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Volodymyr Doroshenko

Volodymyr Doroshenko
PTIMA · Foundry, отдел Физико-химии литейных процессов

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Разработка технологии литейных процессов получения металлоконструкций из железоуглеродистых и цветных сплавов, проектирование бионических отливок - природоподобных конструкций. Изготовление песчаных и оболочковых литейных форм, Lost Foam Casting, включая экологические способы литья с дожиганием газов, выходящих из литейной формы. 3D технологии и материалы для аддитивного производства литейных моделей, форм и отливок. Термообработка при извлечении горячих (аустенитной структуры) отливок из форм.
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January 2006 - present
  • Leading Researcher


Publications (773)
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У статті розглядається використання адитивних технологій, таких як 3D-друк, у ливарному виробництві з акцентом на переробку відходів пінополістиролу (ППС). Описано технічні аспекти створення філаменту для 3D-друку з використанням компактних екструдерів, а також екологічні та економічні переваги вторинної переробки ППС. Наведено приклади обладнання...
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У статті розглядається використання адаптивних поверхонь мінімальної щільності (ADMS), розроблених компанією Spherene Inc., як заповнювачів для 3D-друкованих деталей. Ці структури забезпечують зниження ваги, економію матеріалів, ізотропну міцність та підвищення ефективності виробництва. Алгоритм ADMS дозволяє створювати самонесучі оболонки з геомет...
Дрібносерійне виробництво металопродукції розглядається як важливий етап у відновленні машинобудування, оскільки воно дозволяє оперативно реагувати на потреби ринку, потребує невеликого початкового інвестування зі значним потенціалом масштабування виробництва. Гнучкість такого виробництва залежить від можливості швидкої зміни асортименту продукції,...
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With the help of innovations at an industrial enterprise, it is possible to increase labor efficiency and reduce the resource intensity of production. The relevance of the development of the technology of metal casting in sand molds, as the most common casting process, is justified by the fact that up to 80 % of the tonnage of castings is produced...
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With the help of innovations at an industrial enterprise, it is possible to increase labor efficiency and reduce the resource intensity of production. The relevance of the development of the technology of metal casting in sand molds, as the most common casting process, is justified by the fact that up to 80 % of the tonnage of castings is produced...
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Розглянуто методи досягнення максимальних значень тріщиностійкості чавуну з кулястим графітом (ЧКГ) за рахунок поєднання міцності бейніту з високою пластичністю залишкового аустеніту (у кількості 30-35 %). Результати таких досліджень доцільні для застосування, зокрема, при виготовленні зубів чи коронок ковшів екскаваторів та інших робочих органів г...
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У технічній літературі відзначається переважний розвиток спеціальних способів лиття, зо�крема лиття під тиском та з вакуумуванням ливарної форми. Цифровізація та автоматизація також сприймаються сьогодні як обов’язкова умова організації виробничих процесів. Це в першу чергу стосується ливарного виробництва України для створення потужного потенціалу...
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The introduction of 3D printing into foundry production makes it possible to produce metal castings, often with complex geometry, from digital drawings of foundry patterns, which would be difficult or impossible to produce by other methods. 3D printing is especially beneficial for metal casting by gasifying patterns (Lost Foam Casting, LFC process)...
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In the context of the implementation of the "Industry 4.0" concept, digitalization and automation today have become not just the basis of competitive advantage in the production of goods (works, services), in many areas they are perceived as a necessary condition for the organization of production processes. In particular, thanks to the digitizatio...
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A n n o t a t i o n Foundry production is the basis of the procurement framework engineering. From year to year in terms of volume and range of a growing number of hardware, running the casting process, complicated by their design and the requirements to service characteristics. // По данным проф. Левшина Г. Е., из-вестные литейные формы и стержни...
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Foundry and thermal technologies for the production of parts of tillage bodies and cutting tools with the possibility of their self-sharpening. The development of methods of applying new knowledge in the field of regulation of high and regulated-differentiated mechanical properties of iron-carbon alloys for tillage bodies of agricultural machinery...
