Vladimir VerzhbitskyInstitute of Oceanology. PP Shirshov Russian Academy of Sciences · Seismology and Geodynamics
Vladimir Verzhbitsky
PhD in Geology
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Publications (134)
Present-day structure of Wrangel Island was formed during two main stages of Mesozoic-Cenozoic deformation. The general fold-thrust structural grain of the island, characterized by northern vergence and complicated by NW-trending right-lateral strike-slip faults, originated in the post-Triassic. Mesostructural data indicate a near-meridional orient...
The South Chukchi Basin separates the late Mesozoic Chukotka Fold Belt from the Wrangel Arch and represents the northwestern continuation of the Hope Basin of the United States sector of the Chukchi Sea, which is filled with middle Eocene-Quaternary nonmarine, marine, and lacustrine rocks. The main stages of South Chukchi Basin development in the C...
The newly obtained data on the West Kamchatka complexes, together with the results published previously, allowed us to reach
some conclusions regarding the Cenozoic kinematics in the eastern part of the Sea of Okhotsk region. The Cenozoic stress fields
of submeridional-NW-SE trend were reconstructed. These results may provide independent evidence f...
The Pevek region of Arctic Russia provides excellent beach cliff exposure of sedimentary and igneous rocks that yield detailed information on the nature, progression and timing of structural events in this region. Regional folding and thrust faulting, with the development of a south-dipping axial plane cleavage/foliation developed during N-S to NE-...
During Cruise 20–3 of the R/V Rift (April, 2006), the area that includes the shelf and slope of the Derbent Basin in the northern Middle Caspian was studied
using the continuous seismoacoustic profiling method. In accordance with the previous standpoint, two Pleistocene deltaic
complexes formed in the Enotaevian and Mangyshlakian time are defined i...
The Russian sector of the Eastern Arctic is characterized by large basins with thick sedimentary filling, primarily on the shelf and continental slope of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. A number of geological, geophysi-cal, and geochemical features point to a hydrocarbon potential. At the same time, the age and composition of the sedimentary infill o...
The near-Laptev part of the Eurasian basin is the area of transition from modern spreading to intraplate rifting. We propose an approach to the construction of a 3D model of the basement of the Laptev Sea part of the Eurasian basin based on the linkage of all currently available geological and geophysical data. The structure of the acoustic basemen...
The Stratigraphic Drilling Project of the Russian Arctic Shelf conducted by the PJSC Rosneft is aimed at discover the stratigraphic age and rock composition of sedimentary succession of its subsurface. In 2021, six shallow wells for the first time have been drilled with core sampling in the east of the Laptev Sea. Drilling revealed folded sedimenta...
An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S1028334X23070449
The Stratigraphic Drilling Project of the Russian Arctic Shelf, conducted by the Rosneft Oil Company , focuses their attention on the stratigraphic age and composition of rock complexes of the sedimentary basins. In 2021, six shallow boreholes for the first time were drilled with core sampling in the eastern part of the Laptev Sea. Drilling recover...
Integration of petroleum geology methods is the process of applying results of several methods for solving a task or group of tasks in order to reduce the limits of uncertainties in its solution. Since in the oil and gas industry there are a large number of methods, often aimed at solving similar problems, it is necessary to reduce the number of me...
The paper presents information on geological studies on the islands of the Franz Josef Land archipelago (FJL) in the Arctic Ocean as part of comprehensive scientific expedition on board of the Mikhail Somov research ship in August 2022, and the first results of studying natural bitumen occurrences in Mesozoic igneous rocks. During the research on f...
A shallow well was drilled in the East Siberian Sea for the first time with the purpose of geological study of the suture zone of deep waters of the Arctic Ocean and marginal structures of the continental shelf. The works have been carried out at the initiative of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) in August 2022. The well was drill...
Впервые с целью геологического изучения зоны сочленения глубоководных акваторий Северного Ледовитого океана и окраинных структур континентального шельфа по инициативе Фе- дерального агентства по недропользованию силами ФГБУ ВСЕГЕИ и АО “Росгеология” и при со- действии ПАО НК “Роснефть” в августе 2022 г. было выполнено бурение малоглубинной скважины...
