Wojciech DziemianowiczUniversity of Warsaw | UW · Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
Wojciech Dziemianowicz
Associate Professor
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Publications (129)
Przeprowadzona na zlecenie władz samorządowych województwa wielkopolskiego ekspertyza prowadzi do ważnych (zarówno w zakresie ich aplikacyjności, jak i wartości poznawczych) wniosków. Opracowana metoda, w której skupiono się na ocenie kapitału ludzkiego, gospodarczego, przyrodniczego, instytucjonalnego oraz relacyjnego prowadzi do wniosku o postępo...
Od wielu lat interesują mnie działania strategiczne organizowane i realizowane przez samorządy terytorialne w Polsce. W gruncie rzeczy moja pierwsza aktywność badawczo-doradcza (jeśli można tak powiedzieć o osobie zatrudnionej świeżo po studiach na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim) dotyczyła przygotowania strategii gminy Ustka. Wówczas (był to rok 1994) n...
Przedkładana publikacja stanowi część pierwszego etapu realizacji projektu GOSPOSTRATEG-III, którego końcowym celem jest przygotowanie Koncepcji Rozwoju Kraju 2050 (KRK 2050). Koncepcja jest nowym dokumentem określonym w ustawie o zasadach prowadzenia polityki rozwoju1. Zgodnie z zapisami ustawy koncepcja rozwoju kraju:
• określa wyzwania rozwojowe...
Przedkładana publikacja stanowi część pierwszego etapu realizacji projektu GOSPOSTRATEG-III, którego końcowym celem jest przygotowanie Koncepcji Rozwoju Kraju 2050 (KRK 2050). Koncepcja jest nowym dokumentem określonym w ustawie o zasadach prowadzenia polityki rozwoju. Zgodnie z zapisami ustawy koncepcja rozwoju kraju:
• określa wyzwania rozwojowe...
The research topic discussed in the article concerns the issues of territorial differentiation in the context of the wealth-poverty development dualism. The authors looked for factors that could influence the anchoring of municipalities in poverty, thus attempting to develop the current scientific discourse on the causes of long-term territorial di...
The article deals with the issue of economic dualism in the context of territorial development and is a review of the literature on this subject. The aim of the review article was to systematize the concepts related to the issues of economic dualism and megatrends in the context of their coexistence. An attempt was made to respond to the relationsh...
Studies conducted so far suggest that SEZs are not treated by local authorities as the main mechanism of job creation in a given region. The objective of this paper is to highlight potential mechanisms through which SEZs impact labour markets in poviats (counties) in Poland. To this end we conducted a comparative analysis of changes that had taken...
W książce omówiono 20 instrumentów służących pobudzaniu rozwoju przez samorządy lokalne.
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Prezentujemy fragment rozdziału.
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Prezentujemy fragment rozdziału
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Relations between metropolitan core cities and regional and sub-regional centres are part of a broader discussion on the importance of metropolitan areas for the development of regions. These relations are dealt with in this paper in the context of the growth pole theory. The paper focuses on the migration process in relation to enterprises. By mov...
Reaching for a book whose title reads The Political Economy of
Capital Cities, one might expect that it would take up issues
concerning the collection of 195 cities in the world, among
which, according to Sassen (1998), there is competition for
development factors, sometimes for global influence. However,
the first sentence of the book’’s foreword...
The article addresses social participation in the creation of city strategies for the capitals of Polish voivodeships. The main research problem is the assessment of the relationship between the document's socialization process and its final version. The analysis showed that local authorities socialize the process of creating strategies, but the ra...
Location factors of foreign direct investment (FDI) can be influenced by local authorities. This paper examines the hypothesis that local authorities’ actions have only a minor impact on location decisions made by foreign investors in Polish gminas (communes). Foreign investors are attracted to Poland, and to specific locations in gminas which offe...
Companies relocate in various manners. Some of them move by way of foreign direct investments, other relocate within their countries, regions or local areas of operation (e.g. when a company moves its seat to a different street). This paper focuses on the issue of relocating companies’ seats. Data analysis (on NUTS2 level) indicates that migration...
In the article the authors analyze the records of strategic documents and the results of con-ducted evaluation studies concerning cities in Podkarpackie Voivodeship, with a particular emphasis on centers considered to be the province’s growth poles. Their present situation and development perspectives are referred to the concept of four competitive...
Strategy Warsaw 2030-in the Shadow of Great Politics, but Unique. The article discusses selected issues related to the process of creating a document, Strategy Warsaw 2030, adopted in May 2018. The construction of the strategy lasted almost two years and was characterized by high social involvement. The experience that Warsaw can share with other c...
Between 1989 and 2014, the Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship (one of the poorest regions in the European Union) was subjected to a number of external stimuli. However, not only has its position in the ranking of provinces failed to improve - it has actually worsened. Despite this, positive adaptive changes have occurred in the region, although they are...