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Descriptions of skills, techniques developed by specialists during production of polystyrene foam models, can be used foundry workers. Technical level of the gasified casting process models is the potential for the development of domestic production and supply of castings for export.////Оборудование и инструмент для профессионалов | // Современные...
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Capillary transport in the service of filtration molding using ice models + Interval method for monitoring the reliability of telemetric information when monitoring the cooling process of a sand casting // Дорошенко В. С. (г. Киев, ФТИМС НАН Украины) КАПИЛЛЯРНЫЙ ТРАНСПОРТ НА СЛУЖБЕ ФИЛЬТРАЦИОННОЙ ФОРМОВКИ ПО ЛЕДЯНЫМ МОДЕЛЯМ. + Дорошенко В. С. Кравч...
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The concept of obtaining shell sands of forms based on ice models is motivated by a reduction in the use of organic model-forming materials (in particular, binders). As a constructive material of disposable models, ice is suitable the ecological idea of using self-destructing materials after performing their functions, which brings the molding proc...
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Possibilities of jet mixing of sand mixtures that harden in contact with equipment // Use of the metastable state of ice models in the process of sand molding// Cascade gating systems for forest fuels // Achieving maximum characteristics in model-molding processes using one-time models // Creating directional porosity in one-time models // Optimiza...
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The optimization of the casting design is considered in the concept of its exposure to two fluid technological environments, namely, its model - with a sand environment, and the mold - with metal. Copying in metal structures observed in nature is proposed as a method of metal conservation, and publications on the design of technical castings using...
Ізотермічне гартування (ІГ, Austempering) сплавів на основі заліза із середнім та високим вмістом вуглецю, яке створює металеву структуру, що називається бейнітом, використовується для збільшення міцності та ударної в'язкості металу. Деталі нагрівають до температури приблизно на 200-300 °C нижче температури затвердіння металу, потім досить швидко о...
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1. Method of additive manufacturing of a polystyrene casting model (pattern) or other three-dimensional model an object with a complex configuration, which includes the process of outflow of the molding material from the nozzle, moved in space according to the trajectory given by the program, which differs in that how the molding material is a melt...
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A method of casting metal according to gasified models (Lost Foam Casting), which includes pouring metal into a casting mold with output from the movable gap between the liquid metal and the material of the model, which formed during its gasification, gas products of this gasification through the gas outlet tube and to the gas outlet channel of the...
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Виконано короткий огляд сучасного обладнання для адитивного виробництва, 3D-технологій і провідних компаній у цій галузі. Таке виробництво для моделювання і оптимізації конструкцій виливків та випуску металопродукції відповідає концепції Індустрії 4.0, спрямованої на те, щоб швидко, зручно, варіативно, з мінімальним персоналом та прагненням виключе...
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Анотація. В контексті впровадження концепції «Індустрія 4.0» цифровізація та автоматизація сьогодні стали вже не просто основою конкурентної переваги при виробництві товаів (робіт, послуг), у багатьох сферах вони сприймаються як необхідна умова організації виробничих процесів. Зокрема, завдяки цифровізації та автоматизації ливарного виробництва в У...
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Increasing the capacity of foundry production can play a decisive role in the recovery of the machine-building and defense sectors of the Ukrainian industry. The current state and prospects for the development of foundry technology — Lost Foam Casting (LFС) process, as well as its possibilities for increasing the volume of metal processing into fin...
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У статті здійснено огляд досліджень щодо виготовлення тонкостінного ВЧ та обґрунтовано перспективність його виробництва за ЛГМ-процесом. Оскільки попит на легковагі металовироби триває і навіть зростає, ВЧ та ізотермічно загартований чавун ADI все частіше беруть до уваги. Старі рекомендації щодо мінімальної товщини литої стінки ВЧ застосовувати вже...
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Principle diagrams of the equipment for processing loose materials, in particular, silica sand and the other moulding, or ore mining loose material are reviewed in the Article. This is the feed through type equipment; it has a number of new technical decisions at the level of inventions; it differs by the possibility of isolating dusty process...
