Viacheslav V. KrylovInstitute of Biology of Inland Waters named Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin
Viacheslav V. Krylov
PhD, Doctor of sciences
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May 2014 - present
November 2008 - May 2014
September 2005 - November 2008
September 2000 - July 2005
Publications (122)
In the 1960s, it was hypothesized that slow magnetic fluctuations could be a secondary zeitgeber for biological circadian rhythms. However, no comprehensive experimental research has been carried out to test the entrainment of free-running circadian rhythms by this zeitgeber. We studied the circadian patterns of the locomotor activity of zebrafish...
Aquatic ecosystems are increasingly affected by anthropogenic pollution, including heavy metals like mercury, which accumulate in organisms and cause harmful effects. At the same time, human activities such as industrial operations and the use of electric power lines also alter the magnetic background in natural water bodies. However, the interacti...
Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (ELF-MF) up to 100 μT exhibit impacts on physiological processes, including heart function. The mechanisms underlying the influence of these fields on fish heart rates remain insufficiently explored. We assumed that the direct impact of ELF-MF with a frequency close to the heart rate could entrain oscillatory...
The review presents contemporary data on the influence of the geomagnetic field and its variations on insect behavior. The most probable mechanisms of magnetoreception in different species are discussed. The prospects for studying insect electroreceptors as magnetodetectors are considered. Special attention is paid to studies investigating the impa...
This review covers the phenomenon of resonance-like responses of biological systems to low-frequency magnetic fields (LFMF). The historical development of this branch of magnetobiology, including the most notable biophysical models that explain the resonance-like responses of biological systems to LFMF with a specific frequency and amplitude, is gi...
The review presents the most developed by date hypotheses on the mechanisms of the influence of low-frequency magnetic fields (LFMF) on organisms. Biophysical models that explain the resonance-like responses of biological systems to LFMF with a specific frequency and amplitude are described. Two groups can be distinguished among these models: one c...
Anomalies in the spine structure and vertebral phenotypes were studied in 4-month-old underyearlings of the roach Rutilus rutilus (Linnaeus, 1758) after combined or separate exposure of embryos to a magnetic field (frequency 500 Hz, induction 150 μT) and metrifonate (concentration 0.01 mg/L) for 48 h from fertilization to the onset of organogenesis...
The joint and separate effects of different water salinity (0.5, 1.5, and 3 g/L) and hypomagnetic conditions on freshwater crustaceans of Daphnia magna were studied. A decrease in the magnetic field induction led to a significant decrease in the size of females and the period between broods, an increase in the number of offspring produced, and the...
Cavefish are vertebrates living in extreme subterranean environments with no light, temperature changes, and limited food. Circadian rhythms in these fish are suppressed in natural habitats. However, they can be found in artificial light-dark cycles and other zeitgebers. The molecular circadian clock has its peculiarities in cavefish. In Astyanax m...
A biophysical model for calculating the effective parameters of low-frequency magnetic fields was developed by Lednev based on summarized empirical data. According to this model, calcium ions as enzyme cofactors can be the primary target of low-frequency magnetic fields with different parameters tuned to calcium resonance. However, the effects of c...
The intensity of climatic changes and human activities is increasing every year. The general consequence of these processes for freshwater ecosystems can be a dissolved oxygen decrease. There is also a possibility of a reduction in geomagnetic field intensity due to a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic poles. It is assumed that the magnetic poles’ re...
Optical techniques are utilized for the non-invasive analysis of the zebrafish cardiovascular system at early developmental stages. Being based mainly on conventional optical microscopy components and image sensors, the wavelength range of the collected and analyzed light is not out of the scope of 400–900 nm. In this paper, we compared the non-inv...
The magnetic environment may influence the functioning of the cardiovascular system. It was reported that low-frequency and static magnetic fields affect hemodynamics, heart rate, and heart rate variability in animals and humans. Moreover, recent data suggest that magnetic fields affect the circadian rhythms of physiological processes. The influenc...
