Wojciech Marcin CzerskiMaria Curie-Skłodowska University · Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
Wojciech Marcin Czerski
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (57)
The article focuses on the issue of digital exclusion. At the beginki, the charakterystyce of this phenomenon were made, then they were compared with social exclusion. Furthermore, the causes and effects of digital exclusion in various environments were indicated. Finally, the question of how to counteract digital exclusion is answered. It is impor...
Abstract: The aim of the study was to analyze the intensity of Facebook usage in relation to declared health behaviors. Material and methods: The research was conducted on 226 students aged 19-24 years. A diagnostic survey method was used, using diagnostic scales: IZZ by Z. Juczyński and KIUF by J. Kuś and M. Szulżycki. Results: The results of the...
Potrzeba bycia akceptowanym w środowisku klasy szkolnej jest jedną z najważniejszych potrzeb każdego ucznia. Zaspokojenie jej stanowi bezwzględny warunek sukcesu edukacji integracyjnej. Sukces integracyjny zdeterminowany jest budowaniem interakcji, a ważną barierę tych procesów stanowią niepokoje i lęki. Ich rozpoznawanie i eliminowanie lub przynaj...
Introduction: Recently, nomophobia has become a growing problem especially among young people. This term is a neologism derived from the combination of the English terms “No Mobile Phone” and “Phobia”. Material and methods: The Polish translation of the Caglar Yildirim and Ana-Paula Correia’s Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) was written according t...
Cel pracy
Intensywne używanie urządzeń mobilnych jest od kilkunastu lat obiektem badań w wielu krajach i kulturach. Główny akcent kładzie się zazwyczaj na negatywne zjawiska m.in. począwszy od ich problemowego lub nadmiernego używania aż po uzależnienie od telefonu komórkowego lub smartfonu. Jednocześnie powstają też skale mierzące ogólną orientacj...
Świat cyfrowy przestał być atrakcyjny jedynie dla przeciętnego obywatela. Jak wynika z danych policji, przestępcy coraz częściej przenoszą swoją aktywność do cyberprzestrzeni. Spowodowane jest to między innymi poczuciem anonimowości, jaką złudnie daje im Internet. Z tego też względu coraz częściej narażeni jesteśmy na różnego rodzaju oszustwa z wyk...
Dynamiczny rozwój sztucznej inteligencji i integracja jej z wieloma usługami, z których codziennie korzysta miliony osób na całym świecie stała się faktem. Rosnąca popularność generatorów opartych na AI takich jak np. ChatGPT skłania do refleksji nad przyszłością procesu edukacji. Wprowadzenie zakazów ich stosowania przyniesie zapewne odwrotny do z...
Coronavirus leads to multiple tragic consequences not only in the dimension of people’s physical functioning, but also in the psychological dimension. Due to the increased risk of morbidity among the older people, the researchers put the emphasis on the elderly. Nonetheless, it is unacceptable to disregard it in the group of young people...
There is no doubt that new technologies are the hallmark of modern times. For young people, the digital world is a natural environment for their functioning in everyday life. Smartphones and social media accompany them almost everywhere. Many of them, following their idols, not only like and comment on what others do, but also create their own imag...
Introduction. In Poland, persons found to have committed a crime may serve their sentence in the electronic supervision system (ESS). Therefore, publications in this field appear on the publishing market, most often are in the mainstream of legal considerations. However, there is a lack of research reports involving people who can share their exper...
Nowadays, especially young people, cannot imagine the world without modern technologies. Thanks to them they can do practically everything they want without leaving home (even things that are not entirely legal). However, this attachment to the digital world carries a number of risks. Children and young people, because of their attachment to device...
Introduction: The time of pandemic poses a considerable challenge for the people of the whole world. They are afflicted with physical and mental ailments affecting life satisfaction, which iscontingent upon multiple factors.
Research Aim: The objective of authors’ own research was to adapt the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) and, subsequently, to...
The digital reality that surrounds us seems to be very attractive, not only to young people but also to institutions that want to manipulate web users. This manipulation takes various forms, therefore in order to protect against it, it is necessary to know how it is carried out. In this article, the author focused on the issue called a filter bubbl...
