Virginie Lethiais

Virginie Lethiais
Institut Mines-Télécom | · Marsouin



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Publications (56)
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Small businesses face multiple constraints on innovating that open innovation (OI) has potential to help overcome. The aim of this study is to examine the association between business group affiliation and the extent of OI engaged in by SMEs. Unlike independent SMEs, those that have affiliations might benefit from internal and also external network...
Supporting innovation through digital technology: What opportunities for SMEs? This article aims to better understand how SMEs support their innovation through digital technology. In particular, we explore whether this digital support depends on the firm’s general digital profile and its location. The empirical analysis relies on data collected in...
La mise en place de coopérations pour l’innovation constitue un réel enjeu pour les entreprises de taille réduite. S’inscrivant dans le champ de l’innovation ouverte, l’article analyse le rôle joué par la localisation et les ressources numériques des PME sur leur profil de coopération pour l’innovation. Ce profil de coopération combine le type de p...
Cet article fait la synthèse d’un ensemble de travaux empiriques réalisés auprès des petites et moyennes entreprises ( Pme ) sur la question du lien entre proximité, coopération, innovation et localisation. Sur la période 2006-2015, quatre enquêtes ont été menées auprès de cette population, complétées par des données de localisation de l’ Insee et...
Conference Paper
L’objectif de la recherche est d’analyser la géographie des ressources mobilisées par un/des porteur(s) de projet innovant, avec une attention particulière portée sur la phase de genèse du projet. Nous cherchons à mesurer l’impact du numérique sur l’accès aux ressources clés locales/distantes. Notre approche est qualitative, et cible une catégorie...
Conference Paper
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L’objectif de la recherche est d’investiguer la manière dont les PME mobilisent des relations de coopération locales et distantes dans leur processus d’innovation. Nous cherchons notamment à analyser si la localisation de la firme et son usage des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) affectent la spatialité des formes de coopé...
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Cet article étudie le rôle du numérique et du territoire dans la capacité d’innovation des entreprises. Plus précisément, nous nous interrogeons sur les déterminants de la capacité d’innovation des PME, en mettant un accent particulier sur la localisation des firmes et leur aptitude à mobiliser des outils numériques. L’étude empirique porte sur la...
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The aim of this article is to explain the gap between high social expectations, particularly in terms of reducing commuting frequency, increasing productivity and improving work-life balance, and the reality of home-based telework. We use three French databases which give information about employers but also employees. We highlight that telework is...
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L'objectif de cet article est d'expliquer les écarts entre les fortes attentes sociétales attachées au télétravail et la faiblesse de sa pratique en France. Sur la base de trois enquêtes, nous montrons que le télétravail est non seulement un phénomène limité, mais qu'il est principalement lié à des arrangements informels, et enfin qu'il n'est plébi...
Nombre de chercheurs se sont interrogés depuis au moins une trentaine d'années, sur l'impact de la diffusion des technologies sur la sociabilité des individus. Facebook, en raison de sa popularité et des pratiques qu'il engendre, est un cas d'étude particulièrement intéressant. Dans cet article, nous utilisons les données issues d'une enquête décla...
This paper analyses the factors that influence the relative frequency of face-to-face meetings when companies cooperate with each other. Specifically, we explore the role of geographical distance between the partners and how it affects the influence of other factors, especially the nature of knowledge and the ability to use information technology....
This paper analyses the factors that influence the relative frequency of face-to-face meetings when companies cooperate with each other. Specifically, we explore the role of geographical distance between the partners and how it affects the influence of other factors, especially the nature of knowledge and the ability to use information technology....
Spatial proximity is credited with numerous virtues in the economic literature. In particular, for a company to be located near other companies is seen as conducive to the development of business relations. Spatial proximity is also considered to contribute to the quality and efficiency of these relations by facilitating face-to-face meetings that...
The determinants of face to face frequency in inter-firm relationships: an empirical analysis This paper seeks to identify the influence of ICT, the nature of knowledge and spatial and non-spatial proximities between the parties on the frequency of face to face interactions in customer-provider relationships. Data come from a 2008 survey of 2000 re...
Pour les PME, investir dans un progiciel de gestion intégré - ERP - correspond à un investissement informatique majeur, assimilable à une décision stratégique. L’article teste l’influence des priorités stratégiques des PME sur leur choix d’utiliser ou non un système ERP. Une investigation auprès de 1977 PME montre que la recherche de réactivité est...
Firms’ innovativeness and their ICT resources are seen as two factors of firms’ competitiveness. Our research tests these sources of performance in the context of small-and-medium enterprises (SMEs) and examines possible synergies with ICTs supporting innovation. Our research is based on a double empirical investigation : a survey is conducted amon...
Firms' performance can be explained by many factors, including their innovativeness. Investment in ICTs is also seen as a source of competitiveness. Our research tests these two sources of performance and examines possible synergies with ICT supporting innovation. Based on the few existing academic studies raising the issue of synergies between ICT...
La proximité géographique et la nature des connaissances échangées sont souvent considérées comme des facteurs déterminants dans le choix du mode de communication utilisé dans les relations interentreprises. L'objet de cette recherche est de tester deux hypothèses : premièrement, la nature des connaissances échangées a un impact sur la fréquence du...
This article describes a variety of combinations with regard to proximities (spatial and non-spatial) in inter-firm relations, and identifies their main determinants. The data employed come from a survey of more than 1,400 small and medium-sized firms in the Brittany region (France), which describe the relationship with their principal partner. Apa...
