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Semi-retired professional hydrologist with research, laboratory, program management and consultant experience. Past work with the US Forest Service (38 years), University of Missouri (4 years) and small business contractor (3 years). I hope the information, examples, experiences and suggestions are helpful. My opinions do not represent anyone else. Regards to all!
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January 1971 - April 1975
September 1968 - April 1975
Publications (56)
Characteristics of stream types were surveyed within the Chattooga River watershed in the Blue Ridge Mountains of southeastern US. The 728 km2 watershed is contained within the states of Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina. The stream types of about 190 streams of various sizes were determined as perennial, intermittent or ephemeral using a...
The southeastern Piedmont of the USA was severely gullied during the early 20th century. A thick canopy established by reforestation in many areas now inhibits the identification or mapping of gullies by aerial photography or other conventional remote sensing methods. An Airborne Laser-Scanning (ALS or LiDAR) mapping mission flown for the U.S. Fore...
Extended Abstract provided to summarize the preliminary work using LiDAR and High Resolution photos to edit hydrological boundaries (subwatersheds) and extent of streams over the existing information. Results are very promising and especially needed within low gradient terrain such as the Atlantic coastal plain.
Since acquired in the 1930s, the Sumter National Forest, South Carolina, U.S.A., has emphasized
land stabilization and restoration of eroded landscapes. Public concern over ground disturbance associated with some gully treatments suggested the need to verify sediment contributions, since many ephemeral gullies remain barren. We answered the questio...
The Indian Creek Hydrologic Condition Analysis (HCA) is a part of the Indian Creek Watershed Assessment. The HCA design is patterned after the “Framework for Analyzing the Hydrologic Condition of Watersheds”, developed by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (McCammon et al., 1998). The six-step process outlined in this documen...
The estimation and modeling of streambed hydraulic conductivity (K) is an emerging interest due to its connection to water quality, aquatic habitat, and groundwater recharge. Existing research has found ways to sample and measure K at specific sites and with laboratory tests. The challenge undertaken was to review progress, relevance, complexity in...
Water yield, water supply and quality, wildlife habitat, and ecosystem productivity and services are important societal concerns for natural resource management in the 21 st century. Watershed-scale ecohydrologic studies can provide needed context for addressing complex spatial and temporal dynamics of these functions and services. This study was c...
This is powerpoint of the presentation, as supplement of paper. Some detail unfortunately was lost in the PDF conversion (white blank areas on some slides).
A total of $168,000 was planned to remove a failing dam, reconnect and improve 3,170 feet of streams and stabilize the area as part of a non-conventional compensatory mitigation project among three federal agencies. The location of the project is within the Andrew Pickens Ranger District of the Sumter National Forest, Oconee County, near Long Creek...
This is an EIS on a large restoration project designed to remove off site loblolly pine on about 5000 acres within the Andrew Pickens Ranger District, Sumter National Forest, Oconee County, South Carolina. This was team effort evaluating the effects of the project within the Blue Ridge Mountains and Upper Piedmont foothills.
This EIS provides an e...
This report summarizes efforts to compare two stream locations and predict the number of boating days at the Upper Chattooga River site based on the long term flow records at the USGS stream gaging station located at the lower Chattooga River site. Since this time, as stream gage has been installed at the Upper Chattooga River site near Burrells Fo...
Powerpoint on improving and restoring soils on the National Forests in SC
There is a series of six powerpoints that I did as part of the Burned Area Emergency Response Training session in 2009 for USFS Region 8 (Southeastern USA).
These are Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER) Training Powerpoints developed in 2009 for USFS Region 8 Training Session. This does not include materials from the other presenters. There are about six presentations to be included on various topics that were assigned.
Attached are six powerpoints on various aspects of the USFS Region 8 Burned Area Emergency Response Training - Hydrology emphasis on several
The re-initiation of a 7,260 ha forested watershed study on Turkey Creek, a 3rd order stream, within the Francis Marion National forest in South Carolina, completes the development of a multi-scale hydrology and ecosystem monitoring framework in the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Hydrology and water quality monitoring began on the Santee Experimental Fore...