The influence of a decrease in the induction of a static magnetic background on the feeding behavior of the crucian carp Carassius auratus gibelio (Bloch, 1782) has been shown for the first time. This treatment increased the time that the fish left the starting chamber and the latent feeding time, and it decreased the amount of food consumed.
The locomotor activity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) has a pronounced, well-studied circadian rhythm. Under constant illumination, the period of free-running locomotor activity in this species usually becomes less than 24 hours. To evaluate the entraining capabilities of slow magnetic variations, zebrafish locomotor activity was evaluated at constant...
The influence of magnetic fields and natural geomagnetic storms on biological circadian rhythms are actively studied. This study reveals an impact of local natural perturbations in the geomagnetic field that occurred at different times of the day on circadian patterns of locomotor activity of zebrafish. A decrease in zebrafish swimming speed was ob...
The locomotor activity of zebrafish (Danio rerio) has a pronounced, well-studied circadian rhythm. Under constant illumination, the period of free-running locomotor activity in this species usually becomes less than 24 hours. To evaluate the entraining capabilities of slow magnetic variations, zebrafish locomotor activity was evaluated at constant...
The paper describes the remote effects of magnetic field variations with the intensity of 100, 300, and 500 nT and duration of 6 h on embryos of roach Rutilus rutilus. The exposure lasted from the 2nd to the 7th or from the 33rd to the 38th hours post fertilization. The impact of the investigated factors led to changes in the body length-weight par...
The absence of magnetic fields can affect fish embryogenesis. The influence of hypomagnetic field on the survival of roach (Rutilus rutilus) embryos was estimated. Delayed consequences of R. rutilus embryos and prelarvae exposure to these magnetic conditions were also studied. Hypomagnetic field during embryogenesis led to an increased mortality of...
Over recent decades, changes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) behaviour have become popular quantitative indicators in biomedical studies. The circadian rhythms of behavioural processes in zebrafish are known to enable effective utilization of energy and resources, therefore attracting interest in zebrafish as a research model. This review covers a varie...
Simple Summary: With the advantages of easy culture, body transparency, and high sensitivity to chemical pollution, water fleas have been recognized as a good model for ecotoxicity studies. In this paper, we established ImageJ-based methods to measure cardiovascular performance by evaluating the heart rate and blood flow velocity in three water fle...
Day-night cycle is the main zeitgeber (time giver) for biological circadian rhythms. Recently, it was suggested that natural diurnal geomagnetic variation may also be utilized by organisms for the synchronization of these rhythms. In this study, life‐history traits in Daphnia magna were evaluated after short‐term and multigenerational exposure to 1...
The effect of slow magnetic fluctuations, lighting modes, and the interaction of these factors on the maturation, lifespan, brood size and the period between hatching of juveniles in Daphnia magna Straus, as well as on some morphometric parameters of the producers and offspring was studied. The lighting modes had an influence on the period between...
The effect of temporal shifts in diurnal geomagnetic variation with 6-and 12-h intervals relative to the day-night cycle on the activity of digestive glycosidases (maltase and amylolytic activity) and their sensitivity to the in vitro influence of heavy metal ions (Cu 2+ , Zn 2+ , Pb 2+ , Cd 2+) at a concentration of 25 mg/L has been studied in roa...
This study presents data collected over a 3 year period on the effects of simulated geomagnetic storms (SGMS) on Eurasian roach Rutilus rutilus embryos. Effects were studied during different stages of early development. Rutilis rutilus were raised in ponds for 4 months after exposure to SGMS. The mass, standard length and morphological characterist...
The capability of Daphnia magna to adapt to artificial low-frequency magnetic fields via a maternal effect has been demonstrated previously. The current study assessed the possibility of a maternal effect in response to simulated natural geomagnetic fluctuations. D. magna lines were exposed to simulated geomagnetic storms for two, five, and eight s...
It has been suggested that geomagnetic storms could be perceived by organisms via disruption of naturally occurring diurnal geomagnetic variation. This variation, in turn, is viewed by way of a zeitgeber for biological circadian rhythms. The biological effects of a geomagnetic storm, therefore, could depend on the local time of day when its main ph...
