Wilson Agyei Agyare

Wilson Agyei Agyare
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology | KNUST · Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering


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August 2014 - May 2020
Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (79)
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The rapid increase in population and urban development are exacerbating the transformation of natural environments into unnatural forms. While detailed assessment of the environment is beneficial for efficient ecosystem system management, it can also be time and resourcesconsuming. This study aimed to map and quantify the spatio-temporal changes in...
Conference Paper
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Rapid population growth and urbanization is fueling the conversion of naturally vegetated areas into cultivated lands to meet the rising demand for food and water. This has impacts on climate change, and availability (quality and quantity) and accessibility of water. This study assessed and estimated land use/cover (LULC) changes in the Ouémé River...
The results indicated that the study water was polluted and could only be suitable for drip and sprinkler irrigation if filtered at two levels: before and after storage to avoid blockage of emitters, since the water was highly turbid with high content of suspended particles. The physio-chemical parameters such as turbidity, Ph, conductivity and chl...
Technical Report
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CIS and CSA concepts are coming up with emerging areas of research that has to take into account indigenous knowledge and early dissemination in the education ladder. Capacity building in these areas will provide research and evidence-based solutions to ensure food security and build resilience of farming systems in the face of climate change in su...
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In this study, a land suitability index for crop production in three northern regions of Ghana is spatially generated using a land suitability analysis through the integration of AHP and GIS. The study further exploited actual maize and groundnut yield obtained by farmers in the study area by integrating it with the land suitability index to spatia...
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Cotton is the main cash crop in northern Côte d’Ivoire, where intensive cultivation along with low external inputs has led to a decline in crop yields due to soil degradation. The present study aims to assess the evolution of soil fertility during the 2013 and 2021 periods in the cotton basin area of Côte d’Ivoire. More specifically, the study (i)...
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This study conducted in Kloto District (Togo, West Africa) analysed time series land use transition carbon gains, losses, and emissions using a matrix of land use change and point-based emission and removal estimators. Land use transition experiment plots, slope gradient composite soil sampling methods across forest and agricultural lands were used...
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Climate change and its associated variabilities is having major impacts on agricultural production across the globe. Sustainable production options that reduce the vulnerability of the food system to climate change impacts are being advocated for, with a lot of ongoing research in that direction. Aeroponics production, a soilless production system...
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Climate change represents a major potential threat to the viability of rural households’ livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa. This study focused on the perceptions of climate change and adaptation strategies of local cotton farmers in Côte d'Ivoire, identified as particularly vulnerable to climate change. A survey was conducted among 355 smallholder...
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Ghana's once vibrant railway system is presently in a state of disrepair as a result of neglect and underfunding over the years; from an initial network size of 947 km in 1960 to an operational rail line of just 160 km in 2020. The Ghana railway sector's past performance is reviewed together with 5 other countries, namely; Nigeria, Kenya, South Afr...
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Periodic climate zoning is an essential classification of land cover to account for anthropogenic activities resulting from population increase and urbanization that affect key climate response parameters. Rainfall, relative humidity (RH), maximum (Tmax) and minimum temperature (Tmin) data from the Ghana Meteorological Agency were used to zone Ghan...
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Soil erosion is a threat to the viability of arable land, which has a relationship with crop productivity. This study was carried out in the Northern, NorthEast and Savannah Regions of Ghana, which have a high agricultural potential. The study examined erosion-yield relationship by comparing estimated erosion rates with maize and groundnut yields i...
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Effective management of reservoir sedimentation requires models that can predict sedimentation of the reservoirs. In this study, linear regression, non-linear exponential regression and artificial neural network models have been developed for the forecasting of annual storage capacity loss of reservoirs in the Guinea Savannah Ecological Zone (GSEZ)...
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Soil erosion is a global problem with severe consequences, which has become a widespread environmental challenge in the northern parts of Ghana in recent times. This research integrated RUSLE into GIS to estimate the annual soil erosion rates for the Northern, North-East, and Savannah Regions of Ghana. A soil erosion map was generated with an annua...
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Background Modelling aboveground biomass (AGB) in forest and woodland ecosystems is critical for accurate estimation of carbon stocks. However, scarcity of allometric models for predicting AGB remains an issue that has not been adequately addressed in Africa. In particular, locally developed models for estimating AGB in the tropical woodlands of Gh...
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Access to woodland plays a critical role in woodland degradation, yet policy efforts at addressing woodland degradation have focused on access to woodland for farming and lumbering to the detriment of access to woodland for charcoal production. Access arrangement to woodland for charcoal production is subsumed under access to woodland for farming,...
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The yield of lowland paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is sensitive to water application regimes, which can be affected by irrigation management. This study assessed the impacts of different irrigation applications on rice yield using the AquaCrop model. Experiments were conducted at two sites (On-station and On-farm) during the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014...
