Vladimir CheverdaInstitute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics · Computational geophysics
Vladimir Cheverda
doctor of science, professor
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Vladimir Cheverda currently works at the Computational geophysics, A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS. Vladimir does research in Geology. Their current project is 'Seismic Modelling'.
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February 2013 - May 2016
March 1998 - present
Publications (259)
The paper presents an approach to the numerical simulation of sonic logging for arbitrary Tilted Transversely Isotropic (TTI) heterogeneous surrounding media. The simulation is based on the Lebedev’s finite difference scheme. In order to take into account the sharpest interface of the problem, namely the interface between the fluid-filled borehole...
One of the possible mechanisms causing significant emissions of methane into the atmosphere within the Arctic shelf may be the decomposition of gas hydrates. Their accumulations within the Arctic shelf formed almost simultaneously with the formation of permafrost, which contributed to the emergence of a zone of stable existence of gas hydrates. The...
A numerical method is proposed for carrying out a full-scale simulation of the process of propagation of an acoustic signal in a cased well. The main goal is to study the interaction of the wave field with the vertical boundary of the cement filling the annular and near-pipe space. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the intensity of th...
One of the possible mechanisms causing significant emissions of methane into the atmosphere within the Arctic shelf may be the decomposition of gas hydrates. Their accumulations within the Arctic shelf formed almost simultaneously with the formation of permafrost, which contributed to the emergence of a zone of stable existence of gas hydrates. The...
The East Siberian Arctic shelf is the area where the largest natural gas reserves are concentrated. The formation of permafrost of the Arctic shelf during the Ice Age contributed to the emergence of a zone of stable existence of gas hydrates in the sedimentary layer, and subsequent flooding of the shelf led to its gradual degradation, the thawing o...
One of the possible mechanisms causing significant emissions of methane into the atmosphere within the Arctic shelf may be the decomposition of gas hydrates. Their accumulations within the Arctic shelf formed during Ice Age almost simultaneously with the formation of permafrost, which contributed to the emergence of a zone of stable existence of ga...
—The efficiency of the development of an oil and gas field is largely determined by the knowledge of its geologic structure. In the recent decade, complex fractured carbonate reservoirs have attracted more and more attention. This paper is concerned with a new technology for constructing 3D images of complex reservoirs, based on Gaussian beam proce...
Seismic surveys in the vast territory of Eastern Siberia are carried out in seismic and geological conditions of varying complexity. Obtaining a high-quality dynamic seismic image for the work area is a priority task in the states of contrasting heterogeneities of the near-surface. For this, it is necessary to restore an effective depth-velocity mo...
To develop the optimal strategy for developing a hydrocarbon field, one should know in fine detail its geological structure. More and more attention has been paid to cavernous-fractured reservoirs within the carbonate environment in the last decades. This article presents a technology for three-dimensional computing images of such reservoirs using...
The construction of a detailed geological model of the object under study is necessary to ensure the successful conduct of seismic exploration and the subsequent development of a hydrocarbon reservoir. This stage is crucial concerning fields in a carbonate environment, widespread in the north of Eastern Siberia, particularly for the Yurubcheno-Tokh...
Accumulations of gas hydrates in the bottom layers pose not only a potential threat to offshore engineering structures and shipping. They can also cause the release of significant volumes of methane into the atmosphere. The most natural way to detect gas hydrates is to use seismic methods. The technology of their application on the shelf is quite w...
Seismic surveys in the vast territory of Eastern Siberia are carried out in seismic and geological conditions of varying complexity. Obtaining a high-quality dynamic seismic image for the area of work is a priority task in the conditions of contrasting heterogeneities of the near-surface. For this, it is necessary to restore an effective depth-velo...
We describe the workflow associated with the construction of a digital twin for a realistic three-dimensional model of a carbonate field in the north of Eastern Siberia. It involves creating the skeleton of the geological object and a set of synthetic seismic data obtained by numerical simulations. To create synthetic data, we carry out finite-diff...
