Valentyn Nastasenko

Valentyn Nastasenko
Kherson State University

Doctor of Engineering


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Building your site is primitive. Do you find it difficult to understand that there can be many directions of research? One of the technical directions is led by my former graduate student, now - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Protsenko V.A. Babiy M.V., Zinechenko, Klemenyeva and others still work there. They have nothing to do with PHYSICS. I am engaged in physics alone, Nastasenko Valentin Alekseevich. Protsenko V.A. CANNOT be the head of the physics laboratory. Therefore, I cannot be subordinat


Publications (38)
The book contains 65 pages of text, 4 sections, 22 figures, 1 table, conclusions and a list of references from 130 sources. To date, this is the most comprehensive scientific work in this area. Section 1 examines the philosophical aspects of identifying the initial level of the material world from ancient times to the present. It is shown that the...
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Abstract At the present time, black holes are reduced to the parameters of the Schwarzschild sphere. It is shown that Schwarzschild determined only half of the mass and energy of a black hole, and its spherical shape makes it difficult to interact with the external environment. The elimination of this drawback is the main goal of this work, and the...
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The structure of steering gear’s HATLAPA mechanism is analyzed. It is shown that presence of redundant constraints in it increases laboriousness of gear montage and respectively worsen maintainability. On the basis of provided analysis developed mechanism with reduced more than twice redundant constrainsts number.
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Article citation info: Protsenko V, Malashchenko V, Kłysz S, Nastasenko V, Babiy M, Avramenko O. Load capacity and design parameters of ball-type safety-overrunning clutch with inclined grooves sides. Diagnostyka. 2022;23(4):2022403. https://doi. Abstract Article deals with safety-overrunning clutches for mechanical transmissions. Modern design of...
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At the present time, black holes are reduced to the parameters of the Schwarzschild sphere. It is shown that Schwarzschild determined only half of the mass and energy of a black hole, and its spherical shape makes it difficult to interact with the external environment. The elimination of this drawback is the main goal of this work, and the substant...
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The work relates to the field of research of gravitational fields, in particular, their wave, energy and force parameters for planetary level objects. Based on the analysis of the problems of their determination for the Earth, it is shown that the relationship of these parameters does not have an explicit form, which complicates the task of their d...
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At the present time, black holes are reduced to the parameters of the Schwarzschild sphere. It is shown that Schwarzschild determined only half of the mass and energy of a black hole, and its spherical shape makes it difficult to interact with the external environment. The elimination of this drawback is the main goal of this work, and the substant...
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The study of black holes deepens the understanding of the structure of the foundations of the material world and the Universe, which is an urgent and important task that has not yet been fully resolved. Its solution is the main goal of this work, and the substantiation of the shape and structure of black holes on the basis of strict laws of nature...
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Gears are an important design component of many machines and mechanisms. The most important characteristics of machines and mechanisms, namely their accuracy and smoothness of operation, power density, and so forth, strongly depend on gears. These are the main reasons for the requirements to gears, including but not limited to their accuracy, as we...
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The work is related to the field of research of fundamental physical constants, in particular – the speed of light in vacuum c, Planck's constant h, gravitational constant G, associated with the foundations of the material world. Therefore, a deeper study of them provides better opportunities for understanding the material world, which is an import...
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The structure of the MAK M43 diesel high pressure fuel pump driving is analyzed. It is shown that presence of redundant constraints in its mechanism is the reason of roller bearings failure. It is proposed redundant constraints elimination by adding movabilities in mechanism.
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Article citation info: Malashchenko V, Protsenko V, Kłysz S, Nastasenko V, Babiy M. Force parameters and operating characteristics of safety-overrunning ball-type clutch. Diagnostyka. 2021;22(3):43-50. https://doi. Abstract Article deals with the field of machinery, namely with the protecting of devices for mechanical driving systems. New construct...
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The SARS-CoV-19 (COVID-19) coronavirus pandemic poses a threat to all of humanity, and this threat is currently growing as new and more aggressive strains of it emerge. Therefore, the fight against it is an important and urgent task. The traditional ways of solving it by vaccination, disinfection and quartzing have problems and significant drawback...
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Вступ. Досконалість конструкції будь-якої машини залежить від здатнос- ті зберігати стабільність технічної характеристики протягом усього періоду експлуатації. Особливого значення це набуває для рульових машин, від збережу- ваності яких залежить, зокрема, безпека мореплавства. Мета роботи – аналіз перспектив удосконалення важільних механізмів рульо...
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QUANTUM OF SPACE OF THE UNIVERSE – CORRECTION OF PREVIOUS MISTAKES. Valentyn Nastasenko Kherson State Maritime Academy, Kherson, Ukraine Abstract A large number of scientific works, from ancient times to the present, have been dedicated to the search for "bricks" that make up the foundations of the material world. Justificat...
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Nastasenko, V. (2021) Selection and Justification of a New Initial Level of the Material World. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 9, 1089-1099. Abstract The work refers to the foundations of the material world, in particular—to the field of quantum physics associated with the initial level—his fun...
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On the Gravitational Waves of the Planets Closest to the Earth and Experimental Possible of Its MeasurementValentyn Nastasenko Kherson State Maritime Academy, Kherson, Ukraine. DOI: 10.4236/jamp.2021.96091 PDF HTML XML 160 Downloads 815 Views Abstract The laws of gravity are important for understanding the foundations of the material world at all...
Для формування композитних матеріалів та захисних покриттів на їх основі використано епоксидний діановий оліґомер марки ЕД-20 і твердник поліетиленполіамін ПЕПА. Вибір різнодисперсних наповнювачів обумовлений наявністю активних груп на їх поверхні, комплексом поліпшених характеристик компонентів, що викликає науковий і практичний інтерес при викори...
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he article deals with steering gears, used on marine and river ships, namely with ram-type steering gears. Article topicality due to the fact that ship controllability and sailing safety depends of steering gears reliability. Reliability could be increased through the refinement of processes, which took place during the perception and transfer of l...
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Работа связана с развитием методологии решения научно-технических задач системными методами в сфере инструментального производства и предусматривает разработку структур и правил для анализа комплекса возникающих при этом проблем и путей поиска возможныхрешений. Для этого систематизирован процесс выбора и постановки задач на начальных этапах их реше...
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Розглянуто збірні торцеві фрези з боковим кріпленням стандартних багатогранних непереточуваних пластин (БНП) і показано їх недоліки – значний радіус сполучення бічних граней на вершинах (r ≥ 0,2 мм), що обмежує їх використання для чорнового оброблення з великою товщиною зрізуваного шару. Запропоновано усунути вказаний недолік додатковим заточування...


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