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Skills and Expertise
Publications (46)
This paper reports the pedagogical approach and outcomes of a series of academic development programmes organised between 2016 and 2022 in different countries, which are grounded in the ethos of open educational practices, critical thinking, citizenship and pedagogy as well as ideas around social justice, data justice and data ethics using Open Dat...
The article presents some experiences carried out from the Interdisciplinary Space of the University of the Republic, which have contributed to the development of a convergent approach to the open movement. They have resulted in the implementation of initiatives that can contribute to the design of policies, capacity development and consolidation o...
Policies are part of the essential infrastructure of higher education – communicating priorities, clarifying expectations, defining rights and responsibilities, managing risk, and supporting decision-making. Alongside the pandemic in 2020, the terrain of higher education changed dramatically. With this came a growing recognition that many higher ed...
Open education (OE) aims at increasing educational access, effectiveness and equity. The 2019 UNESCO Open Educational Resources (OER) Recommendation calls on governments and educational institutions to create enabling policies. Such policies should aim to foster open educational practices in a wide sense, including creation and use of OER. Key elem...
A conceptual model on OER adoption is presented, as the substantive theoretical synthesis of a Grounded Theory study, whose purpose was to identify which factors influence the adoption of OER among teachers in Latin American universities. Main theoretical-methodological bases are rooted and analised, in comparison with the traditional approach iden...
The Covid-19 pandemic started off a process that would drastically change the ways to teach and learn, deepening and accelerating the relationship between technologies and educational processes, reshaping the Higher Education scenario. The emergency challenged Universidad de la República, the main public university in Uruguay, which in turn designe...
Es sabido que América Latina es la región más desigual del planeta. Para hacer frente a la realidad, una de las cuestiones clave es impulsar la colaboración en la región, que permitan que la innovación y el conocimiento sean instrumentos fundamentales para erradicar la pobreza, combatir el hambre y mejorar la salud, así como para alcanzar un desarr...
Covid-19 pandemic sprang up a process that would drastically change the ways to teach and learn, deepening and accelerating the relationship between technologies and educational processes. The emergency situation challenged Universidad de la República (Udelar), which in turn designed and implemented remote teaching devices that allowed the continui...
Uncertain times require prompt reflexes to survive and this study is a collaborative reflex to better understand uncertainty and navigate through it. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic hit hard and interrupted many dimensions of our lives, particularly education. As a response to interruption of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this study i...
Uncertain times require prompt reflexes to survive and this study is a collaborative reflex to better understand uncertainty and navigate through it. The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic hit hard and interrupted many dimensions of our lives, particularly education. As a response to interruption of education due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this study i...
The growth of Learning Analytics (LA) as a research field has been extensively documented since its beginnings. This paper provides a broad overview of the publications that Latin American authors have published in the last years by performing a quantitative review of the literature (from 2011 to 2019). A total of 282 papers were collected and cate...
The paper presents the findings from PRAXIS, an educational action research project developed within academic professional learning communities (PLC) in the context of public higher education in Uruguay. As a strategy towards fostering teaching innovation, we explored the potential and benefits of academic PLC for the reflection and transformation...
Aproximación al estado del arte de la Educación Virtual en Uruguay, en el año 2019, trabajo realizado en el marco del Observatorio de Educación Virtual dentro del Ministerio de Educación y Cultura.
The present work describes the challenges faced during the development of a countrywide Learning Analytics study and tool focused on tracking and understanding the trajectories of Uruguayan students during their first three years of secondary education. Due to the large scale of the project, which covers an entire national educational system, sever...
The present work describes the challenges faced during the development of a countrywide Learning Analytics tool focused on tracking the trajectories of Uruguayan students during their first three years of secondary education. Due to the large-scale of the project, which covers an entire national educational system, several challenges and constraint...
The Open Education movement has made efforts to systematise experiences and to evaluate the adoption of Open Educational Resources (OER). However, OER adoption is not part of the prevailing paradigm in higher education, both at the global level and in Latin America. This paper describes results of a study that analysed the social representations re...
Se presentan los primeros resultados de una investigación que se propone identificar, analizar, comprender y evaluar la Competencia Digital que poseen y utilizan en su vida cotidiana niños de 11 y 12 años de Educación Primaria y su posible influencia en procesos de inclusión social. Aplicando metodología cualitativa a través de entrevistas en profu...
