Wiktoria SobczykAGH University of Krakow | AGH
Wiktoria Sobczyk
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Publications (52)
The study aims to analyze the measurement data of PM10 particulate matter in the Krakow agglomeration. It develops a model of the backward trajectory of air masses to determine whether and to what extent natural phenomena, such as forest fires outside Poland, affect the level of air pollution.
The article describes the process of pollutant dispersi...
The paper presents the characteristics of respirable fibers. Respirable fibers are defined as fibers less than 3 μm in diameter, more than 5 μm in length, and a length to thickness ratio of the fiber greater than 3:1. Such dimensions of the fibers allow them to hang in the air and have the ability to travel long distances. Examples of respirable fi...
The paper presents the characteristics of asbestos as a mineral. Asbestos is a trade name for six serpentine fibrous minerals and amphiboles. The processes of removing asbestos-containing products, which poses a high risk of emission of asbestos fibers harmful to human health, is described. First, make an inventory of asbestos-containing waste to d...
The air in Kraków is one of the most polluted in Europe. Polish standards for notification and alert levels for PM10 particulate matter are one of the the highest in Europe and exceed the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for safe daily con-centrations by several times. The article presents the results of airborne dust measurem...
This paper emphasizes the role of universities in encouraging ecological initiatives for sustainable development. We characterized the origin of sustainability and its consistency with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland. Moreover, we present ecological education as the concept of lifelong learning in the spirit of respect for the natural wo...
University didactics determines the individual’s place in the educational process as well as provides for a multidirectional continuing education which environmental protection is an important point. This discipline perfectly combines methods of working and scientific research. This paper describes particulates which are produced naturally and by a...
The aim of the investigations was the assessment of the size of harvest of five energetic basket willow clones at a plantation of the Forest Inspectorate Krzeszowice, the Forest Inspectorate Brodla branch, in the Malopolska voivodeship. The paper presents the effect of yielding of the willow Salix viminalis L., which is characterized by intense wei...
The paper offers a description of possibilities of reducing energy consumption in modern passive solar buildings. The research was carried out based on the analysis of regulatory documents (EU directives, Polish legislation, analyses of reports and publications of the US Department of Energy – National Energy Technology Laboratory). The applied met...
Solar energy conversion methods
Summary. This article presents the characteristics of three basic methods of solar energy conversion: thermal energy – photothermal conversion, electrical energy – photovoltaic conversion, energy related to chemical processes – photochemical conversion. The paper addresses some aspects of the primary goals of EU cl...
The air in Kraków is one of the most polluted in Europe. Polish standards for notification and alert levels for PM10 particulate matter are one of the the highest in Europe and exceed the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) for safe daily con-centrations by several times. The article presents the results of airborne dust measurem...
The purpose of this article is to discuss the issues of financing investments in the fuel and energy sector. The manner of financing business activities of every company depends on the decisions made by the management board, which need to take into consideration the effective striving for optimal level of the capital cost. The capital raised by the...
The natural environment is devastated by the industry and by households, which use fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas for heating water and buildings as well as for generating electricity. One of the ways to limit the degradation of the environment and the usage of natural resources is to use unconventional and renewable resources and to imple...
Nuisance for the people living in areas covered by the direct or indirect impact of the mining industry is an important social problem. The development of the mining industry depends on high environmental requirements, in particular, it is closely related to the fulfillment of obligations of safety for human health and life. Through consultation wi...
1Oksana NAGORNIUK, 2Oleksandr MUDRAK, 3Halyna MUDRAK, 4Wiktoria SOBCZYK
Analysis of regulatory and legislative acts on the conservation of the planet's biodiversity, ratified by Ukraine
Аналіз нормативно-законодавчих актів, щодо збереження біорізноманіття планети, ратифіковані Україною
The problems of studying, preservation and ration...
The article presents a proposal for the development of soda industry landfills on the example of a former Cracow Soda Works "Solvay". The area is located in close proximity to the center of Krakow and is surrounded by places of worship. The analyzed area is characterized by specific physical and chemical properties of the substrate (soda production...
The article analyzes the problems of Ukraine's transition to sustainable development. Recognized priority implementation of the UNECE Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development in the system Education of Ukraine. The necessity of introduction in the educational process of preparation environmentalists, teachers and civil servants elements o...
An important source of anthropogenic environment pollution with salts is the sodium industry. Post-production waste dumping grounds, located near the plants, have a negative impact on the surrounding environment because rain water scours harmful substances from them. The aim of this article is to assess the spatial variability of selected physicoch...
Abstract. The achievement high ecological culture of person is possible only after a regular influence on young minds by different methods of education. This is a continuous process of learning, education, trainin...
