Wataru SuzukiMiyagi University of Education · English Language Education
Wataru Suzuki
Doctor of Philosophy
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April 2011 - present
April 2009 - March 2011
September 2004 - March 2009
Publications (38)
It has been suggested that oral languaging (e.g., collaborative dialogue, private speech) plays a crucial role in learning a second language (L2). Many studies have shown a positive relation between oral languaging during problem solving tasks and subsequent performance on various post-test measures. The paucity of empirical research on written lan...
It has been argued that languaging plays a crucial role in learning a second language (L2). The effects of languaging, especially oral languaging (e.g., collaborative dialogue, private speech), have been tested on the learning of L2 knowledge domains. This study explored the effects of written languaging by asking 24 Japanese learners of English to...
In this article we explore the process and product of languaging as it concerns the learning of the grammatical concept of voice (active, passive, and middle) in French. We examine and analyze the amount and type of languaging produced by a small sample of university students as they struggle to understand the concept of voice. Students who are hig...
IntroductionWhether Interaction Promotes L2 LearningHow Interaction Facilitates L2 LearningPedagogical Implications for Communicative Language Learning
The study compared the effects of two types of form-focused written feedback – direct corrective feedback (DCF) and metalinguistic explanation (ME) given to the whole class – on Japanese university students’ accuracy of use of two grammatical structures: indefinite article and the hypothetical conditional. Both types of feedback were given with and...
This volume brings together the perspectives of new and established scholars who have connected with the broad fields of first language (L1) and second language (L2) writing to discuss critically key methodological developments and challenges in the study of L2 writing processes. The focus is on studies of composing and of engagement with feedback...
Languaging—that is, using language to mediate thinking, orally or in writing—facilitates second language (L2) learning. As languaging requires the deliberate, analytical action of L2 learners, learners with higher language aptitude are likely to benefit more from languaging than those with lower aptitude. Thus, this study investigated the extent to...
Humans learn languages in real-life situations by integrating multiple signals, including linguistic forms, their meanings, and the actions and intentions of speakers. However, little is known about the neural bases underlying the social learning of a second language (L2) in adults. In this study, 36 adults were asked to learn two sets of L2 spoken...
This study examines the interactional effect of written corrective feedback (WCF) explicitness and type of target structure on the accuracy of students’ revision and new pieces of writing. A total of 88 Japanese university students of English were assigned to four groups, each receiving either direct or indirect corrective feedback that differed in...
Communicative language teaching is based on the conviction that participating in communicative interactions can help students learn a second language (L2). Negotiations of meaning and form that occur during communicative interactions are considered to play an essential role in the learning process. This entry begins with a brief discussion of wheth...
In this study, 297 Japanese university students of English were asked to self-rate their understanding of 100 English words and answer one question included to measure motivation within 15 minutes a day. This study lasted for 25 days. Two major findings emerged. First, the participants in this study steadily developed form-meaning relationships for...
This colloquium aims to introduce Japanese EFL classrooms as an empirical testing ground for investigating the potential and limits of various pedagogical techniques from the longitudinal perspective. After a brief review on the current status of foreign language learning and teaching research (Saito), we will present three empirical studies that t...
Recent research has shown that languaging (i.e., when learners use language to reflect on their language use) facilitates the learning of a second language (L2). Although languaging includes both speaking and writing (Swain, 2006), oral languaging has received the most attention to date. To fill this research gap, this study attempted to examine th...
Communicative speech is a type of language use that involves goal-directed action targeted at another person based on social interactive knowledge. Previous studies regarding one's first language (L1) have treated the theory of mind system, which is associated with understanding others, and the sensorimotor system, which is associated with action s...
本稿の目的は,まず,第二言語習得研究(Second Language Acquisition Research),特に,第二言語学習におげるアウトプット(話すことや書くこと)の役割に関する研究について概観し,次いで,認知心理学の観点から,それらの研究の課題や今後の方向性について展望することである。本稿で取り上げる認知心理学における知見とは,記憶検索(memory retrieval)の現象のひとつとしての検索経験(retrieval practice)の効巣である。本稿では,検索経験の効果に関する近年の研究成果に基づいて,第二言語学習におけるアウトプット研究のこれからの展開の可能性を示したい。
There is now growing evidence that output promotes second language acquisition. Recently, interest has been shown in examining (a) the effect of output processing on subsequent input processing, and (b) what factors mediate that effect. An experiment was conducted for two proficiency levels of Japanese learners of English under two conditions (outp...
Communicative speech is a type of language use that involves goal-directed action targeted at another person based on social interactive knowledge. Previous studies regarding one's first language (L1) have treated the theory of mind system, which is associated with understanding others, and the sensorimotor system, which is associated with action s...
In this study we compared the effects of two types of form-focused instruction (FFI) on second language (L2) learning and their potential contributions to the development of different types of L2 knowledge. Both types of instruction were pre-emptive in nature, that is planned and teacher generated. In Integrated FFI attention to form was embedded w...
The effects of direct and indirect feedback on second language (L2) writing have especially received attention from researchers in the field of second language acquisition (SLA). With both direct and indirect feedback on all errors made by students being unmistakably a large burden on teachers’ time and energy, there is a pedagogical importance of...
Recently, second language acquisition (SLA) researchers have examined the effects of input-based focus-on-form instruction (FFI) tasks on learning both form and meaning. However, little is known about whether and how output-based FFI tasks affect students’ noticing and learning of linguistic forms or their reading comprehension. Thus, we explored t...
We adopt a sociocultural approach to examine the characteristics and roles of the off-task talk (OTT) of three graduate students engaged in a collaborative learning task. Our focus is on three OTT episodes during three out-of-classroom meetings to discuss an academic article in preparation for a graded classroom presentation. In order to obtain an...
Languaging that second language (L2) learners engage in while producing and comprehending language is a major source of L2 learning [Swain, M., 2006. Languaging, agency and collaboration in advanced language proficiency. In: Byrnes, H. (Ed.), Advanced Language Learning: The Contribution of Halliday and Vygotsky. Continuun, London, pp. 95–108]. This...
In second language acquisition (SLA) research, two types of second language (L2) knowledge, explicit and implicit, have been discussed for almost three decades. Although many SLA researchers agree that L2 instruction should give priority to implicit knowledge, researchers have not agreed on what type of test (e.g., oral narrative test and timed gra...
This review surveys theoretical and empirical evidence about elicited imitation (EI) as a measure of second language (L2) learners’ performance. Different from natural imitation, where children repeat utterances without request in a natural setting, EI requires participants to hear and then repeat a sentence that usually includes a target grammatic...
Several researchers have found that the type of task and learners' level of L2 proficiency are major determinants of the type and amount of metatalk. This paper is the first attempt to investigate potential interactions among the type of metatalk, the type of task and learners' level of L2 proficiency. Intermediate and advanced Japanese learners of...
What kind of knowledge second language (L2) learners draw on when performing a grammaticality judgment task (GJT) has been a matter of continuing debate in second language acquisition (SLA) research. Previous research has shown that there is a relationship between the type of knowledge (i.e., implicit or explicit) and L2 proficiency levels. However...
What kind of knowledge second language (L2) learners draw on when performing a grammaticality judgment task (GJT) has been a matter of continuing debate in second language acquisition (SLA) research. Previous research has shown that there is a relationship between the type of knowledge (i.e., implicit or explicit) and L2 proficiency levels. However...
This article reports on the results of a study conducted with Japanese high school students learning English as a foreign language (EFL). The participants completed a sentence combination task in which they were required to use a relative pronoun to combine two independent sentences into a coherent whole and then studied a relevant input. Learners’...