Wessam Galia

Wessam Galia
VetAgro Sup Campus vétérinaire de Lyon · Elevage et Santé Publique Vétérinaire



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Key points: - Emergence of bacteria with modified virulence properties: crucial virulence traits including host colonization factors; - Spatial-temporal modulation of BPO behavior: environmental forcing factors. OBP invasions in complex systems : What mechanisms are selected when adapting BPO to environmental constraints? Complex microbiota response after PBO implant? What are the genes involved in the adaptation?
Additional affiliations
February 2016 - July 2017
VetAgro Sup
  • PostDoc Position
November 2013 - November 2015
CNRS UMR 5557 Ecologie Microbienne
  • PostDoc Position
September 2009 - August 2010
University of Lorraine
  • ATER à mi-temps
  • TP et TD en Biologie Moléculaire : 1. Licence Professionnelle : Génie Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire, Culture Cellulaire 2. DUT deuxième année option Analyses Biologiques et Biochimiques.
November 2006 - September 2011
University of Lorraine
Field of study
  • Production de peptides bioactifs directement dans l’aliment en utilisant la bactérie lactique Streptococcus thermophilus.
September 2005 - July 2006
Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (ENSAIA)
Field of study
  • "Bio-procédés, Agro-alimentaire, Nutrition, Toxicologie"


