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Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-Associated Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Narrative Review

Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated
Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Narrative Review
Nabil Fallouh, MD, MS,
Helen M. McGuirk, MPH,
Scott A. Flanders, MD,
Vineet Chopra, MD, MSc
Department of General Medicine, University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor;
Patient Safety Enhancement Program, Hospital
Outcomes Program of Excellence and the Center for Clinical Management Research, Ann Arbor VA Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Although common, little is known about factors associated with peripherally inserted central catheter-related
deep vein thrombosis (PICC-DVT). To better guide clinicians, we performed a comprehensive literature
review to summarize best practices for this condition. A systematic search of the literature for studies
reporting epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of PICC-DVT was conducted. Algorithms for
diagnosis and management were compiled using available evidence. The incidence of PICC-DVT varied
between 2% and 75% according to study population, testing modality and threshold for diagnosis. Studies
evaluating the diagnostic utility of clinical symptoms suggested that these were neither sensitive nor specic
for PICC-DVT; conversely, ultrasonography had excellent sensitivity and specicity and is recommended as
the initial diagnostic test. Although more specic, contrast venography should be reserved for cases with high
clinical probability and negative ultrasound ndings. Centrally positioned, otherwise functional and clinically
necessary PICCs need not be removed despite concomitant DVT. Anticoagulation with low-molecular-
weight heparin or warfarin for at least 3 months represents the mainstay of treatment. The role of
pharmacologic prophylaxis and screening for PICC-DVT in the absence of clinical symptoms is unclear at
this time.
Published by Elsevier Inc. !The American Journal of Medicine (2015) -,---
KEYWORDS: Deep vein thrombosis; Diagnosis; DVT; Peripherally inserted central catheter; PICC; Prevention;
Thrombosis; Treatment
Over the past decade, use of peripherally inserted central
catheters (PICCs) to achieve nonpermanent yet durable
venous access has grown dramatically.
Originally devel-
oped in 1975 for delivering total parenteral nutrition,
PICCs today serve roles spanning delivery of short- and
long-term intravenous antibiotics to invasive hemodynamic
monitoring. However, PICCs are also associated with
complications, including upper-extremity deep vein throm-
Peripherally inserted central catheter-related deep
vein thrombosis (PICC-DVT) is important because it
interrupts venous therapy, increases cost of care, and often
leads to sequelae such as phlebitis, vein stenosis, and pul-
monary embolism.
Despite these facts, little is known about risk factors,
diagnostic strategies, treatment, and prevention of PICC-
DVT. While a recently published meta-analysis reported
that PICCs were associated with a greater risk of throm-
bosis compared with central venous catheters,
that may drive this increased risk are not well dened. An
overview incorporating the myriad scientic and technical
aspects of diagnosis, management, and prevention of
PICC-DVT is thus needed. Therefore, we reviewed the
literature and synthesized available data to develop
evidence-based algorithms for evaluation and treatment of
With a medical research librarian, we searched MEDLINE
(via PubMed), CINAHL, Embase, and the Cochrane
Funding: No funding was received for this project. VC is supported by
a career development award from the Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality (1K08HS022835-01).
Conicts of Interest: None for all authors.
Authorship: All authors had access to the data and a role in writing the
Requests for reprints should be addressed to Vineet Chopra, MD, MSc,
Department of General Medicine, University of Michigan Health System,
2800 Plymouth Road, Building 16, Rm 432W, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.
E-mail address:
0002-9343/$ -see front matter Published by Elsevier Inc.
CENTRAL registry for English-language articles with
the following keywords: peripherally inserted central
catheter,”“PICC,”“deep vein thrombosis,and throm-
bosis(Appendix). Boolean operators and medical subject
heading terms were used to enhance electronic searches.
Additional studies of interest were identied by hand
searches of bibliographies.
Studies that involved patients
<18 years of age, or that were
case reports, editorials, or con-
ference proceedings were ex-
cluded. The search was last
updated August 1, 2014.
Using the retrieved articles,
we summarized ndings to
develop evidence-based algo-
rithms for decision-making in
PICC-DVT. To create such al-
gorithms, we rst categorized
studies by patient-, provider-, and
device-related domains according
to a published conceptual model (Figure 1).
Two authors
(VC and NF) then developed workows in each domain to
develop an organizational framework. By determining
which factors were modiable (and consequently, target-
able), we developed recommendations for testing and
A total of 83 articles were included in our review (Figure 2).
Studies are presented as follows: (a) epidemiology and risk
factors; (b) clinical signs and symptoms; (c) diagnosis,
treatment, and prevention of PICC-DVT.
Epidemiology and Risk
Factors for PICC-DVT
The incidence of PICC-DVT var-
ies by patient population. Studies
involving critically ill popula-
tions, those with cancer, and hos-
pitalized patients report higher
rates of PICC-DVT (5%-15%)
than ambulatory populations
ingly, estimates of the frequency
of PICC-DVT often relate to
epiphenomena such as population
studied, method of diagnosis, and
diagnostic testing thresholds.
Studies that utilize screening
techniques (eg, testing in the absence of clinical signs or
symptoms) demonstrate a pooled frequency of PICC-DVT
that is substantially greater than studies where testing is
prompted by clinical symptoms (24.2%; 95% condence
interval [CI], 17.9-50.4 vs 4.3%; 95% CI, 3.4-5.2).
In a
recent study, screening for PICC-DVT was associated with
thrombosis in 75% of devices, with the majority of these
being asymptomatic.
Patient-related Risk Factors. Several patient-specic
characteristics inuence the risk of PICC-DVT. For
instance, prior venous thromboembolism is associated with
greater risk of PICC-DVT.
Critically ill patients and
those with a cancer diagnosis are also at a substantially
greater risk of PICC-DVT.
Additionally, higher rates of
PICC-DVT have been reported in patients with end-stage
renal disease, potentially due to the prothrombotic state
associated with this condition.
Inherited thrombophilias
such as protein C or protein S deciency also fall into this
Specic comorbidities (eg, diabetes mellitus,
obesity, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) may be
associated with greater risk of PICC-DVT according to a
number of observational studies.
Notably, surgery
with a PICC in situ is an important factor associated with this
outcome and should be avoided whenever clinically feasible.
Device-related Risk Factors. Blood ow in peripheral
veins is hampered by PICC placement; the caliber of the
catheter and degree of cross-sectional area occupied by
the PICC correlates with reduction in venous ow.
In a retrospective cohort study of 966 unique PICC place-
ments, 5- and 6-French PICCs were more likely to develop
PICC-DVT compared with 4-French PICCs (hazard
ratio [HR] 3.56; 95% CI, 1.31-9.66, and HR 2.21; 95% CI,
Figure 1 Conceptual model For PICC-DVT. A conceptual
model, adapted from a prior submission,
displaying patient-,
provider-, and device-related characteristics associated with
PICC-DVT. COPD ¼chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
ICU ¼intensive care unit; PICC ¼peripherally inserted central
catheter; VTE ¼venous thromboembolism.
!Despite increasing recognition, little is
known about patient-, provider-, and
device-specic risk factors associated
with peripherally inserted central
catheter-related deep vein thrombosis
!Novel algorithms utilizing these data to
guide clinicians in diagnosis and treat-
ment of PICC-DVT are presented.
2 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol -, No -,-2015
1.04-4.70, respectively).
Thus, greater PICC gauge is an
important, modiable device-related risk factor for PICC-
Some studies suggest that power-capable PICCs
(specialized devices that can withstand high pressures
associated with contrast injection machines) might be
associated with greater risk of PICC-DVT.
recent data challenge this nding.
Additionally, the
nature of the infusate administered through the PICC may
inuence thrombotic risk and confound this association.
For instance, administration of antibiotics such as van-
comycin, ceftriaxone, and metronidazole are associated
with increased rates of PICC-DVT.
In a study of
neurosurgical intensive care unit patients, infusion of
mannitol and vasopressors through the PICC was asso-
ciated with PICC-DVT.
The use of erythropoietin-
stimulating agents or infusion of specicchemothera-
peutic agents (eg, uorouracil and capecitabine) may
also increase the risk of PICC-DVT.
extremes of pH (#5or$9), osmolarity, and concentra-
tion of infusates (alone or in combination) may predis-
pose to intimal damage, inammation, and subsequent
Of note, whether the pH of an intermittently
delivered medication inuences risk of thrombosis or
phlebitis has been called into question recently.