This is a powerpoint presentation delivered in 2008 for a conference paper. Paper abstract below.
This paper summarizes the gully control work on the Sumter National Forest during the last 3 decades. Gullies may affect hillslopes and associated ephemeral channels. The severity of gully development depends on a number of factors including soils, veg...
This paper summarizes the gully control work on the Sumter National Forest during the last 3 decades. Gullies may affect hillslopes and associated ephemeral channels. The severity of gully development depends on a number of factors including soils, vegetation, rainfall, flow and disturbance by man.
Gullies develop in response to concentrated flow t...
Powerpoint presentation on the subject of Riparian Areas with examples from the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests in South Carolina and other comments on the subject
The estimated number of boating days each year in the North Fork Chattooga River were approximated from mean daily flow data at the long-term USGS gaging station in the lower Chattooga River at Highway 76 and the short-term gaging data collected in the North Fork Chattooga River at Burrells Ford. The mean daily flows selected for this analysis were...
No abstract - Brief results of monitoring of moderate to severe wildfire in Upper Piedmont Blue Ridge Mountains Foothills in Oconee County, SC. Other materials may be added at a later date for more background. This defines successful use of fabric fence dams to collect sediment on 2-3 acre catchments. The results were affected by Tropical Storms Je...
This poster has examples of my work during my career with the US Forest Service. Many of them were originally plotted data by hand before we had so many computer tools. Some work from Oregon, South Carolina, Georgia, North Carolina and Puerto Rico is included. There is a poster A and poster B, same title.
The objectives of this Guide are to consolidate information for the use and development of site specific Soil and Water Conservation Practices (SWCP) on National Forest System (NFS) lands in the Southern Region. Attention to them will help avoid or minimize significant adverse impacts of management activities on soil and water resources, and benefi...
Powerpoint presentation made at Terene Mitigation Conference at request of USFS Washington Office to provide information on this subject
The USDA Forest Service (FS) manages significant areas of public lands throughout the United States. Our collective ability to deal with complex landscape and resource problems increases when landowners can work together to meet common objectives or face mutual problems. This report highlights that agency protocols specific to wetland or stream mit...
The Sumter National Forest (SNF) lands were acquired in the early 1930s under the Weeks Law of 1911 to provide sustained timber and water resources. Most areas were logged out, overfarmed, eroded, and nutrient depleted to the extent that productivity was gone. Approximately fifty thousand acres of actively eroding gullies, galls and roads initially...
Powerpoint presentation by hydrologist as requested by Univ. of South Carolina geology and other interested staff for students about the USDA Forest Service
Powerpoint of presentation to fire and resource personnel
This is one of several topical water quality documents produced to a large extent during the Chattooga River Ecosystem Management Demonstration from 1993 to 1995. Detailed specifics relative to the Chattooga River and this evaluation project are contained in other documents. Water quality was one of several components being stressed in the demonstr...
This is one of several topical water quality documents produced to a large extent during the Chattooga River Ecosystem Management Demonstration from 1993 to 1995. Detailed specifics relative to the Chattooga River and this evaluation project are contained in other documents. Water quality was one of several components being stressed in the demonstr...
The USDA Forest Service ecosystem demonstration was a concentrated effort from 1993 to 1995 to develop, apply and/or demonstrate ecosystem management ideas, methodologies and techniques on the National Forests. The Chattooga River watershed was selected for this demonstration because of its Wild and Scenic River status with multi-jurisdictional wat...
Restoration efforts are sometimes needed for watersheds to recover from severe conditions. This paper summarizes our experience in watershed restoration management on several National Forests. Our responses to impacts from gullies, roads, landslides, chemical spills, mining, fire, floods, tornados and hurricanes have been to assess and where approp...
