Weihua Yao

Weihua Yao
Sun Yat-sen University | SYSU · School of Earth Sciences and Engineering



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April 2014 - present
Curtin University
  • Research Associate


Publications (28)
This paper presents the tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Ediacaran–Silurian Nanhua Basin in South China and explores the relationship between clastic sedimentation in the basin and evolution of the adjacent Wuyi–Yunkai orogen. Sedimentary facies in the basin comprises, in an ascending order, turbiditic marine, shallow marine and fluvial-domina...
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We report here in-situ U–Pb and Hf isotopic results of detrital zircons from sixteen Cambrian–Silurian siliciclastic samples across the Nanhua foreland basin, South China. Together with published data from Ediacaran–Silurian sandstones in the region, we establish the temporal and spatial provenance evolution across the basin. Except for samples fro...
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We use detrital provenance data from Cambrian sandstones to examine whether the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks in South China were separated by an ocean during the Cambrian period. Zircons from the Cambrian sandstones exhibit a dominant �800 Ma age peak in the central Yangtze Block, being sourced from the western Yangtze Block, whereas a �980 Ma peak...
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The paleogeographic positions of the South China Block (SCB) during the Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic are important for understanding the transition from the break-up of the supercontinent Rodinia to the formation of Gondwanaland. Integrated in situ U-Pb ages and Hf-O isotope analyses of detrital zircons from Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the...
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Understanding the processes responsible for the intra-plate early Paleozoic Wuyi–Yunkai orogeny (>460 Ma to 420–415 Ma) in the South China Block (SCB) is important for deducing the interactions of this block with other continents at that time, as well as the tectonic evolution of East Asia. One salient feature of the orogen is that despite the wide...
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The lithospheric architecture of the South China Block (SCB) is crucial to understanding the formation and evolution of this distinctive and highly reworked continental lithosphere with over 3 billion years of tectonic history. However, due to a lack of high‐resolution geophysical datasets, a detailed picture of the SCB lithosphere is absent, and f...
The South China Block (SCB) has often been taken as an integral member of Gondwana at its northern margin, but it remains contentious regarding when and how it joined Gondwana, its precise position in Gondwana, and what other continent(s) might have been adjacent to it at the time. This study reports new detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopic data of...
Collisional orogens are locations where continental terranes amalgamate and are potential sites of weakness that facilitate subsequent continental breakup. Therefore, the lithospheric architecture of collision zones provides key information for evaluating the long-term evolution of the continental interior: for example, the South China Block (SCB),...
South China as an amalgamation of the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks is composed of Archean to Mesoproterozoic basement overlain by Neoproterozoic and younger cover. Both the constituent Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks contain well‐preserved Neoproterozoic rocks that have been extensively studied in terms of the age and tectonic nature, but less is know...
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Widespread Paleozoic and Mesozoic granites are characteristics of SE China, but the geodynamic mechanisms responsible for their emplacement are an issue of ongoing debate. To shed new light on this issue, we present an integrated geochronological and isotopic study of detrital zircon and monazite from Cambrian metasandstones and modern beach sands...
South China is characterized by widespread igneous rocks with varied ages and nature in its eastern part, which contain abundant Precambrian xenocrystic/inherited zircons that bear important information of the composition and evolution of the underlying ancient crust. This paper for the first time presents a compiled U-Pb age database of 1416 Preca...
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We report three Palaeozoic sedimentary successions in northeastern South China that display markedly different tectonostratigraphic characteristics: the Jiangshan section exhibits an angular unconformity between the Upper Ordovician and Carboniferous stratra; the Shuangming section exhibits a disconformity between the lower Silurian and Upper Devon...
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The timing of final assembly and initiation of subsequent rifting of Rodinia is disputed. New rutile ages (913 ± 9 Ma, 900 ± 8 Ma and 873 ± 3 Ma) and published zircon, monazite, titanite, biotite, muscovite and xenotime geochronology from the Capricorn Orogen (West Australian Craton) reveal a significant early Neoproterozoic event characterized by...
Sedimentary exchanges across continents during the collisional assembly and lifespan of supercontinents provide a powerful way of testing the assembling process and configuration of supercontinents. The Ord Basin in north-western Australia contains mid-Cambrian shallow marine and deltaic sedimentary successions that post-date the ca. 650–520 Ma Pat...
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In the Southern Steep Belt, Italian Central Alps, relicts of the pre-Alpine continental crust are preserved. Between Valtellina and Val Camonica, a poly-metamorphic rock association occurs, which belongs to the Austroalpine units and includes two classically subdivided units: the Languard-Campo nappe (LCN) and the Tonale Series (TS). The outcroppin...
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In the Southern Steep Belt, Italian Central Alps, relicts of the pre-Alpine continental crust are preserved. Between Valtellina and Val Camonica, a poly-metamorphic rock association occurs, which belongs to the Austroalpine units and includes two classically subdivided units: the Languard-Campo nappe (LCN) and the Tonale Series (TS). The outcroppin...
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The metamorphic core of the Himalaya is composed of Indian cratonic rocks with two distinct crustal affinities that are defined by radiogenic isotopic geochemistry and detrital zircon age spectra. One is derived predominantly from the Paleoproterozoic and Archean rocks of the Indian cratonic interior and is either represented as metamorphosed sedim...
Hainan Island in southwestern south China has 1.43 Ga crystalline rocks as part of the Proterozoic basement rocks for the Cathaysia Block. Understanding Proterozoic tectonics of the island is thus essential for constraining the paleogeographic positions of the Cathaysia Block in Precambrian supercontinents. We report here new geochronological and H...
Conference Paper
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The paleogeographic position of the South China Block during the late Neoproterozoic to early Paleozoic is important for understanding the break-up history of Rodinia and the formation of Gondwanaland. We report here the evolution of an early Paleozoic foreland basin (the Nanhua Basin) in South China, and discuss South China's connection with Gondw...
Conference Paper
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Granitic intrusions are widespread in the early Paleozoic intraplate Wuyi-Yunkai orogen in South China. However, no syn-or post-kinematic mafic rocks have previously been identified. We present here geochronological, isotopic and geochemical data from a newly discovered mafic-intermediate volcanic suite in northern Guangdong outside the metamorphic...
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Understanding the processes responsible for the intra-plate early Paleozoic Wuyi–Yunkai orogeny (> 460 Ma to 420–415 Ma) in the South China Block (SCB) is important for deducing the interactions of this block with other continents at that time, as well as the tectonic evolution of East Asia. One salient feature of the orogen is that despite the wid...


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