Vytautas Jokubauskas

Vytautas Jokubauskas
Klaipėda University · Institute of Baltic Region History and Archaeology



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Publications (88)
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Monografijoje analizuojamas karių mirčių reiškinys Lietuvos kariuomenėje tarpukariu. Plačiai nagrinėjamas dažniausiai jaunų vyrų mirtis lėmusių priežasčių spektras Nepriklausomybės karo ir taikos metu – tarpukariu. Išskiriamos kelios stambios mirčių priežasčių grupės: žuvę kautynėse, mirę nuo ligų, dažniausiai užkrečiamų, nelaimingų atsitikimų auko...
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Klaipėdos krašto prijungimo prie Lietuvos šimtosioms metinėms skirta knyga atskleidžia vieno svarbiausių XX amžiaus Lietuvos istorijos įvykių užkulisius. Dokumentinį pasakojimą sudaro dvi dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje skelbiami istorikų įvadais ir komentarais papildyti archyviniai dokumentai – ataskaitos, raportai, netrukus po įvykių rašyti atsiminimai,...
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Between the First World War and the Second World War, approximately 280 thousand men served in the Lithuanian armed forces. This is a significant figure for a country that only had a population of two to 2.5 million. Even though the Lithuanian armed forces were only involved in active military operations and low-intensity fighting from 1919 to 1923...
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Klaipėdos universitetas; Lietuvos kariuomenė Plačiau neaptarinėsime Vilniaus krašto priklausomybės tarpukariu peripetijų, kurios daugeliui skaitytojų žinomos arba prieinamos informacijos apie tai gausu. Šio straips-nių rinkinio kontekste į mūsų akiratį pateko dviejų tarpukario Lietuvos karo medicinos organizuotų ekspedicijų į rytinį pasienį dokumen...
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Key words: Lithuanian Wars of Independence, historiography, war casualties, combatants, civilians, Petras Ruseckas
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I. Karo istorija Lietuvoje II. Lietuvos kariuomenės istorijos tyrimai Vilniuje III. Muziejininko veikla dalyvaujant Lietuvos karybos istorijos tyrimuose 1990–1999 m. IV. Keletas pastabų apie karo istorijos tyrimų pradžią Klaipėdoje
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Knygoje keturiais pjūviais nagrinėjama karo istorija. Pirmiausia pristatoma mokslinių tyrimų rezultatų poveikio mokslo šakos raidai, mokslininko statusui bei karjerai ir visuomenei problema. Atsižvelgiama į mokslininko veiklos bibliometrinius duomenis, akademinius vertinimus ir kitus veiksnus. Kitas pjūvis (skyrius) – tai galima karo istorijos tyri...
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„Lietuvos kariuomenės istorijos“ serijos, kurią leidžia Lietuvis krašto apsaugos ministerija ir jai pavaldžios institucijos, pirmosios dvi knygos skaitytojus pasiekė 2003 m. Per beveik du dešimtmečius (imtinai iki 2020 m.) buvo išleistos 35 minėtos serijos knygos.
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Even though the subject of military service of Jews in the Lithuanian army in the years 1918 to 1940 is not completely new in historiography, many aspects hitherto covered in academic literature remain relevant to this day. The statistics for Jewish soldiers in the interwar Lithuanian army are without doubt one of those aspects. That is why in this...
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Abstract. The article analyses the cases of military actions in the territory of Western Lithuania and Latvia from 1915 to 1945. At the same time, attention is paid to the operational plans of the Lithuanian and Latvian military forces in the second half of the 1930s. Using this method of analysis, based on military history research, an alternative...
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The article addresses issues of the coverage of Ukrainian theme on the pages of special-interest military periodicals published in the Republic of Lithuania during the interwar period. The work relies on the use of a symbiosis of principles: the application of mathematical methods for the quantification of the contents of the reviewed subject matte...
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У книзі A. M. Петрик показані основні етапи становлення міжвоєнної Литовської Республіки, її злети і падіння. Докладно висвітлено найяскравіші сторінки Війни за незалежність і збройної боротьби за соборність литовських земель (1919–1923). Значну увагу приділено персональним портретам людей що творили багнетом і шаблею вільну Литву в рядах Війська Л...
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Leidinys skirtas Klaipėdos universiteto įkūrimo, nuo 1959 m.,1971 m. ir 1975 m. uostamiestyje veikusių institutų ir konservatorijos fakultetų pagrindu, 30-mečiui. Knygoje pasakojamos, Herkaus Manto g. 84 ir Salomėjos Neries g. 5 esančių, XX a. pradžioje pastatytų pastatų istorijos, pateikiama virš 220 originalių nuotraukų ir žemėlapių.
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The article analyses the use of selected keywords in the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union weekly “Trimitas” in 1920–1940. The study is based on a quantitative method of content analysis, which calculated and compared the use of different key words in “Trimitas” in the interwar period and the changes in consumption over two decades. Quantitative changes...
