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Publications (101)
Determining the spatial thickness (z) of in situ and reworked fallout pyroclastic deposits plays a key role in volcanological studies and in shedding light on geomorphological and hydrogeological processes in peri-volcanic areas. However, this is a challenging line of research because (1) field-based measurements are expensive and time-consuming, (...
Determining spatial thickness of fallout pyroclastic deposits provides key information on hydrological, geomorphological (both erosion and deposition) and volcanological processes. However, this is a challenging line of research because: (1) field-based measurements are expensive and time-consuming; (2) the ash might have been dispersed in the atmo...
A multidisciplinary study, including geomorphological, stratigraphic, paleontological and archaeological methods and techniques, allowed for a detailed exploration of coastal landforms and environments in front of the ancient city of Pompeii (southern Italy). The famous site of Pompeii sits on a small volcanic hill in the alluvial-coastal plain of...
Determining spatial thickness (z) of fallout pyroclastic deposits plays a key role in volcanological studies and shedding light on geomorphological and hydrogeological processes. However, this is a challenging line of research because: (1) field-based measurements are expensive and time-consuming; (2) the ash might have been dispersed in the atmosp...
Explosive volcanoes can generate huge pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) and propel considerable quantities of ash into the atmosphere. The PDCs rapidly propagate along the ground and the ash plume is subject to wind-driven dispersion and may deposit over thousands of square kilometers, depending on the magnitude
of the eruption. In south Italy, t...
The 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius is the first documented Plinian eruption, also famous for the archaeological ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Although much is known regarding the eruption dynamics and magma reservoir, little is known about the reservoir shape and growth, and related ground deformation. Numerical modelling by Finite Element Method w...
Pompeii Archaeological Park is the best laboratory for the study of the seismic site effects on cultural heritage: the ancient site was destroyed and buried by the 79 AD Vesuvian eruption and, furthermore, it was also affected by the 62–63 AD strong earthquake. Large sectors of the city were reconstructed after this earthquake while other parts wer...
We studied the Gioia Sannitica active normal fault (GF) along the southern Matese fault (SMF) system in the southern Apennines of Italy in detail. The current activity of the fault system and its potential to produce strong earthquakes have been underestimated so far and are now defined here. Precise mapping of the GF fault trace on a 1:20000 geolo...
The Apennine mountain areas suffer progressive abandonment and marginality, although being characterized by an extraordinary richness in natural and cultural resources, and landscapes of great beauty. Therefore, their natural heritage, and especially their geoheritage, tranformed into geotourism initiatives, can represent an essential resource to s...
La città di Isernia si colloca nell’omonimo bacino intermontano di Isernia. Esso risulta delimitato dal settore orientale dei monti di Venafro verso Ovest, dai versanti carbonatici del Massiccio del Matese verso Sud e dai rilievi della Montagnola di Frosolone verso Est. Il centro abitato di Isernia si sviluppa in corrispondenza di un crinale allung...
Aesernia presenta varie tipologie murarie frutto di interventi di epoche diverse. In questo lavoro sono state analizzate tutte le evidenze archeologiche dalla deduzione della colonia (263 a.C.) fino all’epoca repubblicana. Il censimento, che ha riguardato il posizionamento su base CTR, la tipologia costruttiva, il tipo di lavorazione e le relazioni...
We studied in detail the Gioia Sannitica active normal fault (GF) along the Southern Matese Fault system in the southern Apennines of Italy. The current activity of the fault system and its potential to produce strong earthquakes have been underestimated so far, and are now defined. Precise mapping of the GF fault trace on a 1 : 20,000 geological m...
Coastal areas are very dynamic environments where natural and man-induced modifications often interact. This is the case of the Graeco-Roman town of Elea-Velia, along the Cilento coast of southern Italy. The town was founded in the 6th century BCE on a hilly promontory bounded by two profound gulfs and assumed a prominent role in maritime commercia...
Two boreholes, both about 16 m-deep, have been drilled in the Garigliano Plain, a coastal-alluvial plain located at the boundary between southern Latium and northern Campania, Italy. The drill holes have been planned and carried out in the southern part of the plain, near to the bordering ridge of Mount Massico. The multidisciplinary analyses perfo...
The term “geoarchaeology” was established within the last 50 years, although earlier applications of this field can be found [...]
The Boiano Basin is one of the largest Quaternary intermontane basins of the central-southern Apennines within one of the most tectonically active areas of the Mediterranean region. In order to reconstruct its entire Quaternary stratigraphic, tec- tonic, and palaeoenvironment evolution, lithofacies and palaeomagnetic analyses have been performed on...
The Late Quaternary benthic foraminiferal and ostracod assemblages from two continuous cores drilled in the Port of Salerno were studied to define their relationship with geochemical characteristics of the sediments and with the palaeoenvironmental evolution. The succession, ranging from Late Pleistocene to the 20th century, recorded the transition...