In a study involving cancer patients, catheter dysfunc-
tion (eg, inability to ush the PICC or infuse therapeutics)
was noted to herald or accompany DVT in 25% of pa-
However, formation of brin sheaths composed of
platelets, collagen, and smooth muscle elements may also
impair PICC performance, as would precipitation of crys-
tals or minerals from infusions and extraluminal factors
such as coiling or kinking.
Thus, although problematic
from a clinical perspective, dysfunction is not a reliable
predictor of PICC-DVT.
In a randomized trial of 326 patients, Ong et al
reported a lower rate of phlebitis and infection associ-
ated with proximal-valved PICCs than distal-valved de-
vices. However, other studies, including a recent
randomized controlled trial, failed to identify any clinical
advantage to valved, compared with nonvalved
Antimicrobial-coated or anti-thrombotic
catheters, although promising, are yet to prove effective in
preventing PICC-related thrombosis.
Figure 2 Study ow diagram.
Fallouh et al Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis 3
Provider-related Risk Factors. To minimize thrombosis,
insertion into appropriately sized veins and localization of
the catheter tip at the cavoatrial junction are vital.
rationale for the latter recommendation relates to blood
velocity in these regions compared with other sites. PICC
tips that lie outside of the superior vena cava are more
likely to develop thrombosis; conversely, placement of the
PICC tip at the cavoatrial junction substantially reduces
such risk.
Early ndings of novel technology to
improve positioning of PICC tips (eg, electromagnetic and
electrocardiogram-based PICC-tip systems) suggest
reduced thromboses with use of these modalities.
Vein and arm of insertion may be an important factor
associated with PICC-DVT.
In their study, Liem et al
reported that PICCs placed in the basilic vein were associ-
ated with twice the risk of DVT compared with nonbasilic
vein placements (3.1% vs 1.5%, P¼.05).
While PICCs
placed in the left arm may be associated with greater risk of
thrombosis (perhaps due to insertion challenges leading to
endothelial damage),
Sperry et al
examined 798
consecutively placed PICCs and found that laterality was
not associated with symptomatic DVT. Thus, available ev-
idence does not support preferential insertion of the PICC in
one arm over the other; patient preferences should inuence
this decision.
Rather than avoidance of a specic vein or
arm, ascertainment of an appropriate catheter-to-vein ratio
and avoidance of smaller forearm veins are important to
prevent PICC-DVT.
A summary of publications relevant to patient-, provider-,
and device-related factors associated with PICC-DVT is
presented in Table 1.
Clinical Signs and Symptoms of PICC-DVT
When symptomatic, PICC-DVT often presents with signs of
impaired venous outow (eg, arm pain, swelling, or
distention of the veins in the arm, neck, and chest). Mani-
festations related to supercial thrombophlebitis may also
be observed.
Characterized by erythema, redness, and
warmth along the vein of entry, thrombophlebitis may
become painful or infected (eg, septic thrombophlebitis) so
as to necessitate PICC removal.
Although less frequent than embolization from deep
veins of the leg,
PICC-associated pulmonary embo-
lism is more common in those that are critically ill or
aficted with cancer.
In studies involving critically ill
patients, pulmonary embolism accounts for 13%-20% of all
thrombotic events related to PICCs.
unlike the lower extremities, the frequency of post-
thrombotic syndrome following upper-extremity DVT is
highly variable, potentially due to the differences in venous
pressure between the limbs. Therefore, whether PICC-DVT
increases risk of postthrombotic syndrome is unclear at this
It is important to emphasize that most PICC- and
catheter-related DVTs are often clinically silent,
diagnosis is hampered by low specicity.
While a risk
score to assess probability of catheter-related DVT has been
proposed, the mere presence of an indwelling venous
catheter moves the probability of DVT from low to inter-
An unmet need for a clinical risk prediction tool
that offers high specicity for PICC-DVT thus exists.
Diagnosis of PICC-DVT
Owing to noninvasiveness, radiation, and contrast-free
properties, compression ultrasonography is the initial mo-
dality for diagnosis of PICC-DVT. Ultrasound conrmation
of PICC-DVT is often based on (a) the presence of visible
thrombus in the vein, (b) noncompressibility of the affected
vein, or (c) absence of venous ow on Doppler or color
Early systematic reviews reported sensi-
tivity and specicity of ultrasound for catheter-associated
DVT of 56%-100% and 94%-100%, respectively.
note, because compression of the veins to conrm thrombus
requires access to the segment involved, sensitivity and
specicity of ultrasound diminish with proximal involve-
ment (eg, brachiocephalic, subclavian, or innominate
However, a systematic review of 17 studies and
793 patients concluded that ultrasonography is an acceptable
alternative to venography given summary sensitivity and
specicity estimates of 97% and 96%, respectively.
Contrast venography is an invasive and a more techni-
cally challenging procedure that should be reserved for
cases where ultrasound is not conrmatory but alternative
diagnoses are unlikely. While venography performed by
computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging has
emerged as a less invasive alternative, the diagnostic accu-
racy of these modalities in upper-extremity or catheter-
related thrombosis is unclear.
No studies have directly
compared these with ultrasound for catheter or PICC
Compared with lower-extremity DVT, plasma bio-
markers have a limited role in diagnosis of catheter
In a Swiss study of 52 consecutive patients, D-
dimer was highly sensitive (100%) but not specic (14%) in
patients with suspected arm DVT.
The diagnostic utility of
D-dimer is also weakened by the coexistence of conditions
such as cancer or infection, both of which confound
PICC use and D-dimer elevation. Novel biomarkers not
affected by these factors (eg, P-selectin) may be of greater
For example, Ramacciotti et al
found that the
combination of soluble P-selectin and Wells score was the
strongest predictor of catheter DVT among a number of
candidate markers. More evidence regarding such markers
in upper-extremity DVT is needed.
Integrating the available evidence, an algorithmic approach
for diagnosis of PICC-DVT is presented in Figure 3.
