Walter MignoloDuke University | DU · Department of Literature
Walter Mignolo
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Publications (74)
Houve uma época em que os estudiosos supunham que o sujeito conhecedor de um assunto é etéreo, separado do assunto que conhece e intocado pela configuração geopolítica de um mundo em que as pessoas são racialmente classificadas e as regiões são racialmente configuradas. De um ponto de observação desapegado e neutro (que o filósofo colombiano Santia...
Este ensaio* tem por objetivo fazer uma reflexão crítica sobre a modernidade e o modo como o Ocidente a tem entendido. A partir de alguns autores da América Latina, como Dussel e Quijano, que avançam com os conceitos de transmodernidade e colonialidade, respetivamente, e do diálogo com Wallerstein, reassume-se a tese de que a modernidade não é um f...
This essay offers an introduction to the ‘decolonial option’. The author begins by setting his project apart from its European contemporaries such as biopolitics and by tracing the historical origins of his project to the Bandung Conference of 1955 that asserted decolonization as the ‘third way’, beyond Soviet communism and liberal capitalism. Deco...
The "Global South" is a fashionable expression. It appears in academic journals, in the title of university academic centers, among activists around the world. I argue that from the perspective of capitalism and expansion of Western values, the "Global South" is the location to be developed economically and liberated from non-democratic regimes. Fr...
In this article, from the author’s personal experience, the double face of modernity and its rhetoric it’s shown, both as salvation narrative and as coloniality, in which context the cognitive operation of colonization of aesthesis by aesthetics is given. Following it, diverse trajectories are shown in the art works of Fred Wilson, Pedro Lasch and...
This special issue introduction explores the institutional, disciplinary, and geopolitical possibilities of “global south” as an emergent conceptual apparatus. More particularly, it explores how tensions between ordering and disordering implicit in “global south” might provide a useful heuristic for those engaged in a wide range of intellectual, ae...
What are the differences between cosmopolitanism and globalization? Are they “natural” historical processes or are they designed
for specific purposes? Was Kant cosmopolitanism good for the entire population of the globe or did it respond to a particular
Eurocentered view of what a cosmo-polis should be? The article argues that, while the term “glo...
Formulações epistemológicas devem ser relacionadas aos espaços geográficos em que estão localizadas. Estas localizações epistemológicas ajudam a compreender os processos de subaltemização de conhecimentos. O ponto de interseção entre histórias locais e desenhos globais dá lugar a epistemologias fronteiriças como conhecimento crítico local. Deveria...
Once upon a time scholars assumed that the knowing subject in the disciplines is transparent, disincorporated from the known and untouched by the geo-political configuration of the world in which people are racially ranked and regions are racially configured. From a detached and neutral point of observation (that Colombian philosopher Santiago Cast...
Common wisdom has it that secularism dominated the project of the second modernity (the Enlightenment) and ended with the
enchanted world that the very rhetoric of secularism used to displace theology and to convert religion in a field of study.
I argue that indeed secularism implanted its own secular enchantment in the very act of undermining theo...
Walter Mignolo discusses how racial formations in colonialism and imperialism have to be understood in the context of the simultaneous transformation of Christianity and the emergence of the capitalist world economy. In his contribution he focuses on how Christian theology prepared the terrain for two complementary articulations of racism. One was...
The Darker Side of the Renaissance focuses on coloniality rather than on Europe's witch and alchemist hunt. Today I would dare to say also that this expression refers us to the historical foundation of coloniality. At the same time, coloniality statement is called into question, as well as the distinction between the known object and the knowing su...
The ques!on of " otherness " is fully a modern/colonial ques!on. We are not saying that the Aztec did not dis!nguish themselves from the Chichemecas, or the Greeks from the barbarous— those who did not speak Greek, or the Chinese in Beijing from the people who inhabited the outskirts of the rectangle that enclosed the ruling class. But " otherness...
