Wilson Novarino

Wilson Novarino
Andalas University | ANDA · Department of Biology (Faculty of Sciences)

Doctor of Philosophy


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February 1998 - present
Andalas University
  • Lecturer


Publications (56)
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Avitourism is activity that utilizes bird diversity in economic aspect that provides benefits for conservation and economic improvement. Mangrove ecosystem in Carocok Anau located in tourist area that has high potential to diversity of bird species. Data related to bird diversity and potential in tourism activities have not been conducted. This stu...
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The main authorities and practitioners face crucial challenges in safeguarding wildlife and conservation areas due to massive direct anthropogenic disturbances, such as illegal logging, habitat conversion into human development areas, and wildlife poaching. Therefore, measuring the effectiveness of wildlife and habitat protection is essential for w...
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The Asian tapir Tapirus indicus is the only tapir species in Southeast Asia. It is declining across its range and is categorized as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. The forests of Sumatra are critical to Asian tapir conservation as they contain some of the last remaining populations of the species, yet conservation efforts are hindered by a lack of...
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ABSTRAK Kucing tandang termasuk dalam kategori spesies terancam punah oleh International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Sebagai awal dari strategi konservasi untuk spesies yang sulit dijumpai di alam, mengetahui informasi distribusi spesies secara aktual di lapangan penting dilakukan. Maximum entropy (Maxent) hadir sebagai metode pred...
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Sumatran Tigers Panthera tigris sumatrae inhabit 12 tiger conservation landscapes that stretch across Sumatra Island. Conservation efforts for these species require robust, information-based research, including a genetic approach. This study analyzed the haplotype diversity of P. t. sumatrae based on the mitochondrial CO1 (Cytochrome Oxidase Subuni...
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Information on tropical Asian vertebrates has traditionally been sparse, particularly when it comes to cryptic species inhabiting the dense forests of the region. Vertebrate populations are declining globally due to land‐use change and hunting, the latter frequently referred as “defaunation.” This is especially true in tropical Asia where there is...
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Sex determination by DNA-based molecular techniques in Sumatran tigers needs to be investigated and developed for forensic and population genetic purposes. The amelogenin gene is a marker commonly used for sex determination. In some species, the difference between the AMELX and AMELY sequences has been reported to be in the intron region. However,...
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The Pangolin (Manis javanica) is a unique scaly mammal with the IUCN status as a critically endangered species. In Indonesia, M. javanica is distributed in Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. The population of M. javanica has been declined due to the high poaching. M. javanica has been reported present in some locations in West Sumatra however, there is...
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Novarino W, Mukhtar E, Putri AS, Anggraini PL. 2023. Bird diversity and mangrove forest as potential ecotourism destinations in Kapo-kapo Bay, Cubadak Island, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 3583-3591. Mangrove forests play an important role in the management of the coastal ecosystem of Indonesia. Research on bird diversity has been carr...
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Land use change is an important issue for urban and regional planners and policy makers, but it is also very useful in conservation planning, food security, and hydrological modeling. Data, information and analysis tools become obstacles in detecting changes in land use. With increasing access to data and current technology, it is hoped that land u...
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Otters are the top predators in wetlands. Otters have an essential ecological role in preserving the species richness of their food web. The availability of prey species in the habitat influences otter prey selection. Because of the cultivation stage, paddy fields in the tropical area have a distinct temporal seasonality. Consequently, information...
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Solina ID, Mukhtar E, Novarion W, Dahelmi. 2023. Small carnivore diversity in forest patches around oil palm plantation in West Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 1824-1832. The accelerating rates of forest conversion into agricultural land are the main driver for biodiversity loss. How biodiversity, particularly secondary consumers, can adapt t...
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Niche partitioning is a result of interspecific competition between closely-related species to allow co-existence. Multiple species of small carnivores co-occur throughout their ranges in Sumatra, but they are among the lesser studied group of mammal species. This study aimed to collate occurrence records of small carnivores, model their island-wid...
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Ericca C, Tjong DH, Roesma DI, Novarino W, Syafullah, Janra MN, Aandrean. 2022. Short Communication: Taxonomic status of Great Argus (Argusianus argus) Sumatra and Borneo based on cytochrome B gene. Biodiversitas 23: 4670-4676. Great Argus (Argusianus argus) belongs to the bird family Phasianidae. Currently, there are two Great Argus subspecies: A....
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Many reports of cases of illegal trade in animal body parts have resulted in more and more samples of animal body parts being seized. Seized sample from illegal trade needs to be identified with the help of molecular methods to ensure the profile of the seized samples including the determination of their sex. At the molecular level, amelogenin gene...
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Ashrifurrahman, Simamora S, Ritonga R, Novarino W, Tjong DH, Rizaldi, Syaifullah, Roesma DI. 2022. Sumatran tiger identification and phylogenetic analysis based on the CO1 gene: molecular forensic application. Biodiversitas 23: 1788-1794. Wild animal hunting, especially in the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), has been caused the populatio...