Treatment and Management
Treatment and management of PICC-DVT centers on 3
principles: 1) therapeutic systemic anticoagulation; 2)
4 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol -, No -,-2015
Table 1 Epidemiology, Risk Factors and Evidence for Catheter-Associated Thrombosis
Risk Factor
(First Author) n Design/Population
Results/Effect Size
(95% Condence
Interval) Comments
Surgery $1 h Evans, 2010
1728 Prospective cohort study of
hospitalized patients at a
single health system
OR 1.66 (0.91-3.01) Avoiding PICC insertion in
those undergoing elective
surgery may prevent
Wilson, 2012
431 Retrospective cohort study of
critically ill neurological
intensive care unit patients
OR 3.26 (1.48-7.17) Neurological ICU patients who
underwent surgery for 1 h
or more had higher risk of
COPD Aw, 2012
340 Retrospective cohort of patients
with cancer who received PICCs
for outpatient chemotherapy
OR 2.67 (0.65-11) Following adjustment, COPD
remained associated with
higher risk of PICC-DVT
Yi, 2013
81 Prospective cohort of
hospitalized patients with
cancer and PICCs who
underwent screening Doppler
sonography every 3 d for the
rst month
OR 3.01 (1.01-9.5) Diabetes mellitus was
associated with higher risk
of PICC-related thrombosis
Aw, 2012
340 Retrospective cohort of patients
with cancer who received PICCs
for outpatient chemotherapy
OR 3.18 (1.06-9.53) Diabetes increased the risk of
developing PICC-DVT in
patients receiving
Prior CVCs Lee, 2006
444 Prospective cohort of patients
with cancer undergoing CVC
insertion for outpatient
OR 3.8 (1.4-10.4) History of prior CVC use/
insertion was associated
with higher risk of
History of DVT Lobo, 2009
777 Retrospective cohort of patients
who required PICCs during
their hospitalization
OR 10.83 (4.89-23.95) Avoiding PICCs in patients
who have prior history of
DVT may prevent
Evans, 2010
1728 Prospective cohort study at a
single health system of
hospitalized patients
OR 9.92 (5.08-21.25) Patients with a history of DVT
are at increased risk for
developing PICC-DVT
Wilson, 2012
431 Retrospective cohort study of
critically ill neurosurgical
intensive care unit patients
OR 6.66 (2.38-18.62) A history of venous
thromboembolism was
associated with the
development of PICC-
related large vein
Renal failure Marnejon,
400 Case-control study of consecutive
patients post PICC insertion at
a single hospital
OR 2.095
Patients with renal failure
were at greater risk of
thrombosis following
adjustment for other
Malignancy or
Verso, 2008
310 Retrospective analysis of
thrombosis risk factors from a
randomized controlled trial
targeting outpatient
OR 9.36 (1.53-57.05) Along with prior history of
DVT, active malignancy
and, particularly,
metastatic cancer are
factors that were most
associated with increased
risk of catheter-related
Fallouh et al Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis 5
Table 1 Continued
Risk Factor
(First Author) n Design/Population
Results/Effect Size
(95% Condence
Interval) Comments
Liem, 2012
690 Retrospective cohort study
comparing patients with PICC-
related symptomatic
thrombosis to those without
OR 4.1 (1.9-8.9) Concurrent or recent
malignancy was associated
with the development of
DVT in patients with PICCs
Tran, 2010
498 Retrospective single-center
analysis of patients with
hematological malignancies
with PICCs and symptomatic
7.8% High incidence of DVT
associated with PICCs in
patients receiving
chemotherapy; central IJ
PICCs were associated with
low incidence of
Chopra, 2013
64 Systematic review and meta-
analysis of 64 studies
including 29,503 patients
OR 2.24 (1.01-4.99) In patients with a
malignancy, PICCs were
associated with a higher
risk of DVT as compared
with CVCs
Recent trauma Marnejon,
400 Case-control study of consecutive
patients post PICC insertion at
a single hospital
OR 2.76
History of trauma was
associated with higher risk
of thrombosis
Verso, 2008
310 Retrospective analysis of
thrombosis risk factors from a
randomized controlled trial
targeting outpatient
OR 7.01 (1.42-34.66) Prior chest radiotherapy was
highly associated with
increased risk of
Paretic arm Wilson, 2012
431 Retrospective cohort study of
critically ill neurosurgical
intensive care unit patients
OR 9.85 (4.42-21.95) Providers should avoid
placing PICCs in paretic
Critically ill and
Chopra, 2013
64 Systematic review and meta-
analysis of 64 studies
including 29,503 patients
OR 4.04 (2.17-7.07) Critically ill patients with
PICCs are more likely to
develop DVT than those
who receive acute CVCs
High BMI Moran, 2014
1444 Case control analysis of adult
inpatients who underwent PICC
placement at a single hospital
BMI >30
OR 1.98 (1.09-3.61)
Providers should pay
attention to patients with
PICCs and a BMI >30 in
order to reduce the risk of
Larger catheter
Evans, 2010
1728 Prospective cohort study at a
single health system of
hospitalized patients
Double-lumen 5-Fr vs
OR 7.54 (1.61->100)
Smaller catheters and
correspondingly, catheters
with a lower number of
lumens were associated
with lower risk of
Triple-lumen 6-Fr vs
OR 19.5 (3.54->100)
Evans, 2013
5018 Prospective observational study
at a Level I trauma and tertiary
referral hospital for 3 years
with smaller-diameter PICCs
used more during the third
year of the study
Double-lumen 5 Fr vs
single-lumen 4Fr
OR 2.24 (1.16-4.31)
Clinicians should select the
smallest-diameter PICC
necessary for the patients
care to reduce risk of
thrombosis from PICCs
Triple-lumen 6 Fr vs
single-lumen 4 Fr
OR 6.35 (2.78, 14.52)
6 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol -, No -,-2015
Table 1 Continued
Risk Factor
(First Author) n Design/Population
Results/Effect Size
(95% Condence
Interval) Comments
Liem, 2012
690 Retrospective cohort study
comparing patients with PICC-
related symptomatic
thrombosis to those who did
not develop thrombosis
OR 3.9 (1.1-13.9) Catheters with a large
diameter ($5 Fr) were
associated with the
development of UEDVT
compared with smaller size
Nifong, 2011
N/A Experimental study that used
uid mechanics to calculate
relative ow rates as a
function of the ratio of the
catheter to vein diameters
Linear relationship
between the relative
ow rate and the
catheter to cylinder
diameter ratio
was found with a
correlation of
PICCs may substantially
decrease venous ow rates
by as much as 93%
PowerPICCs Baxi, 2013
1652 Retrospective cohort of patients
who received PICCs during
their hospitalization at a
single medical center
OR 2.3 (1.08-4.91) PowerPICCs were associated
with both venous
thrombosis and central
bloodstream infection
Ahn, 2013
237 Retrospective cohort study of
patients with cancer at a single
medical center
OR 2.46 (1.03-5.86) Higher rate of PICC-DVT
observed when catheters
were infected compared
with those that were not.
Del Principe,
71 Prospective cohort study of
patients with acute myeloid
leukemia; sepsis associated
HR 4.12 Patients with sepsis had
higher rates of catheter
thrombosis than those
without this condition.
Number of
OBrien, 2013
1328 Quasi experiment (pre-post)
study in a Canadian teaching
hospital. Intervention
consisted of screening all PICC
orders and placing only single-
lumen PICCs unless more
lumens were warranted
Rates of thrombosis
was reduced from
1.22% with double
lumen catheters to
0% with single
lumen catheters
A hospital-wide effort to
decrease the insertion of
multi-lumen PICCs without
an appropriate rationale for
the same can decrease
overall rates of PICC-DVT
400 Case-control study of consecutive
patients post PICC insertion at
a single medical center
OR 3.44
Because vancomycin has a
low pH, endothelial
irritation and thrombosis is
possible, although this is
controversial and likely also
inuenced by duration of
Amphotericin B
Chemaly, 2002
2063 34-month retrospective chart
review of patients who had a
PICC placed at the Cleveland
Clinic Foundation
OR 10.0 (2.04e49.05) Association of UEDVT with
antifungal AmB likely
relates to thrombogenicity
from irritation of the
venous intima
Chemotherapy Yi, 2013
81 Prospective cohort of
hospitalized patients with
cancer and PICCs who
underwent Doppler sonography
every 3 days for the rst month
OR 2.77 (1.01-9.5) Chemotherapy was associated
with higher risk of PICC-
related thrombosis
Wilson, 2012
431 Retrospective cohort study of
critically ill neurosurgical
intensive care unit patients
OR 3.27 (1.27-8.43) Mannitol use in critically ill
neurosurgical patients was
associated with increased
risk of thrombosis
Fallouh et al Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis 7
Table 1 Continued
Risk Factor
(First Author) n Design/Population
Results/Effect Size
(95% Condence
Interval) Comments
Ahn, 2013
237 Retrospective cohort study of
patients with cancer at a single
medical center
OR 10.7 (2.3-50.0) Concomitant administration
of ESAs while a PICC is in
situ was the strongest
predictor of thrombosis
Lee, 2006
444 Prospective cohort of patients
with cancer undergoing CVCs
insertion for outpatient
OR 14.7 (5.5-40) Catheter blockage is
signicantly associated
with catheter-related
Qiu, 2014
510 Prospective cohort of oncology
patients with PICCs followed
until catheter removal or
spontaneous dislodgment
RR 17.46 (8.29-36.82) Catheter-related thrombosis
was observed to be strongly
associated with
spontaneous dislodgement
of PICCs
Decision to
Itkin, 2014
332 Prospective randomized,
controlled trial in a single
center comparing 2 types of
PICCs and symptomatic vs
nonsymptomatic screening
Symptomatic: 4.3%
and 3.6%
Asymptomatic PICC-DVT is far
more common than
symptomatic DVT. At-risk
patients may need to be
screened regularly in order
to detect this event
Asymptomatic: 65.2%
and 69.1%
Chopra, 2013
64 Systematic review and meta-
analysis. 533 citations, 64
studies with 29,503 patients
OR 3.22 (1.67-6.18)
PICC-DVT might be more
prevalent than clinically
perceived and more evident
when screened for than
when clinically recognized
Symptomatic testing:
OR 2.37 (1.18-4.76)
Site other than
PICC tip
Lobo, 2009
777 Retrospective cohort of patients
who required PICCs during
OR 2.61 (1.28-5.35) Verifying the cavoatrial
junction placement of
PICCs is protective against
US guidance
Gong, 2012
180 Prospective cohort of patients
with cancer who were divided
to receive PICC using
ultrasound or traditional
Thrombosis upon
removal of the
catheter was noted
in 7.5% of the
traditionally placed
PICCs vs 0% of the
US guided
PICCs placed using the
ultrasound were less likely
to have thrombotic
Basilic vein
400 Case-control study of consecutive
patients post PICC insertion at
a single hospital
OR 2.95 Providers should avoid basilic
vein PICCs placement
239 Prospective cohort of patients
admitted to a teaching
hospitals intensive care unit in
Florence, Italy who were (i)
discharged with CVCs (during
the rst 4 mo) or PICCs (during
the last 4 mo) and (ii) serially
underwent Doppler studies
OR 2.18 (1.122-4.244)
if placed in left
basilic vein
Found a higher risk of DVT
development related to sex
(female) and site access
(left basilic vein)
Liem, 2012
690 Retrospective cohort study
comparing the characteristics
of patients with PICC-related
symptomatic thrombosis to the
ones of patients who did not
develop thrombosis
Basilic 3.1%
Non-basilic 1.5%
Basilic vein PICCs were
associated with a higher
incidence of UEDVT,
however, there is no
signicant evidence that
cephalic veins should be
used for PICCs
8 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol -, No -,-2015
removal of PICCs that are no longer necessary; and 3)
thrombolysis or interventional procedures.
