Vinet FreddyUniversité Paul-Valéry Montpellier · Département de Géographie - Aménagement
Vinet Freddy
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Dr Freddy Vinet is a professor of geography at university of Paul-Valery Montpellier 3 (France) with a 20 years experience in teaching and searching on the impacts of natural hazards and their prevention. He participated to numerous field studies on the vulnerability of coastal areas after the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, after the sea surge “Xynthia” in western France (2010) and hurricane Irma in lesser Antillas (2017). He is the head of a master degree “disaster risk management” teaching students on methods (especially GIS) to handle natural hazards. His most recent major publication is a 2-volume handbook on floods : Floods 1 : risk knowledge and Floods 2 risk management. He also published an comprehensive book on the Spanish Flu (1918-1919), the deadliest disaster of the 20th century.
Publications (176)
L’atlas de la ruralité mahoraise offre un état des connaissances sur la richesse du patrimoine matériel et immatériel de Mayotte.
- 304 pages et 5 grandes thématiques :
• la carte d'identité de Mayotte,
• l'évolution des facettes agricoles et des pratiques du lagon,
• le patrimoine culturel matériel et immatériel,
• le patrimoine naturel, et
On 19 September 2021, the Cumbre Vieja volcano (renamed Tajogaite) erupted on the island of La Palma (Canary Islands). One month after the eruption, a multidisciplinary team conducted an in situ geomorphological, geographical and socio-environmental diagnosis to complement the remote monitoring of the crisis management and impacts of the eruption....
Affichée comme une priorité de la gestion du risque d’inondation, la sécurité des populations est rarement évaluée dans les bilans des catastrophes naturelles en France. Plus que les bilans humains, ce sont les dommages socio-économiques qui sont mis en avant comme indicateurs de la prévention. Cet article présente un recueil de données sur...
This data paper describes the multinational Database of Flood Fatalities from the Euro-Mediterranean region FFEM-DB that hosts data of 2,875 flood fatalities from 12 territories (nine of which represent entire countries) in Europe and the broader Mediterranean region from 1980 to 2020. The FFEM-DB database provides data on fatalities’ profiles, loc...
Reducing the risk of disaster linked to major flash floods requires multi-scale preparedness measures. The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction encourages the involvement of vulnerable people as technical measures are often insufficient to decrease the risk of disaster. Yet local authorities often struggle to motivate people to prepare, eve...
Ce chapitre a été produit par 17 chercheurs de différentes disciplines (hydrologie, hydrogéologie, géographie, science politique, sciences de gestion…), appartenant à une communauté de recherche régionale sur l’eau bien structurée et identifiée aux niveaux national et international. Les contributions réunies ici présentent un état synthétique et ac...
En contexte post-catastrophe les moyens aériens représentent une solution efficace pour agir avec rapidité dans un environnement dévasté. Parmi ces moyens, la flexibilité, l'atout économique et les possibilités que peuvent offrir les aéronefs télépilotés, aussi appelés drones, notamment en termes de reconstitutions 3D et de cartographie, en font un...
Depuis une dizaine d'années, le concept de résilience a percolé en géographie des risques. Il est considéré comme un apport majeur qui permet le renouvellement des approches de la gestion des risques. Cependant, ses contours sont encore en voie de stabilisation. Par ailleurs, le concept peine à s'imposer dans la sphère des gestionnaires du risque e...
Les crues ont des impacts socio-économiques importants tout particulièrement dans les régions méditerranéennes et il existe une forte interrogation quant à une éventuelle augmentation de leur intensité due au changement climatique. Sur le pourtour Méditerranéen, il est désormais établi que les précipitations extrêmes pourraient augmenter dan...
Le projet TIREX (Transfert des apprentissages de retours d'expérience scientifiques),
dirigé par Pr. Frédéric LEONE, part du constat que les résultats des retours
d'expérience scientifiques ne sont pas assez communiqués aux acteurs des
territoires concernés. En analysant la saison cyclonique 2017 dans les Petites Antilles, TIREX répond à la fois à...