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The small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus) is one of four otter species in Indonesia. This species consumes various types of animals. The availability of prey animal depends on its environmental conditions. Therefore, this study aimed to examine relationship between temporal environmental factors and diet composition of the small-clawed otter in paddy...
Conference Paper
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A study on hornbill populations in fragmented forest areas within oil palm plantations in Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Company, West Sumatra was carried out from July to August 2015 in 60 Hectare fragmented forest areas. The objective of this study was to document hornbill species richness using the transect method on three main lines along two km and...
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We present new records of Ichthyophis elongatus Taylor, 1965 in West Sumatra. These records extend the known distribution of the species which was previously only known from the type locality in Padang, West Sumatra. We assess the morphology and habitats of this species and estimate its distribution. Predicted distribution based on maximum entropy...
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ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan ruang yang tidak sesuai dengan perencanaan pada kawasan pesisir Teluk Bungus telah menimbulkan dampak pada terbatasnya ruang yang berfungsi sebagai zona pemanfaatan umum dan zona lindung. Ketidaksesuaian pemanfaatan ruang tersebut disebabkan belum dilakukan identifikasi pemanfaatan ruang secara eksisting. Dimana berpotensi memun...
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In Indonesia, three species of Paradise-flycatcher (Terpsiphone spp.) have been recorded, but the status of two migratory taxa, namely Japanese Paradise-flycatcher T. atrocaudata and Chinese Paradise-flycatcher T. incei, is poorly known. We gathered information on the occurrence of the migrant paradise-flycatchers using mist-netting survey between...
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Based on the IUCN Red List, Panthera tigris sumatrae or Sumatran Tiger holds the status of Critical (Critically Endangered /CR) species with an estimated population of only 371 individuals in the wild. Illegal hunting and trade are one of the causes that led to population decline drastically. Conventional forensic investigation such as morphologica...
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The study of mammals visitation on salt licks in protected forest of Taratak, SoutheraCoast of West Sumatra was conducted from June to September 2005 (in total 6840hours.camera). Three camera traps were deployed separately on three salt lick areas.Nine species of mammals were recorded during the study. Tapirus indicus was thespecies most often phot...
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Guild composition and niche breadth are important point on avian studies. This paper describes the guild composition and niche breadth of understorey bird in Sipisang, West Sumatra. The study was conducted since May 2002 until October 2004 for approximately 10 days each month (totally 284 days or 51.120 net.hours). Fifteen mist nets were operated o...
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Fragmentasi habitat mempengaruhi daerah jelajah beberapa jenis hewan, salah satunya adalah ular king kobra (Ophiophagus Hannah Cantor, 1836). King kobra saat ini sering ditemukan di daerah sekitar perkebunan sawit karena perkebunan sawit menyediakan habitat baru bagi king kobra. Daerah jelajah king kobra di area perkebunan sawit perlu diketahui lua...
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Akbar MA, Rizaldi, Novarino W, Perwitasari-Farajallah D, Tsuji Y. 2019. Activity budget and diet in silvery lutung Trachypithecus cristatus at Gunung Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 20: 719-724. We studied the activity budget and diet of a group of wild silvery lutungs (Trachypithecus cristatus) in Gunung Padang, West Sumatra, Indone...
A study on hornbill populations in fragmented forest areas within oil palm plantations in Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Company, West Sumatra was carried out from July to August 2015 in 60 Hectare fragmented forest areas. The objective of this study was to document hornbill species richness using the transect method on three main lines along two km and...
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An inventory of Carnivore species in Malampah Nature Reserve, West Sumatra had been conducted between Mei-August 2016. After a total of 303 trap nights, this study documented 19 species of mammals from 3 families of which 6 species from Carnivora. The documented carnivores were Catopuma temminckii (17 photos), Neofelis diardi (5 photos), Pardofelis...
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An Introduction to the Biological Education and Research Forest of Andalas University This is the first reference book describing the Biological Education and Research Forest (called as HPPB) of Andalas University written in English to reach a wider audience. Here, writers provide general information about history and management of the HPPB, biodi...
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As of 2010, approximately 55,000km 2 , or 12% of Sumatra island, was subject to oil palm cultivation. This has resulted in the mass clearing of tropical forests, which has led to many isolated forest fragments, as well as the disruption of ecosystem functionality. While the impact of these activities on larger carnivores has been well-established,...
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Penelitian mengenai pola aktivitas tapir dilakukan di Hutan Supayang, Kabupaten Solok, Sumatera Barat dari bulan Desember 2015 sampai Mei 2016 dengan menggunakan teknik kamera jebak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola aktivitas tapir di Hutan Kalaweit Supayang. Selama 129 hari aktif kamera, didapatkan 18 gambar tapir yang terdiri dari 2...
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Tropidolaemus wagleri commonly known as complex species who widely distributed at tropical areas in Southeast Asia. We predicted that widespread distribution may affect the morphological variation among different population geographycally. This study were conducted based on direct survey and sampling in the fieldwork. The study sites was divided in...