The criteria of petroleum potential of a sedimentary basin are the features that characterize the evolution of a hydrocarbon system as a geological unit. There are basic and additional criteria of oil and gas potential. Without basic criteria, the functioning of the hydrocarbon system and consequent petroleum field formation is impossible. Addition...
—Until recently, the sedimentary cover age and composition of the marginal North Kara Basin (northern part of the Kara Sea, Russian Arctic) remained uncertain because of the absence of direct data from parametric and exploration wells. Taking into consideration the absolute importance of these issues for understanding the regional geology of the Ar...
—The correlation between the sedimentologic characteristics of the Upper Triassic deposits of Wrangel Island and the Chukchi Peninsula (Chukotka) is discussed. These deposits are similar in isotopic, petrographic, and geochemical features. It has been established that the Upper Triassic sand strata accumulated at different sites of a single sedimen...
The presented article is devoted to the actual problem of regional geology — the reconstruction of the history of geological development of the Upper Paleozoic-Triassic complex in the southern part of the North Caspian. Understanding of evolution is one of the necessary conditions for improving the reliability of predicting the geological objects c...
Structural styles (or structural paragenesis in Russian literature) in the sedimentary
cover result from tectonic processes that took place during the
basin evolution. Hydrocarbon traps within regions with a single structural
style can share similar structure and tectonic development features. This, in
turn, may determine the commonality of risk fa...
Data collected by several expeditions to the Arctic Ocean have yielded a seismic stratigraphic framework and basin fill history for the Alpha-Mendeleev Rise (AMR) and adjacent Podvodnikov, Makarov, North Chukchi, Toll, Mendeleev, Nautilus and Stefansson basins. The AMR comprises a double-sided volcanic passive margin formed in Aptian-Albian time. T...
Abstract—The U–Pb (LA-ICP-MS) dating of detrital zircons from the Upper Cretaceous Derevyannye Gory Formation in the Novaya Sibir Island revealed that tuffites and tuffaceous sandstones contain zircons widely ranging in age from Archean to Upper Cretaceous. The weighted average age of the youngest zircon population is 88 ± 1.0 Ma, which constrains...
The K–Ar isotope age and petrological–geochemical data were obtained for the first time on igneous rocks from a core recovered from previously drilled wells on the Sakhalin shelf. Based on these data, the igneous rocks were compared to the rocks of the Anivskiy, Orlovskiy, Lamanonskiy, and Chekhovskiy volcanic complexes. The isotopic ages obtained...
For the first time, data on the K-Ar isotopic age and petrological-geochemical composition were obtained for igneous rocks using the core samples recovered from the previously drilled holes on the Sakhalin shelf. Based on these data, the igneous rocks were compared to the rocks of the Anivsky, Orlovsky, Lamanonsky, and Chekhovsky volcanic complexes...
The South Chukchi-Hope Tectono-Sedimentary Element rests on the Neocomian folded basement formed as a result of the South Anyui palaeo-ocean closure. The interpretation of 2D seismic data as well as results of onshore structural field studies and dating of post-kinematic granite plutons suggest post-collisional extensional/transtensional regimes, p...
A seismic stratigraphic framework and basin fill geohistory for Arctic Ocean basins is presented based on data collected by several Russian Government organized expeditions to the Arctic Ocean. This analysis tied together seismic stratigraphic interpretations for the shelf and the deep-water part of the ocean. The stratigraphic framework is based o...
The North Chukchi Trough depositional history was largely written by changes in direction
of sedimentary influx. In the Aptian-Cenomanian the sediments were transported from the
New Siberia – Chukotka fold and thrust belt highs. The Cenomanian extension led to the
transgression. From Cenomanian to middle Paleocene the North Chukchi Trough has
Over a period of the past 15–20 years, the Russian Government implemented the Arctic Mega Project for geological and comprehensive study of the Arctic Ocean. In this paper we discuss the methods that were used in the implementation of this project. In the course of several expeditions, multiple types of data were acquired, which included: (1) seism...
A deep North Chukchi Trough is located in the Chukchi Sea to the north from Wrangel Island. It is filled by the Aptian-Cenozoic sedimentary cover represented by multistorey clinoform complexes. Postneocomian clinoforms of the Alaska North Slope are productive on several oil and gas fields onshore. These petroleum accumulations are associated mostly...