The paper emphasizes possibilities for substantially reducing energy consumption with modern ecofriendly buildings. Passive building construction is a sector of the construction industry that has extremely low demand for the energy for heating house interiors. A passive house requires a small amount of energy to provide thermal comfort, but it requ...
Geoparks are area forms of protection and promotion of geological heritage. They play an important socio-economic function, involving the use of geological and cultural heritage for the development of the local community. In this context, the post-mining land use requires a specific multi-faceted approach. This article attempts to identify importan...
The purpose of the Natura 2000 network is to preserve biodiversity while allowing sustainable development of the regions. Mining activities can be carried out when they have no negative impact on protected areas. This paper describes the types of impact exerted by gravel and sand mining sites on the natural environment. There was also presented the...
An important source of anthropogenic environment pollution with salts is the sodium industry. Post-production waste dumping grounds, located near the plants, have a negative impact on the surrounding environment because rain water scours harmful substances from them. The aim of this article is to assess the spatial variability of selected physicoch...
The Middle East is one of the most important regions of the world. The United Arab Emirates act as the leader in ensuring a sustainable and safe future for that area, and the whole planet. The economic development of the UAE is driven by securing clean energy, development of new technologies, access to water, stimulating employment of high-value sp...
The paper presents the effect of yielding of the willow Salix viminalis, which is characterized by intense weight gain. Field studies were conducted in the experimental energy willow plantation in Brodia Forestry (Malopolska region of Poland). The effect of the addition of sewage sludge on the intensity of yielding was studied. Far greater increase...
The paper presents the impact of transport and the presence of former landfill on the condition and quality of water on the example of the Wilga river in Krakow. The study of water quality showed no effect of public transport on the state of the river. The presence of former landfills clearly affects the surface water causing pollution. Water quali...
Zadaniem sieci Natura 2000 jest zachowanie bioróżnorodności przy zrównoważonym rozwoju regionów. Działalność górnicza może być prowadzona, gdy nie oddziałuje negatywnie na obszary ochronione. W artykule opisano przedmioty ochrony na obszarze Natura 2000 Jasiołka. Scharakte- ryzowano rodzaje negatywnego oddziaływania eksploatacji złóż ż...
The paper presents the selected example of reclamation and revitalization in historical surface mining on the Chęciny-Kielce area. The several examples of currently state of reclamation and revitalization of quarry connected with marble exploitation is being described. The current observations and research of post-mining areas of the Chęciny-Kielce...
Environmental restrictions of sand and gravel exploitation in the areas of nature and landscape conservation cause significant difficulties in mining operations in these areas. The Natura 2000 network is in conflict with the industry, especially in opencast minEng. The article describes the impacts of aggregate exploitation on the environment. It w...
This paper is a description of the dynamics of sand and gravel mining in the Polish Carpathians. Environmental limitations imposed on sand and gravel mining within Natura 2000 areas and other forms of nature and landscape conservation impede mining activity in those areas. The Natura 2000 network is in conflict with the industry, especially with op...
Economic development of rural areas guarantees stable employment for the local inhabitants and is prerequisite for implementing investments aimed at environmental protection. This article contains a number of examples of actions taken in compliance with the concept of sustainable development in the fields that represent the pillars of economic, env...
The article describes the problem of the disposal of waste containing asbestos in the municipality of Szczucin, Poland. Due to the shape of its fibres, its poor solubility in body fluids, and its chemical composition, asbestos is a very biologically aggressive and dangerous mineral. From 1959 to 1993, the Department of Asbestos-cement (call) produc...
The description points of reclamation of post mining areas functioning in urban space have been shown in the article. On the example of proposed conceptions, realization activities and possibly points of reclamation in the context of subsequent functioning of described area, the problem of revitalization of post mining area after quarrying exploita...
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate the profitability of energy production from alternative energy source, which is the Sun. The article compares the installation of active solar system with installation that uses the traditional source of energy. The study contains a summary of the two energy installations operating in a single family ho...
Recultivation process is a work proceeding to restoration the natural values and utilities of degraded areas by human activity. This article attempts to develop the concept of biological remediation and revitalization lagoons after Krakow Soda Works "Solvay". Base for the concept development of this area are the salinity and pH of the material take...
A big amount of communal waste is a problem that occurs in many urban areas of the European Union. In its solution dynamic technological development in utilization and reuse of waste is a propitious factor. To make this actions fully successful – and coherent with sustainable development principle – it must be associated with increase of environmen...
The paper presents principles and procedures of modem revitalization processes in the Community of Bierun. These procedures serve to prepare local revitalization plans in the community. The Silesian Voivodship is one of those Polish regions, where the emission of dust and gaseous pollution is the highest. The Community of Bierun is an exemplary are...