Vicente Sandoval

Vicente Sandoval
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Vicente verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Freie Universität Berlin | FUB

PhD in Development Planning, University College London
Research Associate at the Disaster Research Unit, Freie Universität Berlin.


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Consultant and researcher on Urban Disaster Risk Governance, with interest/experience on the Latin American and the Caribbean region, Chile, Germany, Egypt, Spain, UK, and USA. Research experience on sustainable development, governance, resilience and environmental justice, statistics, urban networks analysis, and evidence-based approaches.
Additional affiliations
February 2021 - present
Freie Universität Berlin
  • Research Associate
  • INCREASE – Inclusive and Integrated Multi-Hazard Risk Management and Engagement of Volunteers to INCREASE Societal Resilience in Times of Climate Change.
August 2017 - August 2019
Florida International University
  • PostDoc Position
March 2014 - August 2017
Freie Universität Berlin
  • Researcher


Publications (69)
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Politics and Governance (ISSN: 2183-2463) This exploratory work seeks to shed light on disaster governance by looking into potential linkages between the production of vulnerability and disaster governance in Chile. Our point of investigation is the case of post-disaster Chaitén and the Chilean model of Disaster Risk Management. The work begins by...
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Purpose This paper introduces the state of informal settlements in Latin America and the Caribbean, and it explores potential relationships between informal settlements and national policies on urban development and disaster risk reduction, especially on how risk governance and disaster resilience are conceived and practiced by governments. Design...
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Purpose This paper examines disaster capitalism in Chile, that is, the relationships between disasters and neoliberalism. It looks at two post-disaster dimensions: disasters as windows of opportunity to introduce political reforms and disasters as occasions for the corporate class to capitalize on such disasters. Design/methodology/approach Two in...
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The governance of natural hazards in Chile involves how different actors participate in all stages of managing natural hazards and their impacts. This includes monitoring and early warning systems and response to the most significant hazardous events in the country: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, hydrological and meteorological events,...
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This study analyzed the international key literature on integrated disaster risk management (IDRM), considering it a dynamic sociocultural process subjected to the historical process of social formation, offering a closer look at the concept while exploring conceptual elements and ideas to advance IDRM in both national and international contexts. M...
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El siguiente trabajo presenta un breve análisis del nexo entre poscolonialismo, capitalismo y desastres en Chile y América Latina, con el fin de re-pensar la gestión y reducción del riesgo de desastre en la región para las próximas décadas. Así, una re-imaginación radical de los desastres en América Latina debe enfatizar el empoderamiento de las vo...
Technical Report
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The Disaster Research Journals List 2023 builds on the Disaster Research Journals Database (DRJ) Database, which encompasses a curated list of journals dedicated to disaster research and science. The primary objective is to serve as a reliable resource for scholars, practitioners, and students navigating the vast and evolving landscape of disaster...
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The methodologies for prioritizing populated areas regarding the implementation of risk transfer schemes are still limited due to the exclusion of social components. This research proposes a methodology for prioritizing territorial areas when implementing Climate Risk Transfer Mechanisms (CRTM) using the differential risk transfer approach and cons...
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Esta nota explora algunos vínculos entre la gobernanza de desastres y las inteligencias colectivas vinculadas a la construcción y diseño de productos en ciudades del Sur Global, al tiempo que ofrece algunas reflexiones para futuras investigaciones. Las ideas presentadas en este trabajo son el resultado de una serie de mesas redondas ocurridas el 20...
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This contributing paper explores the role and the contribution of the public and private sectors in the (re)production and accumulation of disaster risks from a disaster capitalism optic, both in the academic literature and in the policy realm. This study responds to this gap and provides a preliminary international overview of the root causes, beh...
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The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015−2030’s (SFDRR) framing moved away from disaster risk as a natural phenomenon to the examination of the inequality and injustice at the root of human vulnerability to hazards and disasters. Yet, its achievements have not seriously challenged the long-established capitalist systems of oppression t...
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En un contexto de incertidumbre social, política y económica, es inevitable preguntarse si la estrategia de desarrollo que nuestro país ha seguido hasta ahora nos permitirá alcanzar las metas de prosperidad e igualdad de oportunidades que anhela un porcentaje mayoritario de los ciudadanos. Nosotros creemos que difícilmente será posible alcanzar ese...
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The chapter aims to identify and analyse efforts of communities and civil society to resist disaster capitalism during COVID-19 in Chile, highlighting the importance of social cohesion for coping with public health crises and other hazards in vulnerable socio-territorial contexts. Here, disaster capitalism is conceptualised as an approach adopted b...
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The chapter aims to identify and analyze efforts of communities and civil society in general to resist disaster capitalism during COVID-19 in Chile, highlighting the importance of social cohesion for coping with public health crises and other hazards in vulnerable socio-territorial contexts. Here, disaster capitalism is conceptualized as an approa...
