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Publications (42)
The paper introduces the Cultural Leaf Semantic Portal whose aim is to provide a consolidated user-friendly solution for exploring the 36,132 Romanian artifacts and the 1,086 cultural entities that house them. Using the eCHO framework, the data collected from official sources are subjected to a transformation process through which they are sanitize...
Digitisation is a topic that has attracted more and more attention even in the cultural world, leading to the development of specific digital solutions such as DSpace, LIDO and EDM. DSpace is a digital archiving service developed by Hawlett-Packard and MIT, being used by more than 2,000 organisations and institutions worldwide, and LIDO has over ti...
The digitization of cultural heritage objects discovered over time is a process that allows librarians, historians and researchers to identify various common elements such as the lifestyle of the inhabitants, their traditions, the distribution of the population by areas, and many other such important points of interest in the study of communities a...
World governments can enhance trust by increasing transparency degree by publishing open data regarding the evolution of the society; in the meantime, the civil society is aware of the direction adopted by governments in the decision-making process regarding public policies and services and individuals interested in reusing these data can use it to...
The centralization of public data and the adoption of the open data concept are directions on which governors have begun to turn their attention more and more. Unfortunately, although the efforts in this direction are increasing, the Romanian public authorities offer access mainly to semi-structured or unstructured data, which only makes their use...
By means of Digital Libraries, entire archives can be made available to users at a click away; but due to the fact that the representation as accurate and as wide as possible of the events in which Cultural Heritage plays an essential role in understanding the past, the metadata aggregators must use data models that satisfy the demands of informati...
By means of Digital Libraries, entire archives can be made available to users at a click away; but due to the fact that the representation as accurate and as wide as possible of the events in which Cultural Heritage plays an essential role in understanding the past, the metadata aggregators must use data models that satisfy the demands of informati...
The centralization of public data and the adoption of the open data concept are directions on which governors have begun to turn their attention more and more. Unfortunately, although the efforts in this direction are increasing, the Romanian public authorities offer access mainly to semi-structured or unstructured data, which only makes their use...
Publishing data in Linked Data tends to capture more and more space because this way of representation of data allows linking the data, which leads to an increase in the degree of representation and, why not, the quality of data. Unfortunately, Linked Data has a much more complex and heterogeneous structure than other ways of data representation, w...
The continuous expansion of the semantic web and of the linked open data cloud meant more semantic data are available for querying from endpoints all over the web. We propose extending a standard SPARQL interface with UI and Natural Language Processing features to allow easier and more intelligent querying. The paper describes some usage scenarios...
Publishing data in Linked Data tends to capture more and more space because this way of representation of data allows linking the data, which leads to an increase in the degree of representation and, why not, the quality of data. Unfortunately, Linked Data has a much more complex and heterogeneous structure than other ways of data representation, w...
The digitalisation of cultural institutions plays an essential role in the conservation and study of the past because through this process the cultural heritage objects are represented in a digital form, thus facilitating their interlinking and discovering new relationships between them and other factors. DSpace is a software system used on wide sc...
The Semantic Web standardization and their growing usage in professional communities, both governmental and non-governmental, have naturally driven for accelerating the growth of published data volume in the virtual space by 422 published datasets in 2011 to 9,960 until 2019, totalling of 149,423,660,620 triples from various areas as medicine, educ...
With the continuous evolution of society, the analysis of the quality of life of the population has become an increasingly complex process, for which it is necessary to evaluate not only the factors that measure the financial power and the degree of economic development of the region, but also of those through which it can be appreciated the integr...
The analysis of the quality of life has become an increasingly complex process through which a number of economic, political and social factors are examined in order to identify the necessary measures to be taken for the social inclusion of disadvantaged people, to reduce the poverty rate of the population and to increase the living conditions. Thr...
Open data published by the Romanian Government in the data.gov.ro portal can be used to create e-learning applications. In the RoLOD platform, which contains semantic data, a part of the published data has been converted into a machine-readable format, named RDF (Resource Description Framework). This format was chosen in order to standardize the in...
Nowadays we are witnessing an exponential increase in open data which are published in order to be reused by third parties. The major problem about these data is that they have very different formats and structures as they are issued in totally different institutions. Modern elearning methods can be improved using these open data, but their differe...
The paper describes a complex e-learning experiment that involved over 700 students that attended the Human-Computer Interaction course during the last 4 years. The experiment consisted in using social web technologies like blogs and chat conferences to engage students in collaborative learning. The paper presents the learning scenarios, the encoun...
