Volker Busch-GeertsemaAssociation for Innovative Social Research and Social Planning, GISS, Bremen
Volker Busch-Geertsema
Professor Dr.
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Publications (57)
Die vorliegende Machbarkeitsstudie trägt dazu bei, den gesetzlichen Auftrag des § 8 Absatz 4 Wohnungslosenberichterstattungsgesetz (WoBerichtsG) zu erfüllen: Sie untersucht, ob und mit welchem Aufwand sich eine Berichterstattung über Formen der Wohnungslosigkeit realisieren lässt, die weder durch die neue Bundeswohnungslosenstatist...
Die bundesweite repräsentative empirische Erhebung zu wohnungslosen Menschen ohne Unterkunft und zu verdeckt Wohnungslosen, deren Ergebnisse mit diesem Bericht vorgelegt werden, soll dazu beitragen, den gesetzlichen Auftrag des § 8 Absatz 2 und 3 Wohnungslosenberichterstattungsgesetz (WoBerichtsG) zu erfüllen. Mit der Studie beschr...
A new law in Germany foresees regular point-in time registrations (count and demographic details) of homeless people in shelters, hostels and other types of temporary accommodation (every end of January, starting with 31st of January 2022) by the national office of statistics. In addition, the national extent of other groups of homeless people (fol...
In this paper, we summarise some of the recent developments within the social sciences in researching homelessness, in particular, the increasing use of longitudinal administrative and survey data, linking adminis- trative and survey data, and the development of RCTS in evaluating interven- tions designed to assist those experiencing homelessness....
This comparative report looks at the quality and regulation of homelessness services in Europe. Considerable variation exists in how service quality is defined and regulated. Both good regulatory practice and evidence of unregulated services working with homeless people are reported, sometimes within the same country. Marked differences in resource...
Das Forschungsprojekt gibt einen Gesamtüberblick über die Wohnungsnotfallproblematik und die Angebotsstruktur für von Wohnungslosigkeit bedrohte und betroffene Menschen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Die Studie setzte sich aus drei Teiluntersuchungen zusammen. Dies waren:
Eine Online-Befragung bei 47 ausgewählten kreisfreien Städten, 12 Berline...
This comparative report looks at the patterns of homelessness service provision across Europe and explores the potential for developing a pan-European typology of homelessness services. This report examines variations between countries and differences between urban and rural areas. Emergency shelters, food distribution and daycentres, alongside ser...
This is a critical review of the book "SEEWOLF-Studie.-Seelische und körperliche Erkrankungen bei wohnungslosen Menschen [The SEEWOLF-Study-Mental and Physical Illness among Homeless People] Freiburg im Breisgau: Lambertus Verlag, pp. 324, €26.00 .
The review argues that the book is neither a representative study of homeless people in Germany nor...
This comparative report critically assesses the evidence on the nature and extent of family homelessness in Europe and also explores the provision of preventative, support and rehousing services. Family homelessness is disproportionately experienced by lone women parents whose homelessness is frequently triggered by domestic violence. Homeless fami...
Unprecedented numbers of people are seeking safety and a better life in the European Union. This research explores the consequences for homelessness services as existing systems for processing asylum seekers and refugees have attempted to process a new level of mass migration and have come under sometimes unprecedented strain. Looking at 12 countri...
Unprecedented numbers of people are seeking safety and a better life in the European Union. This research explores the consequences for homelessness services as existing systems for processing asylum seekers and refugees have attempted to process a new level of mass migration and have come under sometimes unprecedented strain. Looking at 12 countri...
Homelessness has long been recognised as a global phenomenon, affecting poorer populations in both the developed and developing worlds. However, acute housing need has often struggled to achieve the same level of priority at an international level as the satisfaction of other basic needs, such as for food, water, healthcare and education. In this p...
Die bislang nur geringen Kenntnisse über die Anzahl und Zusammensetzung von Wohnungslosigkeit bedrohter Haushalte und über die Art und den Umfang präventiver Hilfen bildeten den Hintergrund für eine landesweite Untersuchung zur Prävention von Wohnungslosigkeit in Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW), die das Landesministerium für Arbeit, Integration und Sozia...
This study focuses on the protection of the right to housing in EU countries and in particular on evictions from primary residences. It provides an overview and analysis of available data and trends regarding housing evictions, and establishes the reasons for and impacts of eviction. The report focuses in particular on the link between eviction and...
Analysis of Odense Homelessness Policies and Approach to Create a Socially Inclusive City
Im Folgenden soll zunächst der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob mit dem auf EU-Ebene und auch in zahlreichen anderen Ländern der entwickelten Welt viel diskutierten Housing-First-Ansatz, bei dem der direkten Wohnungsversorgung mit wohnbegleitenden Hilfen der Vorrang vor einer stufenweisen Reintegration von Wohnungslosen in Einrichtungen und Sonderwohn...