Despite the current developments in flood forecasting and emergency management, floods still consist a significant threat to people and properties. At a national level in Europe, data on flood fatalities are fragmentary and they are mainly focused on death toll, without providing further details regarding victims' characteristics or the circumstanc...
The Gulf of Aden regions, which are experiencing quite permanent high pressures, are theoretically outside the areas affected by tropical cyclones. However, the analysis of data over the past 40 years identifies 30 tropical cyclones or depressions that have affected the region. More remarkably, their impact seems to increase significantly, as does...
This paper lays the methodological basis for a historical catalogue of significant and deadly hydro-meteorological events that have occurred in the Guadeloupe archipelago and the northern islands since 1635. For the recent period, post 1950, it is supplemented by a Geographical Information System used to locate and inform each victim with his profi...
In the aftermath of a disaster, the debris caused by the destruction of property or vegetation become a crucial problem. The increase in the volume of debris, the growing requirements for environmental protection, the cost of waste collection and treatment for local authorities or companies are increasingly complex challenges for lands subject to n...
L’augmentation du volume des débris, les impératifs de protection de l’environnement, le coût de la collecte et du traitement pour les collectivités territoriales ou les entreprises sont des défis de plus en plus complexes dans les territoires soumis à des catastrophes naturelles, technologiques ou géopolitiques (conflits) destructrices. Le passage...
In the aftermath of a disaster, the debris caused by the destruction of property or vegetation become a crucial problem. The increase in the volume of debris, the growing requirements for environmental protection, the cost of waste collection and treatment for local authorities or companies are increasingly complex challenges for lands subject to n...
L’article revient sur la gestion par les pouvoirs publics de la pandémie de grippe dite « espagnole » de 1918-1919. Dans un contexte marqué par la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale, le pouvoir central minimise la maladie réputée bénigne. Mais en septembre 1918, face à l’augmentation des cas de complications mortels, le pouvoir central se repose su...
This dataset, named EUFF (EUropean Flood Fatalities) collects data about flood mortality (2466 cases) occurred during a 39-year period (1980-2018) in 8 countries divided into 9 study areas (Czech Republic, Israel, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, South France, Catalonia and Balearic Islands).
The methodological approach to gather data was based on...
Recent events in Western Attica in Greece (24 deaths in November 2017), in the Balearic Islands (13 deaths in October 2018), and in southern France (15 deaths in October 2018) show that flood-related mortality remains a major concern in Mediterranean countries facing flash floods. Over the past several years, many initiatives have arisen to create...
Il s'agit de comparer plusieurs zones inondables disponibles sur le Bitoulet, un petit cours d'eau affluent de l'Orb dans sa Haute Vallée avec les zones inondées en septembre 2014. Suite à un évènement pluvieux d'une rare intensité, les débordements du Bitoulet ont causé la mort de 4 personnes, résidant dans un camping situé en zone inondable.
Floods have strong impacts in the Mediterranean region and there are concerns about a possible increase in their intensity due to climate change. In this study, a large database of 171 basins located in southern France with daily discharge data with a median record length of 45 years is considered to analyze flood trends and their drivers. In addit...
Depuis 1954, sous couvert d'une défense passive post-Seconde Guerre Mondiale, et pour pallier les défaillances d'utilisation des tocsins des églises pendant les inondations de 1930, l'État a déployé en France le RNA (Réseau National d'Alerte), composé essentiellement de sirènes. Le signal associé était destiné à interrompre toutes les activités soc...
Floods are still a significant threat to people, despite of the considerable developments in forecasting, management, defensive, and rescue works. In the near future, climate and societal changes as both urbanization of flood prone areas and individual dangerous behaviors could increase flood fatalities. This paper analyzes flood mortality in eight...
Floods have strong impacts in the Mediterranean region and there is a questioning about a possible increase in their intensity due to climate change. In this study, a large database of 171 basins located in South France with daily discharge data with a median record length of 45 years is considered to analyze flood trends and their drivers. In addi...