Local innovation systems (LIS) constitute a relatively new term as usually the discussion about the systemic approach to innovation has focused on the level of countries, and most of all - regions. In this article an attempt was made to assess Polish municipalities from the perspective of their potential for development of local innovative systems....
Among the current trends related to strategic management in local government, besides the general trend of the development of strategic planning, noticeable even in the number of enacted strategic documents, introduction the concept of smart specialization should be mentioned. Smart specializations are appointed for all regions of the European Unio...
Conclusions and Recommendations for Aware Creating of Development Paths in Regional Policy and Other Public Policies. The goal of presented paper is to show growing importance of active public policy for socioeconomic development of Polish regions. There is a description of general context of programming socioeconomic development in Poland. After a...
Models of Innovative Development of Regions in the Light of Regional Development Theory. This article reviews the literature on the relationship between the region's innovation and its development. Various concepts are discussed in the scheme of the four forces of regional and local competitiveness. The main determinants of the region's innovation...
The Innovativeness of the Less Developed Regions-Changing the Development Paths or Drifting? The paper presents the research concept and the key questions the team put forward during the implementation of the project entitled 'Changing innovation processes models: a chance to break out of dependency paths for less developed regions'. In this chapte...
Nord-Pas-de-Calais-Innovation in the Crumbs of Coal and the Shade of Paris. The article is an attempt at analyzing the development processes of the French peripheral region, Nord-Pas-de-Calais. This region has been a subject of regional policy for many years, including signifi cant public and private sector investments to help transform the economy...
Warmia and Masuria Region-Innovation Based on Strategic Natural Resources. The paper presents the history of the development path of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. The aim of the study was to identify factors conducive to and restrict regional transformation in Warmia and Mazury and to verify the development path of the voivode-ship. Accordin...
Conclusions and Recommendations for Research on Development Paths of Less Developed Regions. Presented paper adresses issue of key research areas, which are important for development of backward regions in Poland. Proposed areas of priority research activities concentrates on: building resilience of regional structures on socioeconomic crises; usin...
Territorial Dimension of Innovation - from Analytical Problems to Strategic Dilemmas. The article addresses the issue of the territorial dimension of innovation both from the point of view of the analytical issues as well as the problems facing the authorities of Polish voivodeships. Although the concepts of spatial conditions for conducting innova...
Among the current trends related to strategic management in local government, besides the general trend of the development of strategic planning, noticeable even in the number of enacted strategic documents, introduction the concept of smart specialization should be mentioned. Smart specializations are appointed for all regions of the European Unio...
Areas of Strategic Intervention-towards Modification and Improvement of Territorial Dimension of Regional Policy. Areas of strategic intervention (ASI) are a manifestation of the territorial dimension of development policies at various levels of administration. Their introduction in the development strategies of the voivodeships has encountered met...
This article deals with the topic of the local development factors within the value chain of the commune (gmina). The concept of the value chain examines development factors in three groups: the leader, the internal environment and the external environment; it also takes into account the time factor. This article also presents the usefulness of thr...
Smart Specializations in Polish Peripheral Regions Related to the Regional Policy Innovation Policy. Smart specializations are to be response to the EU's problems related to the ineffective innovation policy (especially in context of state aid). The article presents the fundamental assumptions of the smart specialization concept and problems with i...
The article discusses the results of empirical research on the competitiveness of municipalities covered by the Natura 2000 network. Authors conducted a correlation analysis of the share of the Natura 2000 sites in the general area of a municipality and the indicators characterizing dimensions of competitiveness and development. Questionnaire surve...
The article presents the process and effects of the emergence of smart specialisations in the Silesian and Warmian-Masurian Voivodeships. The starting point is the analysis of smart specialisations in the context of the development theories, which is followed by a discussion of the specialisations of the two voivodeships. This leads to the establis...
Niniejsza książka stanowi element dyskusji o inteligentnych specjalizacjach, które prawdopodobnie będą w najbliższym czasie zagadnieniem silnie przyciągającym uwagę przedsiębiorców, naukowców i polityków. Kluczową przyczyną tego zainteresowania wydają się środki publiczne, jakie mają być przeznaczane na rozwój inteligentnych specjalizacji. Jesteśmy...
STRESZCZENIE Artykuł prezentuje wyniki badań prowadzonych w samorządach lokalnych na Mazowszu. Celem badań była identyfikacja determinantów rozwoju lokalnego. Rozwój rozpatrywany był w badaniu przez pryzmat czynników eko-nomicznych, jak i społecznych, zaś same badania miały charakter ilościowy i jakościowy. Wyniki badań pozwalają sformułować specyf...
The Innovation-based Development Experience of Polish Cities-the Role of Local Administration. Basing on the "triple helix" theory an attempt will be made to answer the following question-can local administration boost the administration-science-business triad and what is the crucial factor for it? The example of Elbląg (Special Information System...
