Veljko Turanjanin

Veljko Turanjanin
University of Kragujevac · Faculty of Law



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Publications (64)
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This paper addresses femicide in the Republic of Serbia. The research is focused on four parts: profile of perpetrators of these criminal offenses, legal qualification of criminal offence, prosecuting and punishing perpetrators of femicide. The results of the study shows that there are ten types of femicide in Serbia and indicate that the perpetrat...
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Аутор у раду разматра казнену политику код кривичног дела прогањање. На прво месту, аутор даје објашњење имплементације овог кривичног дела у кривично законодавство Републике Србије, те анализира наведено кривично дело кроз судску праксу. Након тога, аутор анализира узорак од 106 правноснажно окончаних кривичних поступака. Истраживање је подељено н...
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The author deals with constitutional changes in the judiciary in the Republic of Serbia. The Constitution of the Republic of Serbia was adopted in 2006, and for years there have been attempts of change towards democratisation. A special problem is the composition, and functioning of the High Judicial Council, as a body that should have exclusive co...
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Plain Language Summary Police Use of Deadly Force in Serbia: The Police Officers’ Perception Research on police use of deadly force represents one of the most important issues in policing that is being thoroughly researched around the world. However, in Serbia, empirical research on the use of deadly force or on refraining from the use of deadly fo...
Conference Paper
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Autori u radu se bave percepcijom građana o izveštavanju medija o kriminalitetu u Republici Srbiji, uticaju medija na rad pravosuđa, te o sopstvenom viđenju ključnih organa krivičnog postupka u Republici Srbiji. Već duži niz godina kontinuirano se diskutuje o odnosu medija i pravosuđa. Međutim, retka su istraživanja koja se bave ispitivanjem stavov...
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We discuss the issue of bringing human trafficking and forced prostitution within the purview of Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in Rantsev v. Cyprus and Russia marked a turning point by classifying forced prostitution through human trafficking under Article 4. However, in the...
Conference Paper
In the paper, the author analyzes interception of telecommunications in criminal proceedings. Primarily, it analyzes the normative framework and explains how different types of services related to telecommunications can be demanded in criminal proceedings. It places a special emphasis on the protection of human rights when applying the special evid...
The pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been ongoing for over three years. After the initial months of confusion and searching for different solutions in the fight against this disease, several different vaccines were developed. Although they were eagerly awaited, social networks were flooded with negative and discouraging comments about va...
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This paper deals with the aspects of criminal law as regards the suppression of doping in sports in the law of the Republic of Serbia. The Law on the Prevention of Doping in Sports prescribes two criminal offences, namely Facilitating the Use of Doping Substances and the Unauthorized Production and Circulation of Doping Substances. These are crimin...
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Аутори у раду обрађују питање притвора са становишта Европског суда за људска права. Право на слободу гарантовано је чланом 5. Европске конвенције о о људским правима и основним слободама. Међутим, слобода подлеже ограничењима, а у овом раду објашњен је притвор као облик лишења слободе у кривичном поступку. Заобилазећи теоретске расправе о овом обл...
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Аутори у раду разматрају два кривичноправна института намењена багателним кривичним делима. У питању су дело малог значаја из чл. 18 Кривичног законика Србије и опортунитет кривичног гоњења из чл. 283 и 284 Законика о кривичном поступку. На крају, аутори дају своје виђење односа између ова два правна института, уз одговарајуће предлоге de lege fere...
The author discusses the right to an effective legal remedy in the context of the right to a trial within a reasonable time. After the introductory considerations on the right to a legal remedy, the author explains the basic principles of the right to an effective legal remedy according to the European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights a...
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The bulk interception of cross-border communications, commonly referred to as “digital surveillance”, poses unique challenges. Developments facilitating law enforcement agencies’ ability to conduct investigations and surveillance and the public’s mass adoption of digital communication technologies have created new investigative targets. The police...
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The author in this work deals with the genocide denial and its relation with freedom of expression, guaranteed by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights. The article is divided into several parts. At the first place, the author explains genocide and genocide denial. The inevitable part of genocide denial considerations are internatio...
This paper analyses the normative framework governing the punishment of community service in Serbian criminal legislation. In this legislation, community service is prescribed as a criminal sanction. Accordingly, the paper has analyzed the provisions of every law that regulates this criminal sanction as well as statistics. A good normative framewor...
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The author discusses the obtaining of samples as evidence according to the Criminal Procedure Code of Serbia. The issue explained in the paper has not been the subject of regulation of the mentioned legal text for the most part so far, until the latest comprehensive legislative reforms. With the reform, the legislator introduced three types of samp...
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Plea bargaining is a global phenomenon among legal transplants of the criminal procedural law. It originated on the American continent, but become popular in the last 30 years around the world. Legislators, faced with the overloaded courts, found solutions in the comparative law that could solve this problem. Plea bargaining is far away from the pe...
