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October 1985 - June 1986
February 1970 - September 1971
October 1951 - May 1956
Uniwersytet Jagiellońskl in Cracow
Field of study
- Theoretical physics
Publications (22)
Artykuł zawiera uwagi autora na temat zrównoważonego rozwoju sfery edukacji w naszym kraju i podobnych. Punktem wyjścia jest Agenda 2030, w której sformułowano postulat poprawy jakości kształcenia oraz cele do jego osiągnięcia. Autor skupia się na sojuszu zrównoważonego rozwoju i edukacji, który polega z jednej strony na nauczaniu o zrównoważonym r...
This article presents the figure of Tadeusz Czeżowski, the creator of the concept of the meaning of human life, formed in the manner of thinking proper to holism and environmental philosophy, called philosophical environmentalism. He considers the meaning of human life in connection with the meaning of other components of nature and society. An ind...
The author reflects on the possibility of implementing the idea of sustainable development in the environment of human life in various areas and between them. He begins by answering the question what is the human living environment, presents the typology of the areas that make up this environment and indicates the role of human in destroying it. Th...
Nowadays, we observe a progressive depreciation of faith together will the degradation of the social environment. It concerns faith in a broad sense here, not only religious but also faith in ideals, in ourselves, and the confidence to other people and to different social institutions. We should not permit the further deflation of faith regarding t...
In this article, it analyzes two contemporary models of social and economic development – responsible development and sustainable development. Reflections on responsibility in the present social and economic context precede reflections about the essence of the model of the responsible development. For various reasons irresponsibility increasingly p...
The article contains reflections on modern models of human, created by capitalist socioeconomic formation. First of all, they refer to those models whose implementation affects the imbalance of social systems. These are different version of homo oeconomicus and homo digitalis, which is the latest version of homo virtualis. Their propagation poses a...
For several years, the idea of sustainable development has become fashionable and is being implemented. The term “sustainable development” is inflected at all possible ways. One creates the necessary conditions for the implementation of such a development, which is believed to be a panacea for economic crises, environmental degradation and prematur...
Technological innovations are the driving force of the technological progress. They must be multiplied and accelerated so that people could live, the humanity be preserved, to survive in a world full of threats, to develop people, to improve the standards of living and to satisfy ever growing needs. For this reason, we assess them favorably. On the...
In Anthropocene, the natural and social environment of human life has been degrading more significantly than ever before, especially for the past 70 years. The negative changes of the natural environment are well known and clearly felt. Therefore, the environmental awareness usually refers to the degradation of nature as a result of the human engin...
Część I. Ekologizm
Zdzisława Piątek (Uniwersytet Jagielloński), Ekologiczny pakt z naturą, jego uwarunkowania i konsekwencje
Dariusz Liszewski (Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski), Ekologiczna wizja świata
Piotr Skubała (Uniwersytet Śląski), Wokół tajemnicy życia na Ziemi
Andrzej Kuczumow (Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski), Ekologia a katastrofy
The article contains a reflection on the role of the idea of sustainable development in supporting the existence of human species. The problem is not easy and raises many questions. The contemporary social context does not favor sustainable development. Firstly, it is too firmly rooted in anthropocentrism, which is supported by the religion, and by...
The paper concerns the social ecology of the city. It shows the different types of threats which metropolitan environment creates for citizens: lifestyle, social dissonance, security, management, enslavement, architectural weariness, identity, aesthetics, artificiality, self-government and democracy. Modern cities having certain advantages are also...
The subject of the ecology of space is basically the social space. It also includes the physical space only in so far as it is part of the social space and directly interacts with it. The structure of social space is complex. It contains a set of social sub-spaces and related landscapes. The landscape is defined as a subjective perception of object...
The acoustic landscape - one of important components of our environment - is destroyed proportionally to the progress of the civilization. Less and less silence is in it, but more and more noise and shout. The noise intensity rose constantly, but drastically during the last years. Different acoustic devices send sounds of which intensities are clos...
In this article I present a proposition that around the conception of sustainable development, which cannot be possible to realize without radical changes of the social structure and of the style of the economic thinking, an appropriate ideology and a mythology are increasing. Many myths regarding the sustainable development on which mass are being...
In this article, I analyze the idea of sustainable development from philosophical distance. I consider its genesis and working manner nowadays. On the ground of my consideration over the principles of the sustainable development I come to the conclusion that these principles are illusory and irrational, and that the possibility of the realization o...
In this article, I analyze the idea of sustainable development from philosophical distance. I consider its genesis and working manner nowadays. On the ground of my consideration over the principles of the sustainable development I come to the conclusion that these principles are illusory and irrational, and that the possibility of the realization o...
The subject of ethics should not only be the valuation of different forms of human actions but also the evaluation of their results. Talking about the results of human activity, I mean not only the logical effects and consequences but also the material and spiritual products of our actions, that is different artefacts.
It's impossible to include al...
Nowadays, we observe a progressive depreciation of faith together with the degradation of the social environment. It concerns faith in a broad sense here, not only religious but also faith in ideals, in ourselves and the confidence to other people and to different social in situations. We should not permit the further deflation of faith regarding t...
Es sind hier Grundrisse einer Art Umweltphilosophie (des Environmentalismus), des ökologischen Denkstils und des adäquaten Humanismus vorgelegt. Diese Konzeptionen setzen sich zusammen auf eine neue philosophische Strömung, die in der Zukunft zur Zivilisation des Lebens und zur Beseitigung der Gefahr für das Überstehen der Menschheit führen kann. F...
Streszczenie yjemy w świecie, który charakteryzuje się niezwykle szybkimi zmianami, w społeczeństwie "non-stop". Obowiązuje zasada przyspieszenia oraz ściganie się z "uciekającym" czasem. Poruszamy się coraz szybciej i mamy do czynienia z narastającymi ruchami turbulentnymi. Dlatego świat współczesny nazywamy "turboświatem". Charakteryzuje się on n...