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Thermocompacting waste polystyrene foam. The difficulty of recycling polystyrene foam waste is due to the properties of the polymer polystyrene, which does not interact with water and is not susceptible to biological decomposition. It cannot be burned like coal, firewood and other similar materials, since This causes thermal destruction of the poly...
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The examples of implementation methods of dose pouring out that are appropriate for use during work with any dusty materials are given in the Article. Примеры реализации способов дозированного высыпания, подходящие для использования при работе с любыми пылящими материалами приведены в статье.
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Currently, recycling or recirculation use of waste polymers is one of the most relevant environmental problems. At the same time, polystyrene takes 4th place in the list the most widely used synthetic polymers in the world after polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene. A few more years ago ago, the global polystyrene market was estimated...
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Gasified patterns casting technology (Lost Foam Casting) is presented in the Article. Owing to the product quality and increase of production culture the method of gasified models casting is worthily related to the high casting technologies. В статье представлена технология литья по газифицируемым моделям (Lost Foam Casting). Благодаря качеству про...
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Large steel casting of castings using gasified patterns (Lost Foam) using liquid molding. Крупное стальное литье отливок по газифицируемым моделям с использованием наливной формовки (ЖСС).
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PREREQUISITES FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CONNECTOR ASSEMBLIES OF BUILDING METAL STRUCTURES BY FOUNDRY METHOD ACCORDING TO ONEUTIME PATTERNS. The article reviews the common elements of prefabricated modular building metal structures with a list of their advantages and assessment of the prospects for the manufacture of their important components of the...
Conference Paper
The developed technology based on the GMDH was applied to solve the problem of choosing the best model that describes the dependence of the cooling temperature. The use of this technology increases the effectiveness of decision support for the caster in the process of manufacturing castings. The selection of the optimal cooling mode plays a signifi...
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Представлено аналіз світового ринку чавуну та чавунних виливків в 2002-2022 рр. За період з 2002 по 2022 р. виробництво чавуну в світі зростало з середньорічним темпом від 5,7 до 1,3 %. Відмічено збільшення внутрішнього споживання чавуну країнами-виробниками. Основними споживачами чавуну є стале- та чавуноливарне виробництво. Показано об'єми виробн...
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The development of new technologies for the construction of multi-purpose protective structures reflects the current need to improve measures to protect civilian human and material resources (and dual purpose) and increase defense capability with the help of structures, buildings, storage and shelters. For a thorough assessment of known development...
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A short overview of promising directions of development in the field of construction of metal, in particular, mobile foundations, was made. This will contribute to the cheapening and popularization of such foundations, which can become a scientific and practical basis for foundation construction, in particular for modular construction based on meta...
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Представлено аналіз стану ливарного виробництва в Україні. Ливарна промисловість України в XXI столітті суттєво знизила свої виробничі показники, що обумовлено впливом таких факторів, як стагнація галузей, які споживають металеві виливки, а також зменшення експорту. На цю ситуацію негативно вплинула пандемія COVID-19, як і на світове ливарне виробн...
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Doroshenko V.S. Mine trawls with cast modules made of high-strength cast iron // Industry in focus. 2022. No. 2. C. 44-45. Development of high-strength castings constructions of defense significance distributes advanced foundry technologies in the field of the defense-industrial complex. Dissemination castings for work in extreme conditions also s...
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Mine trawls for demining Ukrainian land. How to make them? Modular construction allows step-by-step improvement of each component module without stopping the production of prefabricated structures. On the topic of overcoming minefields with mobile equipment, a review of the latest research and publications was carried out and a modular mine trawl f...
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05.16.04-ливарне виробництво АВТОРЕФЕРАТ дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук Київ-2018 http://ptima.kiev.ua/images/stories/SSovet/Dorosh/aref_dorosh.pdf
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CASTING OF COMBINED POLYMER PATTERNS THAT ARE GASIFIED...........In today’s world, digitalization penetrates production technologies, in particular, for foundry production, the digital intellectualization of equipment and processes is called “Foundry 4.0”. The paper examines the method of casting cast iron according to patterns that are gasified (L...
