Veeresh HattiSardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University | GAU · Department of Agronomy
Veeresh Hatti
Assistant Professor (Agronomy)
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Additional affiliations
May 2018 - present
August 2013 - June 2016
August 2011 - July 2013
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Field of study
- Agronomy
August 2007 - March 2011
University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur
Field of study
- Agriculture
Publications (37)
A field experiment was conducted during kharif 2023 to study the efficacy of pre and early post-emergence herbicides for the management of weeds in blackgram. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 12 treatments replicated thrice. The weed free treatment recorded significantly higher seed and stover yield (1077 and 2657 kg/ha...
A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Instructional Farm, Department of Agronomy, Chimanbhai Patel College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar, Banaskantha (North Gujarat Agro-climatic Zone of Gujarat) during June–October, 2021 to assess the effect of pre- and post-emergence herbicides on we...
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif 2021 to assess the effect of various weed management practices in groundnut at Agronomy Instructional Farm, C. P. College of Agriculture, Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Sardarkrushinagar on loamy sand soil. Among different treatments, two hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS, intercultur...
There are very few books in the field of crop production, which satisfies the requirements of students particularly preparing for competitive examinations. This book is designed to satisfy their need and is presented in a systematic manner to understand every fundamental aspect related to crop production. This book covers all the basic concepts of...
Soil takes many years to form, however can be damaged in a very short amount of time.
With the damage of soil, man’s ability decreases to grow food crops, graze animals and to
produce fiber and forests. Increasing agricultural development with population pressure
and mounting demands created upon the soil ends up in a lot of stress on soil by accru...
Water is an essential and freely available natural resource that supports life on Earth and is also a vital factor for the economic and social development of society. Its demand is drastically increasing especially in developing countries due to increasing population, urbanization, industrialization, and agriculture developments. Irrigation account...
Agriculture sector using about 70% of the global freshwater resources followed by industry and domestic usage. Irrigation is the major consumer of groundwater due to the increased population and irrigated area. As a result, per capita availability of water Manjanagouda S. Sannagoudar et al. 202 resources gradually decreasing over the years. Due to...
Food grain production of India has increased by four-fold since 1950-51 through invention of green revolution technology by adopting of high yielding verities coupled with intensive input use, extensive tillage, burning of residues and irrigation. However, over the years, the intensive agricultural practices, negligence in maintaining soil health a...
Nanotechnology may offer keener solutions to current intensive agriculture problems. By the end of the 20 th century, the controlled preparation of nanomaterials with desired morphology and size were visualized as smart systems in nutrient and water management. There has been significant interest and scope for using nanotechnology and its products...
Conservation agriculture (CA) is an eco-friendly approach of farming that emphasizes minimal soil disturbance, diversified crop rotations, and surface crop residue retention. CA systems are frequently associated with weed infestations and shifts in weed communities, sometimes with the problem of more difficult to control species. Hence, weed contro...
Potassium (K) is the third important primary nutrients after nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in the crop production process (Raghavendra et al. 2018). Potassium involved in various crop physiological and biochemical functions such as activation of enzymes, osmoregulation process, impart resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses to improve gro...
Aim: Conservation agriculture practices serve as an alternative strategy to sustain agricultural production due to the growing water and nutrient deficiencies, particularly under rainfed conditions. The objective of this studywas tofind the effect ofconservation tillage and nutrient management practices on soil health and productivityoffingermillet...
A field experiment was conducted during the summer season of 2015 at Zonal Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS), Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK), Bengaluru to assess the herbigation based integrated weed management in aerobic rice. The experiment consisted of 12 treatments laid out in randomized complete bloc...
A field experiment was carried out during Kharif 2014 at AICRP on Dryland Agriculture, University of Agricultural Sciences (GKVK), Bangalore, Karnataka to study the effect of conservation tillage and nutrient management practices on the performance of finger millet and weed growth under dryland Afisols of southern Karnataka. The experiment was laid...
A field experiment was conducted during kharif of 2012 in sandy loam soil to evolve efficient weed management practices for higher growth and productivity of maize. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with fourteen treatments replicated thrice. The treatments were pre and post-emergence herbicides (atrazine, oxyflurofen, pendimethalin and topramezo...
A field experiment was carried out during kharif of 2012 to evaluate the effect of weed management practices on weed growth and yield of maize in sandy loam soil under irrigated conditions. The experiment was laid out in RCBD design with fourteen treatments replicated thrice. The treatments were pre and post-emergence herbicides (atrazine, oxyfluro...
Soil microbial biomass
An experiment was conducted to study the effect of new graminicides fluazifop-p-butyl 13.4 EC and quizalofop-p-butyl on growth and yield of groundnut in relation to unsprayed control, hand weeding, pendimethalin and imazethapyr. The new graminicides fluazifop-p-butyl at 134 g, 167 g ai/ha and quizalofop-p-butyl 50 g ai/ha (at 20 DAS) lowered the de...
A field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Field Unit, Zonal Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, G.K.V.K., Bengaluru during Kharif, 2012 to study the effect of foliar application of water soluble NPK fertilizer on growth, yield and quality of lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.). The results revealed that application o...
Broomrape (Orobanche sp) is a root holoparasitic plant devoid of chlorophyll and is entirely depending on the host for its nutritional requirements. It is causing considerable yield losses (5-100 %) in the crops, especially in the drier and warmer areas of Europe, Africa and Asia where it is reported to mainly parasitize species of leguminous, oils...
Question (1)
Can any body explain the technical difference between water use efficiency, water productivity and water expense efficiency?