Vanya Stoycheva

Vanya Stoycheva
Vanya verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Vanya verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences | BAS · National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography

Master of Science


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October 2020 - September 2021
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Field of study
  • Landscape ecology and natural capital
October 2016 - September 2020
Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Field of study
  • Geography


Publications (17)
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Ecosystem services research in Bulgaria has been actively studying different aspects of this concept and its implementation. Although it is widely recognizable, the concept has still not been sufficiently implemented in Bulgaria’s decision-making process. Following the European and global initiatives for implementing biodiversity and ecosystem serv...
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Increasing climate change has led to an increase in urban flood events. Events with a return period of twenty years become events with a period of two to three years. The primary objectives of this study are to evaluate the performance of flood regulation models using different input data and compare their performance for flood regulation supply (F...
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The ecosystem services (ES) concept has established itself in recent years as the predominant paradigm for framing environmental research and policy-making. The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 with its task for member countries to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services has contributed vastly to the development of the ES studies...
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Ecosystems provide various goods and services to society and their valuation is among the main objectives of the concept of ecosystem services (ES). The mapping of ecosystems is the main building block of the whole process of the Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services (MAES). The analyses of the ecosystem data produced during the i...
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Habitat maintenance as an ecosystem service (ES) is essential for the protection of natural capital, however, it is among the most challenging services for definition and evaluation. The present study is focused on assessing and mapping habitat maintenance ecosystem service in Rila and Pirin Mountains in Bulgaria for strategic planning purposes by...
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There is a high growing demand for regulating ecosystem services such as air quality regulation, regulation of air temperature and humidity, and flood regulation, in urban ecosystems which is important for urban planning. A comprehensive review of the current studies of the urban ecosystem, regulating ecosystem services, and their connection with u...
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Karst is a widely spread natural phenomenon which provides essential benefits to human society, such as drinking water. The water cycle in the karst geosystems is the main factor for their formation and at the same time one of the main drivers for ecosystem services (ES) provision. The monitoring of the water cycle can provide valuable information...
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The mapping of ecosystems is a significant element in the European Biodiversity Strategy and the results of its implementation should support the maintenance and restoration of ecosystems and their services. The quality of the spatial data is of crucial importance for the achievement of these goals. A methodological framework for Bulgaria in the fo...
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Natural heritage (NH) possesses an outstanding universal value that can be described as “natural significance” at a national level. The ecosystems can be considered as the spatial units which represent the NH of the particular area in terms of their value to people. Recreation and tourism are amongst the important values which are strongly dependen...
Technical Report
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Deliverable D2.1.1 is the second project report of the INES project (INtegrated assessment and mapping of water-related Ecosystem Services for nature-based solutions in river basin management). It presents the results from work package (WP) 2. Hydrological risks and climate change, task 2.1 Review and analysis of the state of the art.
Technical Report
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Deliverable D4.1.1 is a project report of the INES project (INtegrated assessment and mapping of water-related Ecosystem Services for nature-based solutions in river basin management). It presents the results from task 4.1. Review and analysis of the state of the art (analysis of national methodologies and the world experience) of the work package...
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Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) has evolved rapidly in recent years through substantial efforts of both international organizations and the scientific community. Water regulation ecosystem services (ES) are key elements of regulating services in ecosystem accounting, with most relevant studies strongly relying on models for ES quantification up to...
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The System of Environmental-Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA-EA) is a spatially-based, integrated statistical framework for organizing biophysical information about ecosystems, measuring ecosystem services (ES). Water flow regulation ES and biophysical modeling are among the main topics in the individual ES part of the SEEA-EA frame...
Technical Report
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Deliverable D1.2.1 is the first project report of the INES project (INtegrated assessment and mapping of water-related Ecosystem Services for nature-based solutions in river basin management). It presents the results from task 1.2 Communication and dissemination of results of the work package (WP) 1. Management, coordination and communication.
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The main purpose of the paper is to explore the relationship between the CORINE Land Cover (CLC) classification and the MAES typology in order to develop a basis for mapping of ecosystems at national level in Bulgaria, which could ensure a spatial framework for mapping and assessment of the ecosystem services provided by the natural heritage. Ident...
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The analysis of morphometric properties of a river basin and identification of the correlation between the specific topography and the processes of debris flow is crucial for identifying the areas with a high ecological risk. Results of the fieldwork and analysis in the GIS environment show the high risk of debris flow for the Harsovska river basin...


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