Vassilis TsianosHAW Hamburg | HAW · Department of Social Work
Vassilis Tsianos
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Publications (64)
This chapter examines the challenges for grassroots social work that emerge when states fail or refuse to meet basic requirements for the protection of asylum-seekers, or when states choose to neglect or even expel them, thereby generating a racialised hostile environment. It focuses on de facto divided Cyprus, examining issues pertaining to overco...
This chapter examines the challenges for social work ‘from below’ when states do not meet basic needs in protecting refugees and asylum-seekers, or when states choose to neglect or even expel them, generating a racialised hostile environment. Focusing on Cyprus, the chapter examines how the processes of the long-drawn division of the c...
This study examined the impact of the emergency measures on community relations, fundamental rights, and mobility rights during the Covid19 pandemic in de facto divided Cyprus. It explored states of exception, as well as solidarity aiming to counter those restrictions. Internal and external borders were mobilised to separate ‘us’ from ‘them’, shape...
Our paper: This paper examines the effect of the pandemic in the generation
of simultaneous global, regional, and local processes as they materialize in realities and the potential for post-pandemic mobile commons. The paper theorizes the matter drawing on studies in the triangle of Cyprus-Greece-Turkey i.e., the south-eastern border of Europe/EU....
This paper examines the effect of the pandemic in the generation of simultaneous global, regional, and local processes as they materialize in realities and the potential for post-pandemic mobile commons. The paper theorizes the matter drawing on studies in the triangle of Cyprus-Greece-Turkey i.e., the south-eastern border of Europe/EU. Mobile comm...
Der vorliegende Beitrag reflektiert transnationale und transmediale Dimensionen der sozialräumlichen Konstellationen und Praktiken in der Arbeit mit Transitmigrant*innen und Geflüchteten. Während eine Soziologie der transnationalen Räume (Pries 2010), überzeugend das relationale Raumverständnis sozialräumlicher Handlungsfelder der Migration adressi...
Assemblies are emblematic choreographies of the common. A metropolitan blockade happens when the urban space, the public space of its inhabitants, turns against itself. This is when the movements that keep it going and the connections that keep it alive are blocked, just to mobilize space and bodies as an immediate means of the acting assembly. Whi...
Private and government sectors are operating hand in hand for biometric identity assurance solutions to meet security requirements at borders, for elections or for the private sector. Our paper will explore Eurodac, a large biometric information database concerning asylum applications and irregular border crossings, as part of the emerging European...
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word »democracy« sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The »many« invoke new co...
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word »democracy« sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The »many« invoke new co...
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word »democracy« sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The »many« invoke new co...
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word »democracy« sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The »many« invoke new co...
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word »democracy« sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The »many« invoke new co...
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word »democracy« sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The »many« invoke new co...
Using the example of Eurodac our paper concentrates on the digitization of European border controls. Eurodac, an information, communication and control technology operates by means of a European database, in which the fingerprints of asylum seekers and irregular migrants are stored. Eurodac works as a so-called Automated Fingerprint Identification...
In 2015 more than one million refugees were seeking protection in the EU, the majority fleeing war and violence in the Middle East and heading towards a few EU-member states like Austria, Germany and Sweden. This is a small number compared to the overall prob-lem of persons being forced to leave their homes because of war and persecution. In 2016 t...
Since 2010 we have witnessed new ways of assembling, which have made the word »democracy« sound important again. These practices may not have led to the political changes we had hoped for. Nevertheless, we are convinced of their importance. This book wants to acknowledge them as a starting point for a new art of being many: The »many« invoke new co...
This article explores the constructions and dynamics of subaltern migrant subjectivities in three arrival cities, Athens, Istanbul and Nicosia. The paper draws on empirical research in three cities geopolitically located in the most south-eastern part of the Mediterranean basin and the boundary triangle connecting Europe, Asia and Africa. This is e...
Der folgende Text beschäftigt sich am Beispiel von Eurodac mit der Digitalisierung der europäischen Grenzkontrolle und mit der soziotechnischen Regierung des Asyls. In der Regel werden Kontrolltechnologien zur Grenzsicherung entweder in ihren politischen Wirkungen erfasst und kritisiert – d. h. abgekoppelt von den technischen Infras...