We present a 3D diffraction imaging procedure with the subsequent computation of diffraction attributes and their application in field seismic data processing. This procedure consists of a weighted asymmetric summation of 3D seismic data based on Gaussian beams double-focusing. The different mutual geometry of beams produces 3D selective diffractio...
The depth velocity model is a critical element for providing seismic data processing success, as it is responsible for the times of waves’ propagation and, therefore, prescribes the location of geological objects in the resulting seismic images. Constructing a deep velocity model is the most time-consuming part of the entire seismic data processing...
The MPI is the most widespread data exchange interface standard used in parallel programming for clusters and supercomputers with many computer platforms. The primary means of the MPI communication between processes is passing messages based on basic point-to-point blocking and non-blocking routines. The choice of the optimal implementation of exch...
Full-waveform seismic data inversion has given rise to hope for the simultaneous and automated execution of tomography and imaging by solving a nonlinear least-squares optimization problem. As previously recognized, brute force minimization by classical methods is hopeless if the data lacks low temporal frequencies. The article developed a reliable...
We present an algorithm for numerical simulation of electric current in rock samples and numerical upscaling of heterogeneous samples’ electrical resistivity (conductivity). The solver is oriented on solving strongly heterogeneous problems so that partially saturated multi-mineral core samples can be treated. The algorithm is based on the Krylov-ty...
We present a parallelization strategy for our novel iterative method to simulate elastic waves in 3D land inhomogeneous isotropic media via MPI and OpenMP. The unique features of the solver are the preconditioner developed to assure fast convergence of the Krylov-type iteration method at low time frequencies and the way to calculate how the forward...
The paper deals with a 3D diffraction imaging with the subsequent diffraction attribute calculation. The imaging is based on an asymmetric summation of seismic data and provides three diffraction attributes: structural diffraction attribute, point diffraction attribute, an azimuth of structural diffraction. These attributes provide differentiating...
The use of 3D Computed Tomography (CT) throws light on the interior structure of the core samples. That is why the 3D CT has become increasingly widespread in digital rock physics. However, the CT does not provide information about the elastic properties of the rocks. So far, the most common approach to recover these properties is static laboratory...
The current level of development of numerical methods and high-performance computer systems opens the way to obtain detailed information about the structure of geological objects using 3D seismic study. A universally recognized necessary component that ensures the successful development of modern high-tech technologies for acquiring, processing, an...
In this paper, we present an algorithm for numerical simulation of the tectonic movements leading to the formation of geological faults. We use the discrete element method, so that the media are presented as an agglomeration of elastic, visco-elastic, or elasto-plastic interacting particles. This approach can naturally handle finite deformations an...
The full waveform inversion of seismic data aroused the hope to perform simultaneously and in automated way tomography and imaging by solving non-linear least-squares optimization problem. As it has been recognized early, brute force minimization by classical methods is hopeless if low time frequencies are absent in the data. The paper develops a r...
Numerical simulation of seismic waves’ propagation and imaging in a three-dimensional multiscale geological media is one of the main trends in the development of modern geophysics. We present the work flow for construction of the 3D digital twin of some real geological object. This object is cavernous fractured carbonate reservoir near the Riphean...
A new parallel numerical technique to estimate the effective elastic parameters of a rock core sample from the three-dimensional Computed Tomography images is presented. The method is based on the energy equivalence principle and a new approach to solving the 3D static elasticity problem by the iterative relaxation technique. The method in the thre...
An approach to recovering an initial tsunami waveform with its application to the 16 September 2015 Illapel tsunami is proposed. The approach is based on inverting the remote measurements of water-level data from the deep-ocean DART buoys without a priori information on a source except for the common information about its spatial localization. The...
The paper presents 3D diffraction imaging based on the spectral decomposition of the different combination of selective or partial images. These images are got by the pre‐stack asymmetric migration procedure which is weighted data summation. Spectral decomposition is done in the Fourier domain with respect to spatial dip and azimuth angles. Numeric...
