Valentín Pérez-HernándezUniversidad Politecnica del Golfo de México
Valentín Pérez-Hernández
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Publications (15)
Endophytes play an important role in plant development, survival, and establishment, but their temporal dynamics in young conifer plants are still largely unknown. In this study, the bacterial community was determined by metabarcoding of the 16S rRNA gene in the rhizoplane, roots, and aerial parts of 1- and 5-month-old seedlings of natural populati...
El antiguo lago de Texcoco (Noreste del valle de México) sirvió como fuente de alimentación y transporte al imperio de Tenochtitlan en los años 1325 a 1521. Posterior a la conquista, los españoles empezaron a desviar el curso del lago por los problemas de inundación que sucedían en la capital del país. El proceso de desvío continuó hasta los años 1...
La contaminación por hidrocarburos ha causado
daños a la flora y fauna nativa. En Chiapas se
han reportado diversos derrames en las zonas
cercanas al río Mezcalapa y en municipios como
Reforma o Juárez. Para remediar estos suelos
contaminados se han propuesto tecnologías
verdes o amigables con el medio ambiente como
la fitorremediación. Ésta consis...
La diversidad de microorganismos en el suelo es elevada y su identificación mediante el uso de técnicas tradicionales de cultivo resulta inadecuada y limitada para un elevado porcentaje de los mismos. En la actualidad se cuentan con tecnologías de secuenciamiento masivo del ADN que ha permitido, junto a otras técnicas y herramientas, incluyendo la...
To increase our knowledge on how application of organic material alters soil microbial populations and functionality, shotgun metagenomic sequencing was used to determine the microbial communities and their potential functionality in an arable soil amended with young maize plants (Zea mays L.) in a laboratory experiment after 3 days. The relative a...
Se presenta una introducción sobre la bioinformática, sus orígenes y campo de aplicación
mostrando las herramientas computacionales necesarias para el análisis de secuencias. Se revisa el estado del arte de los repositorios internacionales de datos biológicos, así como de las tecnologías de alto rendimiento, con su aplicación en la medicina y
El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer las bacterias oxidadoras de amonio (AOB) presentes en suelos del ex-lago de Texcoco, esto mediante el empleo de pirosecuenciación del gen funcional amoA. Se muestrearon tres áreas con diferente pH y CE en el ex-lago de Texcoco, estado de México. Dos suelos agrícolas se emplearon como suelos control. Las secue...
Crop residue management and tillage are known to affect the soil bacterial community, but when and which bacterial groups are enriched by application of ammonium in soil under different agricultural practices from a semi-arid ecosystem is still poorly understood. Soil was sampled from a long-term agronomic experiment with conventional tilled beds a...
Aerobic methanotrophic bacteria in saline-alkaline soil of the former lake Texcoco, Mexico
A modified method for the direct extraction
of DNA from alkaline-saline soils with minimum
DNA fragmentation and a possible reduction in
chimera formation during polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) was developed. The commercial extraction
kit Power Soil DNA (Mo BioTM Laboratories, Inc.)
was used as a reference technique. The method
reported here was ba...
We studied three soils of the former lake Texcoco with different electrolytic conductivity (1.9 dS m−1, 17.3 dS m−1, and 33.4 dS m−1) and pH (9.3, 10.4, and 10.3) amended with young maize plants and their neutral detergent fibre (NDF) fraction and aerobically incubated in the laboratory for 14 days while the soil bacterial community structure was m...
Hydrocarbon contamination cause serious environmental damage and human health problems, therefore, to resolve this problem has been proposed diversely remediation techniques friendly with the environment i.e. bioaugmentation, biostimulation, natural attenuation and phytoremediation. Among options, the phytoremediation causes minimum alterations to...
Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and aerobic methane oxidizing-bacteria (MOB) were studied in three extreme soils of the former Lake Texcoco, Mexico, with pH ranging from 8.5 to 10.5 and electrolytic conductivity (EC) from 0.67 to 84.76 dS m−1, and in two arable soils. Soil DNA was extracted with three different methods and total DNA was used as a...
Under greenhouse conditions, we evaluated establishment of four tree species and their capacity to degrade crude oil recently incorporated into the soil; the species were as follows: Cedrela odorata (tropical cedar), Haematoxylum campechianum (tinto bush), Swietenia macrophylla (mahogany), and Tabebuia rosea (macuilis). Three-month-old plants were...
Resumen— En la presente investigación se evaluó la población de bacterias y hongos presentes en la rizosfera de las plantas: Cedrela odorata, Haematoxylum campechianum, Swietenia macrophyla y Tabebuia rosea desarrolladas durante 203 días en suelo con 25 000 mg kg-1 HTP (T-1), 50 000 mg kg-1 HTP (T-2), 75 000 mg kg-1 HTP (T-3), 58 246 mg kg-1 HTP (T...