The effect of exposure to hypogeomagnetic conditions (HMCs) during roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) early development (embryos and prelarvae) on the activity of digestive glycosidase (maltase and amylolytic activity) and the in vitro sensitivity of the digestive glycosidase to ions of heavy metals (Cu²⁺, Zn²⁺, Cu²⁺ + Zn²⁺, Pb²⁺, Cd²⁺, and Pb²⁺ + Cd²⁺) in...
Исследовано влияние понижения индукции геомагнитного поля на биологические объекты из различ-ных таксономических групп: Daphnia magna Straus (Branchiopoda: Daphniidae) и Linum bienne Mill. (Dicotyledones: Linaceae). Выяснено, что экспозиция отрезков стеблей льна в гипомагнитных условиях приводило к достоверному ингибированию их гравитропической реа...
Приводятся литературные и собственные данные по реакции наземных растений, растущих в зонах действия электромагнитных полей линий электропередачи. Многие исследователи отмечали угнетение продукционных показателей растений в таких зонах. Воздействие имитации магнитных полей линий электропередачи на растения вызывало эффекты, в основном, сходные с на...
Исследовано влияние электромагнитных полей и векторного магнитного потенциала на биологические объекты из различных таксономических групп: Daphnia magna Straus (Branchiopoda: Daphniidae) и Linum bienne Mill. (Dicotyledones: Linaceae). Биологическая эффективность векторного магнитного потенциала не нашла экспериментального подтверждения в рамках дан...
В обзоре представлены современные данные о биологических эффектах геомагнитной активности. Обсуждаются корреляции между геомагнитными индексами и медико-биологическими показателями. Приведены данные экспериментальных исследований влияния имитации геомагнитных бурь на основе естественных сигналов на биологические объекты. Рассматриваются возможные м...
The effects of simulation of a geomagnetic storm (GMS) and its components on the calpain family of calcium-dependent proteases of some invertebrate and fish species has been studied. The animals of the experimental groups were exposed to the GMS for 2 h; the control group was kept in conditions of an undisturbed geomagnetic field. It was shown that...
В обзоре приведены данные о влиянии искусственных и естественных магнитных полей на митотическую активность животных и растительных клеток. Модуляция пролиферативной активности, на основании рассмотренной информации, может рассматриваться в качестве одного из неспецифичных показателей воздействия слабых магнитных полей на биологические объекты. Пре...
The effects of hypomagnetic conditions and the reversal of the geomagnetic field (GMF) on intracellular Ca²⁺-dependent proteases (calpains) of fish and invertebrates have been studied in vivo and in vitro. It is found that the intravital exposure of examined animals to hypomagnetic conditions leads to a significant decrease in its calpain activity....
A study was made of the effects that 6-and 12-h shifts in diurnal geomagnetic variation relative to the night-day light cycles exert on roach Ritulus ritulus L. embryos. Either temporal shift in diurnal geomag-netic variation stimulated blastomere proliferation and early prelarval hatching in exposed embryos compared to controls. Underyearlings dev...
The study on remote consequences of hypomagnetic conditions during roach Rutilus rutilus embryogenesis (at the stages of embryo and prelarva) revealed multidirectional changes in body length/weight, activities of glycosidases (maltase, sucrase, and amylolytic activity), and kinetic characteristics of carbohydrates hydrolysis in the intestine of the...
У водных беспозвоночных и рыб, оказавшихся в незнакомой обстановке, наблюдается спонтанное поведение. Оно проявляется независимо от внешних сигналов, которые лишь модифицируют его. Спон-танное поведение организованно: оно состоит из набора стратегий, которые сменяют одна другую в ходе поведения. Каждая стратегия представляет собой серию повторяющих...
This review presents contemporary data on the biological effects of geomagnetic activity. Correlations between geomagnetic indices and biological parameters and experimental studies that used simulated geomagnetic storms to detect possible responses of organisms to these events in nature are discussed. Possible mechanisms by which geomagnetic activ...
The impact of light deprivation, geomagnetic deprivation, and the combination of these factors on the mitosis of germ cells in roach embryos and the body length of hatched prelarvae have been studied. It has been shown that geomagnetic deprivation leads to changes in the ratio of blastomeres that pass through initial and final phases of mitosis and...