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Complete set with modern 3D technological equipment of the foundry using the Lost Foam Casting process......................... A brief overview of typical layouts of Lost Foam Casting (LFС) foundries was made. According to the given examples of shop layouts, it can be seen that in terms of equipment, the LFS shop based on one-off patterns is no m...
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During the operation of soil tillage machines, their working bodies, which are in direct contact with the soil, are exposed to abrasive wear, high contact and dynamic loads, as well as the corrosive effect of the soil. Heavy operating conditions cause intensive wear of such parts. Therefore, works related to increasing the wear resistance of materi...
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A review of prefab modular building metal structures with a list of their advantages and an assessment of reuse compared to building structures made of concrete and wood is carried out. An analysis of the cost structure of such metal structures and their installation is given. It is noted that the most effective means of reducing the cost of metal...
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A short overview of promising directions of development in the field of construction of metal, in particular, mobile foundations, was made. This will contribute to the cheapening and popularization of such foundations, which can become a scientific and practical basis for foundation construction, in particular for modular construction based on meta...
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The development of high-strength cast modular structures for defense or dual-use equipment contributes to the spread of Wartime conditions make research aimed at increasing the country's defense capabilities a priority. It is also necessary to intensify efforts to create materials with increased properties, develop effective methods, technical mean...
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Vladimir Stepanovich Doroshenko, PTIMA NAS of Ukraine...... New horizons of foundry business for valve building. Technology of casting on ice patterns using phenomena observed in nature....... Environmental pollution most often occurs with materials alien to the biosphere. Cryotechnologies for sand molding are being developed to solve the problems...
Conference Paper
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According to Metinvest Holding (https://metinvest.media/) for June In 2023, 200 cylindrical ones were produced and handed over to the defenders of Ukraine shelters-capsules made of corrugated steel, which are used buried in land Similarly, plastic structures are buried, as indicated on the website https://theawesomer.com, and use them as cellars. O...
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P.B. Kaliuzhnyi, V.S. Doroshenko Methods of external influence on cast iron castings for obtaining their differentiated mechanical properties. According to government programs, it is planned to process most of Ukraine's own ore into metal and make finished metal products from it, in particular in the field of mechanical engineering, with a key requ...
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Prefab modular building metal structures have several advantages, especially for reuse, compared to building structures made of concrete and wood. Analysis of the structure of the cost of such metal structures and their installation proved that the most effective way to reduce their cost is to reduce metal consumption. Unlike welded for bolted stru...
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The technological method in the field of foundry production is described, which combines additive manufacturing (AM) of disposable foundry polymer patterns with waste polystyrene (EPS) waste disposal. It was created to switch to the method of Lost Foam casting on gasified patterns (LFC), from the current method of casting on printed patterns of fir...
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Vectors of development of additive production and an example of its application in casting on gasified patterns Additive technologies are considered to be the basis of the industrial revolution of the XXI century, so domestic scientific and technological institutes and innovative industries should actively develop this area to close the existing g...
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https://doi.org/10.15407/plit2022.03.034........Methods of manufacture of castings for soil treatment equipment, cutting and impacting tools, self-sharpening........ The development of methods for controlling the structure of cast materials and the creation of adjustable-differentiated mechanical properties of iron-carbon alloys for tillage tools a...
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Methods of combining V-process with Lost Foam Casting process on gasified printed patterns.................. The use of 3D printing technology or additive manufacturing (AM) is becoming more common in industrial production. The concept of the simplest and least expensive introduction of 3D printing in domestic foundry production, which is most easy...
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The article reviews the common elements of prefabricated modular building metal structures with a list of their advantages and assessment of the prospects for the manufacture of their important components of the Lost Foam Casting (LFC) process. Such construction with the use of metal structures must have all the prerequisites to become an impetus a...
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1. Foundry disposable model (pattern) to be destroyed in the sand form, assembled from elements that repetitive, characterized in that these elements are collected in a cellular structure in the form spatial lattices with open through pores or cavities that are possible filling with dry sand or dry sand together with metal porous pipelines. 2. The...
