Vesna ŽidovecUniversity of Zagreb
Vesna Židovec
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (51)
Urban vegetation plays a crucial role in meeting the challenges posed by rapid urbanization and climate change. The presence of plants and green spaces in urban areas provides a variety of environmental, social, and economic benefits. Understanding how users perceive ornamental plants in public green spaces and what their preferences are for certai...
In some countries, such as Croatia, horticultural therapy (HT) is still in its early stages, which is reflected in the extremely low use of this therapy in practice. The main reasons for this are the lack of necessary infrastructure (outdoor or indoor spaces for horticultural activities) and formal education that would allow HT to be carried out sa...
Tržište ukrasnog bilja oskudijeva ponudom cvatućih vrsta tijekom kasno jesenskog i zimskog razdoblja, a potražnja raste u vrijeme božićnih blagdana. Uzgoj geofita otpornih na hladnoću koji su tijekom ljeta proveli prividno mirovanje i formirali cvjetne pupove za narednu sezonu relativno je jednostavan i pada u vrijeme kad zaštićeni prostori za sezo...
Green spaces are becoming increasingly important for cities due to the growing pressures of urbanization and climate change. Along with trees, shrubs, and lawns, flower beds are an important part of urban green spaces. The majority of flower beds in public spaces consist of annual and biennial flower species. Such seasonal flower beds feature eye-c...
Pri oblikovanju otvorenih prostora za djecu potrebno je obratiti pažnju na odabir biljnih vrsta koje za njih ne smiju biti opasne. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je inventarizirati dendrološku floru na igralištima dječjih vrtića na području gradske četvrti Trešnjevka – sjever te utvrditi zastupljenost otrovnih biljnih vrsta. Istraživanje je provedeno u...
Samoniklo bilje je bilje koje je sastavni dio prirode i raste bez ikakvog ljudskog utjecaja. Ono prati čovjeka kroz povijest jer u sebi sadrži ljekovite tvari koje pomažu pri liječenju raznih bolesti, koristi se kao hrana ili dopuna obrocima, ali i kao začin. Kao što je izvor hrane za ljude tako je i izvor hrane za mnoge životinje i kukce (pčele)....
U Hrvatskoj nalazimo tri samonikle vrste roda Vaccinium te jednu stranu vrstu u uzgoju. Iako u svijetu nailazimo na primjenu roda u krajobraznom oblikovanju, u Hrvatskoj je poznat uzgoj isključivo u prehrambene svrhe. Pregledom morfoloških, ukrasnih i uporabnih vrijednosti 14 vrsta borovnica i brusnica ( Vaccinium spp.) porijeklom iz različitih dij...
Premda grad Zagreb ima dugu tradiciju uređenja vrtova i gradskih zelenih površina, podaci o vrstama koje se pritom koriste su uglavnom novijeg datuma i odnose se prvenstveno na 20. i 21. stoljeće. S druge strane, navodi o vrstama koje su se koristile u uređenju javnih i privatnih zelenih površina u 19. stoljeću su rijetki tj. spominju se tek sporad...
Due to climate extremes and limited natural resources, especially water, we can expect increased demand in the future for species that can better tolerate climate extremes such as drought. One potentially valuable horticultural species is the endemic species of the Dinaride Mountains Micromeria croatica (Pers.) Schott (family Lamiaceae). It grows i...
Plantings surrounding kindergartens are an integral part of urban green spaces. These open areas play a very important role in the lives of children, in their development, their eating habits, and environmental awareness. For this reason, it is extremely important to select adequate plant species, which are not dangerous for the children. There are...
Krajem vegetacijske sezone cvate manji broj biljnih vrsta, a one koje cvatu uglavnom se koriste kao biljne vrste za uređivanje interijera. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati taksonomsku pripadnost i porijeklo ciklame, način uzgoja, mogućnosti primjene te mjere njege i održavanja. Rod Cyclamen pripada porodici Primulaceae. Komercijalno najvažnija vrsta je...
The green infrastructure of Zagreb’s Lower Town is made up of row-planted trees and green spaces within blocks of buildings. All schools are surrounded by green spaces that have a positive impact on the environment. Although most green spaces contribute to improving the quality of life, they also contain toxic and allergenic species which are poten...
Biostimuatori su (ne-hranjive) tvari ili mikroorganizmi koji pospješuju procese hranidbe biljaka i doprinose smanjenju posljedica stresa uzrokovanog abiotičkim i biotičkim čimbenicima. Mogu biti mikrobni (korisne bakterije i gljive) i nemikrobni (huminske kiseline, aminokiseline, ekstrakti morskih algi, kitozan i anorganski biostimulansi). Različit...
Vrste roda Helleborus se u ukrasnoj hortikulturi koriste kao vrtne biljke, lončanice za primjenu u vanjskom prostoru, kao vrste za uređenje interijera, a sve se više traže kao cvjetna vrsta za rez tijekom zime. Cilj ovog rada je opisati osnovne morfološke značajke i uvjete uzgoja vrsta roda Helleborus te dati pregled asortimana vrsta i kultivara ka...