This paper presents the validation of an in Formal Learning Support System (iFLSS) that integrates social media and semantic structure within the learning process. The validation has shown that the system supports the learning process and results in an improved domain understanding.
Online social games are Internet-based games that use the social networks formed by players to extend in-game functionality. For example, gamers participating in the BBO Fans community combine online bridge play with social networking. Despite an increase in the popularity of online social gaming---currently, there exist over one million online bri...
In a Lifelong Learning context, learners often rely on informal learning materials to access and process information. There is a growing interest in accessing educational material on the social web. We have created a system that facilitates learners and tutors in accessing informal knowledge sources in the context of a learning task and describe th...
Online social gaming is an emerging Internet application that combines online gaming and online social networking functionality for the benefit of millions of daily users. While researchers have investigated the structure of (social) networks for decades, the activity characteristics and the community structure of online social gaming remain relati...
The paper proposes a method to semantically index the learning resources accessible to the learner in the social websites that he uses and bring them together in a Personal Learning Environment together with features like tag-based search and recommendations and learner profile generation. The paper describes the algorithms used, the semantic model...
One of the goals of the “Language Technology for LifeLong Learning” project is the creation of an appropriate methodology
to support both formal and informal learning. Services are being developed that are based on the interaction between a formal
representation of (domain) knowledge in the form of an ontology created by experts and a social compon...
Web communication technologies such as instant messaging (chat) and discussion forums have been widely used by learners and people involved in different communities of practice (CoP) in the last few years. With the advent of the Social Web (that is part of Web 2.0), learners have been able to interact and share, exchange, comment and grade resource...
Conference code: 81977, Export Date: 16 August 2011, Source: Scopus, Art. No.: 5571209, doi: 10.1109/ICALT.2010.48, Language of Original Document: English, Correspondence Address: Posea, V.; Dept. of Computer Science, University Politehnica of BucharestRomania; email: vlad.posea@cs.pub.ro, References: Lave, J., Wenger, E., (1990) Situated Learning:...
Traditional games have recently started to become online social games. Once accessible only through face to face encounters or slow mail exchanges, games such as bridge, chess, and go are now played online by millions of gamers. In this work we analyze and compare two communities of bridge players, Locomotiva and BBO Fans. We are interested in dupl...
The paper describes a complex e-learning experiment that has involved over 700 students that attended the Human-Computer Interaction
course at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest during the last 4 years. The experiment consisted in using social web
technologies like blogs and chat conferences to engage students in collaborative learning. The...
The lifelong learner of our times may use multiple social media applications to keep in touch with the emerging knowledge and with the relevant people in his domains of interest. However this kind of activity is not supp orted by the existing applications. This poster proposes a scenario and an application to he lp users manage their social learnin...
Rezumat. Lucrarea de faţă analizează principalele probleme întâlnite în momentul de faţă în dezbaterile online şi propune o soluţie, bazată pe teoria argumentării a lui Toulmin, pentru îmbunătăţirea modului în care au loc aceste dezbateri. Aplicaţia contribuie la o mai bună structurare a conversaţiei, oferind posibilitatea de a urmări mai uşor idei...
The paper presents a flexible framework for the online evaluation of collaborative project-oriented e-learning platforms. The framework was developed for the evaluation of the COOPER platform (1), but it is flexible enough to be used for the evaluation of other collaborative platforms. The evaluation is based on questionnaires and on logs collected...
The Virtual Company educational scenario engages students in a professional setting for working and learning. Students are enabled to develop competencies that are derived from professional practice. This allows us to use assessment strategies that are different from the practice in traditional educational settings. In the Virtual Company education...
This paper presents a semantics-driven web portal allowing browsing and flexible querying state-of-the-art data on organizations,
national and international projects, current research topics, technologies and software solutions in the domain of the European
Research in the FP6/IST program. The backbone of this portal consists of an ontology-based k...
This paper presents the details of a knowledge base containing information on European Union-funded research projects, developed for the community of users that are proposing such projects in top domains of computer science. The organization of the knowledge base follows Semantic Web standards. It is integrated in a web portal of the FP6 EUNCIT pro...
The paper presents an evaluation method for e-learning platforms, based on different types of measurements collected in logs of interactions during learning sessions, and on the analysis of collaborative learning activities performed using social networks visualization of the relations established among users during the experiments. The evaluation...
D 5.2: Evaluation definition: method and metrics This deliverable presents how evaluation will be done inside the Cooper project. The document presents an evaluation overview and an evaluation methodology. The evaluation in Cooper is performed at the conceptual, technical, and impact levels and this document analyzes how the evaluation will be done...