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Rimbo Panti Nature Reserve is a conservation area located in West Sumatra which consisted of two main habitat types, dry hilly and swampy forest habitat types. These forest types potentially board many species of mammals. This research was conducted from December 2015 to March 2016 in The Nature Reserve to determine the diversity of mammals occupie...
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Currently, telemetry appeared as a common method to reveal home range and movement of animal. However, the telemetry method was not applied for small-clawed otter yet. We have spent efforts to use the telemetry methods from March to August 2016 in a rice field landscape in Lubuk Alung district, Padang Pariaman regency, West Sumatra. We trapped indi...
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A long-term bird monitoring in Central Sumatra has been initiated since mid 1990s when the team from the Biology Department of Andalas University Padang in West Sumatra, Indonesia co-worked with, and funded by, the Japan International Cooperation Agency Indonesia Program. By deploying mist-netting as core method for bird survey, along with bird-ban...
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Abstrak: This study aims to analyze governance and harvest fish Lubuk Larangan Rantau Pandan Village Bungo Resindence. This research is carried in March-August 2015 in a river of Rantau Pandan Village Bungo Residence, Jambi. The metod that is used is survey method. Then using SWOT analysis with regard to Lubuk Larangan with assesses each internal a...
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Abstrak: This study aims to analyze governance and harvest fish Lubuk Larangan Rantau Pandan Village Bungo Resindence. This research is carried in March-August 2015 in a river of Rantau Pandan Village Bungo Residence, Jambi. The metod that is used is survey method. Then using SWOT analysis with regard to Lubuk Larangan with assesses each internal a...
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An inventory of mammalian species from Koto Baru Paninggahan Solok West Sumatera was conducted from August to October and continued from November to December 2015. The animals were identified through photographes from camera traps, personal encounters as well as indirect observations including foot prints and interviews to local inhabitants. This s...
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The study on aggressive behavior of long-tailed macaques has been conducted from May to July 2016 at Gunung Meru, Padang, West Sumatra. This study aimed to compare between provocated and non-provocated aggressive behaviors of the macaques toward human visitors at Gunung Meru feeding site. This study used all-occurrence sampling method to record agg...
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Morphometry Study of striped tree frog Polypedates leucomystax Gravenhorst, 1829 (Anura; Rhacophoridae) in West Sumatra have been done from March to September 2014. Sampling was conducted in areas of Dharmasraya, Padang Panjang, Pasaman Timur, Solok, Padang, Pesisir Selatan and Kayu Aro by survey and direct collection methods in the field, and then...
Conference Paper
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The area of palm oil plantation of Tidar Kerinci Agung (TKA) Company flowed by several river systems which are part of Batang Hari watershed. Located at the east of Bukit Barisan mountain range caused all of rivers having an outlet into Batang Hari River which flows to the east of Sumatra, to Malacca strait. From the inventory study on fish diversi...
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The loss and fragmentation of substantial areas of forest habitat, in combination with rampant hunting, has pushed many of Southeast Asia’s megafauna species to the verge of extinction. However, the extent of these declines is rarely quantified, thereby weakening lessons learned and species-based management. This need not be the case as a prolifera...
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Mt. Singgalang have high diversity of flora and fauna, which also drives the high diversity of small terrestrial mammals. A study on diversity of small terrestrial mammals (Muridae, Erinaceidae and Soricidae) has been caried out from July to August 2012 by using an extensive trapping method. This research used 30 snap traps and 10 20L pit fall trap...
In this manuscript, as a starting point, the ancient and current distribution of the genus Tapirus are summarized, from its origins, apparently in Europe, to current ranges. Subsequently, original and current tapir habitats are described, as well as changes in ancient habitats. As the manuscript goes on, we examine the ways in which tapir species i...
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Research about morphological variation of Arachnothera longirostra (Passeriformes, Nectariniidae) on Harapan Rainforest (Jambi), The Biological Education and Research Forest (BERF) and Marapi Mount have been conducted from September 2011 to February 2012. The samples have been collected directly on the field and data were analyzed on Animal Taxonom...
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A small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus) survey in West Sumatran rice fields was conducted from April to September 2010. During this survey, golden apple snail (Pomacea canaliculata) shell remains were found on a rice field bank as suspected prey remains of small-clawed otters. This suspicion was later proved by the occurrence of snail material (piece...
Conference Paper
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The Grey-throated Babbler Stachyris nigriceps (Timaliidae) is a bird species with extremely large range and distribution, especially in hilly and mountainous forest in Sumatra. This species was recorded as one of the commonest species in three prominent mountains in West Sumatra, Mt. Marapi, Mt. Singgalang and Mt. Tandikat; as well observed as part...
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Guild composition and niche breadth are important point on avian studies. This paper describes the guild composition and niche breadth of understorey bird in Sipisang, West Sumatra. The study was conducted since May 2002 until October 2004 for approximately 10 days each month (totally 284 days or 51.120 net.hours). Fifteen mist nets were operated o...


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