We present a parallelization strategy for our novel iterative method to simulate elastic waves in 3D land inhomogeneous isotropic media via MPI and OpenMP. The unique features of the solver are the preconditioner developed to assure fast convergence of the Krylov-type iteration method at low time frequencies and the way to calculate how the forward...
The seismic study in the Arctic transition zones in the summer season is troublesome because of the presence of large areas covered by shallow waters like bays, lakes, rivers, their estuaries and so on. The winter season is more convenient and essentially facilitates logistic operations and implementation of seismic acquisition. However in the wint...
In last years, the share of hard-to-recover oil reserves, concentrated in low-permeability carbonate reservoirs, where fractures mainly provide permeability, is increasing significantly. To date, fields of this type are located on the territory of the Russian Federation in Eastern Siberia, the Timan-Pe-chora region, the Caucasus, etc. The difficult...
We present analysis of sandstone micro-CT scans obtained with different resolution. We show that use of fine resolution (about 1 micrometer per voxel) do not provide valuable information about the core structure and for the pore surface analysis and makes the sample nonrepresentative even for porosity estimation. Scans with resolution of 3–5 μm per...
Full Waveform Inversion in its traditional formulation is nothing else but finding the minimum of the objective functional, that characterizes L2 difference between acquired and simulated wave fields. The accumulated experience proves the necessity of the following conditions for correct recovery of the wave propagation velocity: • The presence of...
Computation of Common Middle Point seismic sections and their subsequent time migration and diffraction imaging provides very important knowledge about the internal structure of 3D heterogeneous geological media and are key elements for successive geological interpretation. Full-scale numerical simulation, that computes all single shot seismograms,...
We present an algorithm for numerical simulation of the geological fault formation. The approach is based on the discrete elements method, which allows modeling of the deformations and structural discontinuity of the Upper part of the Earth crust. In the discrete elements method, the medium is represented as an combination of discrete particles whi...
Computation of Common Middle Point seismic sections and their subsequent time migration and diffraction imaging provides very important knowledge about the internal structure of 3D heterogeneous geological media and are key elements for successive geological interpretation. Full-scale numerical simulation, that computes all single shot seismograms,...
A numerical method for solving an inverse problem of the theory of seismic wave propagation, relying on the modified least square method, is proposed, substantiated, and implemented. The proposed modification is based on the decomposition of the velocity model of the geological medium into the subspaces of smoothly changing propagators and sharply...
The efficiency of any inversion method for estimating the medium parameters from seismic data strongly depends on simulation of the wave propagation, i.e., forward modeling. The requirements are that it should be accurate, fast, and computationally efficient. When the inversion is carried out in the frequency domain (FD), e.g., FD full-waveform inv...
In this work, we implement discrete element method for simulation of fault zone formation due to the tectonic deformations of the Earth crust. Discrete element simulation provides us with the valuable information on the deformations distribution in the vicinity of the fault, which can be recomputed into the petrophysical parameters of the core. The...
In order to simulate the interaction of seismic waves with cavernous/fractured reservoirs, a finite-difference technique based on locally refined time-and-space grids is used. The need to use these grids is due primarily to the differing scale of heterogeneities in the reference medium and the reservoir. Domain Decomposition methods allow for the s...
Oil and gas consumption around the world is constantly increasing. As a result, traditional deposits are depleted and make oil and gas companies pay attention to more complicated facilities. Such objects will include 'shale oil', deposits of high-viscosity oil and deposits associated with fractured carbonate reservoirs, one of which is given in thi...
The consecutive numerical method is implemented for construction of a depth velocity model by full waveform inversion. The inverse dynamic seismic problem is reduced to finding the minimum point of the objective functional characterizing the mean square deviation of the recorded data from those calculated for the current model of the medium. A dist...
