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Victor Imanuel Nalle

Victor Imanuel Nalle
Universitas Katolik Darma Cendika, Indonesia, Surabaya · Faculty of Law


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March 2016 - October 2022
Ministry of Public Works and Housing Republic of Indonesia
  • Legal Experts


Publications (33)
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This article employs a legal biography approach to review the thoughts of Indonesian legal philosopher Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto regarding the complexity and distinctiveness of this field of study, as well as the importance of moderating it. Soetandyo portrays law as a system that must maintain its complexity as it reflects the intricate nature of r...
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Although the legislative process is inherently intertwined with communication, the communication aspect is often overlooked. Neglecting the communication aspect begins with the drafting and discussion of bills, where the public, particularly vulnerable or minority groups, lack access to the legislative developments. This research analyzes the utili...
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This study examines the role of public participation in public transportation policies in Semarang, Indonesia, a city facing congestion and the adoption of the bus rapid transit (Trans Semarang) system. The study identifies a gap in Indonesian transportation regulations that lack public participation in decision-making processes, limiting public en...
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Perempuan merupakan kelompok dalam masyarakat yang rentan dan minoritas di bidang hukum dan politik. Sebagai negara hukum, Indonesia harus memberikan jaminan dan perlindungan kepada kelompok masyarakat ini. Namun masih terlihat adanya diskriminasi terhadap kelompok perempuan. Salah satu contohnya adalah penarikan Rancangan Undang-Undang Penghapusan...
Research in legislative drafting in Indonesia is compulsory. Output of the research is academic paper (Naskah Akademik) which supports rationale needed for legislative drafting. This academic paper also provides logical and objective argumentation on significance of legislation. Even though research in legislative drafting has become a compulsory s...
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Kondisi kesehatan warga negara Indonesia telah dijamin oleh Konstitusi Negara Indonesia. Jaminan konstitusi tersebut memberikan amanat bahwa negara wajib memberikan layanan public kepada warganya. Salah satu layanan public kepada warga negara agar tetap memiliki kondisi kesehatan yang baik melalui kewenangan pelayanan pengelolaan persampahan. Terja...
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Metode evaluasi undang-undang di Indonesia belum menjadi isu yang dibahas secara komprehensif. Kajian-kajian sebelumnya lebih banyak fokus pada metode riset dalam penyusunan rancangan undang-undang, misalnya tentang ROCCIPI (Rule, Opportunity, Capacity, Communication, Interest, Process, dan Ideology) atau CBA (Cost and Benefit Analysis). Oleh karen...
Earlier studies have examined the discriminatory effects of laws and policies against the adherents of indigenous beliefs— Aliran Kepercayaan —in Indonesia. However, those studies do not show how the politics of law were developed through the prior sociopolitical processes in Indonesia’s legislative history. This study analyzes how and why the gove...
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After establishing a public health emergency with Presidential Decree No.11 of 2020, President Joko Widodo issued a Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1 of 2020 (Perppu No.1 of 2020). Perppu No. 1 of 2020 was like becoming emergency legislation by suspending the right to examine government administration decisions. This article criticizes the...
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Perkembangan penelitian hukum menunjukkan pentingnya pendekatan interdisipliner dalam menelaah isu hukum. Selain itu, isu hukum juga perlu ditelaah lebih kritis dan tidak melihatnya sebagai produk dari ruang vakum tanpa pengaruh faktor non-hukum. Tulisan ini menjelaskan perkembangan wacana geografi hukum kritis serta teori produksi ruang sosial dan...
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Artikel ini akan menjawab dua rumusan masalah utama yang berkaitan den- gan metode riset dalam penyusunan naskah akademik. Pertama, bagaimana perkembangan kebijakan terkait metode riset dalam penyusunan naskah akademik rancangan undang-undang di Indonesia? Kedua, apa kelemahan dari kebijakan terkait metode riset dalam penyusunan naskah akademik ra...
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Quality of legislation, undoubtedly, is influenced by the preliminary legal research conducted. But there is more, as a number of members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in this context also utilizes impact assessment studies to guarantee good legislations. The question discussed here is to whether impact assess...
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Statistical data showed that in 2017 only 67.89% household in Indonesia had access to proper sanitation. On the other hand, the National Medium-Term Development Plan targeted 100% universal access in 2019 that means in 2019 each household should have access to proper sanitation. However, the 2017 data of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Hous...
Conference Paper
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Data from the Ministry of Public Works and People's Housing of the Republic of Indonesia in 2017 showed that only 34 from 541 regencies/cities in Indonesia have regional regulations on sanitation. If there is no significant increase in the availability of regional regulations on sanitation management until 2019, the government in the 2019-2024 peri...
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Supreme Court of Indonesia decisions have established that daughters have the right to inherit their fathers' property. It is contrary with principle of inheritance on adat law, especially in patrilineal communities. Therefore this article analysis legal reasoning in Supreme Court decisions within equality between men and women in inheritance cases...
