Veit BürgerÖko-Institut e.V. · Energy & Climate Division
Veit Bürger
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January 2002 - present
Publications (87)
Meeting energy and climate targets requires phasing out the use of fossil fuels in the heating sector, demanding an extensive overhaul of infrastructure. The expansion of district heating and electricity distribution grids will be essential for this transition , while parts of the gas distribution network will become redundant. Regional and municip...
Download: https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/publikationen/technischer-anhang-der-treibhausgas-projektionen ---
The 2024 projections describe the projected development of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany in a with existing measures scenario (MMS) and a with additional measures scenario (MWMS). The period modelled covers 2024 to 2050. The report fol...
District heating plays an important role in many studies and scenarios for reaching greenhouse gas neutrality in Germany’s heating sector. In some scenarios, the share increases to up to 30 % of the final energy demand for heat supply in buildings. Expanding and transforming district heating will not occur without significant effort; it will take a...
The German Projection Report 2023 describes the projected development of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany in a ‚With existing measures‘ Scenario (MMS) as well as in a ‚With additional Measures‘ Scenario (MWMS). The period covered is 2021 to 2050. The report follows the
requirements of Regulation (EU) 2018/1999 of the European Parliament and of t...
This paper presents an overview of policy frameworks for district heating (DH) in Europe. We develop a classification for policy aspects addressing DH, comprising regulation of ownership, prices, metering, consumer grid connection, third party access as well as support schemes and carbon taxes. This classification builds on existing literature and...
In the course of the current discussion about the amendment of the European Renewable Energies Directive (2018/2001), the EU Commission proposed to change the regulations for Third Party Access (TPA) to district heating grids. The regulations should be modified in such a way that Member States no longer have to introduce TPA only as an option, as h...
This study contributes to an enhanced knowledge of European District Heating and Cooling (DHC) markets, needed to develop policies, initiatives and projects contributing to achieving the decarbonization targets set by the European Green Deal. In particular, the study aims at providing, through a detailed investigation led for all EU Member States a...
While it is widely acknowledged that carbon pricing plays an important role in driving the transition towards a low-carbon energy system, its interaction with complementary instruments is discussed controversially. The analysis of combining carbon pricing with complementary policies has been mostly focused on the electricity sector, while the role...
Projektionsbericht 2021 für Deutschland
Gemäß Artikel 18 der Verordnung (EU) 2018/1999 des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates vom 11. Dezember 2018 über das Governance-System für die Energieunion und für den Klimaschutz, zur Änderung der Verordnungen (EG) Nr. 663/2009 und...
In diesem Dokument sind die in Teil 1 („Analyse der Herausforderungen und Instrumente
im Gebäudesektor“) dieses Hintergrundpapiers identifizierten perspektivischen Instrumente für eine sozialverträgliche Defossilisierung des Gebäudesektors im Rahmen von Steckbriefen zusammengefasst. Die Steckbriefe enthalten jeweils den Hintergrund, die aktuelle Au...
Anforderungen und Handlungs-optionen zur Erfüllung der im Hamburgischen Klimaschutzgesetz erlassenen EE-Nutzungspflicht im Gebäudebestand und die daraus resultierenden Kosten für Gebäudeeigentümer
District heating (DH) can become a key infrastructure for achieving climate targets in the heating sector. In order to support the uptake of renewables in the DH sector, the European Commission proposed to open DH infra-structures to third parties. This will allow independent heat producers to supply heat produced from renewable energy sources and...
The EU Renewable Energy Directive (RES-Directive) establishes a policy framework for the promotion of renewable energy in the EU. Under the framework of the RES-Directive, EU Member States have adopted national renewable energy action plans including sectorial targets for electricity, heating and cooling, and transport. While the RES-Directive outl...
In order to contribute to the German Energiewende (energy transition) adequately, the building sector has to be almost completely decarbonised in the long term. Our analysis investigates how the German building stock can be transformed into a nearly climate-neutral state by 2050. Using a stock modelling approach based on a typology of the German re...
Die Beschlüsse der Weltklimakonferenz von Paris erfordern in den nächsten Jahrzehnten eine massive Reduktion des Ausstoßes von Treibhausgasen (THG). Vor diesem Hinter-grund wurden auf EU- und Bundesebene die bestehenden langfristigen Ziele zur Minde-rung der Treibhausgasemissionen bestätigt und durch Zwischenziele für das Jahr 2030 ergänzt.
Auch Ba...