Systemic Anticoagulation. No randomized controlled trials
of systemic anticoagulation for PICC-DVT exist. Available
recommendations are thus extrapolated from lower-
extremity DVT and studies of recurrent venous thrombo-
embolism in patients with cancer.
Weight-based low-molecular-weight heparin (eg,
fondaparinux or enoxaparin) is recommended over
intravenous unfractionated heparin infusion as the initial
therapeutic strategy for PICC-DVT in patients with can-
Warfarin dosed to achieve an international
normalized ratio of 2-3 is acceptable for noncancer pa-
tients or those who cannot receive low-molecular-weight
heparins due to medical or cost constraints. At mini-
mum, 3 months of anticoagulation are recommended
(Grade 2B evidence). Should the affected PICC be clini-
cally needed beyond 3 months, prolonging systemic
anticoagulation to match the duration of catheter use is
Table 1 Continued
Risk Factor
(First Author) n Design/Population
Results/Effect Size
(95% Condence
Interval) Comments
Cephalic vein
Allen, 2000
119 Retrospective study on patients
who had (i) normal ndings
during initial venography, (ii)
PICC placement, and (iii)
underwent repeated
Cephalic 57%
Basilic 14%
Brachial 10%
Relatively high rate of venous
thrombosis associated with
PICCs placed in the cephalic
BMI ¼body mass index; COPD ¼chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CVC ¼central venous catheter; DVT ¼deep vein thrombosis;
ESA ¼erythropoiesis-stimulating agents; Fr ¼French; IJ ¼internal jugular; OR ¼odds ratio; PICC ¼peripherally inserted central catheter; UEDVT ¼upper-
extremity deep vein thrombosis; US ¼ultrasonography.
Figure 3 Algorithmic, evidence-based approach to diagnosis of PICC-DVT. The owchart shows an algorithmic, evidence-based
approach to diagnosis of PICC-DVT. CT ¼computed tomography; MRI ¼magnetic resonance imaging; PICC-DVT ¼peripher-
ally inserted central catheter-deep venous thrombosis; US ¼ultrasonography.
Fallouh et al Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis 9
recommended (Grade 1C evidence).
However, limited
data regarding risks and benets of prolonged anti-
coagulation are currently available.
PICC Removal. Because PICCs remain a nidus for prop-
agation of clot, removal should be considered when
thrombosis is detected. In this context, 2 questions should be
answered: 1) is the PICC still clinically necessary? and if so,
2) is it still well positioned (eg, at the cavoatrial junction)
and functional? Existing guidelines do not advocate routine
removal of PICCs provided the answer to these questions is
afrmative (Grade 2C evidence).
However, PICC removal
may be unavoidable in settings where anticoagulation is
contraindicated or if bloodstream infection coexists.
Persistent symptoms such as arm pain or swelling despite
several days of anticoagulation may also warrant catheter
Thrombolysis and Interventional Procedures. Few
studies have compared thrombolytic or endovascular treat-
ments with anticoagulation alone for catheter-related DVT,
let alone PICC-DVT. However, observational data suggest
improvement in upper-extremity venous patency with early
institution of thrombolytic therapy and anticoagulation,
albeit with an increased risk of bleeding.
directed therapy has replaced systemic thrombolytic
therapy in upper-extremity DVT.
Current guidelines
recommend that thrombolysis be reserved for patients who
present with severe symptoms (eg, phlegmasia or functional
impairment of the limb); extensive thrombus burden in the
subclavian or axillary veins; symptoms for 14 days; good
functional status; life expectancy of at least 1 year; and low
risk of bleeding.
Endovascular modalities including thrombectomy and
angioplasty reduce the risk of postthrombotic syndrome in
the lower extremities, but their role in treating PICC-DVT is
Observational studies of endovascular therapies
for catheter-related DVT suggest promise of early recana-
Although in use,
long-term safety and ef-
cacy data for superior vena cava lters in upper-extremity
DVT are not available
; thus, use in PICC-DVT cannot be
recommended at this time.
An algorithmic approach for managing PICC-DVT that
synthesizes the available evidence is presented in Figure 4.
Prevention of PICC-DVT
Prevention of PICC-DVT should center on patient-, pro-
vider-, and device-related characteristics. Consideration of
vascular access devices that are associated with lower risk of
thrombosis is therefore a pragmatic and proactive
Similarly, use of ultrasound to ensure
appropriate catheter-to-vein ratio, verication of tip posi-
tion, and early removal of PICCs are but a few provider
Figure 4 Flowchart showing an algorithmic, evidence-based approach to treatment of PICC-DVT. CrCl ¼creatinine clearance;
LMWH ¼low-molecular-weight heparin; IVUH ¼intravenous unfractionated heparin; PICC ¼peripherally inserted central catheter;
PICC-DVT ¼peripherally inserted central catheter-deep venous thrombosis.
10 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol -, No -,-2015
Table 2 Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention of Catheter-Associated Thrombosis
Method Used
(First Author) N Design/Population
(95% Condence Interval) Comments
US and contrast
Di Nisio,
17 articles
Retrospective systematic
review assessing
diagnostic accuracy of
tests for clinically
suspected UEDVT and
to evaluate replacement
of venography up to
June 2009
Compression US: 97% (90%-100%)/
96% (87%-100%)
Compression US may be
an acceptable
alternative to
Doppler US: 84% (72%-97%)/94%
Doppler US with compression: 91%
(85%-97%)/93% (80%-100%)
Phleborheography: 85%
(72%-99%)/87% (71%-100%)
Color Doppler does not seem
to improve the accuracy
of UEDVT diagnosis
6 articles
Prospective review of
duplex US for
diagnosis of UEDVT
from 1980-2000
56%-100%/94%-100% Doppler evaluation alone is
less sensitive and less
imaging or duplex UEDVT
diagnosis. US for
clinically suspected
UEDVT needs further
126 Prospective study of
duplex US compared
with venography at
one teaching hospital
Duplex US: 82% (70%-93%)/82%
Duplex US may be used
for initial diagnosis
50% of isolated ow abnormalities
were thrombosis-related
Contrast venography
should be performed in
patients with isolated
ow abnormalities
Kim, 2003
18 Prospective study
following patients
who underwent CT
and MR venography
Spearmen rank correlation
Reader 1: Rs¼0.58 (P<.01)
Reader 2: Rs¼0.56 (P<.01)
CT and MR venography
are correlated; CT
venography accurately
depicted benign venous
obstruction; more
studies are needed
52 Preliminary data on
D-dimer testing in
clinically suspected
100% (78%-100%)/14% (4%-29%)
PPV: 32% (19%-47%)
NPV: 100% (47%-100%)
There is doubt that D-
dimer can be used as a
diagnostic test for
UEDVT; further study is
178 Prospective study to
evaluate diagnosis
of DVT with a
combination of soluble
P-sel, D-dimer and
clinical Wells score
P-sel: 28%/96% P-sel in combination with
Wells score could be
useful in DVT diagnosis
P-sel þWells score:
Establish diagnosis of DVT
33%/95%, PPV: 100%
Rule-out DVT 99%/33%, NPV: 96%
D-dimer: 98%/29%
PPV: 40%, NPV: 80%
P-sel þD-dimer: 43%/81%
PPV: 58%, NPV: 81%
73 Prospective study to
evaluate diagnosis of
DVT with a combination
of D-dimer, soluble
P-sel, and total
73%/81% Plasma biomarkers,
specically P-sel, can be
developed to achieve
moderate sensitivity and
specicity to diagnose
Akl, 2008
and Akl,
Review and systematic
meta analysis of
heparin (UFH or
LMWH) and warfarin
on DVT treatment
Heparin RR 0.43 (0.18-1.06) Heparin (UFH or LMWH)
was the only therapy
associated with a
reduction of
symptomatic DVT
Mortality RR 0.74 (0.40-1.36)
Infection RR 0.91 (0.36-2.28)
Major bleeding RR 0.68 (0.10-4.78)
Thrombocytopenia RR 0.85