Análisis HOlístico del impacto de las Precipitaciones Extremas e inundaciones y su introducción en escenarios futuros. Aplicación a las estrategias de adaptación y resiliencia Episodios de inundaciones en regiones HYMEX
Se presentan los principales resultados del análisis del impacto de las
inundaciones a través de indicadores seleccionados.
Tras la revisión del estado del arte de las investigaciones en este campo se
realizó una selección de indicadores para la clasificación objetiva de los episodios de
inundaciones a partir de su impacto. Se han analizado estos i...
In the aftermath of a disaster, the debris caused by the destruction of property or the vegetation become a crucial problem. The increase in the volume of debris, the growing requirements for environmental protection and the cost of waste collection and treatment for local authorities or companies are challenges increasingly complex for the territo...
La reconstruction, entendue comme l'ensemble des mesures pour rétablir un fonctionnement acceptable du territoire, est une notion de plus en plus traitée dans la littérature scientifique des risques. Elle peut faire l'objet, sans que cela soit systématique, de stratégies d'adaptation collectives et individuelles, planifiées et spontanées, aux objec...
La vulnérabilité demeure de nos jours un enjeu crucial des stratégies de mitigation face au risque inondation. Dès lors, élaborer des indices de vulnérabilité apparait comme un champ fécond pour caractériser les sources de vulnérabilité des enjeux exposées, faciliter aux élus locaux l'intégration de la vulnérabilité dans sa complexité dans l'estima...
this short presentation put together complementary documents about the book : Vinet F. (2018) « La Grande Grippe. 1918 : la pire épidémie du siècle. Histoire de la grippe espagnole ». Editions Vendémiaire. Paris. 260 p.
Vinet F. (2018) "the Great Influenza. 1918: the worst epidemic of the century. History of the Spanish Flu". (in French) Editions V...
Every year in France, recurring flood events result in several million euros of damage, and reducing the heavy consequences of floods has become a high priority. However, actions to reduce the impact of floods are often hindered by the lack of damage data on past flood events. The present paper introduces a new database for collection and assessmen...
in the Mediterranean environment, floods pose a significant threat to people, in spite of the noteworthy improvements in forecasting, emergency management and defensive works.
this paper examines flood mortality in the Mediterranean environment based on a 36‐year long database (1980‐2015) that was built in five study areas u...
The present paper introduces a new database for collection of flood-related damage and assessment at the local scale. Every year in France, recurring flood events result in several million Euros of damage, and reducing the heavy consequences of floods has become a high priority. However, actions to reduce the impact of floods are often hindered by...
Dans la nuit du 3 au 4 août 2008, une tornade de force 4 (échelle de Fujita améliorée) s’abat sur quatre communes du département du Nord. Elle touche le sol à 22h28 et parcours 19 kilomètres pour disparaître à 22h42. Un millier de maisons ont été sinistrées, dont 45 complètement détruites soit 183 familles à reloger. La tornade a fait 4 morts et 18...
Ce chapitre aborde les limites des systèmes de protection, en termes de protection et de fiabilité. Il décrit également les méthodes d'évaluation de la performance des ouvrages et de quantification du risque d'inondation résiduel, qui permettent d'améliorer la gestion des ouvrages et plus largement du risque d'inondation.
Ce chapitre présente les différents types d'ouvrages hydrauliques (barrages, digues, ...) qui servent à la protection contre les inondations et à la gestion de ce risque; il détaille leurs fonctions et leurs limitations.
In the past thirty years, knowledge on flooding has greatly increased by moving away from purely hydrological and hydraulic science and opening up to other disciplines such as economics or human and geographical sciences. It is as part of this multidisciplinary approach that this book proposes a review of current knowledge on flood risk. It starts...
Every day, the departmental fire and rescue services (SDIS in French) have to respond to requests relating to their core tasks. The "Fire and Rescue Service statistics - 2015 edition" report from the General Directorate of Public Safety and Crisis Management specifies that in France, on a national level, firefighters carry out 12,328 interventions...