This paper systematizes learning and teaching experience with about 700 students in different subject degrees from the University of Santiago de Compostela. The experience works with e-portfolios as part of a social network. In developing the e-portfolio, reflection, communication and collaboration are included by a frame-constructive learning cogn...
Si bien el termino acceso suele asociarse a la matriculacion, el acceso a la Educacion Superior no solo incluye el momento en el cual el estudiante se matricula en la universidad. Entre otros multiples factores, el acceso a los materiales de estudio pasa a ser un punto relevante al momento de ingresar y permanecer en el sistema educativo. En el art...
En este trabajo se presentan los procesos realizados por el Proyecto LATIn para crear la Iniciativa Latinoamericana de Libros de Texto Abiertos. Para tal fin se diseno una metodologia colaborativa, se implementaron plataformas tecnologicas adecuadas y se apoyo en una estrategia para la generacion y adopcion de libros de textos abiertos en las Unive...
Repositories of digital educational resources have reached a significant level of development and diversification in the last decade to the point of becoming a component in higher education transformation. This paper presents a state-of-the-art review of the studies about the use and adoption of repositories of digital educational resources. Some q...
Entre as muitas barreiras para o acesso e permanência na Educação Superior
nos países em desenvolvimento e subdesenvolvidos, como é o caso da totalidade dos
países da América Latina, encontra-se o fator financeiro: ainda que não haja taxas de
matrículas e mensalidades a serem pagas, há uma série de custos colaterais que nem
sempre são considerados....
Experiencia de visita internacional al Plan Ceibal de Uruguay -coordinada por la Profa. Margarita Victoria Gomez con la participación de profesores* que actúan en ese Plan, vinculada a las líneas de investigación Educación popular y culturas y Metodologías del Aprendizaje y Prácticas Pedagógicas y, específicamente, a las disciplinas -Pedagogia de l...
Open textbook initiatives have emerged as an alternative to traditional publications, boosting the creation of educational resources based on open licenses. In order to make them sustainable, it is necessary to define strategies for the adoption of these initiatives by the different actors involved in the education institutions where they will be i...
REMAR es una iniciativa para la formación y consolidación de una red de docentes de Mercosur interesados en el desarrollo colaborativo de recursos educativos abiertos y accesibles. La principal contribución de este artículo es difundir los objetivos de REMAR y presentar los aspectos tecnológicos que se pretende explorar en la conformación de la red...
Repositories of digital educational resources have reached a significant level of development and diversification in the last decade, to the point of becoming a central component in higher education transformation. Millions of educational resources are available at local and global levels, in repositories and content aggregators. The processes of c...
The recent open education movement, with its most visible aspect, the MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses), brought a wide discussion regarding the potential and threats that this model could represent to traditional education, being on classroom or online. However, regarding to instructional design models for open courses, meanwhile, very little d...
The growing use of virtual environments in higher education results in the need to identify different management models that can guide their use in a manner consistent with institutional conditions.To this end, a case-study interdisciplinary research project was conducted between 2011 and 2013. It focused on the analysis of management, from an orga...
La creación de libros de texto es una tarea que involucra la participación de diversos actores. Trabajar colaborativamente es una labor que no es fácil de ejecutar. Se hace necesario definir, planear y estructurar actividades que conlleven una verdadera colaboración entre los integrantes de los grupos de trabajo. En la escritura de libros esta técn...
Cite as: Silveira et al. (2013). A digital ecosystem for the collaborative production of open textbooks: The LATIn methodology. Executive Summary Access to books in higher education is an issue to be addressed, especially in the context of un-derdeveloped countries, such as those in Latin America. More than just financial issues, cultural aspects a...
Open textbook initiatives have appeared as an alternative to traditional publishing aiming at the production of non-copyrighted educational resources. In this paper we review some cases which used different strategies favoring the adoption of open textbook initiatives. These strategies were conceptually linked with the notion of innovation adoption...
Resumen: entre 70 y 150 palabras Palabras clave: Accesibilidad, índice de inclusión, educación superior 1 Introducción Desde el año 2008 en Uruguay se ha incorporado masivamente el uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación a los centros estatales públicos de enseñanza primaria y secundaria mediante el plan Ceibal. Este plan, de cobertu...
Resumen Con el apoyo del ―Proyecto Generalización del uso educativo de TIC en la Universidad de la República‖ (TICUR), ha sido posible desarrollar proyectos de integración de TIC a nivel de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay) ofreciendo una base tecnológica, educativa y de gestión a la comunidad académica y realizado procesos de formación de d...