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Virginie Maris currently works at the Centre d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive. Virginie does research in Applied Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Ethics. Her current project is 'Nature in the Anthropocene.'
Additional affiliations
August 2016 - July 2017
Centre de Recherche en Ethique
- Visiting researcher
October 2009 - present
September 2007 - September 2009
Publications (66)
Value inclusion is critical for effective ecosystem science policy and largely emerged from critiques of the value-exclusionary attributes of ecological and economic approaches to value assessments and valuations. But whether and how value is excluded during social–scientific approaches to the assessments and valuations of ecosystem features has no...
Virginie Maris, philosophe de l’environnement, revient dans cet entretien sur sa rencontre, pendant son doctorat, avec un texte majeur de l’écoféminisme et explique la façon dont cette lecture a transformé son travail depuis lors. Partant de la philosophie analytique pour venir à la technicité de la notion de biodiversité et aux enjeux politiques d...
Conservation actions are notoriously difficult to design and implement in contexts of value pluralism. These difficulties are compounded in the case of biological invasion mitigation. Biological invasions are major threats to biodiversity and ecosystems. Preventing or mitigating biological invasions accordingly plays a key role in conservation poli...
Rémi Beau et Virginie Maris, tous deux philosophes de l'environnement, s'interrogent sur ce que la crise sanitaire révèle de notre rapport ambivalent au monde sauvage, à la fois source de désir et de crainte, et sur les contours que peut prendre “le retour du sauvage” à l'heure de l'Anthropocène, où l'on considère que l'ensemble de la planète est i...
It is now well admitted among ecologists that the conservation of biodiversity should imply preserving evolutionary processes that will permit its adaptation to ongoing and future environmental changes. This is attested by the ever‐growing reference to the conservation of evolutionary potential in the scientific literature. The impression that one...
Functional diversity holds the promise of understanding ecosystems in ways unattainable by taxonomic diversity studies. Underlying this promise is the intuition that investigating the diversity of what organisms actually do-i.e. their functional traits-within ecosystems will generate more reliable insights into the ways these ecosystems behave, com...
Functional diversity holds the promise of understanding ecosystems in ways unattainable by taxonomic diversity studies. Underlying this promise is the intuition that investigating the diversity of what organisms actually do—i.e. their functional traits—within ecosystems will generate more reliable insights into the ways these ecosystems behave, com...
In this Draft Chapter 2.1 of the IBES Global Assesment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services we explored how global transformation involved key tradeoffs, and inequalities, as growing interactions drove economic growth but also degradation. Accelerations in consumption & interconnection have had tradeoffs.
Considérant l’ubiquité de la souffrance dans le monde sauvage, la question se pose de notre obligation d’intervenir. Du simple devoir d’assistance dans des situations ponctuelles à des projets de transformation des conditions de vie animale à grande échelle, la défense de l’interventionnisme entre en conflit avec la pensée conservationniste qui val...
En déclarant la mort de la nature, nombreux sont ceux qui voient dans l’Anthropocène l’opportunité de prendre enfin les commandes d’un système-terre entièrement modelé par les humains.
À rebours de cet appel au pilotage global, Virginie Maris réhabilite l’idée de nature et défend la préservation du monde sauvage. Elle revisite pour cela les attribu...
The articulation between knowledge and actions in three environmental devices: conservation, impact assessment, and restoration. In the actions on nature, the ecological knowledge is decisive and source of legitimisation. The reasons why certain kinds of knowledge are promoted or avoided are nevertheless rarely made explicit. This article aims to c...
In the current context of global change and a biodiversity crisis, there are increasing demands for greater predictive power in ecology, in both the scientific literature and at the science–policy interface. The implicit assumption is that this will increase knowledge and, in turn lead to better decision-making. However, the justification for this...
Nature is perceived and valued in starkly different and often conflicting ways. This paper presents the rationale for the inclusive valuation of nature’s contributions to people (NCP) in decision making, as well as broad methodological steps for doing so. While developed within the context of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosy...
The recent Paris accord on global climate change is a key step in acknowledging biophysical limits to human actions, but the challenge of respecting the biosphere’s ecological limits remains underrated. We analyze how respecting these limits squarely conflicts with an economy centered on growth and technology to mitigate environmental...
Virginie MARIS, Vincent DEVICTOR, Isabelle DOUSSAN et Arnaud BÉCHET « Pour les anthropologues, les Valeurs sont les catégories d'une prodigieuse topologie, d'une cosmogonie propre à chaque culture, qui dit ce qui est bien ou mal, propre ou sale, sacré ou profane, consommable ou non, beau ou laid. Le système de valeurs d'une société est son système...