Fallouh et al Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis 11
Table 2 Continued
Method Used
(First Author) N Design/Population
(95% Condence Interval) Comments
Warfarin RR 0.62 (0.30-1.27)
and other
Sabeti, 2002
95 Prospective study of
inpatients with
vein thrombosis
treated either with
thrombolysis and
subsequent oral
anticoagulation, or
with anticoagulation
60% reduced risk for a thrombosis
(0.2 to 0.9)
Systemic thrombolysis
was useful in treating
subclavian-axillary vein
thrombosis as
compared with
anticoagulation alone;
high rate of
complications during
thrombolysis may
exceed the harm of
Horne, 2000
18 Small prospective study
of patients diagnosed
with lower-extremity
thrombosis treated
with intraclot
administration of
urokinase substitute,
Venous patency achieved in 10
of the 18 patients with
axillary-subclavian thrombosis
after 1 or 2 treatments
No observation of
uncontrolled bleeding,
however, more studies
are needed to evaluate
use of rtPA
68 Retrospective case review
of patients with active
cancer and without
cancer between 1997
and 2009 who
underwent CDT
91% (P¼.68) CDT may be a feasible and
effective intervention
for catheter-related
thrombosis in patients
without cancer
Enden, 2009
103 Multicenter randomized
controlled trial where
patients with ilia-
femoral patency
received either
additional CDT or
standard treatment
Iliofemoral patency: RR 28.2%
Additional CDT may
increase iliofemoral
patency; lysis or
angioplasty did not
correlate signicantly
with 6-month patency
Venous obstruction: RR 29.1%
provider-, and
Pikwer, 2012
12 Review of studies
complications of
Catheter tip malposition 9.3%
(CVC) vs 3.4% (PICC)
Risks of tip malposition,
thrombophlebitis, and
catheter dysfunction
are more common in
CVCs as compared with
Thrombophlebitis 78 vs 7.5 per
10,000 indwelling days
Catheter dysfunction 78 vs
14 per 10,000 indwelling days
limits to PICC
Evans, 2013
5018 Prospective
observational study
at a level I trauma
and tertiary referral
hospital for 3 years
with smaller-diameter
PICCs were more used
during the 3
year of
the study
Double-lumen 5-Fr vs
single-lumen 4-Fr
OR 2.24 (1.16-4.31)
The use of signicantly
(P<.0001) more
single-lumen PICCs in
2010 (compared with
2008-2009) was a
major contributor to
the decrease in PICC-
associated DVTs
1328 Quasi experiment (pre-
post) in a Canadian
teaching hospital
consisted of
screening all PICC
orders by a nurse and
Triple-lumen 6-Fr vs
single-lumen 4-Fr
OR 6.35 (2.78-14.52)
A signicant increase in
the use of single-lumen
and smaller PICCs was
associated with a
signicant decrease in
Triple-lumen 6-Fr vs
single-lumen 4-Fr
OR 6.35 (2.78-14.52)
12 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol -, No -,-2015
practices that may reduce thrombosis risk.
efforts may occur at an institutional level by removing
PICCs of greater gauge or multiple lumens, both of which
have been shown to effectively reduce cost and DVT
Early studies of thromboprophylaxis suggested small
reductions in rates of catheter thrombosis.
newer studies have rendered the matter controversial, at
In a Cochrane review, Akl et al
included 12
randomized trials of 3611 cancer patients and found that
prophylaxis with heparin was not associated with reduction
in symptomatic DVT compared with placebo (relative risk
[RR] 0.4; 95% CI, 0.2-1.1). Similarly, anticoagulation with
low-dose warfarin did not reduce symptomatic or asymp-
tomatic DVT (RR 0.6; 95% CI, 0.3-1.3).
However, a
recent update to this review reported a statistically signi-
cant reduction of symptomatic DVT with heparin and
asymptomatic DVT with warfarin.
However, given the
risk of important adverse events, existing guidelines do not
recommend routine use of pharmacologic prophylaxis to
prevent catheter thrombosis.
Notably, 2 recent studies
involving PICCs have suggested that prophylaxis may
prevent PICC-DVT.
Thus, further PICC-specic
studies in this area appear necessary. While some studies
have reported that antiplatelet agents such as aspirin and
clopidogrel may reduce PICC-DVT,
limited large-scale
data exist at this time. Screening ultrasonography in pa-
tients with PICCs has not been shown to be benecial to
date. Given the uncertainty regarding the clinical signi-
cance of asymptomatic thrombi and the natural history of
these events, well-designed studies are also needed in this
Table 2 summarizes 16 studies relevant to diagnosis,
treatment, and prevention of PICC-DVT.
Despite a systematic approach, this review has some limi-
tations. First, the existing PICC-DVT literature comprises
many observational studies. As such, the quality of the
available evidence and inherent risk for bias must be care-
fully considered. Second, while the algorithms we propose
Table 2 Continued
Method Used
(First Author) N Design/Population
(95% Condence Interval) Comments
placing only single-
lumen PICCs unless
more lumens are
Evans, 2013
5018 Prospective
observational study
at a Level I trauma
and tertiary referral
hospital for 3 years
with smaller-diameter
PICCs were more used
during the third year
of the study
Double-lumen 5-Fr vs
single-lumen 4-Fr
OR 2.24 (1.16- 4.31)
A signicant increase in
the use of single-
lumen, smaller gauge
PICCs was associated
with a signicant
decrease in PICC-DVT
Triple-lumen 6-Fr vs
single-lumen 4-Fr
OR 6.35 (2.78, 14.52)
Use of
Ahn, 2013
237 Retrospective cohort
study of patients
with cancer at a
Dallas medical center
OR 10.7 (2.3-50.0) Use of antiplatelet agents
seems to have a
protective effect
against UEDVT
US screening
239 Prospective cohort of
patients admitted to
a teaching hospitals
intensive care unit in
Florence, Italy who
were discharged with
CVCs (during the rst
4 mo) or PICCs
(during the last 4
mo) and serially
underwent Doppler
80% of PICC-DVTs
occurred 2 weeks
after intensive care
unit discharge
Screening during this
2-week period may be of
clinical value for
prevention of PICC-DVT
CDT ¼catheter-directed thrombolysis; CT ¼computer tomography; CVC ¼central venous catheter; LMWH ¼low molecular weight heparin;
MR ¼magnetic resonance; NPV ¼negative predictive value; PICC ¼peripherally inserted central catheter; PPV ¼positive predictive value;
P-sel ¼P-selectin; RR ¼relative risk; rtPA ¼recombinant tissue plasminogen activator; UEDVT ¼upper extremity deep vein thrombosis;
UFH ¼unfractionated heparin; US ¼ultrasonography.
Fallouh et al Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis 13
are evidence based, these should be viewed as informative
until better data are available. Third, because many studies
do not report the association between catheter-dwell time
and risk of PICC-DVT, recommendations regarding an
optimalwindow of PICC use cannot be dened. However,
early removal of nonessential PICCs is an important aspect
in preventing thrombosis and should be encouraged when-
ever possible.
This review summarizes the state of the art with respect to
diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of PICC-DVT. Despite
substantial progress in our understanding of this condition,
many questions remain to be answered. Given the clinical
consequences (pain, interruption of venous therapy, risk of
infection, and pulmonary embolism), potential for chronic
debility (venous outow obstruction, central vein stenosis,
postthrombotic syndrome), and challenges associated with
treatment and diagnosis of this state, further research would
be welcomed. In the interim, a mindful approach that weighs
the pros and cons of PICC use may be our most effective
approach: an ounce of prevention may thus be our greatest
ally in thwarting PICC-DVT.
The authors thank Whitney Townsend, medical research
librarian, for her assistance with the literature search.