The island of Korcula is located in the south Adriatic Sea and is rich in native flora, with
many wild fruit species. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of wild fruit
species on the island of Korcula that bear fruit in winter, and the diameter of the fruit. It was found that in the localities studied, the plants that bear fruit in...
The production of sour and sweet cherries is increasing thanks to the recognition of the nutritional and commercial value these fruit species have. Sour cherry has high levels of antioxidants and bioactive components, and it is technologically suitable for numerous ways of processing. There are plenty of novel food products that may be made from so...
Boja cvjetova je jedan od glavnih elemenata estetske vrijednosti ukrasnog bilja te stoga ima veliko komercijalno značenje, naročito u cvjećarskih kultura. Iako boju cvijeta primarno određuju sastav i koncentracija pigmenata, na njene karakteristike utječu i drugi čimbenici, među kojima važnu ulogu ima i anatomska građa tkiva latica, osobito epiderm...
Crni kim (Nigella sativa L.) posljednjih godina privlači sve veću pažnju znanstvenika zbog ljekovitih i aromatskih svojstva, te ukrasne vrijednosti. Skromni agrotehnički zahtjevi, otpornost na bolesti i štetnike te višestruka namjena čini ovu vrstu potencijalno isplativom za uvođenje u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju. Cilj ovog istraživanja je prikazati...
Due to their nutritive and therapeutic values as well as their decorative attributes, the usage of species from the genus Sorbus s.l. has been well known in folk tradition long since. According to the most recent taxonomic revision, in Croatian flora, Sorbus s.l. is represented with at least six native taxa and another six that are deficiently know...
Školski vrtovi trebali bi proizaći iz sredine u kojoj se nalaze. Predstavljaju mjesta koja služe za boravak učenika u slobodno vrijeme, ali su pogodni i za proučavanje brojnih sadržaja vezanih uz nastavu i izvannastavne aktivnosti. Izuzetno je važno kod učenika razvijati pozitivne psihofizičke osobine, poticati usvajanje novih znanja i vještina u z...
Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L. ssp. caucasica Rousi) is one of the most important wild edible fruits, grown in Turkey for centuries without any chemical treatments. The plant is extremely resistant to adverse environmental conditions. In this study, the main agro-morphological and biochemical berry traits and, to a lesser extent, other plan...
U uređenju interijera, osim lončanica koristi se i zelenilo i cvjetne vrste za rez. Cvjetni dizajn ima dugu povijest razvoja te postoje određene tehnike i pravila slaganja biljnog materijala. Promjene u cvjetnom dizajnu podložne su modi, ali ovise i o godišnjem dobu s obzirom na povremenu ili trajnu dostupnost cvijeća i zelenila. Cilj istraživanja...
Božićna zvijezda (Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. ex Klotzsch.) jedna je od najprodavanijih cvatućih lončanica čija je potražnja najveća krajem studenog i tijekom prosinca za kad se i planira većina proizvodnje. Za uspješnu proizvodnju božićne zvijezde bitno je imati na raspolaganju svjetao i zračan zaštićeni prostor, dobro podešeno centralno grijanje...
Pelargonije (Pelargonium zonale i P. peltatum) spadaju među najomiljenije balkonske lončanice. Postoji velik broj kultivara različitih boja cvatova, a izvrsno podnose osunčane položaje. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati taksonomsku pripadnost i porijeklo dviju komercijalno najvažnijih vrsta, način njihovog uzgoja te mjere njege i održavanja u primjeni. R...
Uz sve funkcije koje imaju zelene površine, školski vrt ima još i edukativnu ulogu. Nekad je bio vezan uz škole u ruralnom području, dok danas postoje brojne potvrde o njegovoj važnosti u obrazovnom procesu bez obzira radi li se o ruralnom ili urbanom okruženju. Gradska četvrt Sesvete cijelim je svojim područjem smještena izvan granica grada Zagreb...
Neven ( Calendula officinalis L.) se uzgaja zbog svoje ukrasne, ali i ljekovite vrijednosti, iako se u posljednje vrijeme sve više upotrebljava i u prehrambenoj industriji. U svježem stanju cvat nevena vrlo brzo gubi svoja svojstva, odnosno boju i kao takav treba se doraditi optimalnim postupcima dorade. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj razl...
U vrijeme božićnih blagdana na tržištu se povećava potražnja za proizvodima ukrasne hortikulture, među kojima je božićni kaktus tradicionalna vrsta. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati taksonomsku pripadnost i porijeklo vrste, način uzgoja te mjere njege i održavanja u primjeni. Rod Schlumbergera pripada porodici kaktusa, a potječe iz kišnih šuma Brazila....
Tradicijske cvjetne vrste uz povrtne, aromatične i ljekovite biljke bile su važni stanovnici tradicijskih seoskih vrtova. Tijekom 20. stoljeća, promjenom životnih navika seoskog stanovništava, počinje izumiranje tradicijskih seoskih vrtova a s njima i tradicijskih cvjetnih vrsta. Danas vrtlari amateri pokušavaju obnoviti tradicijske seoske vrtove n...