La biodiversité joue de nombreux rôles, à la fois source et produit du bon fonctionnement des écosystèmes dont dépendent les services écosystémiques. Dans un contexte de pressions toujours croissantes sur les milieux naturels, les études sur les valeurs de la biodiversité et les services écosystémiques aident à mieux comprendre les interactions ent...
Excerpted from Annex II:
Stepwise approach to “assessing diverse conceptualizations of multiple values of nature and its benefits, including biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and services”: a summary and directions to the guidance document (Preliminary Guide, Annex III). This summary provides an introduction to the guidance document and illustrate...
document available at: http://www.ipbes.net/images/documents/plenary/third/information/INF_7/IPBES_3_INF_7.pdf
1. Brève mise en perspective historique
1.1. Nature harmonieuse
1.2. Nature hostile
1.3. Volonté de domination
1.4. Sentiment de filiation
1.5. Écologie scientifique : comprendre la nature
1.6. Écologie politique : défendre la nature
1.7. Éthique environnementale : respecter la nature
1.8. Émergence de la notion de biodiversité
1.9. Pour conclure...
Investigations into how different facets of biodiversity are related has become a central research agenda in ecology. Here, we use a large‐scale and high‐resolution data set on bird distribution to examine the robustness of the relationships between species diversity and functional or phylogenetic diversity.
F rance
We measur...
Le contexte actuel des changements planétaires a conduit un nombre croissant d’Etats à adopter une politique environnementale volontariste (Vitousek et al. 1997; Loreau 2010a). Cette action politique s’est accompagnée d’un effort de synthèse au niveau scientifique pour englober la problématique de la biodiversité dans un contexte général en considé...
Guidelines for submitting commentsPolicy: Comments that contribute to the discussion of the article will be posted within approximately three business days. We do not accept anonymous comments. Please include your email address; the address will not be displayed in the posted comment. Cell Press Editors will screen the comments to ensure that they...
Study of the impacts of biological invasions, a pervasive component of global change, has generated remarkable understanding of the mechanisms and consequences of the spread of introduced populations. The growing field of invasion science, poised at a crossroads where ecology, social sciences, resource management, and public perception meet, is inc...
La biologie de la conservation se donne comme objectif de « fournir les principes et les outils nécessaires à la protection de la diversité biologique 1 ». bien que cet objectif semble explicite, il ne donne pas lieu à des prescriptions précises, car la conservation doit opérer dans un contexte de double incertitude : une incertitude scientifique e...
Biodiversity is a crucial stake and new environmental policy discourses are being developed that gradually replace the vernacular term of “Nature” by “Biodiversity”. Yet, what “Biodiversity” means to the general public is not clear. Are people really aware that the use of “Biodiversity” as a replacement for “Nature” al...
The conservation of biodiversity poses an exceptionally difficult problem in that it needs to be effective in a context of double uncertainty: scientific (i.e., how to conserve biodiversity) and normative (i.e., which biodiversity to conserve and why). Although adaptive management offers a promising approach to overcome scientific uncertainty, norm...
Dans le cadre de l'Année de la biodiversité, des jeunes chercheurs issus du CNRS et des laboratoires de l'Institut écologie et environnement (INEE) ont pris l'initiative d'écrire un ouvrage destiné au grand public sur la biodiversité. Préfacé par Yves Coppens, ce livre illustré traite des aspects les plus inattendus de la biodiversité et nous inter...
Clues for a productive dialogue between feminism and ecology
The feminist critique, in its different dimensions (epistemological, ethical and social) shows that the consequences of the long masculine predominance in the different areas haves an ecological relevance. In the sciences, where knowledge and methods have been constructed by a model that...
Devant le constat du déclin toujours plus rapide de la diversité biologique et les limites des ressources disponibles pour l’enrayer, il est nécessaire de déterminer quels moyens devraient être engagés dans sa protection. Pour ce faire, une méthode efficace serait d’évaluer les bénéfices tirés de la biodiversité afin d’estimer rationnellement les c...
The decline of biodiversity is without a doubt one of the most important symptoms of what could be called a “global environmental crisis.” Our ability to stop this decline depends on the capacity to implement an effective, collective system of preservation on a global scale. In this paper, I will analyze the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)...
Although there exists a strong uncertainty surrounding the evaluation of the decline of biodiversity, and a larger uncertainty still regarding projections of the decline to come, there is no controversy on the fact that the current rate of extinction is in a crisis. The fact that this decline is above all of anthropic origin is the object of a cons...