This study aim was finding delayed consequences of the main phase impact and initial recovery period phase of a typical geomagnetic storm (MRGMS) experimentally reproduced in the range of 0–0.001 Hz on roach (Rutilus rutilus L., 1758) embryos. Roe and sperm were collected from four females and eight males caught in the Rybinsk reservoir, to achieve...
В обзоре рассматриваются данные о влиянии искусственных и естественных магнитных полей на поведе-
ние рыб, полученные разными исследователями, включая авторов обзора. Воспринимать магнитные поля
способны рыбы из таксонов разного эволюционного уровня. Пластиножаберные рыбы могут воспринимать
поля с помощью ампулярных органов. У некоторых костистых д...
We have investigated a sequence of visits to arms in a cross maze in juvenile (1-year-old) roach Rutilus rutilus (L.). Fish embryos of one group are raised under a natural geomagnetic field. The embryos of another group are exposed to the main phase of a simulated geomagnetic storm (changes in geomagnetic field up to 100 nT for each component). It...
The delayed consequences of the impact of a simulation of the main phase and the initial period of the recovery phase of a typical geomagnetic storm (SMRGMS) in the range of 0−0.001 Hz on roach ( Rutilus rutilus L., 1758) embryos were studied. The embryos were exposed to SMRGMS with intensities of 100, 300 and 500 nT before (1−6 h post fertilizatio...
Influence of geomagnetic field (GMF) on fish behavior is a well-established phenomenon. However,
a variety of experimental devices have been used to study this phenomenon in fish making it difficult to
compare results obtained by different researchers. On the other hand, plus-shaped maze is widely used as a
standard device to study impacts of vario...
Preferred direction of motion under influence of geomagnetic field and its modifications was registered in zebrafish (Danio rerio) raised in laboratory culture and in roach (Rutilus rutilus) from the Rybinsk Reservoir. In the geomagnetic field, specimens of zebrafish prefer two opposite directions oriented towards the north and south, while they pr...
Separate and combined exposure of roach Rutilus rutilus embryos during the first 38 h after fertilization to magnetic field (500 Hz, 1.4–1.6 µT) and elevated temperature (23°?) causes morphological responses: decrease in mean values of length and weight of the body, increase in the number of vertebrae, and increase in the number of vertebral anomal...
В незнакомой обстановке животные используют набор стратегий поведения. Некоторые из этих стратегий являются общими для самых разных организмов – от беспозвоночных до человека. Еще одно общее для разных животных свойство поведения – то, что животное чередует несколько стратегий вместо того, чтобы придерживаться какой-либо одной стратегии. Это чередо...
This study presents data collected over a 6 year period on the effects of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields (MFs) (1.4–1.6 µT, 500 Hz and 1.4–1.6 µT, 72.5 Hz) and MFs in combination with other environmental stressors (elevated temperature, 0.01 mg l−1 trichlorfon, 0.01 mg l−1 copper sulphate pentahydrate) on roach Rutilus rutilus embryos. Eff...
We describe an impact of the geomagnetic field (GMF) and its modification on zebrafish's orientation and locomotor activity in a plus maze with four arms oriented to the north, east, south and west. Zebrafish's directional preferences were bimodal in GMF: they visited two arms oriented in opposed directions (east-west) most frequently. This bimodal...
У молоди плотвы Rutilus rutilus (L.) в возрасте одного года изучали последовательность посещений
коридоров в крестообразном лабиринте. В одном варианте эмбрионы плотвы развивались в есте-
ственном магнитном поле, в другом – подвергались действию имитации главной фазы геомагнит-
ной бури с размахом флуктуаций до 100 нT в направлении каждой компонент...
Contemporary data on the orientation and navigation of animals from different taxa with the geomagnetic field are considered in the review. The mechanisms of magnetoreception in animals are described. In this regard, several taxa of fishes are able to perceive the magnetic field via electroreceptors. Some animals can sense changes in the magnetic f...