Conta a história que perguntaram a Mohatma Gandhi o que ele pensava da civilização. Gandhi respondeu dizendo que a «civilização» era uma boa idéia. O mesmo pode dizer-se da «democracia». Este artigo propõe uma leitura de-colonial do conceito de «democracia» e sugere a incompatibilidade entre democracia e economia capitalista. Conclui esboçando três...
The research that I reported in the darker side of the renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality and Colonization (1995) was driven by my desire and need to understand the opening up of the Atlantic in the sixteenth century, its historical, theoretical, and political consequences. How was it that coexisting socioeconomic organizations like the Ottoman...
Este texto tem um caráter específico de debate, retomado pelo autor em função de resenhas e entrevistas realizadas sobre o seu livro The Idea of Latin America, publicado em 2005. Inicia demonstrando como as narrativas diversificadas da história da colonização são plurais, mas, ao serem difundidas, unificam-se em narrativas globais de caráter univer...
Este texto tem um caráter específico de debate, retomado pelo autor em função de resenhas e entrevistas realizadas sobre o seu livro The Idea of Latin America, publicado em 2005. Inicia demonstrando como as narrativas diversificadas da história da colonização são plurais, mas, ao serem difundidas, unificam-se em narrativas globais de caráter univer...
La opción descolonial, en política y epistemología, fue la consecuencia immediata de la invasión imperial/colonial, primero en Aanahuac y Ttawantinsuyu y, a partir de mediados del siglo XVIII, en los distintos espacios del mundo Iislámico (e.g, la Iindia Hindu-Musulmana, por obra de los ingleses; el norte de Aafrica por obra de los Franceses). El Á...
Esta es una respuesta a un debate planteado en los seminarios de verano, organizados por la Universidad Complutense, en el Escorial, en Julio del 2006. He condensado la respuesta en dos tópicos, que me parecen dos ejes sobre los que giró el debate: la cuestión de la exterioridad y la cuestión de la objetividad, sin y con paréntesis. La mía es una r...
This article is a response to the discussions that developed in the summer seminars at the Complutense University in Escorial in June of 2006. I have condensed the answers into two topics that think are the axes around which the debate took place: the exteriority question and the objectivity question, with and without parenthesis. My answers presup...
The decolonial option in politics and in epistemology was the direct consequence of the imperial/colonial invasion, first in Anahuac and Tawantinsuyu, and since the middle of the XVIII century in different spaces of the Islamic world (i.e. the British colonization of Hindu-Muslim India, the French colonization of North Africa). Sub-Saharan Africa w...
This chapter contains section titled:
The phrase âThe Black Legendâ was coined in 1912 by a Spanish journalist in protest of the characterization of Spain by other Europeans as a backward country defined by ignorance, superstition, and religious fanaticism, whose history could never recover from the black mark of its violent conquest of the Americas. Challenging this stereotype, Re...
This essay expands on the idea that gave rise to these two special issues of Poetics Today and explores the connections between place and theory, between geocultural locations and theoretical practices. It examines the genealogy of self-descriptions instead of focusing on the "Western" construction of the "extreme West" (i.e., the New World, Americ...
‘Borders’ will be in the twenty-first century what ‘frontiers’ where in the nineteenth. Frontiers were conceived as the line indicating the last point in the relentless march of civilization. On the one side of the frontiers was civilization; on the other, nothing; just barbarism or emptiness. The march of civilization and the idea of the frontiers...
There are enormous historical and social differences in the imperial making of Islamophobia--the fear and the hatred toward a powerful and widespread religion--and Hispanophobia--the fear and hatred toward secular subaltern forces with mixed religious beliefs that emerged in the seventies in the U.S. without the extended political connections or su...
Winner of the Modern Language Association's Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize. The Darker Side of the Renaissance weaves together literature, semiotics, history, historiography, cartography, geography, and cultural theory to examine the role of language in the colonization of the New World. Walter D. Mignolo locates the privileging of European forms of...