Developed in New York City in 1990, the Common Ground model of supportive housing has recently been embraced in Australia as a high-profile solution to chronic homelessness. Combining on-site support services with a congregate housing form accommodating ex-homeless people and low-income adults, Common Ground is presented as an innovative model whic...
To describe and evaluate the fidelity of Housing First (HF) initiatives in six European countries to the Pathways HF (PHF) model and examine the larger social, historical, and political factors that may foster or impede model fidelity. Key stakeholders representing six European HF initiatives completed semi-structured phone interviews. Interviews w...
Summary of the Housing First Europe project, an EU-funded evaluation and mutual learning project collecting evidence from five cities across Europe, which sought to test the Housing First approach and foster the exchange of experiences with five additional cities where the approach or part of its philosophy were implemented. Housing First seeks to...
Good quality statistical data are fundamental if effective strategies to reduce and prevent homelessness are to be developed. Small scale qualitative and cross-sectional survey research suggests that homelessness exists in multiple forms, but large scale, robust and longitudinal data are needed to fully explore these patterns. This report criticall...
Good quality statistical data are fundamental if effective strategies to reduce and prevent homelessness are to be developed. Small scale qualitative and cross-sectional survey research suggests that homelessness exists in multiple forms, but large scale, robust and longitudinal data are needed to fully explore these patterns. This report criticall...
This Report is the final report about the Housing First Europe social experimentation project funded by the European Commission
Im Folgenden werden einige Beispiele aus der europäischen Debatte über Wohnungslosigkeit und einige wahrnehmbare Trends beim Kampf gegen Wohnungslosigkeit in verschiedenen Ländern Europas herausgegriffen, die auch für die Entwicklung des Systems der Hilfen in Wohnungsnotfällen hierzulande von besonderem Interesse sein können. Es geht dabei weniger...
_ Substantial progress has been made at EU level on defining home-lessness. The European Typology on Homelessness and Housing Exclusion (ETHOS) is widely accepted in almost all European countries (and beyond) as a useful conceptual framework and almost everywhere definitions at national level (though often not identical with ETHOS) are discussed in...
This paper discusses the consequences of labour market reforms on homelessness by comparing reforms in Denmark and Germany. It focuses on the dilemmas and consequences that reforms of social benefit systems and activation policies may have on homelessness and those at risk of homeless- ness. Recent reforms have involved changes and reductions in so...
England and Germany are unusual amongst developed economies in reporting declining levels of homelessness. This paper argues that, notwithstanding weaknesses in the available data, there are good grounds for thinking that there has been a reduction in homelessness in both countries in recent years. While a range of factors have contributed to these...
_ The provision of hostel accommodation for those who are homeless has a long history. Despite the fact that their functions and consequences are often questioned, hostels remain a basic element in the provision of services for those who are homeless in all European countries. The aim of this paper is to consider the present-day role of homeless ho...
The article presents the results of a number of follow-up studies of re-housed homeless people in different European countries, including three recent studies in Dublin (Ireland), Hanover (Germany) and Milan (Italy). They have shown mainly positive outcomes even for many long-term and severely marginalized homeless persons – if those who need socia...
This paper discusses recent changes in the role of the German state in relation to welfare and housing and, to a lesser extent, recent state initiatives in tackling homelessness. The analysis leads to the conclusion that some of more radical changes apparent in other European countries are less relevant in the German context because the role of the...
Public space is an essential component of the daily life of homeless people, whether rough sleepers or hostel dwellers or others who are inadequately housed. During 2006 a group of researchers from the European Observatory on Homelessness2 considered the ways in which the increasing surveillance, regulation and control over public space, evident in...
Several surveys on homeless people in Germany and evaluation results of studies in other European countries show that a majority of homeless people want to live in mainstream, self-contained housing. Research in the UK and in Germany also proves that most homeless single people with special difficulties and rough sleepers, who are often stigmatized...
Germany has the lowest proportion of owner-occupied flats within the European Union. Ac- cording to the latest available data (microcensus, additional inquiry of 1998), the share of owner- occupying households amounted to 40.5%. 57.3% of all households in Germany we- re tenants with first hand leases and 2.2% were subtenants. Even 8 years after Ger...
Since 1996 a state program "Wohnungslosigkeit vermeiden - dauerhaftes Wohnen sichern" (Preventing homelessness - securing permanent housing) in Germany's most densely populated regional state North Rhine-Westphalia (18 million inhabi- tants) has provided funding for innovative projects in three focal areas: prevention of homelessness, improving acc...
By the new system of basic benefits for all long-term unemployed people in need and able to work (called Arbeitslosengeld II) traditional income related elements of German social security were abolished at the beginning of 2005 and replaced by a strictly means-tested minimal income. This and other recent changes in the German social security system...