Walter Stinner

Walter Stinner
Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum | DBFZ · Biochemical Conversion

Dr. agr.


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Ecologic Agriculture and Renewable Energies are key points for future developement. Feeding worlds rising population in a fair and healthy way in combination with reduced negative impact on biodiversity, soil functions, water quality and climate impact is our great challenge. If it`s done in the right way, biogas contributes strongly to that goal by circulating plant nutrients via organic waste digestion, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing N efficiency and enlarge cropping systems.
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October 2008 - January 2016
Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum
  • responsible for agricultural aspects of bioenergy


Publications (62)
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Background The need for addition of external electron donors such as ethanol or lactate impairs the economic viability of chain elongation (CE) processes for the production of medium-chain carboxylates (MCC). However, using feedstocks with inherent electron donors such as silages of waste biomass can improve the economics. Moreover, the use of an a...
Technical Report
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Final report - Joint project "KlimaBioHum" - Climate protection-oriented biowaste utilisation in agriculture – focused on the development of a pilot version for climate protection quality assurance in the production and application of biowaste composts and fermentation products and the reduction of climate gases through optimal process design. A pl...
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BACKGROUND The invasion of water hyacinth (WH) on water bodies comes with adverse consequences for humans and the environment. Using WH as a substrate for affordable and clean energy production is one way of controlling the invasiveness of the aquatic plant. In this study, ensiling was carried out with and without the addition of maize straw (MS) a...
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In this work, mesophilic anaerobic digestion (AD) of empty fruit bunch (EFB) of the date palm tree was investigated in order to evaluate the application for this type of substrate, using a fed-batch process. Several parameters were monitored such as temperature, pH, and methane production throughout the experiments. The biodegradability was calcula...
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The quality of silages could deteriorate during feed-out to biogas reactors. Using airtight silos where silages in pulp form can be pumped directly into a reactor may mitigate this problem. In this study, sugar beet leaves were ensiled in vertical columns and in airtight bags at ambient temperature for 370 days. Homofermentative lactic acid bacteri...
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Research on additives that improve the quality of silages for an enhanced and sustainable biogas production are limited in the literature. Frequently used additives such as lactic acid bacteria enhance the quality of silages but have no significant effect on biogas yield. This study investigated the effect of a new enzymatic additive on the quality...
The focus of the study was to determine the suitability of cattle feedlot manure originating from clay-pack feedlots as a possible feedstock material for dry batch anaerobic digestion. Oedometer tests were carried out that measure the permeability and compressibility of the feedstock under practical conditions experienced in large-scale dry batch a...
Gold processing results in the generation of tailings wastewater which contain cyanide (CN⁻) and heavy metals ions such as chromium (Cr³⁺), iron (Fe²⁺), zinc (Zn²⁺), nickel (Ni³⁺), lead (Pb²⁺), manganese (Mn²⁺) and copper (Cu²⁺). On the other hand, low cost-based bio adsorbents have received a lot of interest as a source of bio-based wastewater tre...
Tons of organic wastes are being generated from household, domestic and industrial waste. This waste if left untreated results in the emission of greenhouses gases such as methane and carbon dioxide, in overall resulting in climate change effects. On the other hand, the organic waste provides a valuable source of raw material for the production of...
This study investigated the effects of acid-based hydrolysis and biological degradation during the ensiling process as a pretreatment for biogas production. In nine separate treatments, lactic, acetic, and butyric acid were added to wilted maize stover at 20, 50, and 80 g/kg dry matter (DM) and then ensiled for 60 d. Synergetic effects of acid-base...
The recovery of date palm leaflet waste (DPLW), generated by palms through anaerobic digestion (AD) technology, attracts more attention because of its many economic, social, and environmental benefits. In this study, a laboratory-scale experiment using a continuous stirring tank reactor digester (CSTR) operating in mesophilic semi-batch mode was co...
In this study, the influence of saw dust based biochar on the removal of heavy metal ions contaminants in gold tailings wastewater was investigated. The target pollutants were cyanide (CN⁻), chromium (Cr³⁺), iron (Fe³⁺), zinc (Zn²⁺), nickel (Ni²⁺), lead (Pb²⁺), manganese (Mn²⁺) and copper (Cu²⁺). Their composition was determined before and after th...
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Methane emissions from livestock manure are primary contributors to GHG emissions from agriculture and options for their mitigation must be found. This paper presents the results of a study on methane emissions from stored liquid dairy cow manure during summer and winter storage periods. Manure from the summer and winter season was stored under con...
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Sugarcane is the most produced agricultural commodity in tropical and subtropical regions, where it is primarily used for the production of sugar and ethanol. The latter is mostly used to produce alcoholic beverages as well as low carbon biofuel. Despite well-established production chains, their respective residues and by-products present unexploit...
