Victor Antunes Leocádio

Victor Antunes Leocádio
Federal University of Minas Gerais | UFMG · Centro de Desenvolvimento e Planejamento Regional (CEDEPLAR)


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Publications (9)
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Este trabalho analisa a relação entre religião e uso de tabaco entre funcionários públicos de campi universitários no Rio de Janeiro e participantes do Estudo Pró-Saúde em suas ondas 1 (1999, n=4030) e 4 (2012-13, n=2933). Foram utilizados questionários auto-administrados; associações transversais e longitudinais entre as variáveis independente (re...
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Background: The Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) enables investigating family-related events from a life course perspective. After its first round of face-to-face implementation, various factors resulted in the second round being implemented on the web. Despite its advantages, implementing a web-based GGS has its drawbacks ‒ for instance, possib...
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A literatura sobre intenções de fecundidade tem ganhado crescente relevância em estudos demográficos porque, sendo um determinante próximo da fecundidade, auxilia o entendimento do comportamento reprodutivo de diferentes populações. Contudo, esta literatura não foi ainda organizada segundo os principais e mais recorrentes aspectos dispersos na lite...
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A pesquisa apresentada neste trabalho visou analisar o desempenho de diferentes algoritmos de inteligência artificial (IA) para previsão de movimentos dos principais índices das maiores bolsas de valores ao redor do mundo. Para tanto, foram coletados dados diários de 34 índices, entre os anos de 2010 e 2019, e estimados os movimentos desses índices...
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The literature on childlessness has received increasing prominence in demographic studies because, with increasing levels of childlessness, it helps the understanding of important demographic concerns, such as reproductive behavior, family formation, and gender relations. Although a growing number of empirical studies on low fertility have been dis...
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Few studies have assessed defense performance in criminal cases in the Latin American context. The current research investigated whether defense type affects the odds of conviction and incarceration length for drug trafficking cases in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte. We used a Binary Logistic and a Linear regression model, controlling the res...
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The percentage of women who reach the end of their reproductive years without children increased by 40% in Brazil among birth cohorts from 1941–1945 to 1966–1970. This growing trend was accompanied by changes in the composition and association of variables such as education level and conjugal status. This study seeks to analyze the contribution of...


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