Veronika ValkovičováComenius University Bratislava · Department of Ethics and Civic Education
Veronika Valkovičová
Doctor of Political Science at Faculty of Education - Comenius University
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Publications (58)
Through the case study of the Slovak Committee on Gender Equality, a governmental advisory body, this article draws upon the growing literature on “gender ideology” rhetoric in Central and Eastern Europe to study the efforts of advocates of that rhetoric to gain access to policymaking structures. With the aid of narrative research, we examine the C...
Despite LGBTQ+ employee resource groups having become a commonly recognized initiative in Slovakia, research conducted within these groups in the Central and Eastern European region so far has been lacking. Existing literature from the Global North indicates that the groups and their members aim for a great diversity of objectives. We propose to st...
Introduction to the Thematic Issue. Beyond the Ideal: Surveillance, Control, and the Complexities of Care. This paper is a theoretical introduction to the special issue on care, control, and surveillance. Drawing upon feminist ethics of care, this paper introduces a con-ceptualization of care that enables us to examine surveillance practices occurr...
Online iniciatíva #MeToo započala v roku 2017 zásadný prerod v diskrzoch o sexuálnom obťažovaní a viedla ku rôznym politickým zmenám a zmenám v organizáciách po celom svete. Jedno z miest, kde postupne dochádza k rekonceptualizácii sexuálneho obťažovania ako “lokálneho” problému, sú aj vysoké školy. V slovenskom a českom prostredí je problematika s...
Etický kódex patrí ku kľúčovým nástrojom prevencie a eliminácie sexuálneho obťažovania v organizáciách. Reprezentuje normy a hodnoty organizácie, je súčasťou organizačnej kultúry, a tak prispieva k tomu, aby sexuálne obťažovanie prestalo byť vnímané ako normalizovaná prax v individuálnych organizáciách, akými sú aj vysoké školy. Aktuálny výskum upo...
Aktuálny výskum násilia v partnerských vzťahoch poukazuje na silnejúcu prítomnosť digitálnych technológií ako nástrojov monitorovania a kontrolovania. V týchto prípadoch ide o tzv. dvojité využívanie voľne dostupných aplikácií/zariadení, ktoré sú nadizajnované s cieľom uľahčovať prácu, voľný čas a starostlivosť o domácnosť, či členov rodiny. Výskum...
The events surrounding the status of Alyssa Milano and #MeToo in 2017 strengthened the interest of scholars in the formation of online discourses about sexual violence and harassment. Drawing on the past scholarship, this case study
focuses on later events in the summer of 2020 and the consequent online discussions in Slovakia. Through discursive a...
In recent years, science has become a battlefield where the lines of the gendered world order are being negotiated. This negotiation cannot be understood without examining the epistemic communities of gender studies – their members, practices, conditions, and the power relations within which they operate. This study aims to enrich the research on g...
In recent years, we have seen a shift towards soft law policy-making within EU gender equality policies, embracing a new rationale of evidence as a promising panacea for the ills of democratic deficit. This shift has been fostered by the establishment of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE...
Výskumný projekt Národného programu prevencia a eliminácia rodovej diskriminácie
na Inštitúte pre výskum práce a rodiny sa zameral na skúsenosti študentov
a študentiek denného štúdia verejných vysokých škôl so sexuálnym obťažovaním.
Kvantitatívny výskum mapoval skúsenosti s rôznymi prejavmi obťažujúceho
správania, ako aj reakcie študentov a študent...
European Union gender equality policies have been increasingly interested in benchmarking and promoting higher representation of women in non-elected positions of power. While former Slovak government (2016-2020) achieved the highest proportion of women in ministerial positions as yet, according to EIGE’s Gender Equality Index, Slovakia still occup...
Správa z výskumu – Sexuálne obťažovanie na vysokých školách predstavuje výsledky reprezentatívneho celoslovenského kvantitatívneho prieskumu sexuálneho obťažovania medzi študentkami a študentmi denného štúdia na Slovensku. Výsledky výskumu poukazujú nie len na mieru prevalencie obťažovania, ale poskytujú aj informácie o tom, komu sa študentky a štu...
The text aims to contribute to the growing body of academic literature on the versatility of the so-called gender ideology rhetoric. Scholars have been documenting across countries the various uses of the rhetoric and its swift adoption by mainstream political actors coming from an array of ideological backgrounds. This text adopts a set of analyti...
Facilitated by the widespread use of the communication tool #MeToo, the online public space has been opening up to survivor stories and is providing interpersonal emotional support to individuals with experiences of sexual harassment or violence. Witnessing the widespread and collective demand for de-stigmatised survivor-centred and empowering appr...
Publikácia Čo so sexuálnym obťažovaním? Príručka pre vysoké školy je čiastkovým ýstupom v rámci výskumu uplatňovania antidiskriminačného zákona z hľadiska postihovania a prevencie sexuálneho obťažovania a jeho výskytu na pracovisku a vo verejnom priestore.
