Werner W. Wittmann

Werner W. Wittmann
Werner verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Werner verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Mannheim · Department of Psychology

Prof. em. Dr.


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Werner W. Wittmann is a retired university professor who worked at the Department of Psychology, Universität Mannheim, Germany. Werner does research in Clinical Psychology, Applied Psychology, Differential Psychology and is mostly known by his methodological contributions to evaluation research. His most recent entry in ResearchGate is 'Varianten der Veränderungsmessung auf dem Prüfstand: Probleme der Konsistenz / Inkonsistenz und Validität von direkten, indirekten und quasi-indirekten Assessmentstrategien.´ Currently he is analyzing the PISA-OECD based datasets to check the STEM potential of the incoming workforces in different nations.
Additional affiliations
September 1984 - October 1988
University of Freiburg
  • Professor (Associate)
July 1977 - September 1984
University of Freiburg
  • Professor (Assistant)
September 1993 - January 2009
University of Mannheim
  • Professor (Full)
  • Lehrstuhl für Psychologie II (Methoden,Diagnostik und Evaluation
July 1977 - June 1984
University of Freiburg
Field of study
  • Psychology
July 1972 - June 1977
University of Freiburg
Field of study
  • Psychology
November 1966 - June 1972
University of Freiburg
Field of study
  • Psychology


Publications (224)
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This paper was submitted in 2021 to the APS journal Clinical Psychological Science. It got a very favorable, a neutral and a critical one. The editor decided rejection with no chance to resubmit it. At the same time I caught an illness and lost any interest to submit it to other journals and forgot about it. Now I’ll check the field again and inclu...
Conference Paper
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In this presentation we demonstrate how two different factors of mental speed are related to different kinds of criteria. Parcelling techniques as used in the Berlin Model of intelligence structure are used to show two major faces of mental speed.
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In dieser Präsentation werden meine Konzepte der quantitativen Forschungsmethodik für den Bereich der Sportwissenschaften und dessen wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs erläutert und diskutiert.
Objective: This study aims at developing a treatment selection algorithm using a combination of machine learning and statistical inference to recommend patients’ optimal treatment based on their pre-treatment characteristics. Methods: A disorder-heterogeneous, naturalistic sample of N = 1,379 outpatients treated with either cognitive behavioral the...
Technical Report
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Vorgestellt wird eine einfache Ergebnisskala, die auf dem Prinzip der direkten Verände-rungsmessung basiert. Die Skala BESS umfasst 5 Items zur Veränderung des gesundheitli-chen Befindens und kann Werte zwischen 5 und 25 annehmen. BESS wurde seit 1990 im Rehabilitationsbereich in vielen Datenerhebungen eingesetzt. Je höher der Skalenwert aus-fällt,...
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So far, no study has used ability profiles to evaluate the “science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics (STEM) potential” (i.e. the capacity to engage in STEM professions) of Swiss students at the end of their compulsory education. In the current study, we use the proportion of high achieving students with a math-tilted ability profile as...
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In dieser Präsentation wird auf die Problematik der Veränderungsmessung eingegangen und welche Konsequenzen unterschiedliche Effektgrößemasse für die Bewertung haben. Es werden dabei die direkte, die indirekte und die quasiindirekte Veränderungsmessung unterschieden und veranschaulicht wie subjektive und objektive Aggregation im Sinne der Brunswik-...
Introduction The Helping Alliance Questionnaire developed by Luborsky was psychometricly examined for the first time and translated into German by Bassler et al. in the mid-1990s. It consists of 11 Items, which are summarized to the scales "relation to the therapist" and "satisfaction with therapeutic outcome". HAQ is now one of the most used instr...
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The success of bootstrapping or replacing a human judge with a model (e.g., an equation) has been demonstrated in Paul Meehl's (1954) seminal work and bolstered by the results of several meta-analyses. To date, however, analyses considering different types of meta-analyses as well as the potential dependence of bootstrapping success on the decision...
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Methods: Among an initial sample of 417 college students, 195 participants completed a validated questionnaire measuring attitudes, subjective norms, perceived control, intentions and self-reported physical activity, at the beginning and end of each of 3 college semesters. Latent growth curve modeling analyses were conducted to examine the relatio...