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The chapter aims to identify and analyze efforts of communities and civil society in general to resist disaster capitalism during COVID-19 in Chile, highlighting the importance of social cohesion for coping with public health crises and other hazards in vulnerable socio-territorial contexts. Here, disaster capitalism is conceptualized as an approa...
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The chapter aims to identify and analyze efforts of communities and civil society in general to resist disaster capitalism during COVID-19 in Chile, highlighting the importance of social cohesion for coping with public health crises and other hazards in vulnerable socio-territorial contexts. Here, disaster capitalism is conceptualized as an approa...
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The precautionary measures recommended during the current COVID-19 pandemic do not consider the effect of turbulent airflow. We found the propagation of droplets and aerosols highly affected by this condition. The spread of respiratory droplets by the action of sneezing is characterized by the dynamics of two groups of droplets of different sizes:...
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Prácticamente ningún gobierno, institución o comunidad ha permanecido indiferente a la pandemia del COVID-19. Esta crisis ha sido señalada en muchos lugares como un ‘desastre’, por lo que se ha considerado apropiado hacer una breve reflexión sobre el significado y lecciones por aprender de esta pandemia en el contexto de los estudios sobre reducció...
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Practically no government, institution or community has remained indifferent to the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis has been pointed out in many places as a 'disaster'. For this reason, REDER has considered appropriate to dedicate a brief but necessary reflection on the meaning of and lessons to be learned from this pandemic in the context of Latin...
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Ante el incremento de asentamientos informales a nivel mundial y especialmente en la región de Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC), surge un interés particular para estudiar la gobernanza existente en la informalidad urbana. Luego de una extensa revisión de literatura se contrastan dos casos de estudio, uno de Chile y otro de seis países de LAC. Tradic...
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The work explores the use of street network analysis on informal settlements and discusses the potential and limitations of this methodology to advance disaster risk reduction and urban resilience. The urban network analysis tool is used to conduct graph analysis measures on street networks in three informal settlements in the LAC region: Portmore,...
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Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is key in strengthening resilience and achievement of sustainable development. The private sector is co-responsible for DRR: it is a generator of risks, and a subject exposed to risks. There are competing narratives in the literature regarding the relationship between business’ disaster experience and DRR. The current...
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Purpose This study seeks to understand how land tenure security and dwelling occupancy modes influence disaster risk reduction in precarious urban communities. Design/methodology/approach We conducted a comprehensive review of recent publications on the relationship between land tenure security, access to credit, housing improvements, and the expe...
Well-designed and properly enforced building codes save lives in hazard events like major earthquakes and hurricanes. Yet around the world, in “developed” and “developing” countries alike, code enforcement is not often on people’s minds, even in high-risk areas. How do the citizens of Latin America and the Caribbean value the implementation of buil...
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It is estimated that around 70 per cent of today’s urban growth occurs without formal planning processes that consider hazard mitigation and emergency response, turning informality into the most common, and perhaps risky, form of urbanisation on the planet. Author describes a governance project that aims to address this situation and help prevent u...
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Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the evidence-based research strategy (EBRS) used to evaluate eight projects that applied the neighborhood approach for disaster risk reduction (NA-DRR) in informal urban settlements in Colombia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica and Peru, between 2012 and 2017. Design/methodology/approach The study...
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This working paper is an introduction to urban informality in the Latin American and Caribbean region as part of a larger comparative analysis on informal settlements in the region. Based on recent reports published by multilateral agencies, international organizations, and national governments, this paper offers a compendium of the presented figur...
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Esta breve introducción para el número especial “Resiliencia ante Desastres Socionaturales para el Desarrollo Turístico” (Vol. 3, Núm. 1) busca advertir de la creciente y preocupante relación entre el turismo, riesgos y desastres socionaturales, y establecer la necesidad por ampliar el conocimiento sobre los procesos, condiciones e impactos que sub...
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Esta breve introducción para el número especial “Resiliencia ante Desastres Socionaturales para el Desarrollo Turístico” (Vol. 3, Núm. 1) busca advertir de la creciente y preocupante relación entre el turismo, riesgos y desastres socionaturales, y establecer la necesidad por ampliar el conocimiento sobre los procesos, condiciones e impactos que sub...
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La siguiente investigación debate el concepto 'capitalismo de desastre' como parte de los procesos de reconstrucción en Chile, entendiendo que mediante esta lógica en el manejo de los recursos, en un proceso de esta naturaleza, se parece acentuar la vulnerabilidad y los procesos de recambio socio-espacial. Mediante la revisión de algunas medidas im...
Technical Report
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The goal of this evaluation is to improve the understanding of the Urban Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programming carried out in Latin America and The Caribbean, and supported by the United States Agency for International Development's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA). The study focused on eight DRR projects awarded by USAID...