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The use of ICT is regularly regarded as being able to reduce the need for physical mobility. This research aims at identifying and prioritising the factors that influence the relative frequency of face-to-face meetings when companies cooperate with each other. An econometric analysis, based on a survey of 348 companies of the Brittany Region (Franc...
Virtual friendships in real life Profiles, motives and modes of construction This article stems from interdisciplinary research in the social sciences and is based on the results of a quantitative and qualitative survey in the field. The aim is twofold: first, to identify the link between individuals’ social characteristics and their use of the In...
Les réflexions proposées dans cet article sont issues d’une recherche interdisciplinaire en sciences sociales, s’appuyant sur une enquête de terrain qui mobilise des méthodologies quantitatives et qualitatives. L’objectif est double : d’une part, faire le lien entre les caractéristiques sociales des individus et leur utilisation d’Internet comme «...
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L'utilisation des TIC (Technologies de l'information et de la Communication) se d�veloppe dans les entreprises pour assurer des t�ches de plus en plus nombreuses : la communication, la recherche d'informations, la commercialisation des produits et services, le travail en groupe, la gestion de l'entreprise, la prospection, etc. Les �quipements en TI...
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ITC uses and geographical proximity : an empirical study The goal of this paper is to test the use of Information and Communication Technologies as a substitute for geographical proximity in the relations between firms and their partners. Data of a survey by MARSOUIN and INSEE in 2003 on 850 firms in Brittany show that geographical distance from pa...
In this paper, we analyze the cooperative relations of firms, in term of knowledge diffused and shared, proximities between partners, and modes of diffusion. An empirical investigation is undertaken near 348 firms. The results are consistent with the literature: the distance, the virtual communication and the know-what increase the codified knowled...
In this paper, we focus on the spatial proximity between firms and their partners as a determinant of firms agglomeration process, which can still be observed in spite of the diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies. Using a regional French survey addressed by INSEE in 2003 to 850 Brittany firms, we show that geographical distance fr...
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The aim of this paper is to study the adoption and diffusion process of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in firms located in low density areas. We analyse the relationships between organizational and environmental factors and the firms' ICT uses in order to reveal their communication needs. Empirical work is based on the exploitatio...
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We analyze the incentives of a provider of information goods to offer a proportion of his product for free, when consumers are uncertain about the quality of the good. The provider faces the following trade-off. On the one hand, the free version of the product acts as a partially informative signal; the higher the proportion of the product which is...
This introduction focuses on the relation between economics of information and communication technologies (TIC) economics and spatial re-organization of economic activities. In the first time, we show the necessity of decomposition of the ICT sector and the weight of interactions and externalities in a network based economy. In the second time, we...
The existence of geographical disparities in the French supply of medical care begs the question of the adjustment between needs and effective access to medical care. This access depends on the sharing out of financial resources, first between regions and second between medical infrastructures in each region. The two priorities of the government in...
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Reçu le 15 avril 2003 ; reçu en forme révisée le 15 mai 2003 ; accepté le 25 mai 2003 Résumé L'objectif de cette introduction est de présenter la problématique relative aux relations qu'entre-tiennent développement de l'économie du numérique et réorganisation spatiale des activités écono-miques. Dans un premier temps, nous soutenons l'idée qu'il es...
This paper deals about pricing services on the Internet. In the media, as audience increases advertising benefits, firms often tariff under their cost. However, Internet has a specificity: when firms offer complementary services, complementarity can benefit to competitors. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of competition and verti...
[fre] Cet article traite de la tarification des services sur Internet. Comme sur la plupart des medias, la possibilite de degager des recettes publicitaires qui augmentent avec l'audience incite les firmes a proposer certains services a des prix inferieurs a leurs couts. Cependant, la specificite d'Internet est que, lorsque les firmes offrent des s...
PRICING ON THE INTERNET: VERTICAL INTEGRATION AND FREE SERVICES This paper deals about pricing services on the Internet. In the media, as audience increases advertising benefits, firms often tariff under their cost. However, Internet has a specificity: when firms offer complementary services, complementarity can benefit to competitors. The purpose...
Cet article traite des relaions entre un principal, quie veut se procurer un bien, et les deux agents impliques dans le processus de production de ce bien. Les couts des agents constituent une information privee. Le principal confie la production du bien fini a l'un des agents, qui en sout-traite une partie a l'autre et je suppose que ces deux agen...
Dans cet article, j'etudie le comportement d'un certain nombre de firmes en concurrence sur un marche sur lequel la demande decroit de maniere exogene. Je verifie que la fusion de toutes les entreprises presentes sur le marche, qui engendre une situation de monopole, est toujours avantageuse en terme de profit. En revanche, lorsqu'au moins une firm...
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With data collected in Brittany and in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, this paper will present the usage of Internet for the individuals living in these two geographic areas. In a first part, this article will highlight the existence, in Brittany as well as in Luxembourg, of the different penetration rates depending on the characteristics of the ind...


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