This book aims to show how the legal systems of individual European countries protect patient autonomy. In particular, it is about explaining criminal law’s role here, i.e., what criminal law protection of patient autonomy looks like on a European scale. Criminal law protection of patient autonomy is one of the most important issues in the intersec...
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Nasilje na sportskim priredbama nije nov fenomen. Načini na koji se države suprotstavljaju ovom obliku nasilja su različiti i variraju od države do države, koje preduzimaju različite vrste preventivnih i represivnih aktivnosti. Huliganizam mladih na sportskim priredbama postao je redovna pojava, koja se sve više i više viđa na sportskim događajima....
Conference Paper
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The removal of internal borders and the establishment of freedom of movement are important aspects of the EU’s history, but they are not accompanied by a uniform legal system. The migrant dilemma isn’t going away, and the pattern and character of these movements have evolved dramatically over the previous six decades. The author of this article add...
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Authors in this work deal with bulk interception of communications and its relationship with the right to privacy. At the center of the debate are new ECtHR’s judgments in cases Big Brother Watch and Others v. the United Kingdom and Centrum för Rättvisa v. Sweden. The ECtHR decided to develop new criteria regarding bulk surveillance because the dev...
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The subject of the author’s research is human rights of the new generation. Namely, in addition to the already established human rights, over the last few years there has been a gradual emergence of new human rights that need to be legally protected. The monograph covers four such human rights such as the principle of the best interests of the chil...
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The authors in this paper deal with special investigative actions in Baltic countries. Special investigative measures today represent one of the most important measures in the fight against serious criminal offences, but its improper use endangers fundamental human rights, especially the right to privacy and the right to a fair trial. The article i...
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The author deals with the problem of criminal measures and sanctions in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia during the Covid-19 pandemic from the human rights points of view. The executive branch of the government declared a state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia in March 2020. At the same time, the so-called Crisis Headquarter was esta...
This paper is focused on several important issues that deal with special investigation measures. The main perspective of the analysis is based on the ECtHR case law on this issue. Two issues are from primary interests: secret monitoring of communication and undercover investigator. Intensive ICT development enables various modern techniques and met...
In this paper, the author deals with the problem of the protection of vulnerable categories of witnesses in the context of testimony at the main trial, all in terms of the right to a fair trial in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. One of the problems in the application of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights i...
Тhe author deals with the problem of anonymous witnesses in the context of the right to a fair trial in the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. One of the problems in the application of Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights is related to the testimonies of anonymous witnesses in criminal proceedings. The case law of...
ABSTRACT The author discusses the issue of changes in the composition of the trial panel as an element of the principle of immediacy, and the consequences that such changes have on a fair trial. Special consideration is given to the question of the relationship between the principle of immediacy and the efficiency of criminal proceedings, as one of...
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The author deals with the problem of criminal measures and sanctions in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia during the Covid-19 pandemic. The executive branch of the govern-ment declared a state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia in March 2020. At the same time the so-called Crisis Headquarter was established with the authority to impose...
Conference Paper
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The author deals with the problem of criminal measures and sanctions in the legislation of the Republic of Serbia during the Covid-19 pandemic. The executive branch of the government declared a state of emergency in the Republic of Serbia in March 2020. At the same time the so-called Crisis Headquarter was established with the authority to impose m...
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The main subject of this paper is the analysis of certain communication methods and concrete measures of leading politicians in Bosnia and Herzegovina that seems to be populist and/or demagogic. In the introductory part of the paper, the authors provide a short overview of the current political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In the main part,...
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In this article, the author deals with the issue of life imprisonment without parole. Life imprisonment represents a new type of penalty in Serbian criminal law, in addition to standard imprisonment. The present state of the Serbian criminal legislation provides the possibility of parole for most criminal offences after 27 years of imprisonment ser...
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The tension between safety and privacy has become an important issue in the modern world. Video surveillance systems are indeed powerful tools for fighting crime on the one hand, and for the protection of property from theft on the other. The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) has examined the issue of video surveillance in many of its decision...
Background Voluntary active euthanasia represents one of the key topics in the contemporary world medicine, law, religious, ethical and moral issues. Serbia considers legalization of this procedure. Between the others, it is important to examine the student’s attitudes regarding this issue. Methods Data were obtained from the faculties of law and...
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Autor u radu razmatra pitanje položaja migranata prema stavovima Evropskog suda za ljudska prava. Uzimajući u obzir posljednju deceniju mogli bismo reći da je ista prevashodno obilježena talasima migracija sa istoka koje ne jenjavaju, nego se samo transformišu u zavisnosti od otvorenih ruta. Jedan od puteva migranata ka Zapadnoj Evropi predstavlja...
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Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the newest dangerous contagious disease in the world, emerged at the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020. World Health Organization at the daily level publishes numbers of infected patients as well as several dead people around the world and in every region particularly. However, public health and criminal law are inevit...