The data file in word excel format (.XLS) (XLS)
The covariance matrix obtained from the EQS syntax (.PDF) (PDF)
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Die Arbeitsallianz stellt ein zentrales Konzept der Psychotherapie dar. Mit ihr werden Aspekte der unmittelbaren Patient-Therapeut-Interaktion hervorgehoben. Der von Luborsky (1978) entwickelte und von Bassler et al. (1995) in Deutsche übersetzte Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAQ) gehört international und auch im deutschsprachigen Raum zu den am...
Conference Paper
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Hintergrund: Die Arbeitsallianz stellt ein zentrales Konzept der Psychotherapie dar. Mit ihr werden Aspekte der unmittelbaren Patient-Therapeut-Interaktion hervorgehoben. Der von Luborsky (1984) entwickelte und von Bassler et al. (1995) in Deutsche übersetzte Helping Alliance Questionnaire (HAQ) gehört international und auch im deutschsprachigen Ra...
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This study estimates feedback and therapist effects and tests the predictive value of therapists' and patient attitudes toward psychometric feedback for treatment outcome and length. Data of 349 outpatients and 44 therapists in private practices were used. Separate multilevel analyses were conducted to estimate predictors and feedback and therapist...
Engl. title: Typical patterns of depressive disorders during outpatient psychotherapy and their prediction Objectives: Are there typicalpatterns of outpatient psychotherapy among depressed patients? What characterizes patients with different patterns? Methods:WeexaminedN=548patientswithprimarydepressivedisordersusinganaturalistic design. Using a l...
Are there typical patterns of outpatient psychotherapy among depressed patients? What characterizes patients with different patterns? We examined N= 548 patients with primary depressive disorders using a naturalistic design. Using a latent-state-mixture model and depression measures at baseline, therapy end and 1-year follow-up we found a total of...
Conference Paper
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Effektgrössen aus Strukturgleichungsverfahren erscheinen mir in vielen Anwendungskontexten auch in meinen eigenen Forschungsarbeiten als zu hoch. Es werden Gründe im Kontext der aus meiner Sicht zwei wichtigsten Gleichungen der Psychologie erläutert warum dies der Fall ist. Auf der anderen Seite werden aber auch Beispiele genannt unter welchen Umst...
Objective: Because premature discontinuation of psychotherapy limits the effectiveness of the interventions, in a naturalistic design we examined the prevalence, predictors, and outcome of premature discontinuation. Methods: The sample included N = 584 patients with various mental disorders. Risk factors were identified using regression analysis...
Conference Paper
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Lubinski, Webb, Morelock, and Benbow (2001) demonstrated the role of tilted Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) profiles in samples of very gifted students. Students migrate to fields where the demands match their profiles (Lubinski and Benbow, 2006). Math-tilted students prefer STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) areas in education...
Conference Paper
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The TK, a Hamburg based health insurance company in Germany, initiated a large scale project analyzing outpatient psychotherapy (Wittmann, Lutz et al., 2011). The project researched the effects of a computer-based feedback system capitalizing on clinically relevant outcome measures. The research design used a cluster randomized control group design...
Conference Paper
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Die Zusammenhänge von Bildung und Ökonomie stossen auf ein immer größeres Interesse. Die umfangreichen internationalen Datensätze zum Bildungsstand einzelner Nationen wie PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS etc. liefern Grundlagen Korrelationen zu wirtschaftlichen Indikatoren wie Bruttosozialprodukt und Wachstum zu untersuchen. Hanushek, Peterson und Woessmann (201...
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This paper was submitted to American Psychologist in Jan 2006. It was never rejected but simply ignored. The associate editor in charge at that time choose to ignore it. He/she has the right to select comments of his/her own choice to accepted papers. In this comment I demonstrate with international PISA data that there are substantial worldwide ge...
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This is a prepublication copy of the entry
Due to the treatment costs, extensions of the standard therapy duration are a matter of critical examination. This study investigates which factors characterize patients with treatment extensions in the German health system and how eff ective these extensions are for a reduction of the patients' symptoms. We analysed a disorder heterogeneous sample...
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Achieving accurate judgment ('judgmental achievement') is of utmost importance in daily life across multiple domains. The lens model and the lens model equation provide useful frameworks for modeling components of judgmental achievement and for creating tools to help decision makers (e.g., physicians, teachers) reach better judgments (e.g., a corre...
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Objective: Two patient-focused long-term research projects performed in the German outpatient psychotherapy system are focused on in this article. The TK (Techniker Krankenkasse) project is the first study to evaluate a quality assurance and feedback system with regard to its practical feasibility in German routine care. The other study ("Quality...