Technical Report
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El objetivo de esta evaluación es mejorar la comprensión del Programa de Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (RRD) Urbano llevado a cabo en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC), y apoyado por la Oficina de los Estados Unidos de Asistencia para Desastres en el Extranjero de la Agencia para el Desarrollo Internacional (USAID/OFDA). El estudio se enfocó en o...
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International Journal of Disaster Response and Emergency Management IJDREM (ISSN: 2572-4940). This article reviews existing narratives and perspectives to the history of Chilean disasters in order to explore dominant discourses of disaster causation. Narratives based on historical records and media archives are examined and contrasted with contempo...
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This chapter offers an initial reflection on the interface between disaster governance and the social production of disaster vulnerability. It offers such reflection devising the case of post-disaster Chaiten in Chile, paying special attention to its multi-scalar relations of policy response and to the context of the Chilean model of Disaster Risk...
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Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos sobre Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres (ISSN: 0719-8477). El trabajo busca ofrecer una vista general, actualizada, pero también crítica de los asentamientos informales en América Latina y el Caribe, e identificar y explorar posibles tendencias entre los diferentes países con respecto a la gobernanza y resilienc...
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This chapter recounts post-disaster institutional and community responses in Chile after the Chaitén volcano eruption in 2008, and how some related processes of increasing post-disaster resilience may have impacted negatively upon environmental justice. We explore the design and implementation of post-disaster actions by national, regional and loca...
This research analyses policy responses to disasters in Chile. The main objective is to explore linkages between temporally and spatially distant processes of policy, governance and decision-making, and the materialisation of disaster vulnerability in the form of ‘unsafe conditions’. The study focuses on the progression of vulnerability in a post-d...
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El objetivo de este ensayo es analizar las decisiones y estrategias adoptadas por el gobierno chileno para gestionar el desastre del volcán Chaitén el año 2008 y discutir algunas carencias en el área de Gestión de Riesgo y Desastres (GRD) en Chile. Las decisiones adoptadas por los diferentes gobiernos entre el 2008 y el 2014 con respecto a la evacu...
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El alcance final de esta iniciativa pretende informar sobre los diversos temas de investigación que abordan los estudiantes chilenos en el Reino Unido y difundirlos a una audiencia lo más amplia posible. En este sentido, como investigadores jóvenes, creemos que el presente libro es un aporte preliminar en la difícil tarea de difundir ciencia en Chi...
Technical Report
La presente información se ha extraido de una presentación realizada el día 15 de Enero de 2016, en el marco del 3er Encuentro Científico Nacional Reducción Riesgos de Desastres, de la REDULAC-Chile (Red de Universitarios de Latinoamerica y el Caribe para la Reducción de Riesgos de Emergencias y Desastres, Chile), ocurrido en la ciudad de La Serena...
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Este trabajo es una contribución intelectual que busca ofrecer una re exión inicial sobre la importancia de la in- vestigación cientí ca dentro del campo del diseño, tanto en su enseñanza como en la práctica. Del mismo modo, intenta resaltar los vínculos existentes entre investigación y desarrollo, a modo de explorar posibles trayectorias para el f...
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The Maule earthquake, occurred in Chile on 27 February 2010, was felt in a vast area of the country, affecting around 2,500,000 people in 239 communes. About 1,000 urban entities suffered the consequences of the disaster. More than 500 people died and losses were estimated in USD $30 billion. State’s first responses were erratic and slow showing la...
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As result of globalisation, large and middle-sized capital cities such as Berlin and Bilbao become hubs of global circulation of goods, people, money, capital and commodities. In order to support this accelerated circulation, cities tend to experience reconfiguration and re-scaling of their local-territorial organisations and environments, in other...
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In May 2008, the city of Chaitén was completely evacuated due to the probability of a volcanic eruption. Few days later, the eruption caused severe flooding that almost destroyed the entire city. In the following months, the state developed plans for the relocation of Chaitén, and strategies to promote resilience and the recovery of population. How...
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RESUMEN En mayo de 2008, la ciudad de Chaitén fue evacuada debido al riesgo de una erupción volcánica. Días más tarde, graves inundaciones como consecuencia de la erupción produjeron su casi total desaparición. En los meses siguientes, el Estado desarrolló diversos planes para la reubicación de Chaitén, así como estrategias para promover la resilie...
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Un panel de especialistas trabajando e investigando en el extranjero y en Chile se reunieron para conversar sobre el alcance y las limitaciones del proyecto de ley que busca mejorar la gestión de riesgos y emergencias en Chile
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La generación del conocimiento humano en general, y especialmente el científico, resultan claves para el desarrollo social y económico de la naciones. Por otro lado, la divulgación de este conocimiento científico hoy en día se valida a través de instituciones como las universidades, y se socializa principalmente por medio de internet. Por tanto, la...
