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Publications (38)
The Polish confectionery market is considered to be one of the most developed and dynamic markets in the world. But in recent years, the Polish food industry has faced a sharp increase in production and marketing costs, disruptions in the supply chains of raw materials, consumables and packaging, as well as the loss of traditional sales markets due...
Under the terms of the European Green Deal, including the transition to a green economy, decarbonisation, and a sustainable model of inclusive growth, Ukraine has committed itself to achieving climate neutrality by 2060. The military challenges caused by Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine require an in-depth investigation and substantiation of...
Introduction. The development of Ukraine’s resource potential in the field of mining and advanced processing of titanium raw materials is one of the important components of countering military threats and the national economy recovering based on new technologies.Problem Statement. The realities of wartime reinforce the importance of domestic resour...
Ever since the first block of the Bitcoin network was created, the relevance of research into the assessment of the prospects of the blockchain project is constantly increasing. Ultimately, the economics of a token will have a big impact on how it will be used, how easy it will be to build a network, and whether there will be much interest in the o...
The study analyzed the nature of the impact of digitalization on the development of manufacturing enterprises and trade through the study of their genesis and current state. Using the example of mechanical engineering and metallurgy of Ukraine and the world, the key directions of digitization in production and trade are analyzed. The impact of digi...
Вступ. У сучасних умовах динамічного розвитку світового господарства і міжнародних економічних відносин суттєво підвищується роль міжнародних повітряних перевезень. Ринок авіаперевезень будучи одним із основних системоутворюючих елементів глобальної мережевізації суспільства, створює передумови для посилення інтеграційних процесів шляхом забезпечен...
The energy sector in the post-war recovery and reconstruction of the economy of Ukraine
The report presents a conceptual and practical plan for reconstructive post-war recovery of the economy of Ukraine. Directions and measures for its implementation are proposed on the basis of combining the efforts of business entities and state management bodies in a purposeful process of nationally rooted sustainable technological and socio-econom...
Introduction. Since February 2022, the Russian Federation has continued a full-scale war against Ukraine. Much of Ukraine’s property has been damaged, destroyed and confiscated. In addition, Ukraine has suffered significant losses of human capital. As the war continues, casualties are mounting. Of course, the most important priority today is to obt...
Розглянуто особливості розвитку металургійної галузі України в умовах ринкової
трансформації. Визначено місце та роль металургійної галузі в національному господарстві
України. Досліджено основні тенденції розвитку світового ринку металопродукції,
охарактеризовано технологічні зміни у структурі світового виробництва сталі та визначено
нові металург...
Introduction. China has long been a member of the prestigious Space Club and is now the most powerful space power in some respects, having managed not only to develop a strategic plan for the conquest of space but also to strictly follow it step by step. According to official documents adopted by the State Council of China, the space program is an...
With the intensification of digitalization of all processes and activities, the issue of information protection and increasing the level of cyber security is becoming important. Particular attention in this aspect should be focused on the field of queuing. The article provides a brief overview of digital transformation and data protection, which sh...
Introduction. Russian invasion has already caused – and will likely cause more – losses for Ukraine overall and its real sector in particular. They come on top of structural problems that had been accumulating in Ukraine since the dawn of its independence. European experience suggests a model for comprehensive solution for post-war recovery and str...
The article considers the theoretical and methodological approaches to global value chains when measuring international trade. Global trends in the modern development of international trade are analysed, and the main challenges of international trade policy for Ukraine are characterised. It is established that the modern structure of the Ukrainian...
The problems of socio-economic divergence of Ukraine and the European Union, the approaches of state policy aimed at stimulating their convergence cooperation are highlighted. The key challenges of Ukraine's European integration processes are shown, including those caused by the turbulence of the modern global environment, acquired under the influe...
The world economy is evolving towards multipolar globalization, and China has become a new pole of economic development. Ukraine, like other countries, is looking for ways to cooperate with China in the field of trade and investment. China, for its part, offers a model of cooperation within the framework of the OBOR (One Belt, One Road) initiative....
Current trends in economic development indicate that the basis of the economy of many developed countries is the basic industries, including ferrous metallurgy, and its products continue to be the main construction material in the world. The authors show that the domestic metallurgical industry contributes significantly to the gross national produc...
У статті розглядаються перспективи розвитку співробітництва України з Республікою Корея у пріоритетних видах економічної діяльності. Проаналізовано українсько-корейські відносини та визначено напрями активізації двостороннього співробітництва. Виявлено, що Республіка Корея завжди розглядала Україну як стратегічного партнера через великий потенціал...
У статті розглянуто основні етапи розвитку транснаціональних корпорацій та визначено основні чинники, що впливали на процеси транснаціоналізації у різні періоди. Доведено, що на кожному етапі причини становлення та розвитку транснаціональних корпорацій різні, проте всі вони певною мірою повʼязані, насамперед, з недосконалою конкуренцією, бар’єрами...
У статті розглянуто існуючий стан українсько-китайського співробітництва. Виявлено, що на сучасному етапі українсько-китайські відносини зазнають певного випробування. За період незалежності України ці відносини, загалом, розвивалися по висхідній та досягли найвищої точки розвитку у грудні 2013 р., коли був підписаний Договір про дружбу та співробі...
The study “Transition of Ukraine to the Renewable Energy by 2050” was carried out in 2016-2017 by the State Organization “Institute for Economics and Forecasting” of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine with the support of the Heinrich Boell Foundation Regional Office in Ukraine and in cooperation with civil society organizations, public aut...
Foreign trade is today one of the main factors of macroeconomic stability in Ukraine. The impact of
net export on the dynamics of the GDP in Ukraine is one of the strongest in the world. As some specific
preferences in trade with Ukraine have come into effect since May 15, 2014, a number of potential
opportunities to increase Ukrainian exports into...
The article considers major socioeconomic functions of public authorities. It is grounded that studying these functions provides an opportunity to apprehend fully the nature of such a complex socioeconomic institution as public authority. Classification of socioeconomic functions of a state is carried out on the basis of principle of power distribu...
The article analyzes the development of metal products market from the time of Ukraine getting independence till today. Major factors hindering its development are revealed. Principal measures for protection of the internal market of metal products by the leading countries of the world are considered. Short-term and long-term measures for minimizat...
The article considers the theoretical aspects of the competition development. Major barriers affecting the competition development are identified. The issues of market power and influence of state regulation are studied. Key principles of formation and development of the functionally effective market model are grounded.
A wide range of issues of institutional and resource support of economic development of Ukraine, use of intensive factors and effective models of economic growth are considered. The focus is on problems of financial and energy provision of economic development, stable and efficient functioning of industrial and agro-industrial complexes, improvemen...