Trwające obecnie ożywione dyskusje nad problemami finansowymi i gospodarczymi strefy euro i całej Unii Europejskiej powodują, iż stajemy się obserwatorami ścierania się różnych koncepcji rozwojowych nie tylko na poziomie grup krajów, czy poszczególnych państw, ale również na poziomie regionalnym i lokalnym.
Ostatnie dokumenty rządu RP tj. Krajowa S...
Niniejsza publikacja składa się z dziewięciu rozdziałów. W rozdziale pierwszym dokonano przeglą-du teorii dotyczących biegunów wzrostu w kontekście trzech innych nurtów teoretycznych, do któ-rych zaliczono teorię lokalizacji, teorię rozwoju endogennego oraz teorię innowacji. W części tej zaprezentowano również główne hipotezy badawcze. Rozdział dru...
The author offers a review of the literature of the subject on the growth pole theory and relates it to other theoretical concepts and approaches such as the location theory and the innovation theory, based on the proposed division of these theories in terms of the competitiveness of municipalities (gminas) and regions. The major part of the Chapte...
The authors sum up the research with regard to each of the adopted research hypotheses. They also indi-cate external conditions and considerations which make it necessary to include issues related to subre-gional growth poles in development processes. They also put forward some regional policy recommenda-tions relevant to the main topic of the publ...
The chapter presents the editors’ view on the key terms required to analyse the relationships between the local government and business, such as: network, local government and others. The overall research concept of the project underpinning this publication is also discussed.
The chapter offers an overview of theories and research concepts relating to the notion of networks.
For clarity, they are discussed in four thematic groups: political science and sociology, management, economy and geography.
The authors’ aim has been to combine the key components of the theoretical concepts and the assumptions of the research proj...
The chapter summarises the key conclusions from the research. The authors list the following: efforts of local governments to develop relations in order to foster economic development mainly along administrative lines; activities of individuals, both officials and entrepreneurs, largely determine the involvement in networks; expectations concerning...
W pracy korzystając z 25 wskaźników opisujących zamożność, nowoczesność i konkurencyjność dokonano dynamicznej (dla lat 2002–2007) oraz statycznej (dla 2007 roku) typologii gmin województwa lubelskiego. Najbardziej interesujące dla polityki regionalnej w typologii są gminy, w których zachodzi dysproporcja pomiędzy potencjałem, a dynamiką rozwoju (g...
This publication is part of a project called 'Practical Regional Research and Innovation policy in Action. The Efficient Tools for Regional Catching-up in New Member States'.
Competitiveness of communes in the context of relations between local authorities and foreign investors
Dimensions of the Local Passiveness - the Questionnaire-based Research Outcomes. The chapter contains the outcomes of the questionnaire-based research. The research was conducted i 2004 with all Polish local governments. 778 answers were received.
Rozdział zawiera próbę syntetycznej weryfikacji przyjętych na wstępie hipotez badawczych. Jednak jego zasadniczą część stanowi syntetyczne ujęcie źródeł aktywności gminy, nawiązujące do znanego z literatury ekonomicznej łańcucha wartości.
Łańcuch wartości gminy postrzegany jest w ujęciu dynamicznym (przeszłość, teraźniejszość i przyszłość), a główn...
The Passiveness of the Local Governments – a Real Problem. The efficiency of the local governments has been a vastly discussed subject in the recent literature. That is because social capital and administrative efficiency analyses are an important component of the research on the development factors. Moreover, an important incentive to undertake th...
W analizowanych gminach działają zarówno drobni rzemieślnicy, jak i właściciele dużych firm, a także – i to w dużym stopniu – rolnicy. Analizą nie są objęci przedstawiciele instytucji otoczenia biznesu, które w większości przypadków są przedsiębiorstwami (np. lokalne oddziały banków), ponieważ ich działalność omówiona jest w poprzednim podrozdziale...
The paper offers the author's reflections on the demand for rankings and how they are prepared, in the context of the most recent ranking of the attractiveness of Polish cities for investors. The paper also provides opinions on the varied reception of rankings, depending on whether they are of interest to the local authorities, local opposition, en...
"Celem autorów było przygotowanie praktycznej publikacji, która mogłaby być wykorzystana w codziennej pracy osób zajmujących się lokalnym rozwojem gospodarczym w gminie czy powiecie i która stanowi³aby swego rodzaju vademecum opracowania lokalnego programu rozwoju przedsiębiorczości. Stąd nie piszemy o strategii, lecz właśnie o programie rozwoju pr...
Artykuł zamieszczony w czasopiśmie Samorząd Terytorialny, 10/118, ss. 22-36.
Krótka informacja o stanie inwestycji zagranicznych w Polsce w latach 1990-1998