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Recenzija knygai: NEFAS , Mindaugas. Dvasios aristokratai: Lietuvos šaulių sąjungos siekiai ir realybė 1919–1940 m. Vilnius: Versus, 2019. – 495 p. IS BN 978-9955-829-22-5
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Šaltinių publikacijos priedai (žemėlapiai) dėl apimties skelbiami atskirai ir tik elektroninėje versijoje. Priedas prieinamas PDF formatu: http://briai.ku.lt/downloads/AHUK_38/38_i-xxii_Priedas.pdf
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Šaltinių publikacijos DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/ahuk.v38i0.2083 "Vokietijos pavojus ir karo dviem frontais katastrofa (Lietuvos kariuomenės 1936–1937 m. operacijų planai nr. 1 „V“ ir nr. 2 „V+L“)" PRIEDAI (žemėlapiai). Priedas prieinamas PDF formatu: http://briai.ku.lt/downloads/AHUK_38/38_i-xxii_Priedas.pdf
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У статті проаналізовано проблему територіальної оборони у Литві в період між двома світовими війнами, у контексті національної безпеки Литви. Литва отримала багатий досвід партизанського спротиву в часи Війни за незалежність 1919 – 1920 рр. і конфлікту с Польщею у 1921 – 1923 рр. Завдячуючи такому досвіду, в країні була розроблена доволі унікальна...
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Military history is regarded as a key component of military sciences, which enjoys particular attention with military forces and military schools in many countries. Military history is employed in the training of armed forces, military planning and patriotic education of army personnel. Lithuania being absent from the political world map for over a...
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The article analyses the formation and functioning of the Section of Military History in the Lithuanian Army Staff in the period of 1935–1940. The significance of military history for officer training and military planning in the interwar Lithuanian Army is touched upon. The issues of the formation of the Section of History in the Lithuanian Army S...
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In the 21st century - as in the first half of the 20th century - Lithuania has faced threats posed to its national security and statehood. Owing to its limited resources, the country is not essentially able to establish large regular forces; therefore, it is permanently developing its territorial defence forces. In the interwar period, their nucleu...
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XXI a. Lietuva, kaip ir XX a. pirm oje pusėje, susiduria su grėsmėmis nacionaliniam saugum ui bei valstybingumui. Dėl ribotų išteklių šalis objektyviai negali sukurti stam bių reguliariųjų pajėgų, todėl perm anentiškai plėtoja teritorinės gynybos pajėgas. Tarpukariu jų branduoliu buvo Lietuvos šaulių są'unga, XXI a.-Krašto apsaugos savanorių pajėgo...
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The monograph aims to provide an answer to the question what configurations and transformations the same phenomenon, giving meaning to different war experiences, acquires under the different social and political conditions characterising the two regions, Lithuania and East Prussia.
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The formation of national units in the Russian army began in 1914 during the First World War. They allowed for the creation of national formations of Poles, Czechs, Armenians, Georgians and Latvians. After the February revolution of 1917, at a similar time to the Estonians and Ukrainians, Lithuanian soldiers who served in the Russian army also star...
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The article presents the activities of the History Section of the Society of Military Sciences by also looking back at the predecessor of this organization – short-lived Society of the Founders of Military Sciences and some fragmentary information about its functioning. It addresses the activities of the individuals who initiated the research in mi...
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The Lithuanian State, restored in 1918, started to build its national armed forces in response to external military threats, which had to engage in military action already at the stage of creation. The 1919ñ1920 wars with Soviet Russia, the Bermontians, and Poland failed to resolve territorial conflicts and reduce the range of threats to the stateh...
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Writing war history and military texts has a long tradition and present- day historians characterized by self-reflection are trying to answer such questions as ‘who we are’, ‘what we have done’, ‘what are the benefits of this’, etc. During the interwar period, when the modern science of history was developed in Lithuania, some attention was also de...
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Ensuring security is one of the main functions of the state, therefore, in that area one has to deal with a wide range of threats and challenges. In the analysis of the changing security environment issues in the 21st century, it is reasonable to look at historical events and to do appropriate case studies. Lithuania in the interwar period can be c...
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Straipsnyje analizuojami Didžiojo (Pirmojo pasaulinio) karo diskursai ir atminimo kultūros praktika tarpukario Lietuvoje. Tyrime aptariama grožinės literatūros Didžiojo karo tema kiekis tarpukario Lietuvoje ir jos pobūdis (atkreipiant dėmesį į verstinių ir vietinių autorių kūrinių lygį, literatūros karo tema „pakilimą“ ir pokyčius), šio karo reikšm...
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This article presents an analysis of the support given to Great War invalids in Lithuania: how did veterans of the Imperial Russian army, injured during the First World War, act in order to procure social security (pensions), and how did Lithuanian legalislation change in reaction to their justified expectations. The social welfare situation of Gre...
