Vinicius Cardoso Garcia

Vinicius Cardoso Garcia
Federal University of Pernambuco | UFPE · Center of Informatics (CIn)



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Dr. Vinicius Garcia is an adjunct professor in the Software Engineering area at Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, where he is member of the LABES (Software Engineering Lab), is a senior member of the RiSE (Reuse in Software Engineering) Group and actually is the leader of the ASSERT (Advanced System and Software Engineering Research Technologies) Lab. More information can be found at or at
Additional affiliations
August 2001 - March 2003
Federal University of São Carlos
  • Research Assistant
August 2010 - present
Federal University of Pernambuco
  • Professor (Associate)
  • More information here:
April 2005 - February 2010
Federal University of Pernambuco
  • PhD Student
March 2005 - February 2010
Federal University of Pernambuco
Field of study
  • Ciência da Computação (Engenharia de Software)
March 2003 - March 2005
Federal University of São Carlos
Field of study
  • Ciência da Computação (Engenharia de Software)
March 1997 - March 2001
Universidade Salvador
Field of study
  • Ciência da Computação


Publications (222)
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The internet of things (IoT) has seen rapid expansion, but this growth brings significant privacy challenges due to the large amounts of data generated by myriad IoT devices. To address these challenges, this study introduces Smart Anonymity, a method that determines the optimal data anonymization algorithm for a dataset by assessing its unique fea...
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Learning analytics (LA) adoption is a challenging task for higher education institutions (HEIs) since it involves different aspects of the academic environment, such as information technology infrastructure, human resource management, ethics, and pedagogical issues. Therefore, it is necessary to provide institutions with supporting instruments to d...
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Natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) have advanced significantly in recent years, enabling the development of various tasks, such as machine translation, text summarization, sentiment analysis, and speech analysis. However, there are still challenges to overcome, such as natural language ambiguity. One of the problems...
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has grown rapidly in recent years. However, coupled with a large number of devices and the huge volume of data generated by these devices, an impasse arises: the privacy of the data of IoT device users. The goal of this research is to propose a solution that recommends which data anonymization algorithm is the most suit...
The Internet of Things (IoT) has shown rapid growth in recent years. However, it presents challenges related to the lack of standardization of communication produced by different types of devices. Another problem area is the security and privacy of data generated by IoT devices. Thus, with the focus on grouping, analyzing, and classifying existing...
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Phishing is an attack characterized by attempted fraud against users. The attacker develops a malicious page that is a trusted environment, inducing its victims to submit sensitive data. There are several platforms, such as PhishTank and OpenPhish, that maintain databases on malicious pages to support anti-phishing solutions, such as, for example,...
Phishing has been consolidating itself as a chronic problem due to its approach to exploiting the end-user, seen as the weakest factor. Through social engineering, the attacker seeks a carelessness of the human being to intercept sensitive data. Concomitantly, the richness in details makes it more difficult to mitigate the attack by most anti-phish...
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O avanço de ataques de phishing não se caracteriza apenas na propagação, mas também no rigor em detalhes, tornando a fraude cada vez mais convincente ao crivo do usuário final. Diante deste cenário, o presente estudo apresenta uma abordagem sobre os comportamentos homográficos comumente presentes em ataques de phishing associados a uma determinada...
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Apesar dos grandes desafios relacionados à privacidade dos dados, a Internet das Coisas (IoT) continua em franca ascensão. Existem inúmeros dispositivos espalhados por vários locais, tais como, casas inteligentes, carros inteligentes, locais públicos, bem como, dispositivos que as pessoas usam em seu corpo, por exemplo, smartwatches. Parte dessas p...
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Continuous integration and continuous delivery are not new for developers who create web applications, however in the development of mobile applications this practice is still not very common mainly because of the challenges during the process of distributing the application. In the face of the growing number of applications, a greater requirement...
Learning Analytics (LA) visa à análise dos dados gerados por estudantes e professores em ambientes online a fim de promover ações que conduzam à melhoria do ensino e aprendizagem. Os resultados dessas análises podem ajudar os professores a conhecer os processos de estudo empregados pelos seus estudantes, além de poder auxiliar na verificação e corr...
Social machines (SMs) are the term used to define processes in which the people do the creative work and the machine does the administration. The concept was scarcely studied until 2013, when the series of workshops on SMs was created, and the topic began to receive more attention. However, it is not clear how research has evolved since then. This...