Previously published studies revealed diapirs in the American Chukchi Sea sedimentary cover. Similar diapirs were identified within the rifted margin in the Russian Chukchi Sea during exploration activity of the Rosneft Oil Company across the “Severo-Vrangelevsky-1” license block. Several stratigraphic intervals of the growth strata adjacent to the...
В статье обсуждаются результаты петрографических, геохимических и геохронологических исследований коллекции метаморфических пород в составе неопротерозойского фундамента о. Врангеля. На основании геохимических данных определена океаническая природа базитов, метаморфизованных в зеленосланцевой и амфиболитовой фациях в диапазоне температур 350–600° С...
Проведены детальные литолого-стратиграфические и структурные исследования складчато-надви-
говых структур о. Новая Сибирь. Нами установлено, что совместно дислоцированные комплексы
верхнего мела–среднего неоплейстоцена перекрыты недеформированными отложениями верхнего
неоплейстоцена. Данный факт подтверждает завершение процесса деформаций в конце с...
Detailed lithologic, stratigraphic and structural studies of fold-thrust structures were conducted on the island New Siberia. We have established, the jointly deformed complexes of the Upper CretaceousMiddle Neopleistocene are overlapped by undeformed sediments of the Upper Neopleistocene. This fact confirms the completion of the deformation proces...
The seismic stratigraphy scheme for the shelf basins of the East Siberian Sea and the Chukchi Sea region and the adjacent deep-water part of the Amerasia basin has been developed, and mega-sequences (or tectonostratigraphic units) with proposed age of 125100, 10080, 8066, 6656, 4645, 4534, 200 Ma are distinguished. Zhokhov foredeep basin of the Lat...
We present an atlas of paleogeographic and paleotectonic maps which documents major events in the Arctic for 0–157 Ma. We demonstrate that the Mendeleev Ridge has a continental basement. The following chronology of events in the history of the Arctic Ocean is proposed: (1) Jurassic: continental rifting in the area of the Sverdrup-Banks basins and i...
Abstract—Detailed lithological, stratigraphic, and structural studies of the fold-thrust structures were conducted
on New Siberia Island. We have established that the jointly deformed complexes of the Upper Cretaceous–
Middle Neopleistocene are overlapped by undeformed sediments of the Upper Neopleistocene. This
fact confirms the completion of the...
The seismic stratigraphy scheme for the shelf basins of the East Siberian Sea and the Chukchi Sea region and the adjacent deepwater area of the Amerasia basin has been developed, and mega-sequences (or tectonostratigraphic units) with the conventional ages of 125‒100, 100‒80, 80‒66, 66‒56, 46‒45, 45‒34, 34‒20, 20‒0 Ma are distinguished. Zhokhov for...
New U–Pb SIMS zircon datings from granitoid plutons and dikes of Western Chukotka, together with data obtained earlier, confirm that postcollisional granitoid magmatism and dike intrusion occurred in the Aptian–Albian (117–105 Ma ago) and marked a change in the tectonic regime during tectonic evolution of Chukotka Mesozoides from collision to exten...
New U–Pb SIMS zircon datings from granitoid plutons and dikes of Western Chukotka together with earlier obtained data confirm that postcollisional granitoid magmatism and dike intrusion occurred in Aptian–Albian (117–105 m.y.) and fix change of tectonic regime from collision to extension in tectonic evolution of Chukotka Mesozoides. These events ma...
New results from the study of zircon U—Pb ages by SIMS and the geochemistry of basic volcanism of Wrangel Island’s central part are considered. Volcanites are represented by rhyolites and spilitized basalts. For a long time, the age of rocks was considered early Carboniferous, since they are discordantly overlapped by late Carboniferous limestones....
64 (2), 267-280. https://doi.org/10.21638/spbu07.2019.206 В настоящей работе приведены результаты изучения U-Pb SIMS датирования акцес-сорного циркона и геохимических особенностей основных вулканитов центральной части о. Врангеля. Обнажения последних пространственно сближены с выходами на поверхность риолитов. Долгое время образования этих пород от...
The paper presents data on mesostructural field observations in the northern, central, and eastern parts of Wrangel Island. Numerous stages in the structural evolution of geological complexes of the fold sedimentary cover of the island are confirmed. The structures of the early stage (Early Devonian) were found in Upper Silurian–Lower Devonian and...