Je venovaná hlavne vedeniam vysokých škôl, fakúlt či katedier, ale aj všetkým univerzitným za...
In this essay we argue that the inferior epistemic status of gender studies in the epistemic cultures of higher education have been contributing to the vilification of gender studies scholars and created a fertile ground for the backlash the scholarship has been experiencing. On the one hand there is the problematic epistemic status of gender studi...
Thirty years after the Velvet Revolution, Slovak feminist activists look back to the 1990s and early 2000s as the time of exceptional capacity building and knowledge production which was barely sustained in later years. The last decade of feminist organizing has been marked by waning financial resources for civil society organizations, and appropri...
Presentation for the 22nd WAVE Conference: Structural inequality as the root of VAW, 7/10/2020
Od jari tohto roku zaviedli európske vlády karanténne opatrenia v súvislosti
s pandémiou COVID-19. Aj pre ludí žijúcich na Slovensku znamenali tieto opatrenia
bezprecedentné a radikálne zmeny ich životných okolností. Zmeny v každodennom
živote vyplývali z obmedzení služieb, zmien pracovných režimov i režimov starostlivosti
o rodinných príslušníkov...
Predložená štúdia cerpá z rozhovorov s expertmi a expertkami, ktoré sa na
Slovensku venujú téme sexuálneho obtažovania vo svojej akademickej práci,
pracujú v oblasti verejných politík, ktoré sa tejto téme venujú, ci sa s prevenciou
a elimináciou sexuálneho obtažovania stretávajú vo svojej agende v obcianskom
a neziskovom sektore.
Political science employs the concept of gender as an analytical tool to recognize and study the gendered nature of social reality. This article offers an overview of the development of gender studies perspectives in political science and the context of their institutionalization in the epistemic communities of researchers. It introduces a variety...
Recent developments of European Union policymaking in the area of gender equality, including the area of ‘violence against women’, led to the adoption of indicator-based tools of policymaking, such as benchmarking, ranking, and good-practice sharing. The shift towards these tools aimed to strengthen the role of the European Union within the area su...
The article is based on the theoretical framework of the ethics of care while examining the media narratives of sex education that emerged in connection with one of the questions in the Slovak Referendum on the Family in 2015. The first part of the article describes the approach of the ethics of care inspired by the work of Joan Tronto and other sc...
The 'gender ideology' rhetoric is increasingly instrumentalized, not only in the population, but above all in the highest ranks of politics.
Available at LSE Engenderings blog site:
The paper focuses on the discursive framing of drug users and sex workers as subjects of public space governance within the process of local policymaking. The core of this study analyses the non-governmental organisation OZ Odyseus grant application for a harm reduction programme and a subsequent debate of the Municipal Council Members of the Brati...
The paper focuses on the interplay of nationalist and homonegative discourses applied by anti-LGBT activists during the Slovak Referendum on the Protection of Family in 2015. The study applies a conceptual framework of Europeanisation as a cognitive resource, which activists on the national level apply in order to campaign against same-sex marriage...
The aim of this article is to explore the conceptualisation of benchmarking, ranking and good practice sharing tools within European Union gender equality policymaking. In the first part, the article looks at these soft law measures applied within intergovernmental cooperation. Stemming from the extensive body of literature, the study approaches th...
In European studies, the current European Union agenda on human trafficking is the dominant framework for analysis of the legal aspects of sex business. The paper analyses the discursive framing of numerous feminist actors operating within the European Union agenda on human trafficking in order to attain a window of opportunity. By examining the re...
Book review: Politika romství - romská politika (Irena Kašparová, 2014)
Persons in prostitution face considerable social exclusion and marginalisation in Central and Eastern Europe. The discourse of public policies aimed at regulating prostitution keeps the persons in the context of criminal activities, nevertheless, the prostitution itself is not outlawed. The media discourse often frames persons in prostitution as su...
Since the Treaties of Rome, European gender equality policy has been evolving towards a nondistributive
character of justice. A particular example of this is the growing interest in violence
against women, or the gender-based violence, which the European Commission lists among
the core issues to be tackled in reaching equality throughout the Union....
The contribution focuses on the narratives of prostitution in current political thought while it focuses on two opposing feminist channels – sexual violence and sex work. The narrative of sexual violence and the narrative of sex work evolved already in the North American environment in the 1980s. However, lately the narratives have shifted towards...
The notion of spillover thesis is known in many forms and is used in discussion of various concepts. This paper applies the thesis to the concept of employee participation and analyses its further and potential consequences for the wider political environment. There are internal discords in the discipline dealing with the real impact of employee pa...
Maďarová, Z., Ostertágová, A. 2012. Politika vylúčenia a emócií - aspekty predvolebnej kampane 2012 Bratislava: ASPEKT. 108 pages.
Question (1)
I was wondering whether there are any texts on the experiences of Romanian scholars in gender and queer studies vis-a-vis the governmental attempts at banning "gender theory" in higher education. Anything would help - academic texts or other media.
Thank you!