Desde una perspectiva de la modernidad/colonialidad, en este artículo se examinan las
distinciones epistémicas y geopolíticas entre estudios postcoloniales y los estudios de la
subalternidad, así como las diferentes genealogías y articulaciones geopolíticas entre lo
postmoderno y lo postcolonial. Igualmente, se analizan el desplazamiento epistémico...
There is no safe place and no single locus of enunciation from where the uni‐versal could be articulated for all and forever. Hindu nationalism and Western neo‐liberalism are entangled in a long history of the logic of coloniality (domination, oppression, exploitation) hidden under the rhetoric of modernity (salvation, civilization, progress, devel...
El concepto de razón postcolonial trata de insinuar una forma de pensar que se articula en los legados coloniales y, a partir de la construcción de esos legados, trata de pensar la modernidad. La razón postcolonial sería aquella que desplaza el concepto de razón construido en la modernidad, reincorporando las cualidades secundarias (emociones, pasi...
Nepantla: Views from South 4.1 (2003) 97-119
There are two kinds of histories of the university as an institution that may help us understand the dilemmas now confronting universities in Latin and Anglo-America. Since the European Renaissance and European colonial expansion in the sixteenth century—that is, the foundational moment of the modern/col...
Before the Cold War, the closest the United States had ever come to a permanent foreign policy was in our relationship with the nations of the Western Hemisphere. In 1823 the Monroe Doctrine proclaimed our determination to insulate the Western Hemisphere from the contests over the European balance of power, by force if necessary. And for nearly a c...
The South Atlantic Quarterly 101.1 (2002) 57-96
In December 1998 I had the good fortune to be one of the commentators in the workshop "Historical Capitalism, Coloniality of Power, and Transmodernity," featuring presentations by Immanuel Wallerstein, Anibal Quijano, and Enrique Dussel. Speakers were asked to offer updates and to elaborate on the con...
The South Atlantic Quarterly 101.4 (2002) 927-954
Saurabh Dube's invitation to participate in this collection called my attention to enduring enchantments that, created by the self-defining discourse of modernity, acquire an ontological dimension beyond the discourse itself. "Modernity" has, in these enduring enchantments, a double role. On the one...
CR: The New Centennial Review 1.2 (2001) 19-54
BEFORE THE COLD WAR, THE CLOSEST THE UNITED STATES HAD EVER COME to a permanent foreign policy was in our relationship with the nations of the Western Hemisphere. In 1823 the Monroe Doctrine proclaimed our determination to insulate the Western Hemisphere from the contests over the European balance of p...
How shall cosmopolitanism be conceived in relation to globalization, capitalism, and modernity? The geopolitical imaginary nourished by the term and processes of globalization lays claim to the homogeneity of the planet from above--economically, politically, and culturally. The term cosmopolitanism is, instead, used as a counter to globalization, a...
Nepantla: Views from South 1.1 (2000) 1-8
In February of 1994, at the end of the second meeting of the Latin American Subaltern Studies Group at Ohio University, Duke University was scheduled to be responsible for the fifth meeting (the first meeting was held at George Mason University in 1992). In the meantime the third was held in Puerto Rico in...
The end of the twentieth century has brought a new series of problems not only in the socio-historical and economic order of things but in the domain of knowledge as well. To say that we do not have models or concepts to understand new social configurations and forces, or to anticipate and project the future is not enough. The question seems to be...
When George Balandier proposed his theoretical approach to a colonial situation, the colonization of language was not an issue that piqued the interest of scholars in history, sociology, economics, or anthropology, which were the primary disciplines targeted in his article. When some fifteen years later Michel Foucault underlined the social and his...
In this article, Walter Mignolo responds to the critical account by Marcel Velázquez Castro regarding The idea of Latin America: the colonial wound and the decolonial choice, published in the first issue of this journal. Mignolo states that the decolonial choice is an alterna-tive that arises from diversity, as op-posed to the only way of reading r...
Traducción de: Local Histories / Global Designs. Coloniality, Subaltern Knowledges, and Border Thinking
Incluye bibliografía e índice
Incluye bibliografía e índice Traducción: The idea of Latin América