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PubMed Clinical Queries
(Etiology/Broad[lter] OR risk) AND ((PICC OR periph-
erally inserted central catheterOR peripherally inserted
central catheter) AND (DVT OR deep vein thrombosis
OR deep vein thrombosis))
TITLE-ABS-KEY((etiology OR risk
) AND ((picc OR
peripherally inserted central catheterOR peripherally
inserted central catheter) AND (dvt OR deep vein throm-
bosisOR deep vein thrombosis OR thromboembolism
thrombus OR thrombosis)))
(etiology OR risk) AND (picc OR peripherally inserted
central catheterOR peripherally inserted central catheter)
AND (dvt OR deep vein thrombosisOR deep vein
thrombosis OR thromboembolism
OR thrombus OR
16 The American Journal of Medicine, Vol -, No -,-2015
(etiology/exp OR etiology OR risk
) AND (picc OR
peripherally inserted central catheter/exp OR peripherally
inserted central catheterOR (peripherally AND inserted
AND central AND (catheter/exp OR catheter))) AND (dvt
OR deep vein thrombosis/exp OR deep vein thrombosis
OR ((deep AND (vein/exp OR vein)) AND (thrombosis/
exp OR thrombosis)) OR thromboembolism
thrombus/exp OR thrombus OR thrombosis/exp OR
((etiology OR risk
) AND ((picc OR peripherally inserted
central catheterOR peripherally inserted central catheter)
AND (dvt OR deep vein thrombosisOR deep vein throm-
bosis OR thromboembolism
OR thrombus OR thrombosis)))
Fallouh et al Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter-associated Deep Vein Thrombosis 17
... Previous studies primarily focused on risk factors for PICC-related complications. These complications can be associated with a variety of factors, including (1) patient-related factors, such as critically ill bedridden patients, age, and immunity [8,9]; operator-related factors, such as puncture times, professional skills, and the use of visualization technology [10][11][12]; catheter-related factors, such as catheter material, catheter lumen, and catheter diameter [13][14][15]; and treatment process-related factors, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, different drug types, and other aspects [16][17][18]. However, there is limited research on the risk factors for PICC-UE. ...
... The follow-up data collection schedule and clinical data collection form for this study were established through a literature review [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]23,24], semistructured interviews, and research group discussions. ...
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Background Cancer indeed represents a significant public health challenge, and unplanned extubation of peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC-UE) is a critical concern in patient safety. Identifying independent risk factors and implementing high-quality assessment tools for early detection in high-risk populations can play a crucial role in reducing the incidence of PICC-UE among patients with cancer. Precise prevention and treatment strategies are essential to improve patient outcomes and safety in clinical settings. Objective This study aims to identify the independent risk factors associated with PICC-UE in patients with cancer and to construct a predictive model tailored to this group, offering a theoretical framework for anticipating and preventing PICC-UE in these patients. Methods Prospective data were gathered from January to December 2022, encompassing patients with cancer with PICC at Xiangya Hospital, Central South University. Each patient underwent continuous monitoring until the catheter’s removal. The patients were categorized into 2 groups: the UE group (n=3107) and the non-UE group (n=284). Independent risk factors were identified through univariate analysis, the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) algorithm, and multivariate analysis. Subsequently, the 3391 patients were classified into a train set and a test set in a 7:3 ratio. Utilizing the identified predictors, 3 predictive models were constructed using the logistic regression, support vector machine, and random forest algorithms. The ultimate model was selected based on the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) synthesis analysis. To further validate the model, we gathered prospective data from 600 patients with cancer at the Affiliated Hospital of Qinghai University and Hainan Provincial People’s Hospital from June to December 2022. We assessed the model’s performance using the area under the curve of the ROC to evaluate differentiation, the calibration curve for calibration capability, and decision curve analysis (DCA) to gauge the model’s clinical applicability. Results Independent risk factors for PICC-UE in patients with cancer were identified, including impaired physical mobility (odds ratio [OR] 2.775, 95% CI 1.951-3.946), diabetes (OR 1.754, 95% CI 1.134-2.712), surgical history (OR 1.734, 95% CI 1.313-2.290), elevated D-dimer concentration (OR 2.376, 95% CI 1.778-3.176), targeted therapy (OR 1.441, 95% CI 1.104-1.881), surgical treatment (OR 1.543, 95% CI 1.152-2.066), and more than 1 catheter puncture (OR 1.715, 95% CI 1.121-2.624). Protective factors were normal BMI (OR 0.449, 95% CI 0.342-0.590), polyurethane catheter material (OR 0.305, 95% CI 0.228-0.408), and valved catheter (OR 0.639, 95% CI 0.480-0.851). The TOPSIS synthesis analysis results showed that in the train set, the composite index (Ci) values were 0.00 for the logistic model, 0.82 for the support vector machine model, and 0.85 for the random forest model. In the test set, the Ci values were 0.00 for the logistic model, 1.00 for the support vector machine model, and 0.81 for the random forest model. The optimal model, constructed based on the support vector machine, was obtained and validated externally. The ROC curve, calibration curve, and DCA curve demonstrated that the model exhibited excellent accuracy, stability, generalizability, and clinical applicability. Conclusions In summary, this study identified 10 independent risk factors for PICC-UE in patients with cancer. The predictive model developed using the support vector machine algorithm demonstrated excellent clinical applicability and was validated externally, providing valuable support for the early prediction of PICC-UE in patients with cancer.
... Temporary pacing lead placement in an upper arm vein closely resembles the placement of a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line. Although PICC lines are frequently used, these lines are known to pose an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), with incidences between 5 and 15 percent for hospitalized patients and between 2 and 5 percent for ambulatory patients [21,22]. However, it should be noted that the incidences described in these studies concern patients in whom the PICC lines are kept significantly longer in situ (weeks) rather than the maximum of 48 h in the TAVR patients described in our cohort. ...
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Background The femoral vein is commonly used as a pacemaker access site during transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Using an upper arm vein as an alternative access site potentially causes fewer bleeding complications and shorter time to mobilization. We aimed to assess the safety and efficacy of an upper arm vein as a temporary pacemaker access site during TAVR. Methods We evaluated all patients undergoing TAVR in our center between January 2020 and January 2023. Upper arm, femoral, and jugular vein pacemaker access was used in 255 (45.8%), 191 (34.3%), and 111 (19.9%) patients, respectively. Clinical outcomes were analyzed according to pacemaker access in the overall population and in a propensity-matched population involving 165 upper arm and 165 femoral vein patients. Primary endpoint was Bleeding Academic Research Consortium (BARC) type 2, 3, or 5 pacemaker access site-related bleeding. Results In the overall population, primary endpoint was lowest for upper arm, followed by femoral and jugular vein access (2.4% vs. 5.8% vs. 10.8%, p = 0.003). Time to mobilization was significantly longer (p < 0.001) in the jugular cohort compared with the other cohorts. In the propensity-matched cohort, primary endpoint showed a trend toward lower occurrence in the upper arm compared with the femoral cohort (2.4% vs. 6.1%, p = 0.10). Time to mobilization was significantly shorter (480 vs. 1140 min, p < 0.001) in the upper arm cohort, with a comparable skin-to-skin time (83 vs. 85 min, p = 0.75). Cross-over from upper arm pacemaker access was required in 17 patients (6.3% of attempted cases via an upper arm vein). Conclusions Using an upper arm vein as a temporary pacemaker access site is safe and feasible. Its use might be associated with fewer bleeding complications and shorter time to mobilization compared with the femoral vein.
... thrombosis, rendering PICCs susceptible to catheter-associated bloodstream infections (CABSI) or thrombi with blood clotting [3,5]. Despite the implementation of asepsis treatment and anticoagulant administration to mitigate infection and thrombosis, PICC-related infections and thrombosis remain prevalent and pose significant risks to patients undergoing PICC therapy [6]. Furthermore, there is a need for reduced surface friction during tube insertion in PICC therapy to prevent blood vessel injury, as high surface friction between the tube and blood vessels causes unexpected movements during the cardiac catheterization process, leading to blood vessel injury, hemorrhage, and arterial spasms [7,8]. ...