Anaerobic digestion (AD) of sugarcane filter cake (SFC) was investigated by comparing the performance of pre-treatment methods in biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests and semi-continuous experiments. For that, SFC was pre-treated by autoclaving the substrate alone or with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Experimental data from BMP tests were fitted to...
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Background: As part of the maintenance of lakes and rivers, large quantities of aquatic biomass are produced every year. Neophytes, such as Elodea nuttallii, compete with native species and cause a disturbance to the ecosystem, which can manifest itself in the form of eutrophication. Aquatic macrophytes are not in competition with the production of...
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Several thousand metric tonnes of aquatic biomass are removed from water bodies every year, so that these waters can continue to be used for ship and boat traffic and for leisure activities. The mowed material is generally disposed off without any further use. Therefore, the crop properties of samples from 39 weed control measures all over Germany...
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Biogas generation opens new possibilities for the use of legume growths and thus for legume cropping, as quality restrictions are lower than for other forms of utilization. The German example of energy cropping shows the possibility of up to 20% of forage legume integration for bioenergy production into the cropping systems. This can allow an impro...
Aquatic macrophytes are important components of aquatic habitats. However, the overgrowth of aquatic plants can cause severe problems for the management of bodies of water. As a result, these plants must be removed and disposed of as waste. However, the usage of this biomass as a substrate in biogas plants would appear to be more beneficial. The pr...
The concept of year-round biogas production to increase the capacity factor of anaerobic digestion (AD) plants in sugarcane biorefineries was investigated for the first time in semi-continuous feeding mode. To simulate the use of sugarcane vinasse during the sugarcane season and sugarcane filter cake (SFC) during the off-season period, a two-stage...
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Background A major problem with farming systems is the deficiencies in phosphorus (P) due to fixation in soils, erosion and run-off, and exports of herbal and animal products. P resources for the compensation of these losses will sooner or later be depleted. For this reason, innovative ideas for phosphorus recycling are highly relevant. The P exces...
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Background Waterweeds (Elodea nuttallii and Elodea canadensis) are invasive neophytes, which have been proliferating at a phenomenal rate during the last decades in German waterways. In case of overgrowth, the strong covering of vegetation can cause problems in hydroelectric power plants and leads to limitations in ship and boat traffic as well as...
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This paper presents the results of a status quo analysis of biogas production in Germany. It provides detailed information regarding the biogas plant portfolio and distribution, applied technologies, types of substrates und the contribution of biogas to the electricity, heat and transport sector. The evaluations regarding biogas and biomethane are...
In this study, an anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) with seven chambers was applied to treat medium-strength synthetic industrial wastewater (MSIW). The performance of startup and shock test on treating MSIW was investigated. During the acclimation process, the chemical oxygen demand (COD) of MSIW gradually increased from 0 to 2,000 mg L⁻¹, and the C...
Garage-type dry fermentation (GTDF) technology is an appropriate method to co-digest organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and corn straw. In this study, anaerobic digestion (AD) performance of lab-scale GTDF under different frequency of percolate recirculation (FPR, daily percolate recirculation volume to total percolate volume) of 0.3...
The effect of ensiling fermentation and mechanical pretreatment on the methane yield of lignocellulosic biomass was investigated in order to determine the optimum pretreatment conditions for biogas production. Wheat straw was treated using the following techniques: mechanical disintegration by chopping and extruder-grinding to particle sizes of 2.0...
Anaerobic digestion of sugarcane straw co-digested with sugarcane filter cake was investigated with a special focus on macronutrients supplementation for an optimized conversion process. Experimental data from batch tests and a semi-continuous experiment operated in different supplementation phases were used for modeling the conversion kinetics bas...
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Background Aquatic plants are an important component of aquatic ecosystems. They are valuable for the oxygen and carbon dioxide household and generate habitats especially for small fish and other small organisms. However, problems for the maintenance of water bodies can result from mass occurrences of these plants. Invasive neophytes - such as memb...
The hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in biogas is poisonous and corrosive, so it is usually removed in the early stage of biogas upgrading. Dosing iron compounds directly into the anaerobic fermenter is an in-situ method for rough desulphurization. But it is difficult to estimate the appropriate amount of iron compound to add and overdosing is usually inevit...
Conference Paper
The project “AquaMak” (Aquatic Macrophytes – economic and ecological ways of use) deals with the emergence of aquatic weeds in rivers and lakes in Germany. The Subject of research was based on the idea of reducing costs for deweeding affected water bodies in Germany. It is assumed that the biomass gained by de-weeding can be integrated into existin...