Conference Paper
Mobile devices are increasingly present in people's daily lives. However, despite the substantial improvement of new generations of smartphones, the amount of information and the complexity of the procedures delegated to these devices still imposes certain restrictions on processing, especially regarding energy consumption. A promise solution to th...
Conference Paper
Os dispositivos móveis estão cada vez mais presentes no dia a dia das pessoas. No entanto, apesar da evolução das novas gerações de smartphones, a quantidade de informações e a complexidade dos procedimentos delegados a esses dispositivos, ainda impõem restrições ao processamento, principalmente relacionado ao consumo de energético. Uma solução que...
Context: In the fight against phishing attacks, phishing prediction heuristics are important in devel- oping solutions. However, phishing attacks continue to grow today, reflecting on the need for higher precision solutions. Objective: This article focuses on phishing prediction based on a set of features. The purpose of this proposal is to evaluat...
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No combate aos incidentes de segurança relacionados a ataques de phishing, inúmeras são as soluções propostas no intuito de minimizar a incidência desses ataques. Contudo, esses continuam crescendo nos dias de hoje, fazendo refletir sobre a precisão dessas soluções. Este artigo enfoca a exploração de phishing baseada em conjunto de características q...
Conference Paper
O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma modelagem de risco para o desenvolvimento de serviços no ecossistema Web. A proposta visa estimar um fator de risco e impacto aos ativos considerando a violação de dados, os aspectos humanos e a conformidade do serviço. Além de considerar os comportamentos de seus atores, dispositivos e recursos. Adicionalme...
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Navegadores Web são ferramentas de extrema importância no que diz respeito ao consumo de dados na internet, pois possibilitam a interação e consumo de informações providas por diversos serviços disponíveis na Web. Diversas empresas cotidianas adequaram seus serviços para serem utilizados na Web no intuito de obter vantagens competitivas entre seus...
Conference Paper
Block-level Storage is widely used to support heavy workloads. It can be directly accessed by the operating system, but it faces some durability issues, hardware limitations and performance degradation in geographically distributed systems. Object-based Storage Device (OSD) is a data storage concept widely used to support write-once-read-many (WORM...
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Cloud computing promises high dynamism, flexibility, and elasticity of applications at lower infrastructure costs. However, resource management, portability, and interoperability remain a challenge for cloud application users, since the current major cloud application providers have not converged to a standard interface, and the deployment supporti...
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Os jogos digitais constituem hoje um dos principais mercados na área do entretenimento. Como fatores para o contínuo crescimento da indústria têm-se as diversas transformações apoiadas pelas inovações tecnológicas. Entre essas inovações está a computação em nuvem, que trouxe uma extensa gama de possibilidades e permitiu a concepção de uma nova form...
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Among research opportunities in software engineering for cloud computing model, interoperability stands out. We found that the dynamic nature of cloud technologies and the battle for market domination make cloud applications locked-id, i.e, proprietary, non-portable and non-interoperable. In general context of cloud computing, interoperability goes...
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Data integration is a challenge in the field of clinical genetics, where analysts need to handle multiple heterogeneous data sources on biological and clinical domains. This research aims at providing unified access to these diverse data sources to support various clinical decisions. In this context, a work has been developed for the design and imp...
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In recent years the Software as a Service (SaaS) model came bringing more flexible and reusable software. This model provides support for multiple users on the same configurable infrastructure by offering features on demand. Multi-Tenancy is an organizational approach of Software as a Service (SaaS). The maincharacteristics of a Multi-Tenant archit...
Conference Paper
Since the early days of computers and programs, the process and outcomes of software development has been a minefield plagued with problems and failures, as much as the complexity and complication of software and its development has increased by a thousandfold in half a century. Over the years, a number of theories, laws, best practices, manifestos...
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The aim of this paper is to present a taxonomy for security threats on the Web ecosystem. We proposes a classification model based on 21 vectors divided into 8 distinct security threats, making use of levels of abstraction and criteria for discrimination which consider propagation and similarity in vulnerabilities. We also propose to estimate the r...
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This article presents an analysis on the attacks related to the sensitive data breach in the Web ecosystem. The study is based on an Meta-Analysis which identified the significance of 21 years of relevant contributions to the subject. Considering the results we elaborate two contributions: (i) we group attacks according to their behavior and (ii) w...
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Navegadores Web são ferramentas de extrema importância no que diz respeito ao consumo de dados na internet, pois possibilitam a interação e consumo de informações providas por diversos serviços disponíveis na Web. Em contrapartida, é nítida a dificuldade destas ferramentas em evitar que seus usuários sejam vítimas de vulnerabilidades, sejam localiz...