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Blood-contacting devices must be designed to minimize the risk of bloodstream-associated infections, thrombosis, and intimal lesions caused by surface friction. However, achieving effective prevention of both bloodstream-associated infections and thrombosis poses a challenge due to the conflicting nature of antibacterial and antithrombotic activities, specifically regarding electrostatic interactions. This study introduced a novel biocompatible hydrogel of sodium alginate and zwitterionic carboxymethyl chitosan (ZW@CMC) with anti-bacterial and antithrombotic activities for use in catheters. The ZW@CMC hydrogel demonstrates a super-hydrophilic surface and good hygroscopic properties, which facilitate the formation of a stable hydration layer with low friction. The zwitterionic-functionalized CMC incorporates an additional negative sulfone group and increased negative charge density in the carboxyl group. This augmentation enhances electrostatic repulsion and facilitates the formation of hydration layer. This leads to exceptional prevention of blood clotting factor adhesion and inhibition of biofilm formation. Subsequently, the ZW@CMC hydrogel exhibited biocompatibility with tests of in vitro cytotoxicity, hemolysis, and catheter friction. Furthermore, in vivo tests of antithrombotic and systemic inflammation models with catheterization indicated that ZW@CMC has significant advantages for practical applications in cardiovascular-related and sepsis treatment. This study opens a new avenue for the development of chitosan-based multifunctional hydrogel for applications in blood-contacting devices.
... This case highlights the paramount necessity to closely monitor the efficacy of anticoagulation therapy, as current guidelines of standard doses of factor X-inhibitors may not prevent catheter-related thrombosis [7,8]. We also suggest tailoring the cardiopulmonary bypass strategy to the particular anatomical challenges, with the use of an alternative venous cannulation to optimise venous drainage and improve surgical exposure during removal of an intracardiac thrombus. ...
... Thrombosis is affected by many factors. According to Virchow's triad theory of thrombosis, PICC insertion damages the integrity of vessel wall placing these patients at high risk for thrombosis (7). Impaired venous flow in the limb with lymphedema would in-crease the risk of venous thrombosis (6). ...
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There is little information on the risk for catheter-related thrombosis in patients with upper limb lymphedema following breast cancer treatment. We investigated the association between upper limb lymphedema and the risk of peripherally inserted central catheterrelated thrombosis (PICC-RT) occurring in the contralateral limb of patients with breast cancer. A retrospective review analyzed all patients with breast cancer who underwent PICC insertion at a cancer hospital in Hunan Province from 2015 to 2019. Upper limb lymphedema was indexed from hospital information system (HIS) before the occurrence of PICC-RT developed in the contralateral limb. Cox regression analysis was used to evaluate the association of factors with outcome. A total of 1,262 patient records were found and 50 cases of PICC-RT were identified. Forty of these occurred in patients without lymphedema (n=1,236) and 10 in patients with upper limb lymphedema (n=26). After adjustment for various co-variables, Cox regression analysis showed that upper limb lymphedema was significantly associated with increased risk of PICC-RT (hazard ratio=12.128, 95% confidence interval=5.551-26.501; P<0.001). In breast cancer patients, upper limb lymphedema may be an important predictor for PICC-RT in the contralateral limb and information should be provided to patients.
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Purpose To identify the trends in the prevalence of peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) related complications in cancer patients and explore the risk factors for complications and occurrence speed. Methods A total of 3573 cancer patients with PICC were recruited at 17 hospitals from 2016 to 2022. Logistic and COX regression were performed to identify influencing factors of PICC-related complications and incidence speed, respectively. Results The proportion of symptomatic PICC-related thrombosis, phlebitis, and infections reported had decreased from 59.1% (in 2017), 11.9% (in 2016), and 11.1% (in 2016) to 15.3% (in 2022), 2.9% (in 2022), and 7.4% (in 2022), and adhesive-related skin injuries and bleeding/oozing reported had increased from 4.8% (in 2016) and 0.0% (in 2016) to 45.5% (in 2022) and 3.4% (in 2022), respectively. Catheter occlusion showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing from 2.4 (in 2016) to 12.0 (in 2020) to 5.8% (in 2022). Logistic regression showed that hospital level, nature, the patient’s gender, age, diagnosis, history of deep vein catheterization, chemotherapy drug administration, and type of PICC were influencing factors of complications. COX regression showed that the patient’s gender, age, diagnosis, history of deep vein thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, history of deep vein catheterization, chemotherapy drug administration, type of PICC, type of connector, and StatLock used for fixation were influencing factors of incidence speed. Conclusion The composition ratios of PICC-related complications in cancer patients in China have changed in recent years. Chemotherapy drug administration was a significant risk factor accelerating the occurrence of complications. Maintenance factors had the maximum weight on the COX model, followed by patient factors. It is suggested that patients with high-risk factors be closely monitored and proper maintenance be performed to prevent and delay the occurrence of PICC-related complications.
Objective: To establish a prediction model of upper extremity deep vein thrombosis (UEDVT) associated with peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) based on machine learning (ML), and evaluate the effect. Methods: 452 patients with malignant tumors who underwent PICC implantation in West China Hospital from April 2021 to December 2021 were selected through convenient sampling. UEDVT was detected by ultrasound. Machine learning models were established using the least absolute contraction and selection operator (LASSO) regression algorithm: Seeley scale model (ML-Seeley-LASSO) and ML model. The information of patients with and without UEDVT was randomly allocated to the training set and test set of the two models, and the prediction effect of machine learning and existing prediction tools was compared. Results: Machine learning training set and test set were better than Seeley evaluation results, and ML-Seeley-LASSO performance in training set was better than ML-LASSO. The performance of ML-LASSO in the test set is better than that of ML-Seeley-LASSO. The use of ML model (ML-LASSO and ML-Seeley-LASSO) in PICC-related UEDVT shows good effectiveness (the area under the subject's working characteristic curve is 0.856, 0.799), which is superior to the currently used Seeley assessment tool. Conclusion: The risk of PICC-related UEDVT can be estimated and predicted relatively accurately by using the method of ML modeling, so as to effectively reduce the incidence of PICC-related UEDVT in the future.
This study aims to explore the intellectual landscape and research hotspots in the central venous catheter-related thrombosis (CVC-RT) research field. Studies discussing CVC-RT published from 1973 to 2022 in the Web of Science Core Collection database were retrieved on February 24th, 2022. Citespace was used to perform a scientometric analysis to identify the intellectual landscape and research hotspots in the research fields of CVC-RT. A total of 4358 studies were retrieved, with an ascending trend in publication numbers. The United States of America was the most influential country. The Journal of Vascular Access published the most studies, and McMaster University was the most prolific institution. The results showed that the focus population of CVC-RT research has changed from pediatric patients to cancer patients, the management of CVC-RT has become more formal and standardized, and the focused CVC type has shifted to port and peripherally inserted central catheters. In addition, seventeen active burst keywords were detected, such as patient safety, clinical practice guidelines, and postthrombotic syndrome. This study comprehensively reviewed publications related to CVC-RT. The research topics on patient safety, clinical practice guidelines, and postthrombotic syndrome related to CVC-RT may be future hotspots.
Objective: To compare the predictive efficacy of the two thrombosis risk assessment scores (Padua and IMPEDE scores) in venous thromboembolism (VTE) within 6 months in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) in China. Methods: This study reviewed the clinical data of 421 patients with NDMM hospitalized in Beijing Jishuitan Hospital from April 2014 to February 2022. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and Youden index of the two scores were calculated to quantify the thrombus risk assessment of VTE by the Padua and IMPEDE scores. The receiver operating characteristics curves of the two evaluation scores were drawn. Results: The incidence of VTE was 14.73%. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and Youden index of the Padua score were 100%, 0%, 14.7%, and 0% and that of the IMPEDE score was 79%, 44%, 49.2%, and 23%, respectively. The areas under the curve of Padua and IMPEDE risk assessment scores were 0.591 and 0.722, respectively. Conclusion: IMPEDE score is suitable for predicting VTE within 6 months in patients with NDMM.