Young people (youth, students) are increasingly subordinating their lives to the use of electronic media. Facebook and other social media are sometimes one of the most important forms of contact with friends, family (especially those located hundreds of kilometers away). The time of the pandemic and the associated time of isolation (the so-called n...
Introduction: There is no doubt that the contemporary world of a young person is digital. This generation does not know a different world from that with the Internet, smartphones, social media. Accordingly, education should, on the one hand, undergo transformation into a more digital direction and, on the other hand, it should teach conscious and s...
The article focuses on disinformation in the information space. At the beginning of the article, the term “disinformation” was characterised and its types were presented. Also presented are the principles of combating this negative phenomenon, with particular emphasis on the CRAAP test. This test can be successfully used at various stages of educat...
The aim of the article is to evaluate the intensity of Facebook usage by young adults in relation to their social competences and understanding of emotions. Material and methods: In the presented research the diagnostic survey method was used. The questionnaire included: Facebook Use Intensity Questionnaire (KIUF) by Kuś and Szulżycki, Social Compe...
The article presents selected modern solutions that can be used by academic teachers not only in times of isolation. Many of them use modern technologies only to a basic extent such as e-mail handling or preparing presentations. Increasingly, they look for new knowledge in electronic resources such as scientific databases available from their libra...
In this article, the author focused on the issue of information overload and its effects. At the outset, the phenomenon was analyzed from the historical and semantic perspective. The authors, however, do not fully agree as to the nomenclature itself, often using information overload interchangeably with information redundancy or the information fat...
Threats related to the development of information technologies are becoming an increasingly serious social problem of the modern world. Specialists from various scientific disciplines, mainly including teachers, psychologists and psychiatrists, alert about new forms of addiction and cyber threats concerns especially children and adolescents. Such t...
The article presents the phenomenon of information manipulation. At the beginning, a de-scription of the concept of information and its place in the catalogue of public goods was made. In the second part, the term information manipulation was characterized, and the starting point for this was the concept of manipulation. The characteristics of the...
The article discusses the issue of fatigue in the employed and unemployed populationin the context of the personality resource that is the sense of coherence. Both variables werecharacterized and subjected to statistical analysis. Research results indicate a higher level ofsense of coherence among working people. In the case of fatigue, the results...
The new core curriculum from February 14, 2017 introduces learning programming in the first stage of education. For this reason, many teachers who are teaching at this stage of education are looking for new solutions enabling the implementation of this part of the core curriculum. The article presents innovative platforms that can be successfully u...
The article presents the problem of addiction to a smartphone, with particular emphasis on the phenomenon of nomophobia. In recent time both issues are increasingly undertaken by specialists in various fields. The phenomenon mainly affects children and young people, often due to the parents' educational mistakes. The effects of nomophobia can be ve...
The Internet accompanies the modern man at every stage of his life. It is the basic instrument for obtaining information about, employment or leisure activities. Nowadays it is a foundational element of human life. Health problems result from running an anti-health lifestyle of whicz the media is an increasingly frequent part. This article attemps...
The aim of this study is to describe information and communication competences. At the beginning an analysis of the relationship between communication and information competences and their place in the catalogue of professional competences was made. The second part presents the analysis of the results of research on communication and information co...
The article indicates what the information society is and what its features are. The analysis of the literature shows that we are dealing with information society when citizens have unlimited access to new technologies and can use information efficiently with their help. In addition to the positive aspects, some of the accompanying threats must be...
The present article attempts to systematize the issues involved in defining a teachers’ information competences. It also compared the documents relating to the training of teachers in order to evaluate changes in education legislation occuring over the years. / W niniejszym artykule dokonano próby usystematyzowania zagadnień związanych ze zdefiniow...
The aim of these article is a presentation of different kind of IT tools which can support scientists in their everyday research (work). Many researchers use a variety of modern IT tools in their work (mainly in technical science). However, the modern solutions are choosen by the representatives of the social science more often nowadays. First part...