Due to the treatment costs, extensions of the standard therapy duration are a matter of critical examination. This study investigates which factors characterize patients with treatment extensions in the German health system and how effective these extensions are for a reduction of the patients' symptoms. We analysed a disorder heterogeneous sample...
This commentary discusses the view of the evaluation team on the first study in Germany to evaluate a new quality assurance and feedback tool with regard to its practical feasibility in routine care. The representative of the sample is issued and design topics which made it necessary to control for differences of approved ses-sions between control...
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This presentation deals with some shortcomings of experimental designs in complex environments and explains how to profit from psychometric reasoning and principles of symmetry in explaining causal effects.
This is the first study to evaluate a quality assurance and feedback tool with regard to its practical feasibility in routine care and within the German health insurance system. This paper summarizes the evaluators' perspective on issues regarding the representativeness of the sample, consequences for therapy length and central assumptions and conc...
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These presentation summarizes the major results using the concepts of Brunswik-Symmetry
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Evaluation research and program evaluation often have to consider recommendations for serious decisions. Is an intervention effective; is it worth the time and money invested? Should it be stopped or continued? Politicians coined this as sun-set legislation. Is the sun going down over this program or will it continue to shine over it? If interventi...
Conference Paper
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This presentation discusses how in structural equation modeling effect sizes probably are overestimated. The reasons and the problems are discussed using the two most important equations in psychology namley the Brunswik lens model equation and the Brogden/Cronabch/Gleser cost-benefit equations. Metaanalysis based on SEM labeled as MASEM definitive...
Zusammenfassung. In der Pilotstudie QS-PSY-BAY wurde durch 217 Therapeuten eine Methode zur einrichtungs- und fachrichtungsubergreifenden Qualitatssicherung in der ambulanten psychotherapeutischen Versorgung an 1.696 Patienten erfolgreich erprobt. Es kam eine einheitliche elektronische Dokumentation zur Erfassung und Ruckmeldung von Behandlungspara...
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To evaluate the reliability, dimensionality, predictive validity, construct validity, and sensitivity to change of the THI-12 total and sub-scales as diagnostic aids to describe and quantify tinnitus-evoked reactions and evaluate treatment efficacy. Explorative analysis of the German tinnitus handicap inventory (THI-12) to assess potential sensitiv...
Conference Paper
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This presentation demonstrates how political decisions in the German health system can lead to large opportunity costs in the long run. It is a plea for evidence-based decision making using evaluation research, program evaluation and meta-analysis.
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Die zentralen Fragestellungen des Projektes waren: 1. Führt der Einsatz von Qualitätsmonitoringinstrumenten des TK-Modells in ambulanten Psychotherapien zu einer höheren Ergebnisqualität (Effektivität) im Vergleich zur traditionellen Richtlinienpsychotherapie ? 2. Kann das TK-Modell die Effizienz der ambulanten Psychotherapie nachhaltig verbessern?...
Client and therapist document the therapy process using handheld computers by answering questions about symptom severity (e.g. depression, anxiety and stress), life satisfaction, therapeutic relationship and problem domains. The encrypted data is sent to the University of Mannheim via internet, where the data is analyzed by specific software. As a...
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This is part of a workshop at AEA conferences Manuel Völkle (now at Humboldt University Berlin,https://www.psychology.hu-berlin.de/de/1694051/1688290) and I gave repeatedly at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association. Manuel gave the first two parts on analyzing change via latent change modeling. Part III here deals with the cla...
Investigates the relationship between three factors of working memory (storage and processing, relational integration, and supervision) and four factors of intelligence (reasoning, speed, memory, and creativity) using structural equation models. Relational integration predicted reasoning ability at least as well as the storage-and-processing constr...
According to the inhibition-deficit hypothesis age differences in working memory capacity and fluid intelligence have been attributed to a decline in inhibitory efficiency. Conceptualizing inhibition as multifaceted, 88 participants (49 younger and 39 elderly) completed two versions of the negative priming paradigm (identification and localization)...
The following paper investigates the concurrent validity of individual differences at the lower end of the continuum of intelligence and especially with regard to the cognitive processes determining situation adaptation. These cognitive processes can be used for intention estimation behaviors for intuitive wheelchair control. After a theoretical ov...