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Indonesia has the Constitutional Court to maintain the constitutionality of the law. However judicial review in Indonesian Constitutional Court does not always able to prevent potential or actual violation of constitutional rights. In addition, ex-post facto review in Indonesian Constitutional Court is not to examine the harmonization between the l...
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Law No. 30 of 2014 on Government Administration (Government Administration Law) has set the scope of discretion in Indonesian legal system. But the form of discretion is limited in scope government decision (KTUN) and factual actions of the government. The restriction implicates circulars or others policy rule is not a form of discretion. In additi...
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Peraturan Pemerintah Penggan Undang-Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2017 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2013 tentang Organisasi Kemasyarakatan mendapat kriik karena membatasi kebebasan berserikat dan memberi peluang pemerintah untuk mencabut status badan hukum organisasi kemasyarakatan tanpa melalui putusan pengadilan. Berdasarkan perspek...
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Indonesia has the potential for social conflict and violence due to blasphemy. Currently, Indonesia has a blasphemy law that has been in effect since 1965. The blasphemy law formed on political factors and tend to ignore the public neutrality. Recently due to a case of blasphemy by the Governor of Jakarta, relevance of blasphemy law be discussed ag...
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Waste management by the government is to ensure the fulfillment of basic needs. When viewed from legal perspective, Malang Regency is one of the few districts which already have waste management regulations. However, the implementations of such Local Regulations have been facing structural and sociological constraints. Meanwhile the government thro...
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p> Abstrak Prinsip diskresi adalah prinsip yang penting sebagai panduan bagi pemerintah untuk mengambil tindakan. Sebagaimana halnya hakim yang tidak boleh menolak perkara dengan alasan tidak ada hukumnya, maka pemerintah pun tidak dapat menolak mengambil tindakan dalam keadaan genting dengan alasan tidak ada dasar hukumnya. Produk hukum yang meru...
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Ketentraman dan ketertiban merupakan sebuah kebutuhan kota. Pencapaian kebutuhan tersebut dilakukan oleh pemerintah daerah melalui instrumen pengaturan yaitu Peraturan Daerah. Kabupaten Sidoarjo mengaturnya melalui Peraturan Daerah Nomor 10 Tahun 2013. Penelitian ini melalui pendekatan sosio-legal telah mengkaji kondisi aspek-aspek yang mempengaruh...
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Mineral and coal is one of Indonesia’s natural resource potential. Natural resources can bring prosperity for the people of Indonesia. Therefore we need a pro-mining policies of national economic interests. The experience of Indonesia during the New Order show the mining policy in favor of the interests of foreign capital through the mechanism of t...
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The quality of legislation in Indonesia is often questioned when the Constitutional Court cancels several chapters of a law or even the entire law. The poor quality of legislation is influenced by powerful political factor in the legislation process. These factors have an impact on unsynchronization of laws with the constitution or disharmony with...
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Indonesia’s Constitution has mandated that the state has a goal to develop nation’s intellectual. In that framework, the state should have responsibility for the education of the whole people of Indonesia. But by globalization, through the WTO and GATS, Indonesia has been directed toward the liberalization of education. Liberalization is done throu...
Law in the context of modernity, as an instrument of social engineering, often slammed with the concept of law as a moral order that was carried by the laws of nature. Law as an instrument of social engineering by adherents of positivism is seen as more rational, whereas the natural law morality tends to be paralleled by religious morality. This is...
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The 21st century is the era of the development of corporate social responsibility (CSR). It is encouraged by the development of the company as a business and societal entities that balances public and private interests. If there is a balance of public and private interests in the company, the application of CSR should be able to accommodate the pub...
Positivisme memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap ilmu pengetahuan, tak terkecuali ilmu hukum. Kendati beberapa ahli hukum mengidentifikasi ilmu hukum bersifat sui generis, namun pada perkembangannya ilmu hukum tidak dapat lepas dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan secara keseluruhan. Pengaruh positivisme dalam ilmu hukum dapat dilihat pada keterpisa...
Hukum dalam konteks modernitas, sebagai instrumen rekayasa sosial, seringkali dibenturkan dengan konsep hukum sebagai tatanan moral yang diusung oleh hukum kodrat. Hukum sebagai instrumen rekayasa sosial oleh penganut positivisme dipandang lebih rasional, sedangkan moralitas dalam hukum kodrat cenderung diparalelkan dengan moralitas agama. Hal ini...
Positivisme memiliki pengaruh yang besar terhadap ilmu pengetahuan, tak terkecuali ilmu hukum. Kendati beberapa ahli hukum mengidentifikasi ilmu hukum bersifat sui generis, namun pada perkembangannya ilmu hukum tidak dapat lepas dari perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan secara keseluruhan. Pengaruh positivisme dalam ilmu hukum dapat dilihat pada keterpisa...
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Some law schools in Indonesia reject socio-legal studies with epistemological arguments that puts jurisprudence as sui generis. Rejection is based argument that jurisprudence is a normative science. In fact socio-legal studies in the development of jurisprudence outside Indonesia has long existed and contributed to the legal reform. Socio-legal stu...


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