New faunal data from Carboniferous carbonates on Wrangel Island and Chukotka Peninsula (within Kuul, Alyarmaut and Polyarnyui Uplifts) are used to identify stratigraphic sequences and for regional correlations. The facies and geochemical data indicate that Carboniferous sediments on Wrangel Island, Kibera Cape and the Alyarmaut Uplift were deposite...
Combined structural, thermochronological and geochronological studies were carried out to unravel the complex late Paleozoic – Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the eastern Taimyr – Severnaya Zemlya Fold and Thrust Belt, along with the adjoining Yenisey-Khatanga Depression and Olenek Fold Zone. New detailed field mapping, a fault and fold geometry and...
Detailed structural investigations have been carried out in the Pevek district to specify tectonic evolution of the Chukotka mesozoids. The earliest south-verging folds F1 formed in Triassic rocks at the first deformation stage DI. These structures are overlapped by the northern-verging folds F2 and overthrusts pertain to the second deformation sta...
The complex seismic-geological model of the East Siberian Shelf was constructed on the basis of the analysis of the geological and geophysical material and 2D seismic data interpretation. The justification of the sedimentary cover age was made according to the geological data from the adjacent mainland, islands and wells, which are located on the i...
Приведены данные мезоструктурных наблюдений, выполненных авторами во время полевых работ
в северной, центральной и восточной частях о. Врангеля. Подтверждена многостадийность струк-
турной эволюции геологических комплексов складчатого осадочного чехла о. Врангеля. Структуры
раннего этапа (D1) обнаружены в породах верхнего силура–нижнего девона и де...
New results from the study of zircon U–Pb ages by SIMS SHRIMP and LA–ICP–MS, Nd isotopy and the geochemistry of granitic plutonism and felsic volcanism of Wrangel Island are considered. Granitic intrusions are confined to the Wrangel Complex in the Southern tectonic zone, cropping out in the core of a latitudinally extending anticlinorium and repre...
Detailed structural investigations were carried out in the Pevek area in order to verify the tectonic evolution of the Mesozoic thrust and fold belt in Chukotka. South-vergent F1 folds in Triassic rocks were proved to be the earliest structures formed during the first deformation stage DI. These structures were deformed by north-vergent folds F2 th...
The Northern, Central, and Southern zones are distinguished by stratigraphic, lithologic, and structural features. The Northern Zone is characterized by Upper Silurian–Lower Devonian sedimentary rocks, which are not known in other zones. They have been deformed into near-meridional folds, which formed under settings of near-latitudinal shortening d...
The paper presents new data on the U–Pb zircon age, as well as results of isotopic geochemical analysis, of granites and rhyolites from Wrangel Island. The U–Pb age estimates of granites and rhyolites are grouped into two clusters (~690–730 and 590–610 Ma), which imply that these rocks crystallized in the Late Neoproterozoic. Granitic rocks dated b...
Oil-and-gas potential of Cuba is ascertained by discoveries among which there are the most large-scale deposits, such as Boca de Jaruco and Varadero fields of heavy oils. Currently the petroleum and petroleum products needs of the island state are satisfied by own sources by less than a half. Prospects of the hydrocarbon resource base development a...
2014 г., Общество инженеров нефтегазовой промышленности Этот доклад был подготовлен для презентации на Российской технической нефтегазовой конференции и выставке SPE по разведке и добыче, 14-16 октября, 2014, Москва, Россия. Данный доклад был выбран для проведения презентации Программным комитетом SPE по результатам экспертизы информации, содержаще...
This paper presents the first cartographic reconstruction of the recent stress field for the southeastern Russian Plate and the southern Urals based on computer analysis of the extensive body of measurements of mesostructural kinematic markers. Comparison of this reconstruction with macro- and mesostructural data on the dynamics of recent dislocati...
North Kara shelf is one of the poorly explored, but highly prospective area for hydrocarbon discoveries in Russian Arctic. Based on marine seismic and onshore geology data we recognized three main unconformities within the North Kara shelf: Late Baikalian, Caledonian and Herzinian. We believe that general structural pattern of the North Kara region...