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The efficient use of biogenic by-products, residues and waste offers an extensive range of advantages. As well as fulfilling requirements of public services, intelligent “cascading” can tap alternative sources of carbon and play a key part in a system using renewable sources of energy. However, a comprehensive overview of existing resources and the...
Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) as an alkaline pretreatment method to enhance the degradation kinetics of sugarcane straw (SCS) for methane production was investigated with a special focus on the benefits for designing the anaerobic digestion process. For that, SCS was previously homogenized by milling in 2 mm particle size and pretreated in NaOH solutions...
Conference Paper
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To solve the fundamental energy security challenge in Turkey, it is important to enhance the share of energy production from domestic and renewable energy resources. Turkey aims to generate 30% of total electricity output from renewable resources by 2023. For that reason, the assessment of the potential of organic wastes that could be used at bioga...
Technical Report
In February 2016, GBEP published the Report "Examples of Positive Bioenergy and Water Relationships", developed in the framework of the Activity Group 6 "Bioenergy and Water" (AG6) of the Working Group on Capacity Building, led by IEA. The report is the result of the ‘Call for Evidence of Positive Bioenergy and Water Relationships’, launched by GBE...
In this study, the effects of nitrogen, phosphate and trace elements supplementation were investigated in a semi-continuously operated upflow anaerobic sludge blanket system to enhance process stability and biogas production from sugarcane vinasse. Phosphate in form of KH2PO4 induced volatile fatty acids accumulation possibly due to potassium inhib...
The objectives of this study was to through monitoring the 1st industrial scale garage-type dry fermentation (GTDF) MSW biogas plant in Bin County, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, China, to investigate its anaerobic digestion (AD) performance and the stability of process. After a monitoring period of 180 days, the results showed that the volume...
Energy crops are of considerable importance for biogas production, especially in Germany. The main energy crops for that purpose are corn silage, grass silage, whole crop grain silage and other non-legume crops. The reason for preferring these crops is their high yield, which not only results in high yields of biogas per hectare but also in a high...
The anaerobic digestion of sugarcane filter cake and the option of co-digestion with bagasse were investigated in a semi-continuous feeding regime to assess the main parameters used for large-scale process designing. Moreover, fresh cattle manure was considered as alternative inoculum for the start-up of bio-gas reactors in cases where digestate fr...
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Biogas production from sugarcane waste has large potential for energy generation, however, to enable the optimization of the anaerobic digestion (AD) process each substrate characteristic should be carefully evaluated. In this study, the kinetic challenges for biogas production from different types of sugarcane waste were assessed. Samples of vinas...
Different methods for optimization the anaerobic digestion (AD) of sugarcane filter cake (FC) with a special focus on volatile fatty acids (VFA) production were studied. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) pretreatment at different concentrations was investigated in batch experiments and the cumulative methane yields fitted to a dual-pool two-step model to pro...
Technical Report
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This report gives examples of Bioenergy projects in the CARICOM area and the Dominican Republic. This was part of the work for the GIZ programme REETA.
Anaerobic digestion appears to be a favorable option to optimize the energetic exploitation and reduce the environmental impacts of bioethanol waste products. Some analytical characteristics of these waste products are available in various sources. However, these data are too incomplete and unsystematic to be compared among the bioethanol industrie...
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Da experiência internacional, foram descritas as técnicas de maior relevância para o contexto brasileiro. Os critérios de seleção foram: a relevância das tecnologias com relação à disponibilidade dos substratos no Brasil; e a maturidade e possibilidade de aplicação dessas tecnologias. Vale ressaltar que esse mapeamento não elimina a necessidade de...
Technical Report
Hinweise auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit liefert der Vergleich der Stromgestehungskosten mit der erzielbaren Vergütung. Das DBFZ hat dazu exemplarische Modellfälle untersucht. Die weitere Reduktion der Vergütung durch das EEG-2014 wirkt sich bei allen betrachteten Modellfällen stark auf die ökonomische Darstellbarkeit von neuen Projekten aus. Für die un...
Conference Paper
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The Brazilian ethanol and sugar production system is intensive in organic wastes generation. The main sugarcane production region (i.e. São Paulo State) is committed to increase the share of renewable energy into its matrix, including the promotion of biomethane as alternative fuel to natural gas. The present research assessed the potential biometh...
Abstract Die Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer oder verbesserter Energietechnologien ist ein langwieriger Prozess. Darüber hinaus führen lange Kapitalbindungszeiten in der Energiewirtschaft dazu, dass innovative Technologien nur langsam zum Einsatz kommen. Neue Anforderungen im Energiemarkt lassen sich folglich nur mit großer zeitlicher Verzögerung...


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