The author deals with the one of the most problematic issues of the migrant crisis, namely the deprivation of liberty of a unaccompanied migrant minor in his or her migrant journey. The situation of migrants in the crisis that has hit Europe is not easy in itself, but it is made even more difficult by the fact that children often travel with adult...
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Autori u radu objašnjavaju krivičnopravnu zaštitu ćelija i tkiva u zakonodavstvu Republike Srbije. Zakonom o transplantaciji ćelija i tkiva predviđena su tri krivična djela. Međutim, već na osnovu prvog pogleda jasno je da je za uzor propisivanja ovih krivičnih djela poslužilo krivično djelo trgovine ljudima, što je i opravdano i logično, s obzirom...
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The Mediterranean migrant crisis is not calming down and in the last six decades the nature and character of these migrations has changed. The authors deal with one of the aspects of their position-detention. This work is divided into several parts. In the first part, the authors explore the problem of the migration crisis. After that, they explain...
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The composition of a criminal court stands as one of the most interesting issues in the comparative law. Different viewpoints when it comes to the need of including non-professional citizens in the contemporary criminal procedure have contributed to interesting approaches related to regulating this issue. First of all, there are original jury syste...
Conference Paper
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Providing support to victims and witnesses of crime is highly ranked on the EU priority list. This is unambiguously visible from the growing EU legislation in the field of procedural safeguards, where focus has been moved from position of defendant, to improvement of victims’ status. That also caused additional efforts of the candidate countries bu...
Conference Paper
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In 2014 a new strategy was introduced by the European Union for the Western Balkans named the Berlin Process. The strategy was introduced after a long set back of 15 years. The strategy was presented within a timeframe which should be extended further on. Part of the new strategy consists of cooperation and connectivity, economic growth, stability...
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Background Physician-assisted suicide is one of the features with very different legal solutions in the world. In Serbia, physician-assisted suicide is a crime, within a crime of the assisted suicide. The possibility of the legislation of the voluntary active euthanasia may open the door to the decriminalization of the physician-assisted suicide....
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The specific role and duties of the public prosecution service in representing state interests and defending human rights requires careful balancing its autonomy and/or competences stipulated by constitution and laws. Significant influence with this regard have international standards arising from the Venice Commission practice as well as the Commi...
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The composition of a criminal court stands as one of the most interesting issues in the comparative law. Different viewpoints when it comes to the need of including non-professional citizens in the contemporary criminal procedure have contributed to interesting approaches related to regulating this issue. First of all, there are original jury syste...
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Background In the majority of countries, active direct euthanasia is a forbidden way of the deprivation of the patients’ life, while its passive form is commonly accepted. This distinction between active and passive euthanasia has no justification, viewed through the prism of morality and ethics. Therefore, we focused on attention on the moral and...
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The main hearing is the central part of the criminal procedure. In Serbia, the reform of the national criminal procedure legislation has brought about numerous changes related to this stage of criminal proceedings. Numerous objections have been addressed to the almost entirely new legal text. In an attempt to examine the advantages and disadvantage...
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An author in the work deals with the criminal law protection of the capital market. Under the influence of the legislative acts of the European Union, which is undertook the legal solutions from the American continent, Serbia implemented three criminal offences for the market protection. It is very interesting fact that Serbian legislator found the...
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Contemporary trends in criminal procedure legislation are deliberately looking for efficiency as well as the instruments of implementation of international standards both in its quantitative and qualitative aspects. Doctrinal considerations find their footing in the decades-long reform of criminal procedural legislation of the Serbia, whereas the q...
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End of the XX century showed that almost all European countries have failed in the suppression of the crime. As a result, they began to seek new legal institutes to establish new mechanisms for efficient resolution of criminal cases. First of all, they stand out plea agreement, which in some countries inevitably follows the system of real jury tria...
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Background Euthanasia is one of the most intriguing ethical, medical and law issues that marked whole XX century and beginning of the XXI century, sharply dividing scientific and unscientific public to its supporters and opponents. It also appears as one of the points where all three major religions (Catholic, Orthodox, and Islamic) have the same v...
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Autori se u radu bave objasnjavanjem zastite poslovnog imenaprivrednog drustva, kao firme pod kojom ono posluje. Buduci daposlovno ime treba da bude odreneno na takav nacin da nijezamjenljivo sa poslovnim imenom drugog privrednog drustva niti daizaziva zabunu o privrednom drustvu i/ili o njegovoj djelatnosti, to jebilo neophodno predvidjeti odrenen...
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The author in this work elaborates some problems about complicity in the committing a crimes. Criminal act is the act committed mostly by one person. But, today, there is more and more felonies which who are committing by several peoples, or groups of people. Therefore, the sanction must be more rigorous. In this article, author discussed about a o...


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