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A method of casting on ice models (patterns), including making a sand mold on ice models, vacuuming the sand mold, melting the model, absorbing the products of melting the model in the sand mold, pouring metal into the working cavity of the mold and hardening the casting. Filling is carried out after monitoring the properties of the mold, which con...
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1. A method of making molds according to disposable models, which includes filling the model with loose sand, creating pressure on this sand, which increases the internal friction of loose sand to keep it intact, feeding through a hole in this sand at least one of those parts of the model riser, liquid sealing coating to the surface of the mold cav...
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A method of manufacturing sand molds on disposable models includes backfilling the model with loose sand, fixing this sand in a stationary state, performing part of the model forming a spout or outlet, at least one hole in the sand, applying to the surface of the model under pressure through this hole liquid sealing composition , converts a disposa...
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1. The method of casting ice models includes cooling the detachable equipment and pouring into it an aqueous composition cooled to a temperature of 0 ° C, curing this composition and removing the model from the equipment. The snap is cooled to a temperature T, which is determined by the formula. Moreover, the thickness of the ice crust of the model...
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The method of casting ice models (patterns) includes the manufacture of sand molds by forming models in sand, melting models using heating of their material, removing the material of the models from the cavity of the mold and filling it with molten metal. Heating is performed by passing an electric current through the melt of the model material.......
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A method of manufacturing ice models includes preparing a liquid moving composition, filling a mold with it and freezing this composition. Liquid ice is used as a liquid composition. The liquid moving composition is prepared from loose ice with the addition of a liquid aqueous component and a surfactant, or from any mixture of these two liquid movi...
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A method of manufacturing products from a bulk filler, comprising manufacturing a workpiece coated with its elastic synthetic film, vacuuming this filler, and deforming this workpiece in a given shape. After deformation, the bulk filler is impregnated under vacuum with a reagent with which to bind the bulk filler, or use a bulk filler, which is bou...
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Invention relates to the foundry production of ferrous and nonferrous metals. The method of preparing the frozen patterns includes the filling of liquid composition with high-molecular surfactant into the mold; mixing of gas and freezing this composition, moreover mixing and freezing are performed by blowing of the cooled gas through the liquid com...
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The invention relates to foundry and concerns the production of frozen casting patterns. A method includes pouring of aqueous composition into the mold and freezing by immersing the mold into the liquid coolant. The duration of freezing and/or thickness of the frozen layer is determined by the value of expansion of aqueous composition during freezi...
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The invention relates to foundry production, in particular to methods of manufacturing frozen models, mainly disposable. A method of manufacturing frozen models, comprising pouring a liquid composition into a mold, mixing gas and freezing this composition, characterized in that the kneading is performed by adding frozen gasified carbon dioxide to t...
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The invention relates to the foundry, in particular, to solid and lost patterns for vacuum molding. A pattern consists of a material which is easily moved away, the pattern has cavities in the form of channels which penetrate a runner and an air hole. The channels are connected with the surface of the pattern and from the side of the surface of pat...
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The Invention relates to the foundry, in particular, to the casting molds for vacuum molding. A form contains a molding box filled with dry friable filler with a cavity formed in it for filling and cooling the metal, means for sand degassing, at least, one dosing container of movable type and equipped with a tubular pin. The lower tip of the pin is...
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A brief analysis of the use of polystyrene concrete (PSB) in construction and methods of increasing the automation of PSB construction using 3D printing was performed. The recently patented method of printing walls with polystyrene foaming directly in the liquid layer of PSB, which is built up by overlaying on hardened layers, has been improved by...
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Фізико-технологічний інститут металів та сплавів НАН України (Київ, Україна) УДК 621.74/338.4 Представлено аналіз світового ринку металевих виливків в 2019-2020 рр. Форс-мажорна ситуація внаслідок пандемії COVID–19 негативно вплинула на світове ливарне виробництво через зменшення попиту на виливки у кінцевих виробників. Прогнозувалось, що в найближ...