The constitutive equations of motion of an elastic medium with given initial stresses are formulated in the form of a hyperbolic system of first order differential equations. Equations describing the propagation of small perturbations in a prestressed isotropic medium with an arbitrary dependence of the elastic strain energy on the strain tensor ar...
This paper presents a problem-oriented approach, designed for the numerical simulation of seismic wave propagation in models containing geological formations with complex properties such as anisotropy, attenuation, and small-scale heterogeneities. Each of the named property requires a special treatment that increases the computational complexity of...
Interpretation of seismic responses from subsurface fault zones is hampered by the fact that the geological structure and property distributions of fault zones can generally not be directly observed. This shortcoming curtails the use of seismic data for characterizing internal structure and properties of fault zones, and has instead promoted the us...
We develop a frequency-domain iterative solver for numerical simulation of acoustic waves in 3D heterogeneous media. It is based on the application of a unique preconditioner to the Helmholtz equation that ensures convergence for Krylov subspace iteration methods. Effective inversion of the preconditioner involves the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) a...
This paper addresses seismic imaging of fault zones and analysis of the seismic data with the use of the fault facies model developed at Uni Research CIPR. Simulated and ideal seismic images were produced to generate a statistical ensemble of realizations of this model. The comparative analysis presented in this paper is focused on the statistical...
The paper develops a reliable numerical method to solve inverse dynamical problem of seismic waves propagation on the base of nonlinear least squares formulation which is widely known as Full Waveform Inversion (FWI). The key issue on this way is correct reconstruction of macrov-elocity component of the model with input seismic data without time fr...
The paper addresses 3D seismic depth true-amplitude migration of 3D irregular data in anisotropic media based on beam decomposition of the data. The main objective is the development of the imaging procedure suitable for anisotropic media and handling 3D irregular seismic data without any preliminary regularization. The real data examples from East...
Due to the apparatus restrictions the resolution of the micro-CT scans of rock samples and the size of the 3D image are strictly connected. Thus improve in the resolution giving more detailed representation of the rock structure reduce the size of the sample, so that it goes below the representative volume for the estimation of a particular propert...
The paper develops a reliable numerical method to solve inverse dynamical problem of seismic waves’ propagation on the base of nonlinear least squares formulation which is widely known as Full Waveform Inversion (FWI). The key issue on this way is correct reconstruction of macrovelocity component of the model with input seismic data without time fr...
The main peculiarity of hydrocarbon reservoirs in carbonate environment is impermeability of the rock matrix. Oil is concentrated within cavities, but flows through the system of fractures. Hence, it is important not only to identify the presence of fractures, but also to determine their dominant orientation. This knowledge is necessary to optimize...
We propose an iterative method for a large-scale frequency domain solution of the elastic wave equation in 3D heterogeneous media for full waveform inversion (FWI) of land seismic data. The method is based on a Krylov-type technique with a semi-analytical preconditioner. The method is adapted for use on HPC clusters with distributed memory. It conv...
The presence of large areas covered by shallow waters, like swamps, rivers, lakes and so on, troubles seismic exploration in the Russian Far North in summer. The winter seems to be much more appropriate time to implement seismic acquisitions for reasonable cost but with acceptable quality of the data. The same is true for transition zones. Really,...
Typically the resolution of micro-CT scans of the rock samples and the physical size of the studied volume are linearly connected; i.e. improvement in the resolution requires the sample size reduction. In this paper we consider four images of the Bentheimer outcrop sandstone sample acquired with different resolution to determine the effect of the i...
Two major arrangements describing the oil-by-water displacement process, i.e., Muskat’s model without taking into account the surface tension on the free boundary and the Buckley–Leverett model based on the surface tension, are considered. These arrangements were subject to theoretical and numerical study, which made it possible to uncover their se...
The paper deals with development of reliable techniques of full waveform inversion which guarantee correct reconstruction of a macrovelocity model for reasonable acquisitions and frequency ranges. As reasonable we mean realistic offsets (about one-two depths of target objects) and temporal frequency above 5 – 7 Hz. The paper proposes the so-called...