Vigory Gloriman ManaluUniversitas Kuningan | UNIKU · Faculty of Economics
Vigory Gloriman Manalu
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (15)
This study aims to examine the relationship of foresight capability to the innovation performance of SMEs by using digital transformation as a mediating variable. This study uses a quantitative research method. Data collection was carried out through a structured offline questionnaire. The technique of determining the sampling is done by using purp...
This study aimed to examine the moderation of corporate political connections on the relationship between audit committee characteristics and CSR. This article has developments from various literature on the relationship between corporate governance and CSR; one of those is the audit committees in recent years, which have been synonymous with finan...
MSMEs have become the foundation for growth in various countries, including Indonesia. Especially in West Java, MSMEs play an essential role in absorbing labour. However, MSMEs in West Java face an uncertain business environment and difficulties in creating products that suit market needs. This research will use the Resource Based View (RBV) and Dy...
This study aims to understand the performance of SME’s product innovation by relating it to the foresight concept of SME owners or managers and the moderating effect of competitive intensity. It employs a quantitative research method by using a survey. This paper studies SMEs from the West Java Province of Indonesia in three industrial sectors: foo...
Respon pondok pesantren terhadap perkembangan dunia usaha salah satunya dengan diterapkannya pembelajaran kewirausahaan, dengan semakin banyak memasukkan keterampilan dan praktik ketrampilan secara nyata dengan dasar pendidikan wirausaha atau entrepreneurship diharapkan bisa membekali santri dengan berbagai kemampuan sesuai dengan tuntutan zaman. S...
Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menguji: 1) pengaruh tata kelola perusahaan terhadap pemilihan auditor eksternal, 2) pengaruh ukuran perusahaan terhadap pemilihan auditor eksternal. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) yang terdaftar pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dari tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2018. Metode sta...
Kecamatan Cigugur merupakan sebuah Kecamatan yang terletak di Kaki Gunung Ciremai Kabupaten Kuningan. Dengan keindahan alamnya dan udaranya yang sejuk ini membuat masyarakatnya sebagian besar berprofesi di bidang perkebunan, pertanian dan peternakan. Namun saat ini masyarakat mulai memanfaatkan keindahan alamnya sebagai objek pariwisata. Hal ini di...
Desa Bangunjaya adalah sebuah desa didaerah kecamatan Subang yang sebagain besar masyarakatnya bermata pencaharian bertani dan berkebun namun disamping perkerjaan tersebut masyarakat Desa Bangunjaya juga memiliki olahan makanan yang terbuat dari pisang dan diolah menjadi sale pisang. Sale pisang dan masyarakat Desa Bangunjaya tidak dapat dipisihkan...
Demand on eco-friendly products is burgeoning, as a form adaptation to climate change mitigation strategy. Hence, environmental issues are still considered as an emerging topic that concerns the tourism sector. Planned Behavior Theory (TPB) describes the formation of environmentally friendly behavior intentions in green purchase intentions of natur...
This research aims to examine the effects of financial inclusion in Islamic banking on economic development in Indonesia. The economic growth indicator is represented by the Industry Production Index (IPI) while the financial inclusion indicator is represented by the amount of Third Party Funds, the amount of financing, the number of Third Party Fu...
ABSTRAKSaat ini indonesia mencatat luas pertanian organik setiap tahunya mengalami peningkatan namun tidak diiringi dengan operator yang terlibat dalam kegiatan pertanian organik yang sejalan dan cenderung fluktuatif. Di Indonesia, deptartemen pertanian telah mencanangkan program “Go Organik 2010” dimana program tersebut bertujuan agar para petani...
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak has greatly affected the global economy, including Indonesia. One of them is the micro small medium entreprise (MSME) sector, which is one of the sectors that drive a country's economy. This article aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on MSME businesses, how people are still consistently us...
At present, E-Commerce in Indonesia is increasing very fast compared to buying and selling activities in the digital world. It is noted that there are numbers of e-commerce that are growing rapidly in Indonesia, namely Lazada, Tokopedia, Shopee, BukaLapak and many others. With the development of e-commerce, the businessmen must be able to send thei...
DAMPAK SURAT EDARAN BPOM PERIHAL IKLAN SUSU KENTAL MANIS (SKM) TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA SKM FRISIAN FLAG di KABUPATEN KUNINGAN�Vigory Gloriman Manalu�Universitas Kuningan�ABSTRACK�Sweetened condensed milk (SKM) is a common product consumed by the people of Indonesia, and one of the most famous sweetened condensed milk products (SKM) in Ind...