentaries. The obfuscation of scientific research and the consensus on anthropogenic climate change may have significant long-term negative consequences for better understanding the implications of...
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Shani and Arad (2014) claimed that tourism scholars tend to endorse the most pessimistic assessments regarding climate change, and that anthropogenic climate change was a “fashionable” and “highly controversial scientific topic”. This brief rejoinder provides the balance that is missing from such climate change denial and skepticism studies on clim...
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This exploratory study focuses on length of family vacation through the lens of two familial patterns: parenting styles and children's age. Based on 50 couples (100 parents), it was revealed that parental disagreement between parents about the authoritative parenting style (an effective parenting practice characterized by both parental demands and...
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Free copy: http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/jQtkPypX6w8WGG2IAdWg/full The period leading to and immediately after the release of the IPCC's fifth series of climate change assessments saw substantial efforts by climate change denial interests to portray anthropogenic climate change (ACC) as either unproven theory or a negligible contribution to nat...
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The paper examines the family vacation phenomenon by comparing parents on vacation (n = 203) with parents during daily life (n = 246) in terms of two psychological constructs: regulatory focus and parenting style. Results revealed that parents in both samples were similar in their ‘regulatory focus of promotion’ (need for challenges) and ‘parenting...
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Current leisure mobility patterns are not sustainable. Because energy efficiency measures appear insufficient to accommodate predicted future volume growth, changes in transportation modes and volume are needed. Short-haul should be the preferred distance, public transportation the preferred mode and length of stay should increase rather than trip...
The current article conceptualizes the phenomenon of deviant tourist behavior from the perspective of psychodynamic sociology. The analysis suggests that various unconscious drives can either be gratified by normative tourist activities that involve adaptive defense mechanisms or lead to deviant tourist behaviors that entail distorting defense mech...


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