A crisis is characterized by a system's inability to deal with disruption. Not all flood events are classed as a crisis, but rather major floods that capture the attention of public authorities in terms of crisis management. Beyond the generic aspects of crisis management, this volume examines the key factors of flood management in line with flood...
The management of flood risk seems to be facing a daunting paradox. Despite increasingly effective risk knowledge tools and the efforts of international institutions to place risk reduction at the top of the agenda, the cost of disasters continues to increase. It is also increasingly difficult to avoid the urbanization or development of potential f...
Are Flood Zones Atlas (AZI; Atlas de Zones Inondables) by hydrogeomorphological (HGM) approach effective in communicating flood hazard? What changes are possible to promote the dissemination of this approach? A survey carried out among semi-experts and non-experts and an analysis of legend contents of flood zone atlas allow us to highlight the main...
The contribution departs from the updating of the FLOODHYMEX database (Llasat et al, 2013) that at present includes all the catastrophic flood events produced on the period 1981-2015 in Catalonia, Valencia and Balearic Islands (Spain), PACA, Languedoc-Roussillon and Midi Pyrenees (France), Calabria (Italy) and Greece. After the proposal of a common...
Floods and flash floods are widespread phenomena in Mediterranean countries, where they cause severe damage and pose a threat to the people. The aim of this work is to highlight similarities and differences, if any, among circumstances and people behavior in four Mediterranean countries frequently affected by fatal floods: France, Italy, Spain, and...
Le présent article interroge les liens entre catastrophe et développement par le prisme des périodes post-catastrophe en s’appuyant sur de multiples exemples afin d’étayer les apports théoriques. La période de reconstruction est une phase critique pouvant accélérer ou entraver le développement d’une région affectée. La difficile conciliation entre...
For more than 20 years, hydrogeomorphological mapping in France has been considered as an efficient method of flood mapping that contributes to sustainable land development by taking into account occurrences of extreme events. The European Floods Directive (2007/60/CE) requires the production of maps showing water depths during extreme flood events...
This article addresses the links between disaster and development through the perspective of post-disaster reconstruction. It draws upon multiple examples to contribute to the broad literature on disaster, reconstruction and development. Reconstruction is a critical period that can speed up – or, conversely, hamper – the development of an affected...
Floods cause significant economic damage. In Floods cause significant economic damage. In Europe, hydrological phenomena (floods and landslides) caused more than 140 billion euros of damage between 1980 and 2011. In France, floods have been responsible for around 30 billion euros of damage over the last 25 years. Economic assessment aims to objecti...
This chapter discusses the limitations of flood defense systems in terms of protection and reliability. It also looks at performance assessment methods for flood defense systems and quantification of residual flood risk that enable improvement of flood defense management and of flood risk management in general.
This chapter describes how historical flood information can be useful for flood risk prevention. It allows on the one hand to have a set of documentary sources very useful to develop the culture of risk. It can also be used for technical purposes to better estimate the level of design floods for land use planning. An important point is to be able t...
Ce chapitre présente l'enchaînement de circonstances qui a conduit à la catastrophe de Malpasset le 2 décembre 1959. La rupture du barrage a causé la mort de 423 personnes et un montant de dommages de 110 millions d'euros (valeur 2015). Si l'origine de la catastrophe provient d'un état de l'art insuffisant à l'époque sur la mécanique des roches, il...
This chapter presents the different types of hydraulic structures (dams, dikes, etc.) used for flood defense and flood risk management, and details their functions and limitations.
Obviously, floods have natural causes – heavy rainfall in the case of flash floods
– nevertheless, their consequences depend strongly on urbanization and land use.
On both sides of the Mediterranean, regions have been subjected to fast changes
which have led to a concentration of assets in valleys and coastal areas (Plan Bleu,
2008). Changes in lan...