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Straipsnyje analizuojama Lietuvos šaulių sąjungos šaulių namų kūrimo idėjos genezė. Atskleidžiamos šaulių namų statybų ir kūrimo aplinkybės, jų reikšmė kultūrinei LŠS veiklai tarpukariu. Nagrinėjama termino šaulių namai viešajame diskurse semantika, koks buvo šaulių namų praktinis pritaikymas, kokią įtaką šaulių kultūrinei veiklai darė kitų šalių,...
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In 2014, at the beginning of the crisis in Ukraine and Russia‘s aggression against this neighboring country, Lithuania became concerned about the strengthening of its military capabilities, augmenting the National Defense System (NDS) budget by almost 50% in two years. This may be considered unprecedented, if seen against the background of the pres...
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During the interwar period, and bearing in mind its long and open borders, the Lithuanian army was preparing for a war of manoeuvres. In addition, Poland was considered to be one of the main military enemies, which had numerous mobile cavalry forces. Given these circumstances, on the one hand it was necessary to have mobile units. Mass motorisation...
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Atkurtosios Lietuvos Respublikos kariuomenės pajėgumai: finansavimas, personalas ir ginkluotė 2014 m. prasidėjus krizei Ukrainoje ir Rusijos agresijai prieš kaimyninę šalį, Lietuvoje buvo susirūpinta karinių pajėgumų stiprinimu. Beprecedenčiu galima laikyti politinį sprendimą 2014 m., kai vyksta Lietuvos Respublikos Prezidento ir Europos parlamento...
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The article presents a description of the service and contributions to Lithuania’s armed forces made by Petras Tarasenka, a Lithuanian archaeologist, prose writer, museum employee, pedagogue, and army officer. Tarasenka’s life is traced from 1919, when he joined the Lithuanian army until 1932, when he was promoted to the rank of colonel and retired...
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During the struggle for Lithuania’s independence, defence and guerrilla units started forming in the countryside, and fought against the Bermontian and Soviet forces and gangs of marauders. In 1919, intellectuals and public servants from Kaunas formed a sports-military guerrilla organisation, and called it the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union (LRU). The...
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The first military doctrine in Lithuania during the interwar period was drafted in 1922. The doctrine is the basic belief on which the state military system is based and where the rules on how to train soldiers and how they must fight are laid down. Having summarised the experience of war and of other operating armed forces and technology innovatio...
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The article analyses the former prospects of armed resistance to Soviet occupation in 1940. It discusses Plan “R” of the Lithuanian Armed Forces prepared for the case of a military conflict with the USSR. The article reveals the positions in which the Lithuanian Armed Forces were planning to confront the enemy from the east and southeast. It provid...
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The issue of security, which presupposes the relevance of a multi- perspective research of the military doctrine of the national armed forces, exists continually since competition of individuals and communities for resources and consolidation of power has been going on throughout the entire history of humanity. Security is defined tautologically: i...
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This article analyses the military and tactical training of the members of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union for guerrilla warfare in the interwar period. Small nations, such as Lithuania and other Baltic states, being unable to build up military strength in order to ensure national security, were forced to seek for unconventional methods of warfare,...
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This article analyses the military and tactical training of the members of the Lithuanian Riflemen’s Union for guerrilla warfare in the interwar period. Small nations, such as Lithuania and other Baltic states, being unable to build up military strength in order to ensure national security, were forced to seek for unconventional methods of warfare,...
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The article analyses the perspectives of military defence of the interwar Lithuania by training riflemen for the guerrilla warfare and discusses the use of military periodical press as a means of propaganda employed in combination with theoretical and practical training. In addition to the identification of the very fact of making preparations for...
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The relations of Lithuania and Poland in the interwar years were tense and even hostile due to occupation of the Vilnius Regions by Poland, thus it is natural that Poland for a lengthy time was identified as the main enemy in the Lithuanian military doctrine. The situation changed roughly in 1934 when Germany joined the list of eventual adversaries...
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The post-war guerrilla warfare in Lithuania was nothing new as the guerrilla movement traditions went back to the period of 1919–1923 during battles for independence and confrontations with the Polish forces in the neutral territory. In the interwar period the Lithuanian military authorities did not discard the guerrilla warfare tactics, and such f...
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Zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen hatten Deutschland und Litauen eine gemeinsame Grenze und territoriale Ansprüche, die die Gefahr eines militärischen Konflikts nicht ausschlossen. Politische Spannungen hat es zwischen Litauen und Deutschland viele gegeben, permanent schwirrten Gerüchte über einen möglichen Aufstand der deutschen Memelländer und die...
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The article deals with the Lithuanian Army Headquarters defence plans for the Klaipeda Region (Memel Territory) and Klaipeda city against Germany of the 1930’s, providing for their implementation options in the event of military conflict between Lithuania and Germany. The article also provides data on the Lithuanian armed forces at disposal in 1939...
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In the fateful years of 1938 – 1940 the Lithuanian Government failed to resort to armed resistance. It is still being argued whether Lithuania had any chances and was prepared, on its own, for the armed defence of its sovereignty. There is no answer as yet to what extent Lithuania was prepared to offer armed resistance and whether the plans develop...


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