Conference Paper
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The relationship between post-disaster actions and the enrichment of private companies have become evident in Chile. Two recent disasters in Chile (i.e. the 2010 Maule earthquakes and Valparaiso fires in 2014) illustrate ‘disaster capitalism’ in this country, where a neoliberal regime is in place since the late 1970s. This work examines reconstruct...
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Valiéndose de un ejemplo extraído del guión de la popular serie House of Cards, el autor de esta columna, candidato a doctor en Planificación del Desarrollo, aborda un concepto que tiene sus raíces en la realidad y que ha sido objeto de investigación académica: la pobreza amplifica los efectos de los desastres. Un tema prioritario en un país como C...
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Hay un cierto acuerdo en el hecho de que toda disciplina debe ser capaz o aspirar a generar conocimiento.
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In May 2008, the remote city of Chaiten in Chile was evacuated due to the risk of a volcano eruption. Few days later, severe floods drove to the destruction of the almost entire city. In the months following the disaster, the Government developed projects that failed to relocate the city to a safer location as well as strategies to support the affe...
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This work may be summarised as a scholar attempt to integrate two bodies of knowledge (disaster and geographical scale) that rarely are combined but whit important linkages.
Technical Report
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Becas Chile: ¿Volver o devolver? El impacto del talento chileno una vez finalizado sus estudios de posgrado. Actualmente, el mercado laboral de los investigadores nacionales con doctorado es muy reducido. Un 90% de ellos trabaja en la academia. Al considerar que se espera que en menos de una década Chile duplique la cantidad de doctores, muchos bec...
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A panel of Chilean and international researchers discussed the reasons behind the apparently well-performance of the Chilean society and their institutions in recent disasters (organized by the Chilean Society from University College London Union).
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Disaster and vulnerability studies are often conceived within single-scale units, self-enclosed and delimited into specific spatial foci –e.g. urban studies, metropolitan research, etc.–, hence studies tend to neglect the geographical complexity of socio- economic and political processes involved in the production of disaster risk at multiple scale...
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This paper discusses single-scale studies on disaster risk and vulnerability – i.e. urban risk and physical vulnerability – by formulating the progression of vulnerability proposed in the Pressure and Release Model (PAR) as a multi-scalar phenomenon. Disaster and vulnerability studies are often conceived within single-scale units, self-enclosed and...
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This essay emerges as personal outcome from the reflections and insights during the DAAD Alumni Summer School 2013 “Coping with Disasters and Climate Extremes” held in Cologne and Bonn, Germany. Both the combination of international experts during the summer school and the progress of my own PhD’s dissertation encouraged me to develop this essay. I...
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Re-interpretando el par model con el caso de Chaitén
Conference Paper
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This work discusses single-scale studies on disaster risk and vulnerability by exploring the progression of vulnerability –based on the Pressure and Release Model (PAR model)– as a multi-scalar phenomenon. Disaster and vulnerability studies are often conceived within single-scales ideas –e.g. urban, local, regional or national–, however studies ten...
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La palabra «diseño» es de uso popular por todos y hasta por especialistas de otras disciplinas, he aquí un abordaje para reflexionar sobre qué es y el aporte de la investigación.
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En esta interesante columna, Vicente Sandoval, candidato a doctor en Planificación del Desarrollo, muestra además, que en la raíz de los desastres -grandes y cotidianos- no hay sólo fuerzas naturales incontrolables frente a las cuales somos impotentes, sino políticas públicas que se hacen o se dejan de hacer, que asisten a los ciudadanos o los deja...
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There have been important transformations regarding the sociodemographic and urban structure in Greater Concepción over the last sixty years; these changes have been related to the import-substitution industrialization and the consequent integration of the national economy within the globalized market. This paper analyzes these transformations by u...
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The growth of informal settlements is a major concern in many cities of the Global South. Therefore, one of urban planning’s biggest challenges is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex characteristics of informal growth and livelihoods in informal areas in order to develop integrated and sustainable solutions. In this regard, the Gre...
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As result of globalisation, cities become hubs of global circulation of goods, people, money, capital and commodities. In order to support this accelerated circulation, cities tend to experience a reconfiguration and re-scaling of their local-territorial organisations, in other words, a reterritorialisation of their economies and urban spaces. In t...
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Este ensayo aborda un temática recurrente en la vida laboral de los diseñadores: Cada vez son más las empresas que valoran las habilidades sociales de quienes se postulan para un puesto de diseñador.


Questions (8)
I am looking for data or indices that compare countries according to their 'levels' of neoliberalism. Although I know this can be tricky and contested, I want to know a country's neoliberalization level based on Harvey's insights, in four key aspects:
1. Level of pivatization of public enterprises 2. Deregulation of the economy 3. Liberalization of trade and industry 4. Massive tax cuts


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