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Adongo TA, Kyei-Baffour N, Abagale FK, Agyare WA. 2019. Assessment of reservoir sedimentation of irrigation dams in northern Ghana. Lake Reserv Manage. XX:XXX–XXX. Sedimentation in reservoirs of irrigation dams is a serious issue that threatens their functionalities. Since information on this phenomenon in irrigation dams in northern Ghana is almos...
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Farmers in the Northern Region of Ghana are mostly smallholder farmers. They are continuously confronted with erratic rainfall and land degradation as a result of poor agronomic practices. Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) methods are interventions that can be put in place to limit soil loss and sustain soil moisture in areas where there is inadequ...
Low soil fertility and limited ability of farmers to purchase fertilizers in the Sudan savannah zone of Ghana has resulted in the decline in the yield of cereals over the years. There is, therefore, the need to identify soil parameters that are critical to crop production, to manage them effectively and improve fertilizer use efficiency to increase...
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This study examined the trends in annual rainfall and temperature extremes over the Vea catchment for the period 1985-2016, using quality-controlled stations and a high resolution (5 km) Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station (CHIRPS) data. The CHIRPS gridded precipitation data's ability in reproducing the climatology of the catc...
This study analyses forest reference level in terms of loss, gain and transitions among forest, cocoa agroforestry, cassava, maize, settlement and others in the Kloto district (Togo) for REDD+ and sustainable forest and agriculture. The pixel-based classification was adopted and combined with the extended change matrix quantity and intensity analys...
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This study investigates proximate drivers of cropland and forest degradation in the Kloto district (Togo, West Africa) as a way of exploring integrated sustainable landscape approaches with respect to socioeconomic and environmental needs and requirements. Net change analysis of major cash and food crops based on Landsat data from three time steps...
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This study investigates proximate drivers of cropland and forest degradation in Kloto district (Togo, West Africa) as, way of, exploring integrated sustainable landscape approaches in respect to socio-economic and environmental needs and requirements. Net change analysis of major cash and food crops based on three time steps Landsat data (1985–2002...
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Accurate forest reference and emission level (FRL, FREL) with related policies and regulations are the key determinants in establishing sustainable forest ecosystem management programmes (e.g. REDD+). This fundamental is for promoting and sustaining climate smart agricultural practices in a changing climate. With the aim to deliver better knowledge...
The yield of lowland paddy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is sensitive to water application regimes, which can be affected by irrigation management. This study assessed the impacts of different irrigation applications on rice yield using the AquaCrop model. Experiments were conducted at two sites (On-station and On-farm) during the 2012/2013 and 2013/2014...
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Aeroponics has been perceived as a technology crammed innovation, far out of reach of the ordinary farmer. Apart from its continuous dependency on electrical power, the technology comes with very sophisticated inputs such as solenoid valves, timers, misters, CO2 tanks, and air and water pumps. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the op...
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This study presents a multi-level analysis of land cover change in the Kintampo Municipality of Ghana using Landsat TM, ETM + and Landsat 8 images from 1986, 2001 and 2014, respectively. The expected and observed annual rates of land cover change for the periods 1986 to 2001 and 2001 to 2014 were analyzed at temporal and intra and inter-land cover...
This study explores the views and perceptions of land users on land degradation and the possible mitigation measures within the White Volta Basin in Ghana. Twenty-three (23) communities were selected within the catchment to evaluate their perceptions of land degradation indicators, socio-ecological drivers and possible mitigation measures to combat...
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This study explores the views and perceptions of land users on land degradation and the possible mitigation measures within the White Volta Basin in Ghana. Twenty-three (23) communities were selected within the catchment to evaluate their perceptions of land degradation indicators, socio-ecological drivers and possible mitigation measures to combat...
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Yam is one of the most important dietary sources of energy for households in West-Africa. Yam stores relatively longer than most root crops and this attribute have gained it recognition as a food security crop in Ghana. More effort has been put into its research and production as has been seen by numerous government interventions over the years. Ho...
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The impacts of charcoal production on woodland were assessed in the Forest-Savannah Transition Zone of Ghana to facilitate policy formulation for a win-win situation for both sustainable woodland management and charcoal production. Twenty-three harvested sites in two charcoal producing communities were assessed in terms of the extent of harvested s...
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The research aimed at developing a groundwater recharge model from available and reliable data of recharge predictor variables from 1985-2009 for the Sumanpa catchment in the forest-savannah transitional zone. Streamflow data for the Sumanpa River was generated from daily stage data using the rating curve model developed by the researchers at the g...