Publications (39)
Full-text available
Background Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) substantially contributes to the burden of diarrheal illnesses in developing countries. With the use of complementary in vitro models of the human digestive environment, TNO gastrointestinal model (TIM-1), and Mucosal Simulator of the Human Intestinal Microbial Ecosystem (M-SHIME), we provided the...
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Even though organic waste (OW) recycling via anaerobic digestion (AD) and composting are increasingly used, little is known about the impact of OW origin (fecal matters and food and vegetable wastes) on the end products’ bacterial contents. The hypothesis of a predictable bacterial community structure in the end products according to the OW origin...
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This study investigated the sanitary quality of digestates resulting from the mesophilic anaerobic digestion (AD) of urban and agricultural organic wastes (OWs). 40 sanitary indicators, including pathogenic bacteria, antimicrobial resistance genes, virulence factor genes, and mobile genetic elements were evaluated using real-time PCR and/or droplet...
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Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is one of the most common causes of acute traveler’s diarrhea. Adhesins and enterotoxins constitute the major ETEC virulence traits. With the dramatic increase in antibiotic resistance, probiotics are considered a wholesome alternative to prevent or treat ETEC infections. Here, we examined the antimicrobial p...
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Background Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are zoonotic agents associated with outbreaks worldwide. Growth of EHEC strains in ground beef could be inhibited by background microbiota that is present initially at levels greater than that of the pathogen E. coli. However, how the microbiota outcompetes the pathogenic bacteria is unknown. Our...
Carbohydrate-protein interactions are of prime importance in cell-cell communication, signal transduction, cancer, bacterial or viral infection. Chemists have designed multivalent systems to mimick these recognition phenomena and provide potent ligands of these proteins with foreseen therapeutic applications. Dynamic combinatorial chemistry provide...
The hygienic quality of urban surfaces can be impaired by multiple sources of microbiological contaminants. These surfaces can trigger the development of multiple bacterial taxa and favor their spread during rain events through the circulation of runoff waters. These runoff waters are commonly directed toward sewer networks, stormwater infiltration...
Agricultural recycling of organic waste (OW) derived from urban, agricultural and agroindustrial sources is an essential sustainable development strategy. Yet repeated application of nutrient-laden OW in crop fields can also drastically boost contaminant levels in soil. This review focuses on the consideration of three categories of OW-borne contam...
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Despite promising health effects, the probiotic status of Streptococcus thermophilus, a lactic acid bacterium widely used in dairy industry, requires further documentation of its physiological status during human gastrointestinal passage. This study aimed to apply recombinant-based in vivo technology (R-IVET) to identify genes triggered in a S. the...
The bTPMT (bacterial thiopurine S-methyltransferase), encoded by the tpm gene, can detoxify metalloid-containing oxyanions and xenobiotics. The hypothesis of significant relationships between tpm distribution patterns and chemical pollutants found in urban deposits was investigated. The tpm gene was found conserved among eight bacterial phyla with...
Conference Paper
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A full list of authors appears at the end of the abstract The extension of urban and peri-urban areas and the related artificialization of soils drastically impacts the water cycle as well as biogeochemical cycles. In particular, the sealing of soils with impervious surfaces such as roads increases runoff and decreases concomitant infiltration. At...
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Recent technological advances for bacterial viability assessment using molecular methods or flow cytometry can provide meaningful interest for the demarcation between live and dead microorganisms. Nonetheless, these methods have been scarcely applied to foodborne pathogens and never for directly assessing their viability within the human digestive...
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Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC; E. coli) are food-borne agents associated with gastroenteritis, enterocolitis, bloody diarrhea and the hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS). Bovine milk glycans have been shown to contain oligosaccharides which are similar to host epithelial cell receptors and can therefore prevent bacterial adhesion. This study...
Conference Paper
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La construction des qualités organoleptiques des fromages affinés au lait cru en lien avec leurs critères de typicité repose majoritairement sur la composition microbienne des laits. Pour une quantification rapide des proportions des divers groupes microbiens, l'utilisation de la Cytométrie en flux (CMF) semble prometteuse mais se heurte à l'opales...
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Background Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) are major foodborne pathogens that constitute a serious public health threat, mainly in young children. Shiga toxins (Stx) are the main virulence determinants of EHEC pathogenesis but adhesins like intimin (eae) and Long polar fimbriae (Lpf) also contribute to infection. The TNO GastroIntestinal...
The acquisition of prtS by Streptococcus thermophilus strains allowed hydrolysis of caseins into peptides and then to increase their growth in milk. This leads to faster milk acidification, which is important in dairy industry. However, some strains harboring the same allele of prtS present different acidification rates, which could be explained by...
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Streptococcus thermophilus (ST) is a lactic acid bacterium widely used in dairy industry and displays several properties which could be beneficial for host. The objective of this study was to investigate, in vitro, the implication of sortase A (SrtA) and sortase-dependent proteins (SDPs) in the adhesion of ST LMD-9 strain to intestinal epithelial c...
In silico analysis of the genome of Streptococcus thermophilus LMD-9 revealed that this strain has a potential new peptide/nickel ABC transporter. We named this system OTS for Oligopeptide Transporter of S. thermophilus. It is composed of a peptide/nickel binding protein OtsA, two permeases OtsB and OtsC and a double ATPase OtsD. This system was pr...
The influence on the hydrolysis of isracidin of cell-associated extracellular aminopeptidase and X-prolyl dipeptidyl peptidase activities in addition to protease PrtS of Streptococcus thermophilus strains was investigated. S. thermophilus LMD-9 (PrtS+ phenotype) efficiently hydrolysed the isracidin mainly through the PrtS activity, whereas strain C...
Streptococcus thermophilus, a lactic acid bacterium used to produce yogurts and cheeses is more and more considered for its potential probiotic properties. This implies that additional information should be obtained regarding its survival and metabolic activity in the human Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GIT). In this study, we screened 30 S. thermophilu...
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The consumption of raw milk cheese can expose populations to Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). We report here the genome sequence of an E. coli O26:H11 strain isolated from humans during the first raw milk cheese outbreak described in France (2005). FOOTNOTES Address correspondence to Wessam Galia, wessam.galia{at}vetagro-sup.fr. Citat...
To construct and validate the recombinase-based in vivo expression technology (R-IVET) tool in Streptococcus thermophilus (ST). The R-IVET system we constructed in the LMD-9 strain includes the plasmid pULNcreB allowing transcriptional fusion with the gene of the site-specific recombinase Cre and the chromosomal cassette containing a spectinomycin...
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La variabilité du système protéolytique de surface a été étudiée chez 30 souches de St. thermophilus. Cette variabilité consiste en la présence ou l'absence du gène prtS, en la présence de deux allèles différents de ce gène, en la présence d'une protéase PrtS ancrée et/ou soluble et enfin en l'expression variable, due à une variabilité de la régula...
Proteolytic and acidifying properties of Streptococcus thermophilus strains isolated from yoghurt or cheeses were evaluated. Among 30 strains tested, 12 exhibited cell envelope-associated proteinase activity (PrtS+), three displayed a slight PrtS activity (PrtS+/−) and 15 were PrtS−, despite the presence of the corresponding gene (prtS) in eight of...


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