Die Wärme- und Kälteerzeugung wird zukünftig stärker mit dem Stromsektor interagieren, beispielsweise durch einen verstärkten Einsatz von elektrischen Wärmepumpen oder Stromdirektheizungen in sanierten bzw. effizient gedämmten Gebäuden mit geringem Wärmebedarf oder durch die Zunahme der Gebäudeklimatisierung. Darüber hinaus werden derzeit bestehend...
The study provides an overview of decentralised energy management systems (EMS) and a classification in terms of their ability to support overall system integration. A representative selection of systems is evaluated qualitatively and in an exemplary way with regard to their impact on different are-as of the electricity system. This includes the im...
The objective of this study is to provide technical assistance in the preparation of the 2016 Report on Renewable Energy, in preparation of the Renewable Energy Package for the period 2020-2030 in the European Union. Key findings are:
Renewable energy sources (RES) are deployed by all EU Member States in the electricity, heating & cooling and tran...
The objective of the study is the assistance of the EU Commission in preparing the impact assessment and the proposal for the new EU legislative framework on renewable energy in 2017, which should mainstream deployment of renewable energy and ensure that the EU meets the 2030 renewable energy targets.
The first part analyses the historical trends...
The study investigates how the German building stock can be transformed into a nearly climateneutral
state by 2050. On the level of the individual building, concepts are developed, that show with
which technologies a nearly climate-neutral building stock can be realized and what costs are associated
with the different options of energetic renovatio...
This paper examines the transformation of the German building stock up until the year 2050. In a set of different scenarios we model the relative importance of energy efficiency versus renewable energy in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Climate neutrality here is defined as reducing the non-renewable primary energy consumption by 80% c...
Das Öko-Institut hat die Maßnahmenvorschläge für das Aktionsprogramm Klimaschutz 2020 der Bundesregierung hinsichtlich ihrer Treibhausgaseinspareffekte quantitativ bewertet. Für einen Großteil der Maßnahmen, die für das Aktionsprogramm eingereicht wurden, wurden Bewertungen abgegeben sowie eigene Berechnung der Einsparwirkungen vorgenommen. Darüber...
Einige Experten sehen in der Konvergenz des Strom- und des Wärmesystems eine Möglichkeit zur optimierten Nutzung der
erneuerbaren Energien. Sie argumentieren, dass elektrische Widerstandsheizungen die Wärmenachfrage bevorzugt zu Zeiten
mit hohen Anteilen erneuerbarer Energien (EE) im Stromsystem bedienen könnten. Der Nutzen dieser Option für das
Enerdata Enerdata SEVEn SEVEn, The Energy Efficiency Center Policies to enforce the transition to nZEB: Synthesis report and policy recommendations. 3 The ENTRANZE project The objective of the ENTRANZE project is to actively support policy making by providing the required data, analysis and guidelines to achieve a fast and strong penetration of nZE...
Best practice policy design and harmonisation of support schemes for electricity from renewable energy sources (RES-E) within the European Union have been discussed controversially for years. In contrast, policies for improving renewable heating (RES-H) penetration in the European Member States and options for best practice instruments are still be...
In order to limit global warming to 2 °C, industrialised countries like Germany are obliged to de-carbonise their energy systems extensively by the middle of the century. The building sector – particularly the building stock – plays a pivotal role in the long-term climate protection strategies for Germany. Key control variables in this context are...
Renewable energy sources of heat offer the substantial economic, environmental and social benefits associated with renewable electricity but policy to support their expansion is considerably less advanced. The potential for applying various support instruments to renewable heat is considered with advantages and disadvantages discussed.
In order to achieve national or EU-wide energy efficiency targets, a variety of policies is available. Apart from the traditional set of regulative, financial, fiscal and informative instruments, market-oriented instruments as e. g. energy efficiency obligations (EEOs) become more and more important. The new EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) eve...
This paper compares two flagship policies in the area of energy efficient building
refurbishment, the German CO2-Building Rehabilitation Programme and the
Green Deal in the UK. Although both policies are essentially loan programmes to
finance energy efficiency measures, the nature of the two policies is very different
regarding scope, financial arc...
This article describes and evaluates a number of different financial support
instruments for the energy refurbishment of the building stock based on the
example of Germany. The key focus is on policy instruments which are not
counter-financed by public budgets or where, by other means, investment and
planning security for investors is assured. Thro...
At present, expanding the use of renewable energy sources for heating (RES-H)
relies predominantly on publicly funded support instruments. As these are subject
to subsidy cuts and suspensions, these instruments do not provide long-term
security for investors and technology suppliers. Although feed-in tariffs and quotabased
systems are the major sup...