Conference Paper
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Agricultural productivity growth in Sub-Saharan Africa over the past four decades averaged only 2.4% compared with 4% in the rest of the developing world. The world continues to face the challenge of feeding the growing population, increasing average yields by reducing the yield gap has become imperative. As one would expect, there exists enormous...
Conference Paper
Agricultural productivity growth in Sub-Saharan Africa over the past four decades averaged only 2.4% compared with 4% in the rest of the developing world. The world continues to face the challenge of feeding the growing population, increasing average yields by reducing the yield gap has become imperative. As one would expect, there exists enormous...
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Maize (Zea mays) is Ghana's most important cereal crop grown in all agro-ecological zones by smallholder farmers. The average yield of maize (1.7 tha-1) is far below attainable yield of 5.5 tha-1. This is due to reliance on rain fed farming, local seed varieties and low inputs use. Farmers face many challenges in their attempt to adopt the use of f...
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Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is the world's third most important crop and an essential source of food and income throughout the tropics providing livelihood for over 500 million farmers and countless processors and traders. In Ghana, cassava contributes 22% of Agricultural Gross Domestic Product (AGDP) and is an emerging profitable industry c...
Water is becoming scarce in arid, drought prone and even high rainfall areas due to rainfall variability and uneven distribution resulting from changing climate. Therefore, sustainable and innovative management of agricultural water resources are urgently required. This study was undertaken to determine how efficiently water can be managed in irrig...
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Spatial variations for selected soil chemical and physical properties were examined for a landscape at Navrongo, Ghana. This was done in order to identify their spatial distribution to assist in designing land management that seeks to reduce the extremes of land productivity and support more uniform agricultural production. A landscape of 1.5 km 2...
The demand for rice (Oryza sativa) in Ghana is increasing at a rate of 11.8% from 939, 920 t in 2010. Though there has been some increase in production it does not match the increase in consumption. This study seeks to determine the most suitable areas for inland valley rice cultivation using computer based models for selected sites (15km by 15km)...
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A study was carried out in the Upper East Region of Ghana to assess the on-site effects and the cost of fertility erosion from five small reservoir catchments (Dua, Doba, Zebilla, Kumpalgogo and Bugri). The catchment soils and reservoir sediments were sampled and analyzed for their bulk density and nutrient content. The mean reduction in soil depth...
Rainwater harvesting capacity is determined primarily by mean annual rainfall and roof catchment area. Household water consumption is influenced by activities of individuals in the household. Tradition and culture may also influence water usage pattern. However, some of these factors vary significantly from one community to the other. There is ther...
Maize has become the most important cereal in northern Ghana serving as cash crop and the main staple for most communities. It is the crop that receives most fertilizer input by farmers in the region, although the recommendations being used are over 20 years old. These recommendations were derived from relationships between crop yields and differen...
Distinguishing land use types is mostly done through field surveys which does not easily capture the spatial changes in the land use/cover types. In this study, the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model was used to estimate surface albedo and NDVI, for different land use/cover types for two sub-catchments (i.e., Atankwidi and Afra...
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One of the main problems associated with cracking of palm nut is the mixture of small Tenera and the big Dura variety nuts. In general, low yield of about 40% is obtained from cracking the mixture of Dura-Tenera nuts. In cracking the mixture, most of the Tenera nuts are not cracked when a large sieve size is used. When the sieve size is small, the...
Abstract A study was carried out in the Sudan savanna zone in the Upper East Region of Ghana to assess the rate of sediment-bound nutrient export (NE) into five small reservoirs (Dua, Doba, Zebilla, Kumpalgogo and Bugri) and to analyse the implications of this export. The catchment soils and reservoir sediments from the various study sites were sam...
Many small dams and dugouts have been constructed in the Upper East Region of Ghana to address the problem of regional water scarcity. The reservoirs were constructed primarily as water supplies for agricultural irrigation and livestock watering, aquaculture and domestic use. However, many of the reservoirs dry up during the dry season, affecting t...
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Terrain parameters calculated from digital elevation models (DEM) have become increasingly important in current spatially distributed models of earth surface processes. This paper investigated how the ability of upslope area for predicting the spatial distribution of soil properties varies depending on the selection of spatial resolutions of DEM an...
Soil data serve as an important initialization parameter for hydro-ecological and climatological modeling of water and chemical movement, heat transfer, or land-use change. Most soil hydraulic properties are difficult to measure and therefore have to be estimated in most cases. Efficient methods for estimating soil hydraulic properties are lacking...
Farmers from six villages in the peri-urban Tolon-Kumbungu District in the Northern Region of Ghana took part in a field school from 1999-2001, learning how to prepare and use compost on maize and groundnuts. They tried the heap, the pit and enclosure methods of preparing compost and made a decision to use mainly the pit method giving reasons for t...