The map is aimed at illustrating the relationships between landscape evolution and human occupation in the Isernia basin since the Middle Pleistocene. We carried out a detail scale geological - geomorphological investigation integrated with archaeological data. Overall data suggest enhanced landscape modification related to the long-term evolution...
The map is aimed at illustrating the relationships between landscape evolution and human occupation in the Isernia basin since the Middle Pleistocene. We carried out a detail scale geological–geomorphological investigation integrated with archaeological data. Overall data suggest enhanced landscape modification related to the long-term evolution of...
“Geotourism” is a particular type of “sustainable tourism” that is still in an embryonic stage, especially in Italy. The main goal is the transmission of geological knowledge to increase the awareness about geoheritage, geo-resources and geo-hazards. The geoparks represent ideal sites, with a strong educational significance for students, teachers,...
Many coastlines around the world are subsiding, often due to tectonic causes. In tectonically active areas, the exploitation of natural resources has caused acceleration of subsidence rates. In these cases, it is difficult to separate the many different components of the subsidence process. We try to fill this gap, using both remote sensing data an...
A multidiplisciplinary study, including geomorphological, lithostratigraphical, geochronological, geochemical, and paleontological investigations, was carried out in the coastal area of Salerno city, southern Italy. The study aimed to outline the Late Glacial‐Holocene geoenvironmental evolution of Salerno's port area in response to both natural and...
The Temple of Athena is one of the main sacred areas of the Greek-Roman settlement of Poseidonia-Paestum (southern Italy). Several archaeological excavations were carried out here between the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Unfortunately, the locations of these excavations are only approximately known, as are the geomorphology and stra...
The paper deals with the contribution of the Molise geoheritage to make better known the central-southern Apennines landscape and to promote geotourism activities. The Molise territory is characterized by a high geodiversity and the natural coexistence and closeness of three major, highly differentiated Apennine landscape units. It offers an exempl...
In this paper the geotourism itinerary “Le Mainarde
- Alto Volturno”, which develops across the Molise sector
of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park, an area of
outstanding natural and cultural heritage, is presented. The
itinerary focuses mainly on the Quaternary geology and geomorphology
of the area and allows to appreciate geosites of
During the Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods, the Italian coasts have undergone a very articulated geological and geomorphological evolution, due to the complex and differentiated interaction of endogenous and exogenous dynamics. Aim of this study is to implement a geodatabase concerning the geomorphological, stratigraphic, biological and archa...
Phaistos was one of the most important Minoan palaces in Crete and previous studies have addressed its relationship with the paleo-seashore position during historical times. Here, we reconstruct the environmental evolution of Phaistos from Early Minoan to Roman times. Study of two stratigraphic sections and nine boreholes drilled in the westernmost...
The present study focuses on the morphotectonic evolution of the axial portion of the southern Apennine chain between the lower Calore River valley and the northern Camposauro mountain front (Campania Region). A multidisciplinary approach was used, including geomorphological, field‐geology, stratigraphical, morphotectonic, structural, ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar and...
This paper presents the results of the geological and geomorphological investigation carried out during the first level seismic microzonation project in the Isernia Province territory. The study area falls in one of the most seismically active areas of the Apennine chain and it has been struck, in historical times, by destructive earthquakes that c...
During the Late Pleistocene and Holocene periods, the Italian coasts have undergone a very articulated geological and geomorphological evolution, due to the complex and differentiated interaction of endogenous and exogenous dynamics. Aim of this study is to implement a geodatabase concerning the geomorphological, stratigraphic, biological and archa...
The city of Benevento in the southern Apennines is located on a Pleistocene fluvial terrace almost entirely bordered by rivers. Its ancient history of human settlements dates back to the Samnitic age (fifth to third centuries B.C.). The urban landscape witnessed extensive transformation, especially during the Roman (fourth century B.C.-sixth centur...
The coastal sector of the Sele River plain in southern Italy shows a complex subsidence pattern, as testified by PS-InSar data related to the last twenty years (Fig.1). The evaluation of rates and causes of the vertical movements must be taken in great consideration because those positive or negative motions can amplify or delete the effects of sea...
The grapevine is present in Italy from the Alpine areas to the Mediterranean islands, according to geological, geographical, soil and climate features. The variety of wine landscapes of Italy is mainly due to the high degree of geodiversity of the Italian territories and second due to the complex relationships between landforms and human activities...
An integrated investigation including geological, geomorphological, geophysical and structural survey, tephra analyses, ¹⁴C and ⁴⁰Ar/³⁹Ar dating, as well as paleoseismic trenching along the N-Matese fault system is presented. The study allowed the characterization of the tectonic mobility of this structure as well as the associated Bojano basin sed...