This paper is devoted to the issue of behavioral addictions associated with social media. The first part describes the phenomenon of social media. There were explained the notions of addiction and behavioral addiction on the example of Facebook. The second part presents the results of the survey, the aim of which was to diagnose the risk of depende...
In this article the Author raised the subject knowledge of methodological advisors about interactive whiteboards. At the introduction describes who are methodological advisors and what role they play in the education system under the relevant legislation. Presented in the second part results of the test show that the methodological advisors are hig...
In this article we discussed was the subject of the use of 3D printers in the educational process. At the outset, it was presented a brief history of 3D printing. Another part is devoted to the discussion of selected techniques used in these devices. Presented are only those that the authors considered it the most interesting from the point of view...
This chapter describes the issues related to one of the most important stages of working with a speech therapist, which is the diagnosis of Speech. The first part describes both the theoretical framework for this stage of the work with the patient, as well as practical tips and guidance as to how to lead it. In the second part are presented multime...
In this article the author discussed was the thoroughly of the use of ICT in working with children with special educational needs. These children should be given special care not only from parents and therapists, but the entire system. Hardware and software vendors recognize the needs of these people and think of them provide appropriate solutions....
Using the sense of sight we know the structure of the environment, recognize faces, objects, and events. Perception is most often combined with vision. Any visual message is combined with the launch of the imagination. Such a mechanism works, for example, when you reach art visual stimulus. Runs is other perceptual sensitivity. It is interesting if...
In the following article the authors thoroughly discuss the “Digital school” pilot program, which was first introduced in the school year 2012/2013. Its future implementation at schools on a larger scale is entirely dependent on its success. Therefore, the education system needs to face both the challenge and opportunity to upgrade and fully adjust...
The article discusses the topic of the use of multibook in working with students on the first stage of education. The first term is explained and referenced multibook he was the teacher training standards. Research results presented herein show the ratio of teachers to apply that measure learning in the classroom with students.
Artykuł porusza tem...
This chapter aims at giving a detailed account of the information and communication technology which can be successfully implemented in the process of teaching and learning. ICT resourcing explored by the author has become to be known as an effective tool that can successfully revolutionize the system of education and enforce the transition from a...
The article has issues of knowledge by students orientation of teaching qualifications issues of modern multimedia teaching aids. Presented here the results of the survey shows a picture of the student (future teachers) and his knowledge of this kind of teaching.
Artykuł porusza kwestie znajomości przez studentów kierunków nauczycielskich zagadnie...
The article discusses the theme of information technology to prepare school counselors. The analysis shows the results of research surveys, during which the information was collected mainly on the software used by school counselors and ways of its use. Besides, the aim of the study was to determine where school counselors gained knowledge about use...
The subject of the article is presenting the theoretical aspects of the introduction of e-school register at schools and the analysis of the results of questioned teachers from elementary, grammar and secondary schools in Radom. Legal requirements placed by MEN before e-school registers as well as schools that want to introduce such registers are d...
The article is describing the analysis of the four most popular electronic diaries, three of which are used in Radom schools. The result of this analysis is answering two questions posed in the introduction. The analysis was carried out in the most detailed way.
W artykule opisana została analiza czterech najpopularniejszych dzienników elektronicz...
The article is devoted to the basic subjects of eyetracking studies and to the different kinds of studies which can be done by this method. It is not the new method (it was used over 100 years ago). But it is not common, because of the big costs of devices used during the studies, and some difficulties in interpreting the results. Last years brough...
The connected with new program basis questions of general education in report were described at basic school, mainly under angle of introduction of computer occupations from first stage of education. The problems except this were touched the encountered at schools (preparation of basic schools to introduction of new program basis) how and method of...
Multimedia computer techniques force to search the new methods of teaching and learning. The effectiveness of different computer techniques used during the education process is strictly connected with the suitable software and its quality. The preparation of proper didactic materials is required by the process of education. Such requirement also oc...
The meaning of informative technology in report was described for educational sector as well as the results of investigations, conducted among teachers the integrated education, relating acquaintances and the applying by them the informative technology. / W referacie opisane zostało znaczenie technologii informacyjnej dla sektora edukacyjnego oraz...