In der Migration sind Medien sowohl Werkzeuge zur Organisation der Migration selber als auch zur Bildung der vielen Gemeinschaften der Migrant_innen. Diese Ökonomien des Verhandelns, der Reziprozitäten und der Wissensproduktionen im Feld zu untersuchen wirft Fragen auf, die von der Methodik der Forschung bis zur Forscherperson selber reichen. Peter...
The crisis has highlighted an uneasiness of integration policies and politics that stems mostly from the growing irrelevance of generic citizenship. Citizenship in times of crisis and austerity, or what we call austerity citizenship is failing in its basic function the inclusion of noncitizens; even differential inclusion is minimal. Mobile commons...
Athens, Nicosia and Istanbul share a fascinating past of mobility. The study of migrant social movements in the three cities opens up a much broader terrain than an area-specific terrain, regarding social movements, migration and digitality. Beyond the dichotomy between “old” and “new” social movements, we examine the emergence of germinal social m...
We live in rebel cities in riotous times. Everyday struggles in the urban fabric are recast in a terrain woven by the dirty word of gentrification or within ghettoes of no-go areas. Despite the asymmetric power-relations between economic and political elites and subaltern, the subalterns are not mere victims or spectators in the erection of urban f...
We live in a digital world undergoing contradictory deep transformations. Digitality, however, can neither be seen as some miraculous transformatory manna from heaven, nor as the prelude of a world of total surveillance. Digitality and the new knowledge forms contained and transmitted are a vital organizing force. This force generates and shapes va...
The researchers’ encounters with subaltern migrant acts, performances, daily livelihood and struggles in Athens, Nicosia and Istanbul are moments in turbulence which are read as products of ephemeral, contingent and liminal spaces. Yet, these spaces are also co-produced by these very moments of the acts and struggles. In spaces reminiscent of Bob M...
As the final words of this book are written, we are witnessing the consequences of the contestation in Turkey. For the time, Erdoğan managed to emerge as winner: first his party won the Parliamentary elections, and then he became the first ever directly elected President of Turkish Republic with 51%. Yet, the struggle is by no means over as Turkey...
Digitality, (urban) activism and the generation of mobile commons through migrant mobility have been the fils conducteurs in our flânerie in the three arrival cities of Athens, Nicosia and Istanbul. Empirical findings provide solid evidence that digital forms of representation in the context of migration and transnational activism differ in terms o...
This paper explores the relevance of the autonomy of migration approach for understanding the role of citizenship in the sovereign control of mobility. There is an insurgent configuration of ordinary experiences of mobility emerging against this regime of control. At its core is the sharing of knowledge and infrastructures of connectivity, affectiv...
What is to be done in conditions where capitalo-normativity is so pervasive? Escape Routes was written as an attempt to think the possibility of politics from below against this ubiquitous capitalist spell over life. The book does not look for social transformation in existing organized forms of resistance. It tries to think how transformative occa...
Murat Kurnaz, ein gebürtiger Bremer mit türkischem Pass, ist ein bekanntes Gesicht in Deutschland, sicherlich auch wegen seines
voluminösen Vollbartes. Dieser könnte in rassialisierender Manier als Chiffre für die Zugehörigkeit zu einer islamistischen
Gruppe gedeutet werden. Das Rätsel seines Bartes nach seiner unerwarteten Entlassung aus dem Guant...
Der Begriff Biopolitik inflationiert. Droht mit zunehmender Popularisierung die Tendenz einer Trivialisierung und Entpolitisierung
des Begriffs Biopolitik – wie warnende Stimmen prophezeien? Ist Biopolitik gar zu » einer Art Heideggerschem Master-Signifikanten
« geworden, der Alles oder Nichts bedeutet – wie Jacques Rancière (2001) argwöhnt? Warum...
In linken Debatten um die Thesen von Empire kehrt der Einwand immer wieder, dass die Beschreibung der post-fordistischen Konstellation mit dem Konzept der Biopolitik
in letzter Konsequenz politisches Handeln suspendiere. So sympathisch die eingenommene Immanzperspektive auch sei, wenn sie
unter dem Label Biopolitik die Felder von Politik, Produktio...