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The filtering relevant content amid a big database is a complex , hard-working and time consuming. With the spread of the use of cloud storage systems, big databases migrated to these systems and the data also followed the problems encountered in filtering relevant content in big data sets. This paper proposes a hybrid methodology for recommendatio...
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The term definition "Smart City" still allows various interpretations, and this causes some difficulty in establishing parameters to measure how smart the cities can be. This paper presents a Maturity Model that uses a set of minimum domains and indicators that aim to encourage cities of different sizes to identify their potential and improve proce...
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The " Internet of Things " (IoT) brings the notion of heterogeneous objects using ubiquitous technologies to interact among them and with the physical environment through technologies such as Bluetooth, ZigBee, GPRS, NFC, QR code, among others. Based on the possibility of linking ordinary objects from the physical world to the Internet, this paper...
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Open Government Data (OGD) and transparency has been recognized as having the potential to provide many benefits for the society at all, including governmental, scientific, commercial and political domains. However, much of the existing research discusses benefits on a high-level basis, and more empirical analysis is needed in order to analyze and...
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Nowadays there are several publications on smart cities and improvements offered to the routine of its inhabitants and resource optimization, however, there is still no agreement about the definition of "Smart Cities", their domains and indicators. The lack of a clear and widely usable definition and such as delimitation areas and indicators makes...
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Atualmente existem vários domínios e indicadores ao redor do mundo que servem para categorizar Cidades Inteligentes, entretanto, não há estudos suficientes sobre a comparação destas cidades no Brasil. As bases de dados públicos dispõem de dados sobre os mais variados indicadores e domínios, e esses dados precisam ser normalizados e agrupados para p...
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O que é uma Startup? Que métodos, processos, técnicas ou ferramentas podem maximizar as chances de sucesso de uma Startup de Software em um cenário onde o acesso a computadores, smartphones, tablets e a produtos e serviços pela Internet parecem não parar de crescer? Este trabalho reúne uma série de conceitos tais como: Lean Startup, Business Model...
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O desenvolvimento tecnológico vivenciado nos últimos anos proporcionou o crescimento do universo digital de forma exponencial, parte desse universo digital encontra-se armazenado em sistemas de armazenamento em nuvem. A cada dia surgem mais destes sistemas, que oferecem o armazenamento de dados de forma distribuída com alta taxa de disponibilidade,...
Conference Paper
Atualmente existem vários domínios e indicadores ao redor do mundo que servem para categorizar Cidades Inteligentes, entretanto, não há estudos suficientes sobre a comparação destas cidades no Brasil. As bases de dados públicos dispõem de dados sobre os mais variados indicadores e domínios, e esses dados precisam ser normalizados e agrupados para p...
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Government initiatives to open data to the public are becoming increasingly popular every day. The vast amount of data made available by government organizations yields interesting opportunities and challenges-both socially and technically. In this paper, we propose a social machine-oriented architecture as a way to extend the power of open data an...
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Cloud Computing is a recent paradigm where different IT resources, such as applications or hardware, are quickly provisioned to customers through a pay per use model. Many research studies have already been conducted concerning billing services for cloud computing, but they lack on flexibility to establish how resources are defined and monitored. I...
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Open Government Data (OGD) hold great promise for transforming the efficiency and effectiveness of public services through the ease of publishing and access to government public information or through the offer of new kinds of services, such as smart cities services and applications. In this work, we analyze the Brazilian OGD current scenario and t...
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The concept of an " Internet of Things " (IoT) initially referred to a network where objects would be individually and instantly identified with Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID). Such concept was later evolved to a wider notion of heterogeneous objects using ubiquitous technologies to interact among them and with the physical environment. Amon...
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Resumo: Objetivo: Atualmente estão sendo propostas muitas soluções na área de informática médica que otimizam e melhoram o atendimento médico a população. Otimizar processos e gerenciar recursos também é o objetivo das Cidades Inteligentes que utilizam a informática médica como um de seus domínios. Para isso, este trabalho procura apresentar um lev...
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The term e-Science refer to the access of scientific collaborations provided by research communities through a specific computational infrastructures. However, the conception of such infrastructures presents challenges due to the computational power demanded by solutioning problems found on research areas. Therefore, this work presents the software...