See scanned pdf paper, 61 pages
This summarizes the background information used for project related erosion and sediment analysis that began on the Sumter National Forest about 1989 in response to Forest Green who protested the Long Creek Timber Sale. It has been revised some through time and this was the background document that was developed in 1994 to provide adequate process...
Management on the National Forests in South Carolina is changing to keep up with the technological, environmental and social awareness associated with riparian functions and ecological values. Riparian areas contain critical physical, chemical, biological and social elements necessary for a variety of benefits. Recognizing that riparian management...
When the overfarmed, eroded, or otherwise unwanted lands were acquired in the early 1930's to form the Sumter National Forest in South Carolina, few people would imagine the changes realized over the next 50-60 years. Approximately fifty thousand acres of actively eroding gullies, galls and roads were dissecting the Forest. Sediment continued to fi...
Proceedings of the 1991 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 19-20, 1991, Athens, Georgia. Sponsored by U.S. Geological Survey, Georgia Department of Natural Resources, the University of Georgia, Georgia State University, and Georgia Institute of Technology. This book was published by the Institute of Natural Resources, The University of Georg...
Proceedings of the 1991 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 19-20, 1991, Athens, Georgia. Water resource management on National Forest land in Georgia plays a vital role in assuring an adequate supply and quality of water for future generations. To increase public awareness of the U.S. Forest Service mission in Georgia, this paper highlights...
Summary of methods used to apply for water rights on the Caribbean National Forest in 1985, per requirements of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
Abstract-In November 1977, small erosion plots were installed on 30, 50 and 70 percent slopes following forest management activities in southwest Oregon. Activities included clearcutting using a skyline yarding system, followed by burning to reduce logging debris and hardwood competition in 1976. Little of the soil was exposed prior to burning beca...
This is the Environmental Assessment evaluating alternative courses of action for Emergency Watershed Protection following Hurricane Hugo in September 1989 for the Francis Marion National Forest, a coastal forest with marine terrace geology, extensive wetlands and basically a direct hit by Hurricane Hugo. This project addressed the watershed protec...
In the 1965 Silvicultural Prescription, the gullied terrain in Compartment 47, Tyger Ranger District, Union County, South Carolina was documented. At that time, funds were not available to treat the area, so no plans were made. In 1980, soil and water P&M funds (092) became available, and treatment plans were made and implemented. The treatment inc...
Floods have been responsible for the damage or destruction of numerous forest road, channel and water diversion structures. Some of the losses are to be expected because it is too costly to design for all circumstances. Other losses occur because of little or no flood design, debris accumulations, slope instability, and poor awareness and understan...
Results of water quality and aquatic insect monitoring during the 1983 Spruce Budworm Project conducted in Northeast Oregon near John Day, Oregon. Approximately 1/2 million acres were sprayed with insecticides carbaryl (most of area), mexacarbate or Bacillus thuringienses using helicopters. Report includes information on the Willow Creek and other...
A nutrient budget approach has been used to investigate the flux of nitrogen, phosphorous, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium and silica from four small forested watersheds in the southeast Missouri Ozarks. The quality of the precipitation input and the nutrient loss to stream- flow from the experimental drainages have been monitored for two yea...
See scanned file provided in pdf format. May have to rotate 90 degrees.
Unofficial - The results of studying the groundwater levels and chemistry effects of irrigating sewage effluent on a bottomland planted to 8 different species near Bennett Springs Missouri
This MS Thesis summarizes work conducted on instrumenting and summarizing stream, rain and other data on experimental watershed catchments before they were treated. It came about during my full time research work for Dr. Carl Settergren as I became more and more interested in hydrology and this work. The thesis and some of the work was in addition...
The greatest degree of renovation of sewage effluent on land sites appears to take place as the effluent percolates through the first few feet of soil. THe rate of application and subsequent movement of effluent in the soil are important factors in determining whether potential pollutants reach the groundwater system. The depth to water table, the...
Questions (3)