The effect of a magnetic storm (frequency range of 0–5 Hz) on the activity and sensitivity of underyearling intestinal glycosidase (maltase and amylolytic activity) to heavy metal ions (Cu2+ and Zn2+, concentrations of 0.1–25 mg/L) and the herbicide Roundup (0.1–50 µg/L) have been studied in vitro during early the embryogenesis of roach Rutilus rut...
The study aimed to determine the molecular targets of magnetic fields in living objects. Timedependent effects of weak low-frequency magnetic fields tuned to the parametric resonance for calcium ions were studied on model organisms (fish, whelk). The dynamics of Ca2+-dependent proteinase activity under the exposure to magnetic fields with given par...
It is widely known that animals are most sensitive to the influence of different environmental stressors, including magnetic fields, during the embryonic period. Our study presents data collected over a six-year period on the effects of extremely low frequency magnetic fields (MFs) (1.4-1.6 µT, 500 Hz and 1.4-1.6 µT, 72.5 Hz) and MFs in combination...
Known, that some teleostei can perceive the geomagnetic field (GMF). However, the information about magnetosensitivity in Cyprinidae fish from artificial and natural habitats is obscure. We have registered preferred directions in Danio rerio (Hamilton) from aquaria-cultivated line exposed to the natural GMF, 180 degrees reversal of horizontal GMF c...
Some Teleosts use geomagnetic field (GMF) for orientation (see review Krylov et al., 2013). However, there are very few experimental studies of the orientation with GMF in Cyprinids from natural populations. Recently, there have been studies on the influence of GMF on behavior in Cyprinids from laboratory strains (Hart et al., 2012; Ward et al., 20...
The distant consequences of the changes in local static magnetic field by 100, 300 and
500 nT during different intervals of embryogenesis (before the gastrulation – the first 6 hours after the
fertilization and during organogenesis – from the 33th to 39th hour after the fertilization) influence the
activity of roach’s digestive glycosidases and its...
Long-term consequences of simulated geomagnetic storm action on early stages (0–24 h, 24–48 h,
48–72 h and 72–96 h post fertilization) of roach Rutilus rutilus embryogenesis were studied. The study
revealed that fluctuations of magnetic field resulted in the decrease in the fish body length and weight, as well as in the differently directed changes...
Изучение отдалённых последствий действия флуктуаций магнитного поля, имитирующих магнит�
ную бурю, на разных отрезках эмбриогенеза плотвы Rutilus rutilus (0−24, 24−48, 48−72 и 72−96 ч после
оплодотворения) выявило снижение линейно�весовых показателей, а также разнонаправленные
изменения активности гликозидаз (мальтазы, сахаразы, амилолитической акт...
It has been demonstrated by the example of the crucian carp (Carassius carassius) that a 1-hour stay of fish in a combined magnetic field with resonance parameters for calcium ions decreases the proteolytic and amylolytic activities of their intestinal enzymes. It has been found that a 1-hour exposure to a combined magnetic field with resonance par...
Eggs and sperm obtained from breeder roaches Rutilus rutilus were exposed, prior to activation with water, for 25 minutes to the main phase of a strong magnetic storm. Such exposure increased the proportion of stages completing mitosis during the cleavage of blastomeres and an increase in the variation of the mitotic index. No changes in the freque...
Contemporary data on the orientation and navigation of animals from different taxa with the geomagnetic fields are considered in the review. The mechanisms of magnetoreception in animals are described. In this regard, several taxa of fishes are able to perceive magnetic fields via electroreceptors. A number of animals can sense the polarity of magn...
In the review, contemporary data on the influence of natural and artificial magnetic fields on fish behavior are considered. In this regard, elasmobranchs and teleosts appear to be studied most exhaustively. Elasmobranchs and some teleosts are able to perceive magnetic fields via electroreceptors. A number of teleosts can sense magnetic fields via...
Embryos of the zebrafish Danio rerio were exposed for 24 h to a simulated geomagnetic storm. Fish
that developed from these embryos came out of the starting enclosure into the aquarium sooner than those
reared in the normal geomagnetic field. On the other hand, the two groups displayed no considerable differ�
ence in general locomotor activity. We...