Vitaliy Bezsheiko

Vitaliy Bezsheiko
Bogomolets National Medical University · Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy



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Projects: Randomized controlled trial on effectiveness of brief CBT in management of PTSD. Electronic medical journal "Psychosomatic Medicine and General Practice".


Publications (8)
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Vaccines for a long time have been used to prevent influenza. They are often recommended for healthy adults before an influenza season, despite the low risk of complications due to this infection in them. The article reviews the rationale for such recommendations.
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This is a short algorithm for professional communication in specific clinical situations. Recommendations are developed on the basis of the guidelines on objective structured clinical examination. It is an educational material, intended for medical students and physicians, who have just started a clinical practice.
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In the article the mechanisms of stress response regulation by the brain are reviewed, as well as the data from a new study in this area, which was focused on a detailed analysis of brain activity changes in people with excessive cardiovascular stress response.
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Overweight and obesity are amongst most common problems of our time and have a significant negative impact on somatic health. Recently have been published several systematic reviews and meta-analysis that evaluated the effectiveness of various methods for overweight and obesity treatment. These studies are not yet included in the clinical guideline...
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Chronic or recurrent abdominal pain is a relevant problem, which affects more than 15% of children, adolescents and young people. Organic reason for this pain can't be found in most cases. Recently published studies have questioned the traditional treatment schema with prescribing antispasmodics, antidepressants and other traditional drugs and shif...
Хронічний або рекурентий біль у животі є актуальною проблемою, котрою страждають більше 15% дітей, підлітків та молодих людей. Найбільш розповсюдженою причиною цього стану є функціональні порушення, які не мають органічної природи. Нещодавно опубліковані дослідження ставлять під сумнів традиційну концепцію їх лікування у вигляді призначення спазмол...
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Хронічний або рекурентий біль у животі є актуальною проблемою, котрою страждають більше 15% дітей, підлітків та молодих людей. Найбільш розповсюдженою причиною цього стану є функціональні порушення, які не мають органічної природи. Нещодавно опубліковані дослідження ставлять під сумнів традиційну концепцію їх лікування у вигляді призначення спазмол...
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Background: Pasttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occurs subsequently to stress. According to research findings war zone stress strongly linked to PTSD. In Ukraine we have an increasing in prevalence exposure to war zone stress because of eastern warfare. Concomitant increasing in PTSD prevalence and economical crisis requires development of effecti...


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