Conference Paper
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Fifteen minutes of very brief psychotherapy for psychotherapists! The focus of this intervention is according to the Howard/Orlinsky model ….R E M O R A L I Z A T I O N! Psychotherapist should focus more on change with economical impact to survive, additionally to clinically significant change and reliable change Program evaluation, cost-benefit an...
What is the relation between the cognitive competence of a national population that nation's economic prosperity? Lynn and Vanhanen [Lynn, R. & Vanhanen, T. (2002). IQ and the wealth of nations. Westport, CT: Praeger.] presented data pointing to an exceptionally strong relationship between IQ scores and Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP/c). Ho...
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Objectives: In the last few years the questionnaire ZUF-8 received increasing approval as screening-test for the measurement of patients’ satisfaction. Main intention of this article is the psychometrical evaluation by means of a large sample and the identification of relevant cut-offs. Methods: A sample of more than 50000 patients, which was colle...
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Dieser Vortrag anläßlich des Landespsychotheraputentages 2008 erläutert die Bedeutung der Versorgungsforschung für die Psychotherapie aber auch für andere Bereiche des Gesundheitswesens. Er war eine Stunde Psychotherapie für Psychotherapeuten und kann zur Remoralisierung von praktisch tätigen Therapeuten beitragen. Langfristige Effekt könne aber nu...
Conference Paper
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This presentation demonstrates how to use theory derived suppressors leading to higher symmetry at lower levels of generality using data from Phil Ackerman. Summary Success in science does not depend on randomized experiments only.Principles of symmetry are conceptually still more important as many examples from science like physics, chemistry and...
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The authors bring together approaches from cognitive and individual differences psychology to model characteristics of reaction time distributions beyond measures of central tendency. Ex-Gaussian distributions and a diffusion model approach are used to describe individuals' reaction time data. The authors identified common latent factors for each o...
Conference Paper
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This presentation challenged the myth of no gender differences in reading and math and gives hints to how these differences maybe camouflaged by constructing test items and tasks.
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Standard statistics texts indicate that the expected value of the F ratio is 1.0 (more precisely: N/(N-2)) in a completely balanced fixed-effects ANOVA, when the null hypothesis is true. Even though some authors suggest that the null hypothesis is rarely true in practice (e.g., Meehl, 1990), F ratios < 1.0 are reported quite frequently in the liter...
The relationship between abilities and skill acquisition has been the subject of numerous controversies in psychology. However, while most researchers implicitly or explicitly accept the idea that abilities and skill acquisition should be related, empirical research has failed to provide evidence for a consistently strong correlation between the tw...
Conference Paper
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The results of PISA are discussed as well as the surprising neglect of implications for the United States. It seems that the USA have outsourced the education of students especially for the STEM areas to other nations and attract them back to the US top notch universities.
Conference Paper
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This conference presentation discusses the importance of multiple act criteria sensu Fishbein and Ajzen for assessing the outcomes of intervention packages and relates this strategy to the concept of Brunswik symmetry. Data from complex treatment interventions in the German healthcare and rehabilitation system are use for demonstration purposes.
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In diesem Vortrag werden zahlreiche Gründe und Beispiele dargestellt, warum die Öffentlichkeite und vor allem auch wir Psychologen die ökonomische Bedeutung und den potentiellen Ertrag psychologischer Interventionen und Maßnahmen unterschätzen.
Conference Paper
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Hintergrund Die Datenquelle Patient (Rehabilitand) spielt in der Ergebnisforschung – auch in der Rehabi-litation -traditionell eine herausragende Rolle. So besteht die nach wie vor geläufigste Vari-ante der klassischen Veränderungsmessung darin, dass den Patienten an mehreren Mess-zeitpunkten (z. B. bei Aufnahme, Entlassung und zu einem späteren Ze...
The decision process when requested to participate in a Web survey is understood most appropriately by applying a psychological theory of human action. Consequently, this study utilized an extended version of Ajzen's theory of planned behavior to predict and explain the number of participations in a five-wave Web-based panel study. Based on this mo...
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Fit indexes were compared with respect to a specific type of model misspecification. Simple structure was violated with some secondary loadings that were present in the true models that were not specified in the estimated models. The c2 test, Comparative Fit Index, Goodness-of-Fit Index, Incremental Fit Index, Nonnormed Fit Index, root mean squared...
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Prepublication draft of the book chapter: Abstract: Group differences in intelligence, aptitude, ability, and achievement are topics of controversy, where one can easily fall into booby traps and all the problems known as being political correct or incorrect. There is consensus that group differences exist but what should we do with them as regards...