Only three native species of genus Fragaria (F. moschata, F. vesca and F. viridis) are recorded in three regions of Croatia. These species as well as many of their hybrids, are, or once were, cultivated for their edible fruits. The majority of cultivated strawberries in Europe belong to garden strawberries F. x ananassa (hybrids of F. chiloensis an...
Dalmatian or common sage (Salvia officinalis L.) is an outcrossing plant species native to East Adriatic coast. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA markers (RAPD) were used to analyze genetic diversity and structure of ten natural populations from the East-Adriatic coastal region. The highest genetic diversity was found in populations from the central...
Protocols for axillary shoot proliferation and somatic embryogenesis were developed for Dendranthema × grandiflora (Ramat.) Kitamura cv. Palisade White. Shoot tips were cultured on a modified Murashige and Skoog (MS) media supplemented with benzyl aminopurine (BA) and gibberellic acid (GA 3) or BA, kinetin (Kin) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The...
Sweet violet (Viola odorata L.) blooms in continental climate conditions in early spring (March-April) with delicate flowers of attractive scent because of which it is frequently gathered from its natural habitats. Differences among the populations were established according to their morphological properties of twelve populations from Križevci area...
Sweet violet (Viola odorata L.) blooms in continental climate conditions in early spring (March-April) with delicate flowers of attractive scent because of which it is frequently gathered from its natural habitats. Differences among the populations were established according to their morphological properties of twelve populations from Križevci area...
The fertilization of Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinners grown in container in ornamental plant production is oft en empirically based. Previous research shows that the application of chitosan or cultivation technique like nutrient film technique (NFT) improved the performance of the treated cultivars. In order to further improve our knowledge of...
Ruscus hypoglossum L. is an attractive ornamental plant which is being over-harvested from the nature. In order to obtain information on phenotypic variability of natural populations growing in Croatia, initial screening of morphological characters interesting from the ornamental point of view was performed. Twelve natural populations were included...
Species of the Togetes genus are frequently used ornamentals, but it is also known that they have a nematocidal effect. It is important they have a well-developed root. Inoculation by the mycorrhizal fungi influences better development of the root, and consequently more exuberant plant development and earlier flowering. Seeds of Tagetes patula were...
Traditional rural garden is an integral part of any region’s cultural heritage. Climatic conditions and area relief influence it, so traditional rural gardens differ depending on geographic region. The aim of this paper was to find out which are the most used plant species in traditional rural gardens in North-West part of Croatia. Data were taken...
The goals of this study were to define the possibilities of growing New England aster, cv. September Ruby, as a flowering pot plant in the late summer period, determine the influence of day length and the cultivar response to a single application of daminozide in 0.2% and 0.4% concentrations upon its growth and flowering during a period of three ye...
In order to obtain the insight in the variability of natural populations of Ruscus hypoglossum L., legally protected species, the morphometric research was done on specimens from seven natural habitats (Japlenica, Skupica, Vrhovčak, Strahinščica, Gornji Dragonožac, Kalnik and Oriovac). Stem length, the total number of phylloclades and bracts, the l...
In order to obtain the insight in the variability of natural populations of Ruscus hypoglossum L., legally protected species, the morphometric research was done on specimens from seven natural habitats (Japlenica, Skupica, Vrhovčak, Strahinščica, Gornji Dragonožac, Kalnik and Oriovac). Stem length, the total number of phylloclades and bracts, the l...
Many wild species have a potential to be used as ornamentals in the landscape. They are well adapted to the site conditions and that brings to the lower price of maintenance and care. The use of wild species contributes to the protection of area’s ambient value and biodiversity. Mediterranean flora is rich on endemic species, and genus Salvia has m...
In traditional urban landscaping the use of a relatively small number of plant species was common for a long time. New trends indicate a possible use of autochthonous plant species even in representative urban green areas by imitating natural vegetation layout. Autochthonous plant species adapt better to the site conditions and the maintenance cost...
A large number of plant species, many of them important for horticulture and crop production, are endangered in the nature. If the reason for their endangerment lies in over-exploitation for economic reasons, commercial production would be a way of their protection. One of the wild ornamental plants which is in Croatia exploited in the nature by fl...
Influence of a single foliar application of growth regulators on the height and number of inflorescence shoots of the chrysanthemum cultivar ‚Revert‘ was investigated during two growing seasons (2000, 2001). Two growth regulators were used, daminozide (Alar 85) and chlormequat (Cycocel). Daminozide was applied in concentrations of 1000, 2000 and 30...
Zagreb, a capital city with about one million inhabitants, is situated between the river Sava and the Zagrebačka Gora mountain. In areas that represent the remains of an old river watercourse together with its small backwater channels and deserted gravel pits, artificial lakes now stand, representing the remaining natural green oases in the town it...
Effect of day length, growth regulators and fertilization on the height, plant diameter, number of buds and inflorescences was monitored in the species Aster novi-belgii L. ´Mary Ballard´ throughout three growing seasons in order to explore the possibility of its late-summer growing as a flowering pot plant. The total number of buds and inflorescen...