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Use of PICC lines has increased dramatically secondary to many associated therapeutic applications and increasing availability of nurse-led PICC teams for PICC insertion. PICCs are known to be associated with venous thrombosis. However, their relative risk compared with other forms of CVCs is unknown. Understanding this risk may be important to assessing costs and patient safety questions. The authors therefore performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to quantitate PICC risks for VTE compared with other forms of CVCs. They also sought to determine the frequency of PICC-related VTE in specific patient populations. The study was conducted by searching databases that included MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Conference Papers Index, and Scopus. Studies were also identified through hand searches of bibliographies as well as Internet searches. In addition, the authors contacted study authors to obtain unpublished data. Any human study published in full text, abstract, or poster form was eligible. All studies were of adult patients at least 18 years of age with PICC lines. The Newcastle-Ottawa risk of bias scale was used to assess study bias. The pooled frequency of VTE was calculated for patients receiving PICCs in studies without a comparison group. In studies that compared PICCs with other CVCs, odds ratios (ORs) for VTE were calculated using a random-effects meta-analysis model. The authors identified 533 citations. Of these, 64 studies, 52 without and 12 with a comparison group, met eligibility criteria. There were 29,503 patients analyzed in the 64 studies. In the noncomparison studies, weighted frequency of PICC-related VTE was highest in patients who were critically ill (13.91%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 7.68%-20.14%) and among those with cancer (6.67%; 95% CI, 4.69%-8.64%). In the studies comparing the risk of VTE related to PICCs compared with CVCs, PICCs were associated with an increased risk of VTE (OR, 2.55; 95% CI, 1.54-4.23; P < .0001). There were no PEs associated with PICCs. Using the baseline PICC-VTE rate of 2.7% and a pooled OR of 2.55, the authors concluded the number needed to harm with PICCs compared with CVCs was 26 (95% CI, 13-71).
Aim: To investigate the patient experience of Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) insertion, the significance of arm choice and the impact of the device on activities of daily living. Background: Arm choice for PICC insertion is often determined by PICC nurses with little input from consumers. There are few studies that have investigated the patient experience of living with a PICC and none that have examined the impact of arm choice from the consumer's perspective. Method: Participants were recruited in a hospital whilst they waited for PICC insertion. A purposeful sampling approach was used to select participants based on diagnosis types. Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted November 2012-August 2013. Transcripts of the interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: Ten participants were interviewed. Four themes were identified: (i) apprehension/adaptation/acceptance, (ii) impact of treatment, (iii) asking questions (trusting doctors) and (iv) freedom. Although initially apprehensive, participants adapted to the PICC and came to accept that the device allowed convenient access for treatment. This allowed them the freedom to receive treatment at home. The use of the dominant or non-dominant arm for PICC insertion had marginal impact on activities of daily living for participants. Auxiliary factors such as the infusion pump had a significant impact for those who received outpatient treatment. For those participants who did not understand the procedure, many did not seek clarification and trusted medical and nursing staffto make decisions for them. Conclusion: Nurses should involve consumers in clinical decision-making and provide individualised information and support that facilitates adaptation for patients living with a PICC.
Modern computer tomography (CT) with its higher sensitivity and resolution has increased the detection of incidental venous thromboembolism (VTE) in the venous and pulmonary vasculature during routine imaging for cancer staging and response assessment [1]. As a result, up to half of all VTEs diagnosed in oncology centers are incidental [1-5]. Although widely accepted, the diagnosis of incidental VTE is made without using the standard imaging studies required for confirming the presence of symptomatic VTE (i.e. compression ultrasonography for deep vein thrombosis [DVT] and CT pulmonary angiography [CTPA] or ventilation/perfusion lung scan for pulmonary embolism [PE]). The accuracy and reliability of staging imaging in making a diagnosis of DVT or PE have not been established. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background: The optimal strategy for diagnosis of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is less well established for the upper extremities than for the lower extremities. Duplex color ultrasonography can be difficult to perform in the upper extremities because of their anatomy, and contrast venography is often indicated. Moreover, limited data exist on the use of duplex color ultrasonography in this setting. Objective: To determine the accuracy of duplex ultrasonography for diagnosis of DVT of the upper extremities. Design: Prospective study of duplex ultrasonography compared with venography. Setting: A teaching hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Patients: 126 consecutive inpatients and outpatients with suspected DVT of the upper extremities. Measurements: Contrast venography was obtained after duplex ultrasonography and was judged independently. A three-step protocol, involving compression ultrasonography, color ultrasonography, and color Doppler ultrasonography, was used. Sensitivity, specificity, and likelihood ratios for ultrasonography as a whole were calculated. The independent value of each step was assessed. Results: Venography and ultrasonography were not feasible in 23 of 126 patients (18%) and 1 of 126 patients (0.8%), respectively. Results of ultrasonography were inconclusive in 3 patients. Venography demonstrated thrombosis in 44 of 99 patients (44%); in 36 patients (36%), thrombosis was related to intravenous catheters or malignant disease. Sensitivity and specificity of duplex ultrasonography were 82% (95% Cl, 70% to 93%) and 82% (Cl, 72% to 92%), respectively. Venous incompressibility correlated well with thrombosis, whereas only 50% of isolated flow abnormalities proved to be thrombosis-related. Conclusions: Duplex ultrasonography may be the method of choice for initial diagnosis of patients with suspected thrombosis of the upper extremities. However, in patients with isolated flow abnormalities, contrast venography should be performed.
Background: Central venous catheter (CVC) placement increases the risk of thrombosis in people with cancer. Thrombosis often necessitates the removal of the CVC, resulting in treatment delays and thrombosis-related morbidity and mortality. Objectives: To evaluate the relative efficacy and safety of anticoagulation for thromboprophylaxis in people with cancer with a CVC. Search methods: We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, Issue 12, 2012), MEDLINE Ovid (January 1966 to February 2013), and EMBASE Ovid (1980 to February 2013). We handsearched conference proceedings, checked references of included studies, used the 'related citations' feature within PubMed, and searched for ongoing studies. Selection criteria: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) comparing the effects of any dose of unfractionated heparin (UFH), low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), vitamin K antagonists (VKA), or fondaparinux with no intervention or placebo or comparing the effects of two different anticoagulants in people with cancer and a CVC. Data collection and analysis: Teams of two review authors independently used a standardized form to extract data in duplicate. They resolved any disagreements by discussion. They extracted data on risk of bias, participants, interventions, and outcomes. Outcomes of interest included mortality, symptomatic deep venous thrombosis (DVT), asymptomatic DVT, major bleeding, minor bleeding, infection, and thrombocytopenia. Where possible, we conducted meta-analyses using the random-effects model. Main results: Of 9559 identified citations, we included 12 RCTs (17 publications) reporting follow-up data on 2823 participants. Two of the RCTs included children. Of the 10 RCTs including 2564 adults, one compared prophylactic dose heparin with low-dose VKA. Three RCTs compared VKA with no VKA and four RCTs compared heparin with no heparin. Two additional trials had three separate arms comparing heparin, VKA, and no intervention. Prophylactic-dose heparin, compared with no heparin, was associated with a statistically significant reduction in symptomatic DVT (risk ratio (RR) 0.48; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.27 to 0.86; moderate-quality evidence). However, results did not confirm or exclude a beneficial or detrimental effect of heparin on mortality (RR 0.82; 95% CI 0.53 to 1.26; moderate-quality evidence), major bleeding (RR 0.49; 95% CI 0.03 to 7.84; low-quality evidence), infection (RR 1.00; 95% CI 0.54 to 1.85; moderate-quality evidence); thrombocytopenia (RR 1.03; 95% CI 0.80 to 1.33; moderate-quality evidence), or minor bleeding (RR 1.35; 95% CI: 0.62 to 2.92). Low-dose VKAs, compared with no VKAs, were associated with a statistically significant reduction in asymptomatic DVT (RR 0.43; 95% CI 0.30 to 0.62). Results did not confirm or exclude a beneficial or detrimental effect of VKAs on mortality (RR 1.04; 95% CI 0.89 to 1.22; low-quality evidence), symptomatic DVT (RR 0.51; 95% CI 0.21 to 1.22; low-quality evidence), major bleeding (RR 7.60; 95% CI 0.94 to 61.49; very-low-quality evidence), or minor bleeding (RR 3.14; 95% CI 0.14 to 71.51). The use of heparin, compared with VKA was associated with a statistically significant increase in thrombocytopenia (RR 3.73; 95% CI 2.26 to 6.16; low-quality evidence) and asymptomatic DVT (RR 1.74; 95% CI 1.20 to 2.52). However, results did not show or exclude a beneficial or detrimental effect on any of the other outcomes of interest (very-low-quality evidence). Authors' conclusions: Compared with no anticoagulation, we found a statistically significant reduction of symptomatic DVT with heparin and asymptomatic DVT with VKA. Heparin was associated with a higher risk of thrombocytopenia and asymptomatic DVT when compared with VKA. However, the findings did not rule out other clinically important benefits and harms. People with cancer with CVCs considering anticoagulation should balance the possible benefit of reduced thromboembolic complications with the possible harms and burden of anticoagulants.