Фізико-технологічний інститут металів та сплавів НАН України (Київ, Україна) УДК 621.74.02: 621.744 Недоліком традиційного виготовлення піщаних форм чи стрижнів для отримання металопродукції в ливарному виробництві є необхідність проектування та виготовлення модельнострижневої оснастки, без чого обходиться метод 3D-виготовлення таких форм на верста...
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In the development of methods for controlled cooling of castings after solidification in a sandy form, variants of a combination of casting with heat treatment (НТ) have been proposed, which can be called СНТ methods. The conditions for the development of a СНТ process for castings from iron-carbon alloys, which is most convenient for casting in s...
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Today, the cheapest way to use 3D printing, primarily in domestic foundry production, without increasing the cost of castings in existing workshops, is to print polymer patterns for their gasification in a sand mold using the LFC (Lost Foam Casting) method, because with LFC the costs for molding in dry vacuum sand or the lowest of all known casting...
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1. A method of additive manufacturing of a sample of sand molding or rod mixture, comprising placing the plunger in the frame equipment (sleeve) when filling the plunger of its cavity, extension from the cavity of the stationary equipment of the plunger from top to bottom by periodically lowering it to a distance equal to then applied to the cavity...
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An analysis of the global market of metal castings in 2019-2020, as well as short-term trends, was performed. The state of the foundry industry in the leading countries of the world foundry rating is described. The trends in the section of foundry alloys were considered and analyzed........Виконано аналіз світового ринку металевих виливків у 2019-2...
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An overview of information on the use of robots and robotic conveyor lines in the foundry industry. A number of examples of robotization of foundry sections are given. Robots will make it possible to replace a person in most of the main and auxiliary operations of the production cycle, which will contribute to the completion of the complex automati...
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Among a number of advanced technologies, the "digital twin" (DT) technology is an integrator technology of almost all "end-to-end" digital technologies that are able to provide technological breakthroughs and allow high-tech productions, in particular, in the foundry and metallurgical industry, to move to a new level of technological sustainable de...
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The process of casting by gasifying models (LFC) with the use of 3D-printed models was studied. Hollow shell printed polymer models seek to approximate in mass by shrinking to polystyrene foam (SPS) models by printing the core as thin spacers that prevent deformation of the model walls and provide the model with gas permeability to vent gases throu...
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The large-scale diffusion of digital technologies can ensure the economic growth, create a synergistic effect extending to the economic, social, technological, intellectual and infrastructural components of the progress. Three methods of digitalization, which is designed to radically change production, are presented in this article taking the manuf...
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In order to optimize binding compositions for 3D printing of foundry molds, variants of compositions of sand mixtures are described. Different features of their hardening will contribute to the expansion of the flexibility (variability) of the molding additive technology with its refinement to varying degrees for the production of each specific gro...
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Improvement of the LFC process (Lost Foam Casting) is made by developing a design of a 3D printed model (pattern) with a minimum volumetric weight, a smooth surface, mainly a shell structure with internal struts, which are desirable combine with technological supports for printing. It is important to make the model (pattern) fully ventilated with c...
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A review of the authors' publications on the lost foam casting made on the automatic conveyor lines is given. The advantages of the technologies in question are considered and the concept of the transferring of the lost foam casting process on the automatic conveyor lines is developed. The design of the tools for hanging the model cluster in the ca...
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Examples of foundry production with the participation of additive manufacturing (AM, or synonym – 3D printing) of molds and rods without pattern-rod equipment are considered. Additive technologies make the process of topological optimization of structures the most efficient, allowing to produce structures (including sand for metal casting) of almos...
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O. V. Tokova, V. S. Doroshenko, O. B. Yanchenko. COMPUTER SYSTEMS OF THERMAL ANALYSIS FOR MONITORING OF FOUNDRY AND METALLURGICAL PROCESSES......A computer system for monitoring thermal processes occurring in foundries and metallurgical plants is described. Thermal pro�cesses are considered in detail as the main processes occurring in the casting...


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