This paper concerns the reconstruction of the main stages of the long-term landscape evolution of the Molise portion of the central-southern Apennines along a transect divided into three sectors (SW, Central and NE). Analysis mainly focused on geomorphological, stratigraphical and structural data supported by chronological constraints, coming from...
A multidisciplinary methodology, integrating stratigraphic, geomorphological and structural data, combined with GIS-aided analysis and PS-InSAR interferometric data, was applied to characterize the relationships between ground deformations and the stratigraphic and the morphostructural setting of the Venafro intermontane basin. This basin is a morp...
The Latin colony of Aesernia was the seat of an important road junction for communications, especially to the south with Bovianum and Beneventum, to the north with Aufidena and the Sangro Valley and to the west with Venafrum and the Liri River Valley.
While some archaeological contexts of this colony are documented by very detailed studies, others...
The present landscape of the Mesara Plain, an intermountain basin located in Southern Crete, results from
millennia of geological transformation. Human presence in the area had a strong impact on landscape change since
the Final Neolithic (second half of the 4th millennium BC), when the first signs of land erosion and deforestation
appeared. This p...
The present landscape of the Mesara Plain, an intermountain basin located in Southern Crete, results from millennia of geological transformation. Human presence in the area had a strong impact on landscape change since the Final Neolithic (second half of the 4th millennium BC), when the first signs of land erosion and deforestation appeared. This p...
Cet article présente les résultats d’analyses sédimentologiques et paléo-écologiques obtenues à partir d’un carottage (longueur: 8,35 m) réalisé au pied du site de Phaistos et d’une coupe stratigraphique localisée dans la partie occidentale de la plaine de Messara. Le but est de reconstituer, pour la première fois dans cette région très riche en si...
The coastal areas of the Campania region are inhabited since prehistoric times and especially since Greek times. Anyway, these coastal areas have always been sensitive to environmental changes due to the interaction of endogenous and exogenous dynamics, climate influences and human disturbance.
The Campania coast is about 450 km long and made of al...
Despite its small area, the Molise region is characterized by a high geodiversity and a considerable geological heritage, as highlighted by the recently completed regional geosite inventory. Especially its western, prevailingly mountainous portion is very rich in geosites and one of the most interesting sectors is the Alto Molise area which is char...
An integrated morpho-stratigraphic approach has been used to reconstruct the Quaternary history of the Boiano basin, the largest tectonic depression of the Molise Apennine (Italy). Lacustrine, marshy and fluvial environments alternate all along the investigated infilling succession as a response to tectonic subsidence, volcaniclastic inputs and cli...
Il lavoro presenta i primi risultati di uno studio multidisciplinare finalizzato alla caratterizzazione delle relazioni esistenti tra il campo di deformazione del suolo nell'area della Piana di Venafro (Isernia, Molise) ed il suo assetto stratigrafico e morfo strutturale. Lo studio è basato sul confronto dei dati relativi alle velocità medie annue...
An integrated geomorphological, geological–structural and stratigraphic approach was applied to the Sessano intra-montane basin (Molise, Central-Southern Apennines) to understand the Quaternary environmental and sedimentary evolution of the basin and the surrounding areas. The morpho-evolutionary and sedimentary changes were mainly controlled by te...
In order to assess the effects of possible future sea-level rise in the Sele plain, the lowlands prone to inundation and the rate of coastal erosion in the years 2050 and 2100 have been discussed and some conclu- sions are here proposed. The sea level at these two dates was calculated as the combination of three components: response of Italian coas...
Several boreholes were studied in detail through different analytical methods in order to highlight the
Holocene relative sea-level changes and the paleogeographical evolution of the southern sector of the Sele
river coastal plain (Tyrrhenian Sea, southern Italy). Stratigraphic and paleontological analyses identified
a transition from floodplain st...
The ancient Samnitic and Roman towns of Bovianum, located at the base of the northern slope of the Matese Mountains and partially extending within one of the most depressed sectors of the Boiano intramontane basin, were strongly influenced by historical palaeoenvironmental changes mainly due to climatic and man-induced variations and subordinately...
In the Mediterranean, the coastal population was estimated at 146 million in 1990 and the urban coastal population alone is projected to rise to 176 million by 2025, with an addition of 350 million of tourists per year. In coastal zones, forecasting shoreline location and changes in time is a basic tool for decisional making regarding land manageme...
Since some decades, long term and regional landscape reconstructions are of increasing importance for the study of the relationship between tectonics and exogenous dynamics in a long-term perspective (AUCELLI et alii, 2011 and references therein). The geomorphic markers traditionally used for the estimation of uplift and denudation rates in orogeni...
The preliminary results of the «Landscape archaeology in the territory of ancient
Laos» project, run by the Superintendency of Calabria, the University of Paris 1
Panthéon-Sorbonne, the Centre Jean Bérard in Naples (USR 3133 CNRS – École
Française de Rome) and the Department of Heritage Science of University of Salerno, are
discussed. The aims of t...