Flash flood events are responsible for large economic losses and lead to fatalities every year in France. This is especially the case in the Mediterranean and oversea territories/departments of France, characterized by extreme hydro-climatological features and with a large part of the population exposed to flood risks. The recurrence of remarkable...
On the 3rd October 2015, heavy localized precipitations have occurred in South Eastern France leading to major flash floods on the Mediterranean coast. The severity of those floods has caused 20 fatalities and important damage in almost 50 municipalities in the French administrative area of Alpes-Maritimes. The local recording rain gauges have show...
Mediterranean area has often concerned area is often hit by flash foods. Grabels (city in southern France) experienced flash floods from 6-7th October 2014. During this time the river “Mosson” and its tributaries overflowed and combined with the streaming to damage near 500 homes. To evaluate the event and its impacts, we performed an analysis days...
Le 3 octobre 2015, des précipitations d’une intensité exceptionnelle se sont abattues sur le sud-ouest de la France. Elles se sont traduites par des inondations localisées qui ont entraîné la mort de vingt personnes et d’importants dégâts matériels dans les Alpes-Maritimes. Avec un bilan provisoire estimé par la CCR entre 500 et 650 millions d’euro...
Over the last 25 years, flash floods in the South of France have killed almost 250 people. The protection of prone populations is a priority for the French government. It is also a goal of the 2007 European flood directive. However, no accurate database exists gathering the fatalities due to floods in France. Fatalities are supposed to be rare and...
The dreadful floods of 1999, 2002 and 2003 in South of France have alerted public opinion on the need for a more efficient and a further generalized national flood-forecasting system. This is why in 2003 Irstea and Meteo-France have implemented a new warning method for flash floods, including on small watersheds, using radar rainfall data in real-t...
Evolution of flood mortality is complex as several opposite factors come into play. On one side, flood risk has been aggravated due to an increase of the number of inhabitants within the area at risk, and to an increasing of simple-storey houses without safe area. On the other side, flood risk is better managed due to a better efficiency of warning...
The recurrence of disasters, sometimes in the same territories, questioned the effectiveness of the preventive logic and of the post-disaster recovery process. The present reconstruction approach aims at analysing the interactions between risk, societies and territories. The study of the recovery process in a holistic way through a medium and long-...
In France, for a long time, flood risk management has only oriented to controlling flood hazard with structural measures such as dikes. But since 1990’s many events have proved they have not totally efficient measures. So, institutions decided it’s necessary to manage flood risk with others ways like prevention. Risk management is so organize about...
Hydrogeomorphological mapping is used in France since almost 20 years to carry out the Atlas de Zones Inondables. These atlases can be used to draw up the Plan de Prévention des Risques d'Inondation. We tackle the implementation of the hydrogeomorphological method, we analyze the checks on the development of this method and we suggest some directio...
L’article propose un bilan des opportunites et des obstacles souleves par l’adaptation des bâtiments au risque inondation. Cette question est devenue centrale dans les programmes de reduction du risque inondation. A partir d’une etude bibliographique et en s’appuyant sur une enquete approfondie sur la ville de Quimper, les auteurs mettent en relief...
Since 2006, Meteo-France has developed an efficient vigilance system for floods throughout France. Yet, 20000 km out of the 120000 km of the French hydrographic network benefit from this monitoring so far. In order to cope with the needs of the remaining network for a flood warning system, Irstea and Meteo-France have developed AIGA (Adaptation d’I...
The Mediterranean experiences every year a high number of minor flash-floods that usually give place to moderate damages and a short number of casualties but when considered in their totality produce important losses and serious disruption of the everyday life. Although the European Flood Directive is mainly focused on floods and flash-floods are n...
La Directive Inondation, votée en 2007 par l’Union Européenne, dessine un nouveau cadre aux politiques publiques de gestion du risque. L’accent y est notamment mis sur la prise en compte des risques d’inondations passés. Dans ce contexte, une analyse préalable du risque sur le territoire métropolitain français a permis de dégager 2000 évènements, r...