Im Anschluss an Michel Foucault formierte sich eine Debatte um den Begriff der Biopolitik, die diesen als Einsatz einer kritischen "Analytik der Gegenwart" konzipiert, um Spiele der Macht zu untersuchen. Der vorliegende Band bietet das keineswegs homogene Bild der gegenwärtigen Diskussion, die sich mit Foucault und über diesen hinausweisend einer p...
Most critical discussions of European immigration policies are centered around the concept of Fortress Europe and understand the concept of the border as a way of sealing off unwanted immigration movements. However, ethnographic studies such as our own multi-sited field research in South-east Europe clearly show that borders are daily being crossed...
Der Ausgangspunkt des Artikels ist die Beobachtung, dass das Paradigma der Exklusion innerhalb der Border Studies tief verankert ist. Gemäß diesem Paradigma wird die Gesellschaft als ein Container konzipiert, der als Apparatur zur Distribution gleicher Rechte firmiert. Der in diesem Ansatz implizite Normativismus wird gewöhnlich in...
Heute über Migration nach Europa zu reden, heißt fast immer von der »Festung Europa« zu sprechen. Ins kollektive Gedächtnis haben sich seit über einer Dekade die entsprechenden Bilder eingespeist: überladene Schiffe, skrupellose Menschenhändler, anonyme Massen armer Flüchtlinge. Mal werden sie voller Empathie, mal mit Ablehnung betrachtet. Selten j...
Heute über Migration nach Europa zu reden, heißt fast immer von der »Festung Europa« zu sprechen. Ins kollektive Gedächtnis haben sich seit über einer Dekade die entsprechenden Bilder eingespeist: überladene Schiffe, skrupellose Menschenhändler, anonyme Massen armer Flüchtlinge. Mal werden sie voller Empathie, mal mit Ablehnung betrachtet. Selten j...
Heute über Migration nach Europa zu reden, heißt fast immer von der »Festung Europa« zu sprechen. Ins kollektive Gedächtnis haben sich seit über einer Dekade die entsprechenden Bilder eingespeist: überladene Schiffe, skrupellose Menschenhändler, anonyme Massen armer Flüchtlinge. Mal werden sie voller Empathie, mal mit Ablehnung betrachtet. Selten j...
This article reviews developments of a new migration regime in Europe. It argues against the concept of a 'Fortress Europe' by pointing to fields of conflict that current migration movements establish. By focussing on a recent field research of migrations movements in Southeast Europe it explores modes of transit and entrepreneurial migration, the...
This book reviews developments of a new migration regime in Europe. It argues against the concept of a 'Fortress Europe' by pointing to fields of conflict that current migration movements establish. By focussing on a recent field research of migrations movements in Southeast Europe it explores modes of transit and entrepreneurial migration, the tra...
The authors are focussing on the relation of migration and labour by discussing Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri’s « Empire » on the one hand, and Giorgio Agamben’s notion of L a ger on the other.Migration, they argue, can be understood as a form of class struggle, in which demands for autonomy and self-determination find their spontaneous expressio...
Mehr als drei Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung von Empire in den USA wollen wir bestimmte Fragestellungen in bezug auf Migration und Arbeit diskutieren, auch wenn dieses Thema in der Rezeption von Empire nicht gerade eine prominente Stellung eingenommen hat. Kaum eine der vielfach polemischen Entgegnungen auf die jüngsten Arbeiten von Michael Hardt...
There is an underlying assumption to the current debates about class composition in post-Fordism: this is the assumption that immaterial work and its corresponding social subjects form the centre of gravity in the new turbulent cycles of struggles around living labour. This paper explores the theoretical and political implications of this assumptio...
The events of Ceuta and Mellia in 2005 and the intensified fencing off of the Spanish enclaves that followed, or the invention of 'Frontex' as the EU border control agency, certainly seem to support the metaphor of 'Fortress Europe' as an encapsulation of the new Europeanised migration and border control realities. The metaphor may also have contri...