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The objective of the present work is to propose a solution to the obstacles encountered in the distribution and access to educational content digital, also known as open educational resources, in public schools due to the lack of broadband. The proposal also has the full use of the education resources provided by the MEC and, in addition, provide t...
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The continuous search for computing resources at low costs has leveraged cloud computing popularization in corporations of different size. Besides this reality, there is a need for cloud computing administration tools that make easier and automate the creation and maintenance of cloud infrastructures. This work presents a tool named uCloud Console™...
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Context: Despite the increasing number of studies evaluating Cloud Computing (CC), results become obsolete quickly. Furthermore, indications point low methodological quality in their conceptions. Objective: Measure and analyze the methodological quality of experiments in the context of CC. Method: Through a Systematic Literature Review the experime...
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A cada dia nós produzimos mais dados que, em muitos casos, são armazenados em meios digitais. A previsão é que o tamanho desse “universo digital” chegue a quase 8 ZettaBytes em 2015. Essa grande quantidade de dados gerados pode ser armazenada em nuvem utilizando o conceito de armazenamento em nuvem, que é um dos serviços que fornecem recursos para...
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Based on its daily use and volume of its applications – both domestic and corporate environments – it cannot be denied that Web Browsers are very important tools. However, due to the increase of its use, the web environment presents itself as an increasingly hostile place where people perform malicious cybercrimes aiming to steal or to tamper sensi...
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Resumo— Atualmente dados profissionais e pessoais se encontram distribuídos em varias redes sociais, dificultando a mineração de dados em busca de determinados perfis para a seleção de recursos para projetos. A falta de acompanhamento do histórico evolutivo da carreira dessas pessoas impossibilita uma política de cargos e salários baseada no desenv...
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The use of Government Open Data to deliver services and promote transparency is a current goal of many governments. In this paper, we briefly describe two contest winner applications with focus on these goals, and present a discussion about the difficulties of integrating Government Open Data to develop them.
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The purpose of this article is to present a Privacy Maturity Model of services offered by Cloud Computing Providers in the context of Cloud Storage. This study aims to present an overview of the current barriers in these scenarios and present a model based on technical analysis of maturity in these environments. We present the goals to be achieved...
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Technological advances and real-time worldwide communications hold great promise for transforming the efficiency and effectiveness of public services through the ease of publishing and access to government public information or through the offer of new kinds of services. In this paper, we describe two initiatives, Rio Inteligente (Smart Rio) and Ci...
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Government concerns about transparency date from 1957, but current technological advances and real-time worldwide communications hold great promise to transform accountability, transparency, citizen participation and collaboration, in addition to offering better public services, by increasing efficiency and effectiveness and decreasing corruption i...
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Resumo. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para a disponibilização de unidades virtuais para o armazenamento de dados em nuvem, através da associação de tecnologias e conceitos, tais como: iSCSI e redes p2p. Desta forma, os arquivos podem ser distribuídos em nós conectadosà rede, permitindo a oferta de armazenamento em disco de maneira compartilh...
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Ford invented the product line that makes possible to mass produce by reducing the delivery time and production costs. Regarding the software industry, this, roughly presents both a manufacturing and mass production that generates products that are denoted as individual software and standard software (Pohl et al., 2005): a clear influence of Fordis...
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The term ‘Social Machine’ (SM) has been commonly used as a synonym for what is known as the programmable web or web 3.0. Some definitions of a Social Machine have already been provided and they basically support the notion of relationships between distributed entities. The type of relationship molds which services would be provided or required by e...
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This article describes the SafeMash project, a platform that provides an environment for the construction, safe consumption and standardized of Mashups. The platform proposal is to offer functionalities focused in security aspects regarding the integration between web applications, the users and third parties APIs. Which is based in one specificati...
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The recommendation systems aim to minimize information overload by helping user's in searching desired information. Faced with this scenario, we investigate the use of cloud factors able to have a positive influence on generating recommendations. Thus, we present a new, simple model based on cloud features which is associated with the content-based...
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Cloud computing is an ascending technology that has introduced a new paradigm by rendering a rational computational model possible. It has changed the dynamics of IT consumption by means of a model that provides on-demand services over the Internet. Unlike the traditional hosting service, cloud computing services are paid for per usage and may expa...
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Ford invented the product line that makes possible to mass produce by reducing the delivery time and production costs. Regarding the software industry, this, roughly presents both a manufacturing and mass production that generates products that are denoted as individual software and standard software (Pohl et al., 2005): a clear influence of Fordis...