The project “Policy development for improving RES-H/C penetration in European Member States (RES-H Policy)“ aimed at assisting the governments of Member States in preparing for the implementation of the EU Renewables Directive 2009/28/EC1 as far as aspects related to renewable
heating and cooling (RES-H/C) are concerned. Selected Member States were...
Within the EU-27 biomass heating covers about 90% of all renewable energy sources in the heating sector (RES-H). According to the NREAPs of EU member states, biomass heating should further increase from 49 Mtoe (2005) to 87 Mtoe (2020). Yet, several questions are open regarding required support policies and the expected technological, economic and...
Electricity consumption in German households accounts for more than 10 % of energy-related CO2 emissions. In spite of substantial improvements in, for example, the efficiency of household appliances, there is still a considerable electricity savings potential to be tapped in this sector. The possible contribution that the German residential sector...
Changing Behaviour: Project co-funded by the European Commission within The Seventh Framework Programme. Theme Energy.2007.9.1.2, Energy behavioural changes.
Changing Behaviour: EU Seventh Framework Programme. Theme Energy. 2007.9.1.2, Energy behavioural changes.
Changing Behaviour : Project co-funded by the European Commission within The Seventh Framework Programme, Theme Energy.
Changing Behaviour : Project co-funded by the European Commission within The Seventh Framework Programme, Theme Energy.2007.9.1.2 Energy behavioural changes. https://www.ecn.nl/publications/PdfFetch.aspx?nr=ECN-O--09-040
Whereas the contribution from renewable energies in the electrical power market is increasing rapidly, similar progress in the heat market is yet to be made. A prerequisite for progress is the development of innovative support instruments that transcend the usual support through public subsidies or tax reductions. We present an overview of the vari...
Florian Wetzig fragte in der letzten Ausgabe, ob Ökostrom eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zum Erneuerbare Energien Gesetz sei. Er sprach sich gegen den Kauf von Ökostrom aus. Doch seine Kritik greift zu kurz. Hochwertige Ökostromprodukte schützen die Umwelt über die gesetzliche Förderung erneuerbarer Energien hinaus.
Gaseous negative ions were mass spectrometrically measured in the exhaust plume of a jet aircraft in flight. Using a quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in a high-pass mode, it was found that by far most of the ions had mass numbers › 450 amu (atomic mass units) and number densities which markedly exceeded the number densities of ambient atmosphe...
Extensive measurements of gaseous nitric acid (HNO3) have been performed in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere using aircraft-based ion-molecule reaction mass spectrometry (IMRMS). The measurements, which took place in summer and winter between November 1994 and July 1996, cover latitudes between 29°N and 57°N and altitudes between 5.5 an...
Gaseous nitric acid (HNO3) and hydrogene fluoride (HF) have been measured in the winter Arctic stratosphere using balloon- and aircraft-based Ion Molecule Reaction Mass Spectrometry (IMRMS) instruments. Strong HNO3 perturbations were found in 1993 and 1995 which may indicate nitrification around 11-13 km and denitrification around 20 km altitude. M...
Upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric acetone measurements have been performed in summer and winter 1994 through 1996 at latitudes between 30°N and 75°N using ion-molecule reaction mass spectrometry. We observed very high acetone volume mixing ratios of up to 3000 pptv (parts per trillion by volume) in extended air masses and in summer when ac...
Concentrations of CH3CN and HCN have been measured in the lower stratosphere by aircraft-based ion-molecule reaction mass spectrometry. The mean HCN volume mixing ratio of 164 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) is consistent with previous infrared remote sensing data (160 pptv). The measured CH3CN volume mixing ratios markedly exceed most previous...
Simultaneous in situ measurements of NOy, HNO3, O3, N2O, and CO have been performed in the lower stratosphere during the Stratosphere-Troposphere Experiment by Aircraft Measurements (STREAM) II intensive winter campaign in February 1995 from Kiruna airport (northern Sweden) with a Cessna Citation II twinjet aircraft up to a maximum altitude of 12.8...
In situ aircraft measurements of O3, CO,HNO3, and aerosol particles are presented,performed over the North Sea region in the summerlower stratosphere during the STREAM II campaign(Stratosphere Troposphere Experiments by AircraftMeasurements) in July 1994. Occasionally, high COconcentrations of 200-300 pbbv were measured in thelowermost stratosphere...
In the troposphere, anthropogenic emissions of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide cause large-scale photochemical build up of ozone. In the stratosphere breakdown of anthropogenic halocarbons damages the ozone layer. In the extratropics a transition region between these air layers occurs, the lowermost stratosphere (below 12–14 km),...