Vita Goian

Vita Goian
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv | Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка · Cinema and TV Art Department

Doctor of Science in Social Communications. Professor


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Publications (27)
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The article provides an analytical description of the pragmatic level of sports blogs, identifying the main communicative strategies used in sports blogs and describing the communicative tactics as well as their linguistic operationalisation. The pragmalinguistic approach is used to identify the linguistic features, communicative and pragmatic goal...
The well-known Ukrainian journalist, publicist, and laureate of the Shevchenko Prize Stepan Kolesnyk wrote many works dedicated to creators whose fate was closely intertwined with the fate of his country, the land on which they grew up. The author’s essays and non-fiction stories tell readers about unusual individuals, introduce a number of problem...
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Research goals include the interpretation of the functional core of TV and radio broadcasting in global, and, primarily, Ukrainian media systems, the correctness of the interpretation of the terms «TV» and «radio broadcasting», which are fundamental for television and radio journalism, scientific and educational concepts. Research methodology. Usin...
Abstract Research goals include the interpretation of the functional core of TV and radio broadcasting in global, and, primarily, Ukrainian media systems, the correctness of the interpretation of the terms «TV» and «radio broadcasting», which are fundamental for television and radio journalism, scientific and educational concepts. Research method...
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In this longitudinal study, we examine the changing landscape of storytelling in the streaming era, with a specific focus on Netflix’s original content from 2016 to 2022. Our primary goal is to understand the evolving patterns of storytelling techniques employed by Netflix during this period. We reviewed 150 original Netflix productions, consisting...
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The purpose of the article is to hypothesize that the viewing of TV series by students, future creators of TV series, during the period of distance learning in conditions of restrictions and prohibitions, namely during the pandemic (2020-2021) and martial law (Russian-Ukrainian war, 2022) can become a segment of the professional educational model a...
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Збірка наукових та навчально-методичних статей «Екранознавство», яка висвітлює актуальні аспекти професійної підготовки майбутніх медійників та митців, питання історії, теорії й практики аудіовізуального мистецтва та виробництва, цьогоріч присвячена ювілею кафедри кіно- і телемистецтва. Відкрита в 2012 році кафедра стала творчою та дослідницькою пл...
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Adnotacja. Artykuł mówi o nowoczesnym rozumieniu pojęć "telewizja" i "komunikacja radiowa" w kontekście zrozumienia roli technologii, postępu mediów i sztuki audiowizualnej, podstawowych aspektów teorii dziennikarstwa telewizyjnego, współczesnych koncepcji dziennikarstwa naukowego i edukacyjnego oraz reprezentacji młodzieży w telewizji i komunikacj...
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COVID-crisis has made significant changes in the educational process of many coun-tries, including the need for new management decisions that would solve the complex problem of accelerating the development of online resources for distance learning. Management, particularly in education, is valuable when it is able to combine both general and specif...
In the research were analyzed visual techniques that were used to fill the content of Ukrainian TV channels in the period from the beginning of December to the end of January. The Christmas and holiday season are not officially included in a separate category of TV programming, but the season is fundamentally important for attracting the viewer’s a...
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У навчальному посібнику детально розглянуто перші роки (1992-1993) становлення комерційного радіомовлення в Україні. Авторами документально (з власних архівів) підтверджено час першого ефіру кожної з радіостанцій та проаналізовано їхній внесок до формування сучасного прибуткового комерційно- го радіомовлення в Україні. Подаються додаткові матеріали...
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The whole world undergoes significant changes in communication, television and radio. Therefore, journalism education also alters. Television companies and radio stations hire former students, who already perceive the development of modern media in a different way, and thus try to communicate differently and influence large audiences. It is applied...
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The handbook concerns the first two years (1992-1993) of the formation of commercial broadcasting in Ukraine. It studies the factors that influenced the creation of the first commercial radio stations, which gradually attempted to switch from a "game mode" to the broadcasting business and business entrepreneurship. The activity of the first ten com...
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Research methodology. The place and role of student tv and radio broadcasting in Ukrainian media system and in the educational process of domestic non-governmental organizations involved systems, descriptive and analytical, and comparative approaches and content analysis. Results. The article covers various aspects of the organization and activitie...
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The article concerns the first two years (1992-1993) of the formation of commercial broadcasting in Ukraine. It studies the factors that influenced the creation of the first commercial radio stations, which gradually attempted to switch from a “game mode” to the broadcasting business and business entrepreneurship. The activity of the first ten comm...
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Research methodology. The basis of the research consists of the following scientific methods: descriptive and analytical to identify the facts of the existence of competition and cooperation of TV and radio companies online and offline, system method to determine the place and role of online and offline broadcasting in Ukrainian media system, conte...
The article deals with the first years of co-existence of public and commercial radio stations in Ukraine, with the trends, which are now significantly affecting the further development of national radio, speeding up its balance and stability. Some of these trends were quite a logical outcome, while the emergence of others was set by the demands of...
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24 серпня 2017 року, Дня Незалежності, Українське радіо змінило позивні. "Стара" мелодія на новий лад-"Реве та стогне..."-отримала сучасне аранжування, а колишня адреса сайту УР ще раніше відновилася з новою візуальною і програмною концепцією й менеджментом. Таким чином в Україні вже на рівні вокального сприйняття відбувся перехід від державного до...
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Research methodology. The research features the following underlying scientific methods: content analysis to interpret and outline an array of TV and radio programs that confirm the tendency towards universality of TV and radio journalism; generalization to determine its potential; comparison to understand the relevance of specialization in broadca...
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The linguistic culture of a media personality designates its spiritual maturity, while the linguistic cul- ture of a television and radio journalist as a universal mass media employee is a vital component of professional activity. While practicing television and radio broadcasting, a journalist professionally handles the words and is involved in se...
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Being a socially legal media company, DW is an independent source of information from Germany and Europe for users all over the world. DW TV programs, which are being broadcasted both via the satellite and online for over 25 years, having been created under circumstances of harsh competition on media market, witness the innovative style and progres...
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Creativity on radio is, first of all, the competition of ideas and emotions capable of becoming the base of radio management producing successful radio business. Therefore, the article describes business processes of broadcasting related to radio station formatting, radio companies’ promotion, video ads creation, creative team building skills and s...
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In the process of the investigation of the web-radiobroadcasting functioning the authors of the arti-cle recollect the beginning of the 90-s – the time when radio was in an active search of new ways toattract the audience, testing out new technologies and approaches. Mastering the Internet, the radiohas become interactive and has started to be aime...
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This article describes Ukrainian student broadcasting formation, special features of student radio and television studios programming. Keywords: students radio and TV broadcasting, online, target audience, specialization, format, media market.
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The topical aspects of development of the international media company "Deutsche Welle" are considered in thearticle. The special attention is devoting to classic TV and Radio journalism, new projects and technologies of broadcasting, which are important for forming of DW's target group in Ukraine. Keywords: broadcasting, media, Internet, "Deutsche...


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